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On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with

fractional derivatives between two walls

Saba Farooq

Government College University, Faisalabad.

March 24, 2017

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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The unsteady flow of an incompressible Oldroyd-B fluid with
fractional derivatives induced by a suddenly moved plate between
two side walls will be studied by means of Fourier sine and Laplace
transforms. The velocity field ,will be written in terms of the
generalized Ga,b,c functions, and presented as a sum between the
Newtonian solution and the corresponding non-Newtonian
contribution. The solutions corresponding to the generalized
Maxwell fluids with fractional derivatives as well as solutions for
ordinary Maxwell and Oldroyd-B fluids, performing the same
motion, will be obtained limiting cases of general solutions.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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In the absence of side walls, namely when the distance between

walls tends to infinity, the solutions corresponding to the motion
over an infinite suddenly moved plate will be recovered. Finally,
the effect of fractional parameters on the velocity field, as well as
influence of the side walls on the fluid motion, will be spotlighted
by graphical illustrations.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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Fluid mechanics is one of the most beautiful and attractive topic of

applied mathematics because of its application in science and
technology. It also has strong impact on all aspects of our lives.
Due to the study of fluid mechanics, we can understand many as
aspects of our life especially, engineering and applied sciences for
example in the field of food industry, the system of energy
conversion, bio-engineering, fluid control systems climatology and
oceanography. We can define fluid as a substance that deform
continuously as long as we apply sheer stress. In fluid mechanics,
we discuss the fluids either in motion or at rest. Mostly we focus
on the moving fluids and all forces acting on them (these fluids are
liquids, gasses and plasmas).

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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The laminar flow of a great number of fluids such as polymeric

liquids, food products, paints, foams, slurries, biological fluids and
so forth cannot be effectively described by means of the classical
linearly viscous Newtonian model. The departure from the
Newtonian behavior manifests itself in a variety of ways:
non-Newtonian viscosity (shear thinning or shear thickening),
stress-relaxation, non-linear creeping, development of normal stress
differences and yield stress. Numerous models have been proposed
to describe the response characteristics of these fluids, they being
classified as fluids of differential type, rate type and integral type.
Amongst the many rate type models that have been developed, the
Oldroyd-B model is amenable to analysis and more importantly
experimental corroboration.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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It has some success in describing the response of some polymeric

liquids being viewed as one of the most successful models for
describing the response of a sub-class of such fluids. Recently, the
fractional calculus has encountered much success in the description
of viscoelasticity, it proving to be a valuable tool to handle
viscoelastic properties.Especially, the rheological constitutive
equations with fractional derivatives play an important role in
description of the behavior of the polymer solutions and melts. In
particular, it has been shown that the predictions of a fractional
derivative Maxwell Model are in excellent agreement with the
linear viscoelastic data in the glass transition and glass state. The
list of such applications is quite long, it including fractal media,
fractional wave diffusion, fractional Hamiltonian dynamics and
many other topics in physics.That motivated further work on the
one dimensional fractional derivative models.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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The starting point of the fractional derivative models of

non-Newtonian fluids is usually a classical differential equation
which is modified by replacing the time derivative of an integer
order by so-called Riemann-Liouville fractional differential operator.
This generalization allows us to define precisely non-integer order
integrals or derivatives. During the last years, a lot of papers
regarding these fluids have been published.They have been
extensively used in many applications although an Oldroyd-B fluid
cannot describe either shear thinning or shear thickening. However,
they can describe stress-relaxation, creep and the normal stress
differences that develop during simple shear flows. This model is
viewed as one of the most successful models for describing the
response of a subclass of polymeric liquids. Furthermore, the
general solutions to be here obtained for Oldroyd-B fluid, can be
easy specialized to give the similar solutions for Maxwell, second
grade and Newtonian fluids.
Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.
On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
Need for the Project Review of Literature Governing equations References

