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Question: create a domain1 ,create a group in that domain,create a project and u

ser in that group and associate a role

project - create,list,disable,enable,rename,delete
user - create,associate to project,list,disable,enable,add email addr,delete
role - list,create,assign user to this role -associate to project ,delete
service - list,create,endpoint - create-associate admin,public and internal URL,
list endpoint,show endpoint details,delete end point and delete service
#openstack --os-auth-url http://ip:35357/v3 --os-project-domain-id default --os-
user-domain-id default --os-project-name admin --os-username admin --os-auth-ty
pe password token issue

verify nova service: nova service-list,nova endpoint,run anay command like nova
keypair- list,create,change permission to 600,delete,add in nova instance,
flavor - list,create,update ,make it public and then private,assign it to parti
culer project,change meta data,delete
quota - view,view nova default quota,modify defaults,view for particular project
and modify it, at user level also view and modify,used -view at user level (use
absolute command)
security group - list,list rules,create new security group webserver and allow s
sh,http,https(443) and icmp ,delete a particuler rule in security group,delete s
ecurity group
instance - list,boot using only image and flavor(network will be used by default
- public or private),
- add and remove security group from running instance,launch new instan
ce with sec grp,
- list,create floating ip,associate and dissociate floating to/from ins
tance, release floating ip
- access an instance using key pair,
- manage state of instance like pause - unpause,stop - start,suspend -
resume, shelve - unshelve.
- resize an instance
- delete/terminate
- instance snapshot - create ,boot an instance using it,delete

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