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Copyright 2003, 2004 by Geoff Habiger and Tangent Games.

Second Edition

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Table of Contents
THE ALCHEMIST.............................................................................................................................2
ACIDS ...................................................................................................................................................2
Strong Acids: .............................................................................................. 3
Average Acids:............................................................................................ 4
Weak Acids:................................................................................................ 4
BASES ...................................................................................................................................................5
Strong Bases: .............................................................................................. 6
Average Bases:............................................................................................ 6
Weak Bases:................................................................................................ 7
NATURAL ELEMENTS AND OTHER ALCHEMICAL ITEMS..........................................7
Antimony (Sb): ........................................................................................... 8
Arsenic (As):............................................................................................... 8
Bromine (Br):.............................................................................................. 8
Chlorine (Cl): .............................................................................................. 9
Magnesium (Mg): ..................................................................................... 10
Mercury (Hg): ........................................................................................... 11
Phosphorus (P):......................................................................................... 11
Aqua Regia: .............................................................................................. 12
Herbicide:.................................................................................................. 13
Pesticide: ................................................................................................... 13
TABLE 1: ACIDS AND BASES....................................................................................................14
TABLE 2: NATURAL ELEMENTS AND OTHER ITEMS ..................................................15
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a ............................................................................ 16
Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

The bell above the door jingled as I entered the alchemists shop. The shop was poorly lit by dozens of candles
and smelled of dust and numerous pungent odors I couldnt begin to describe. A wizened man with long and
unkempt white hair looked up from the small table covered in parchment at the back of the room, his fingers
black from ink. May I help you? His voice was raspy and held an edge that seemed to say it was obvious
that I was in need of help.

Yes, I stammered. I adjusted my sword and tried to stand straighter. I heard I could find some acids

Ah, the voice rang with recognition. Going after the trolls in the Grey Caverns.

It was a statement of fact. I hadnt thought it would be so obvious, but I guess this old man had seen enough
people like me to put two and two together.

Yes, I replied, walking toward the old man. Do you have any acids or not. I put an edge to my voice to
show I wasnt scared about the trolls
Heh, it sounded like a cough but I think he was laughing at me. Mighty brave arent you, with your
sword and armor? Very nasty, those trolls can be, and your fancy armor wont help when those trolls just
keep coming and coming. Well if you want to live youll listen to ol Glennon and keep your temper in
check! He pointed a gnarled finger at me and I took an involuntary step back. Glennon laughed again,
Heh, heh. Youll be in need of some good acid to keep those nasty trolls from coming back. Im sure I have
something that will suit your need.

He rose with a series of popping joints and walked over to a cluttered cabinet filled with all sizes and shapes
of colored bottles. Definitely dont want something weak, like formic acid. Just makes em mad is all thatll
do, heh, heh. He coughed as he laughed. Maybe something stronger, like hydrochloric. He reached for a
brown colored bottle.

Hi dro chloric. The alchemical name tasted foreign in my mouth. And that is the strongest acid you
have? I didnt want to take any chances with the trolls.

The lad wants something stronger? He gave me a wise glace from behind locks of his hair that had fallen
over his eyes. Smart lad you are, but how smart. Itll cost you, you know. It takes considerable time and
resources to make the strongest acids. They arent cheap

Im willing to pay, I pulled out my money pouch from the inside folds of my cloak and tossed it on the
table. It landed with a deep thud and the chink of coins.

Well then, the alchemist put the brown bottle back and reached for a key around his neck. Lets see if the
sulfuric will do the trick. Nasty stuff, sulfuric is, nice and thick. Makes real horrible burns. He unlocked a
high cabinet and I could see a ragged burn scar on his right forearm, obviously the result of an acid burn, as
he pulled out a large bottle with a greenish hue. He set the bottle on the table and reached for some smaller
clay flasks. Now, how much is it worth to you to survive your foray into the Grey Caverns?