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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Fluid is defined as a substance that can flow, that does not

maintain a fixed shape. Gases and liquid are usually considered
fluid. Fluid mechanics is branch of physics. This deals with the
study of fluid as (liquid, gases & plasma) and forces on them.
Fluid mechanics can be divided into fluid static and the study of
fluid motion. Like most scientific discipline, fluid mechanics has a
history of irregularly occurring early achievements, then an
intermediate era of steady fundamental discoveries in the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, leading to the
twentieth-century era of modern practice, as we self-centeredly
term our limited but up-to-date knowledge.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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From the birth of Christ to the Renaissance there was a steady

improvement in the design of such flow system as ship and canals
and water conduits. For the fundamental improvements in flow
analysis, the Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) stated the equation of
mass in one dimensional. A Frenchman, Edme Mariotte
(1620-1684), built the first wind tunnel and tested models in it.
Newton (1642-1727) postulated his law of motion and the law of
viscosity of the linear fluid now and Stokes (1819-1903) had
successfully added Newtonian viscous term to the equation of
Tan and Masuoka (1974) studied on Stokes first problem for an
Oldroyd-B fluid in half porous plate.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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Rajagopal (1995) studied the exact solution for some simple flow
of Oldroyd-B fluid. He also study the longitudinal and torsional
oscillations of an infinitly long rod of finite radius. The solutions
are found in terms of Bessel functions.
Mompean and Deville (1997) studied the unsteady finite volume
simulation of Oldroyd-B fluid through a three-dimensional planar
contraction. The equations for viscoelastic flows of an Oldroyd-B
fluid are integrated using the finite volume technique. The
numerical algorithm was developed to treat three-dimensional (3D)
unsteady flows using Cartesian coordinates on a non-uniform
staggered grid. The primitive variables, velocities, pressure and
extra-stresses are used in the formulation. All inertia terms in the
momentum and constitutive equations are taken into account and
are discretized in space using a quadratic upwind scheme.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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Hayat (2001) conducted the studied on the exact solutions for
the following five problems of an Oldroyd-B fluid are obtained.
(i) Stokes problem
(ii) Modified Stokes problem
(iii) The time-periodic Poiseuille flow due to an oscillating pressure
(iv) The non- periodic flows between two boundaries, and
(v) Symmetric flow with an arbitrary initial velocity. Some
interesting flows caused by certain oscillations are also obtained.
Hayat (2004) studied about the effects of an Oldroyd-B fluid
on the peristaltic mechanism are examined under the long
wavelength assumption. Analytical expressions for the stream
function, the axial velocity, and the pressure rise per wavelength are
obtained up to the second order in the dimensionless wave number.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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Hayat (2004) illustrated the motion of electrically conducting,

Oldroyd-B and incompressible fluid between two infinitely extended
non-conducting parallel plates under a uniform transverse magnetic
field, fixed relative to the fluid has been considered. The lower
plate is at rest and the upper plate is oscillating in its own plane.
The governing partial differential equation of this problem, subject
to boundary conditions are solved analytically. The expressions for
the steady and unsteady velocity fields for the conducting
Oldroyd-B fluid are obtained.
Tan and Masuoka (2005) studied based on a modified Darcys law
for a viscoelastic fluid, Stokes first problem was extended to that
for an Oldroyd- B fluid in a porous half space. He obtained the
exact solutions by using Fourier sine transform.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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Khan (2006) studied about the exact solution for the
magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) flow of a generalized Oldroyd-B
fluid in a circular pipe. For the description of such a fluid, the
fractional calculus approach has been used throughout the analysis.
Based on modified Darcys law for generalized Oldroyd-B fluid, the
velocity field is calculated analytically.
Fetecau (2007) studied the velocity field and the adequate
tangential stress that is induced by the flow due to a constantly
accelerating plate in an Oldroyd-B fluid, are determined by means
of Fourier sine transforms. The solutions corresponding to a
Maxwell, Second grade and NavierStokes fluid appear as limiting
cases of the solutions obtained. However, in marked contrast to
the solution for a NavierStokes fluid, in the case of an Oldroyd-B
fluid oscillations are set up which decay exponentially with time.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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Hayat (2007) analysis is presented to study the effect of Hall

current on the rotating flow of a non-Newtonian fluid in a porous
medium taking into consideration the modified Darcys law. The
Oldroyd-B fluid model is used to characterize the non-Newtonian
fluid behavior. The governing equations for unsteady rotating flow
have been modeled in a porous medium. The analysis includes the
flows induced by general periodic oscillations and elliptic harmonic
oscillations of a plate. The effect of the various emerging
parameters is discussed on the velocity distribution. The analytical
results are confirmed mathematically by giving comparison with
previous studies in the literature. It is observed that the velocity
distribution increases with an increase of Hall parameter. The
behavior of permeability is similar to that of the Hall parameter.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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The Cauchy stress T for an incompressible Oldroyd-B fluid is

related to the fluid motion by the following constitutive equations

T = pI + S ;

