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In Missouri, the only condition approved for medical cannabis is intractable epilepsy. There must be
more conditions that could be treated with medical cannabis, and if so is there any plans to add
conditions to the list of approved conditions. That is what I set out to research. As I researched I was
reminded about a friend, whom the story below is about.

Jay has AIDS and takes many medications, some of them cause him to be so nauseous he cannot eat. He
had been to see his doctor for some tests. When they came back, his doctor told him his cell counts
were incredibly low and that he should prepare himself for the end. This news naturally led him to
depression. Jay had decided that he would meet his end partying, as he put it. One day he was offered
some marijuana, he took it and smoked it. That ended as the first time he had not felt nauseous in a long

Audience includes the voting population of Missouri.

Stakeholders include possible medical marijuana patients.

Definition of key terms

Cannabis: a plant with three subspecies, C. sativa, C. indica, and C. ruderalis. This plant is also called
marijuana (Wikipedia).

Cannabinoids: Organic substances present in Cannabis sativa, having a variety of pharmacologic

properties (The Medical Dictionary).

Cannabinol(CBD): one of the active cannabinoids in cannabis. It is not psychoactive (Wikipedia).

Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC): the psychoactive cannabinoid, the list of effects includes, increased

appetite, decrease in memory and motor coordination (The Medical Dictionary).

Psychoactive: of or relating to a substance having a profound or significant effect on mental processes



Throughout history cannabis has been used in many ways, the seeds for food, the hemp plant for
textiles and paper, the flowers and buds have been used as medicine as far back as 5000 years ago. A
Chinese Emperor prescribed cannabis tea for rheumatism, gout, and malaria. From ancient China, its use
as a medicine spread into India, then into the middle east before making it to Rome and Greece
(Earleywine). United States Patent 6630507 states that cannabinoids can act as neuroprotectants
following a stroke, and help treat degenerative diseases like Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and dementia
from HIV (Aidan J. Hamson). An objective of the patent was to provide drugs that are not psychoactive,
non-toxic at high doses, and can pass the blood-brain barrier, all can be achieved with cannabinol (Aidan
J. Hamson). The blood-brain barrier permits certain items in the blood to pass to the brain. Glucose,
amino acids, and certain water soluble compounds can pass. Most all viruses and bacteria are too large
to pass through the barrier (Frederic H. Martini).
Within the marijuana plant there are over 100 known cannabinoids other than
tetrahydrocannabinol(THC), which is the psychoactive cannabinoid. So far, two new FDA approved
medications contain cannabinoids (National Institute of Health). It is important to note that the human
body makes its own cannabinoids. They play a role in many different functions of the body like the five
senses, awareness of time, concentration, and appetite (National Institute of Health).

Cannabinol can be used in many different medical situation as the graph below shows.

Medical Properties of CBD Effects

Antiemetic Reduces nausea and vomiting

Anticonvulsant Suppresses seizure activity

Antipsychotic Combats psychosis disorders

Anti-inflammatory Combats inflammatory disorders

Anti-oxidant Combats neurodegenerative disorders

Anti-tumoral/Anti-cancer Combats tumor and cancer cells

Anxiolytic/Anti-depressant Combats anxiety and depression disorders

Figure 1: Credit for graph (5 Must Know Facts About Cannabidiol)


In Missouri, currently, the only condition that apples to the states medical CBD law is intractable
epilepsy (Missouri CBD-Specific Marijuana Law). With the wide range of potential uses, we need to add
conditions like cancer and Parkinsons to the list of approved conditions as well as establish effective
Many modern medicines originate from plants. Penicillin comes from a fungus. With all the effects of
medical cannabis listed above, my question is why is this not being more rigorously researched from a
medicinal use perspective? The below table shows the modern drug, the plant it is from, and what its
effect on the body is.

Figure 2: Graph credit (Biodiversity: Concept, Types and Other Details)

New Approach Missouri has been working tirelessly to get medical cannabis legalized. They are currently
collecting signatures on a petition currently circulating. Article 15 of this petition includes cancer,
epilepsy, glaucoma, migraines, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons, Tourettes, post-traumatic stress disorder,
HIV/AIDS, and any terminal illness (New approach Missouri). The initiative would put the Missouri
Department of Health and Senior Services(DHSS) in charge of regulation, licensing and implementing. It
allows the DHSS to implement a tracking system to ensure the product does not make it onto the illicit
market. Introducing a four percent tax on medical cannabis that will go into a fund to help Missouris
veterans. Full text of the initiative can be found here for further reading. On their website is a map of
the state with pins marking locations where the petition can be signed, I ask that you find one close and
go sign it. In 2016 the initiative only lacked twenty-three signatures to make it onto the ballot!


the inclusion of marijuana on the Drug Enforcement Agencys as a schedule 1 narcotic (DEA);
and the uncertainty that can provide to patients and the distributors.
Banking has been an issue in other states, causing dispensaries to have large amount of cash in
the shop. Even though banks can serve them legally, they remain wary to do so (Weisbaum).


With 23 other states legalizing medicinal cannabis, it is time to look at our laws. Per NORML, in Missouri
the only qualifying condition is intractable epilepsy (Missouri CBD-Specific Marijuana Law). The graph
below shows treatment with medical cannabis.

Jay is still with us, eight years after he was given a month by his doctor. He has since moved to Colorado
to receive medicinal cannabis without fear from the law.
Figure 3 Credit:

n.d. <>.

n.d. <>.

"5 Must Know Facts About Cannabidiol." February 2014. Leaf Science.

Aidan J. Hamson, Julius Alxelrod, Maurizio Grimaldi. Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.
United States: Patent 66303057. 7 October 2003.

Biodiversity: Concept, Types and Other Details . n.d.

Bushak, Lecia. A Brief History Of Medical Cannabis: From Ancient Anesthesia To The Modern Dispensary.
21 January 2016.

"DEA." n.d. Drug scheduling. <>. n.d. <>.

Earleywine, Mitch. Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2002.

Frederic H. Martini, Michael J. Timmons. Human Anatomy. Upper Saddle River: Pretice Hall, 2003.
Missouri CBD-Specific Marijuana Law. n.d.

National Institute of Health. "Marijuana as Medicine." March 2017. National Intitute on Drug Abuse.

New approach Missouri. n.d. <>.

Weisbaum, Herb. "Banks Balk at Marijuana Money Despite U.S. Guidelines." 11 February 2014. US News.

Wikipedia. n.d. <>.

Wikipedia. n.d. <>.

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