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

The Alchemist
Alchemists spend their lives in pursuit of chemical knowledge. Their days are mostly spent
cloistered away in dark and musty rooms where they divine the secrets of the universe, and
in the process find new and useful ways to apply chemistry to our everyday lives. Sometimes
the alchemist comes across unexpected items while searching for a solution to another
problem. One alchemist, attempting to find a way to make gold out of the mud near his
kings castle discovered porcelain instead!

Alchemists are known for their wondrous creations to aid the stalwart adventurer. Often the
alchemist is sought after for their skill in crafting alternative weapons, such as acids and
alchemist fire. In their pursuit of chemical knowledge many alchemists have discovered
different corrosive and caustic substances that are hazardous to all manner or creatures.
Acids, and their counterpart bases, are hazardous substances that make excellent splash
weapons and traps.

Along with acids and bases, alchemists have also discovered natural elements, like chlorine,
that have dangerous effects. Using their finely honed skills alchemists learn to extract these
elements and jealously guard the secrets in crafting them.

What follows are descriptions for different types of acids, bases, and natural elements. Each
description covers in brief the type of chemical substance, followed by a description of
different types of these alchemical items and how they can be incorporated into your
campaign world. Descriptions are given not only for basic splash damage, but also for
damage caused by inhalation, ingestion, and the result of getting the acid, base, or element
splashed in your eyes. Using these rules can add many new dimensions to your game and
help to liven up the often-mundane world of the alchemist.

An acid is any corrosive liquid that reacts with metals or alkaline substances (bases) to form
salts. This chemical reaction gives off energy in the form of heat and gases. It is the heat and
fumes from acids that are dangerous. There are many types of acids and while they all have
slightly different properties most acids can be categorized as being strong, average, or weak.
Strong acids are liquids like sulfuric acid. They can cause severe burns and blistering to the
skin and are often lead to death if inhaled or ingested. Average acids are liquids like
hydrochloric acid that can cause burns and blisters on the skin and are dangerous if inhaled
or ingested. Weak acids are liquids like boric acid and are often more irritating than harmful,
though in large quantities can still be dangerous.

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

Acids may seem like an all-powerful weapon, but the strength of an acid can be neutralized
with a base or other alkali substance. In most cases water is the best substance for
neutralizing an acid. Adding water directly to acids results in heat and the violent expansion
of the acid, which erupts out of the container it was in dealing damage to the unfortunate
individual doing the mixing. It takes five times the volume of the acid to neutralize it to a
non-hazardous point with water. (For example: 1 flask of acid requires 5 flasks of water to
make it non-hazardous.)

Below are optional game rules for incorporating strong, average, and weak acids into your
campaign. Along with making excellent splash weapons, acids can be used as traps, as tools
for assassinations, or as new natural or magical attacks for monsters. In all cases a flask is
considered to be a glass or clay vessel that holds approximately 100 mL of liquid and weighs
1 pound.

Splash damage assumes contact of the acid with unprotected skin. In the case of eye contact,
splash damage is also applied along with any damage done to the eyes. Inhalation effects
occur if the listed amount of acid is exposed to the person, such as having a flask of acid
burst on your person, or in the square where you are standing. Inhalation effects also occur
with large amounts of acid in closed rooms. Usually an open barrel (about 25 gallons) in a 10
x 10 foot room is enough to cause the listed damage within 1d4 rounds of exposure.
Ingestion can occur from drinking the acid, or being dunked under a large vat or falling into
a lake or pool of acid. To calculate damage from being immersed in acid (such as a vat or
lake) multiply the damage result by 10 for each round of exposure. Acids can affect creatures
with immunity to bases.