S + (S LS SLT ) = [A + r (A
LA ALT )], (1)
where pI denotes the indeterminate spherical stress due to the
constraint of incompressibility, S is the extra-stress tensor, L is the
velocity gradient, A = L + LT is the first Rivlin-Ericksen tensor,
is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid, and r are relaxation and
retardation times, the superposed dot indicates the material time
derivative and the superscript T denotes the transpose operation.
The model characterized by Eqs. (1) contains as special cases the
upper convected Maxwell model for = 0 and the Newtonian fluid
model for = r = 0.
Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.
On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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In some special flows, like those to be here considered, the

governing equations corresponding to the Oldroyd-B fluids
resemble those of second grade fluids.Consequently, it is to be
expected that the general solutions for Oldroyd-B fluids to contain
as special cases both the solutions corresponding to Maxwell and
Newtonian fluids and those for second grade fluids.
For the problem under consideration we assume a velocity field V
and an extra-stress tensor S of the form

V = V(r , t) = w (r , t)e , S = S(r , t) , (2)

where e is the unit vector in the -direction of the cylindrical

coordinates system r , and z . For such flows the constraint of
incompressibility is automatically satisfied.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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If the fluid is at rest up to the moment t = 0, then

v(r , 0) = 0, S(r , 0) = 0 , (3)
and Eqs. (1)2 and (2) imply Srr = Szz = 0 and the meaningful
equation [6,7]
(1 + ) (r , t) = (1 + r ) w (r , t), (4)
t t r r
where = Sr is the non-trivial shear stress.
Neglecting body forces and in the absence of a pressure gradient in
the axial direction, the balance of the linear momentum leads to
the relevant equation [6]
w (r , t) 2
= + (r , t) , (5)
t r r
where is the constant density of the fluid.
Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.
On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
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Eliminating (r , t) between Eqs. (4) and (5), we obtain the

governing equation for velocity

2 w (r , t) w (r , t) 2 1 1
+ = ( + ) 2
+ 2 w (r , t) , (6)
t t t r r r r
where = / is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid and = r .
The coupled partial differential equations (4) and (6), with suitable
initial and boundary conditions, can be solved in principle by
several methods, their efficiency depending on the definition
domain. The integral transforms technique represents a systematic,
efficient and powerful tool. The Laplace transform can be used to
eliminate the time variable while the finite Hankel transform can be
employed to eliminate the spatial variable.

Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
Need for the Project Review of Literature Governing equations References

Tan, W. C., & Masuoka, T. (1974). Stokes First Problem for an

Oldroyd-B Fluid in a Porous Half Space.
Rajagopal, K. R., & Gupta, A. S. (1981). On a class of exact
solutions to the equations of motion of a second grade fluid.
International Journal of Engineering Science, 19(7), 1009-1014.
Rajagopal, K. R.,& Bhatnagar, R. K. (1995). Exact solutions for
some simple flows of an Oldroyd-B fluid. Acta Mechanica, 113(1),
Mompean, G., & Deville, M. (1997). Unsteady finite volume
simulation of Oldroyd-B fluid through a three-dimensional planar
contraction. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 72(2-3),
Hayat, T., Wang, Y., Hutter, K., Asghar, S.,& Siddiqui, A. M.
(2004). Peristaltic transport of an Oldroyd-B fluid in a planar
channel. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2004(4), 347-376.
Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.
On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
Need for the Project Review of Literature Governing equations References

Hayat, T., Nadeem, S., & Asghar, S. (2004). Hydro magnetic

Couette flow of an Oldroyd-B fluid in a rotating system.
International Journal of Engineering Science, 42(1), 65-78.
Tan, W.,& Masuoka, T. (2005). Stokes first problem for an
Oldroyd-B fluid in a porous half space. Physics of Fluids, 17(2),
Hayat, T., Siddiqui, A. M., & Asghar, S. (2001). Some simple
flows of an Oldroyd-B fluid. International Journal of Engineering
Science, 39(2), 135-147.
Khan, M., Hayat, T., & Asghar, S. (2006). Exact solution for
MHD flow of a generalized Oldroyd-B fluid with modified Darcys
law. International Journal of Engineering Science, 44(5), 333-339.
Fetecau, C., Prasad, S. C., & Rajagopal, K. R. (2007). A note on
the flow induced by a constantly accelerating plate in an Oldroyd-B
fluid. Applied mathematical modelling, 31(4), 647-654.
Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.
Hayat, T., Khan, S. B., & Khan, M. (2007). The influence of Hall
On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls
Need for the Project Review of Literature Governing equations References


Saba Farooq Government College University, Faisalabad.

On unsteady flow of oldroyd-B fluid with fractional derivatives between two walls

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