Strong Acids: this odor often precludes strong acids from

These are the most being accidentally drunk in the hopes of
Vitriol poisoning a victim.
dangerous types of
acids. They cause the
most severe burns and Strong Acid Effects:
damage to exposed skin Splash Damage: A flask of strong acid
and have been known to thrown as a splash weapon will deal 2d4
Aqua Fortis points of splash damage per round of
cause death when drunk.
They often have very exposure.
strong and overpower- Eye Contact: If a lucky throw (generally a
ing odors. Types of critical hit) with a flask of strong acid
Nitric Acid strong acids include: sul- should strike the eyes of the victim they
furic acid, nitric acid, must make a Fortitude save (DC 18) or
and hydrofluoric acid. suffer permanent blindness in addition to
Alchemists sometimes the listed splash damage. A remove blindness
call strong acids by their spell can cure permanent blindness caused
alchemical names, vitriol or aqua fortis. by the acid. A successful save still results in
Strong acids make the best splash weapons, the damage and the victim is blinded for
dealing the most splash damage. Their 1d10 minutes.
pungent odor and strong fumes also make Ingestion: Occasionally a strong acid
them excellent acids to use in traps though might be used as a poison. When ingested
the victim must make a Fortitude save (DC

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

10) or take 3d6 points of Constitution by the acid. A successful save still results in
damage. A successful save deals 2d8 points the victim being blinded for 1d4 minutes.
of internal damage, and 1 point of Ingestion: When ingested the victim must
permanent Constitution damage. make a Fortitude save (DC 8) or take 2d6
Inhalation: If a victim should inhale the points of Constitution damage. A successful
fumes of a strong acid they must make a save deals 1d8 points of internal damage,
Fortitude save (DC 14) or take 1d8 points and 1 point of permanent Constitution
of damage and 1 point of permanent damage.
Constitution damage (save for half dam- Inhalation: If a victim should inhale the
age). fumes of an average acid they must make a
Fortitude save (DC 12) or suffer 1d4 points
Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 20. of damage and 1 point temporary Con-
Cost to create: 100 sp in supplies. stitution damage.
Market Price: 20 gp per flask.
Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 15.
Average Acids: Cost to create: 50 sp in supplies.
These are the acids that Market Value: 10 gp per flask.
Acetic Acid
most people think of
then they do think of Weak Acids: Boric Acid
acids at all. They include These are the most common, and
Hydrochloric Acid hydrochloric acid, acetic the less potent, of the acids.
acid, and perchloric acid. These include phosphoric acid,
The alchemical name for formic acid, hydrobromic acid,
average acids is muriatic and boric acid. These acids tend
acid. Average acids cause to be more irritating than dam-
Phosphoric Acid
severe burns to exposed skin and can be aging, but they are effective when
harmful if drunk or inhaled. They typically used in large amounts, and can be
have a strong odor that can be over- used in situations where severe
powering in large amounts. Average acids damage is not the desired results.
make decent splash weapons. Average acids Weak acids typically give off no odor
often lack a strong odor making them ideal (formic acid does have a sharp, irritating
tools for the assassin wanting to poison a odor) and are not very damaging if inhaled.
victim. Weak acids are best used when you merely
want to incapacitate an opponent and not
Average Acid Effects: kill them.
Splash Damage: A flask of average acid
thrown as a splash weapon will deal 1d6 Weak Acid Effects:
points of splash damage per round of Splash Damage: A flask of weak acid
exposure. thrown as a splash weapon will deal 1d4
Eye Contact: If a lucky throw (generally a points of splash damage per round of
critical hit) with a flask of average acid exposure.
should strike the eyes of the victim they Eye Contact: If a lucky throw (generally a
must make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or critical hit) with a flask of weak acid should
suffer permanent blindness in addition to strike the eyes of the victim they must make
the listed splash damage. A remove blindness a Fortitude save (DC 10) or suffer blindness
spell can cure permanent blindness caused for 1d4 hours in addition to the listed
splash damage. A successful save still results

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

in the victim being blinded for 1d4 rounds. Fortitude save (DC 10) or suffer 1 point
Ingestion: When ingested the victim must temporary Constitution damage.
make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or suffer
1d6 points of damage, and 1 point of Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 10.
temporary Constitution damage. Cost to create: 25 sp in supplies.
Inhalation: If a victim should inhale the Market Value: 5 gp per flask.
fumes of a weak acid they must make a

Bases are caustic and alkali substances that react with acids to form salts. The chemical
reaction between bases and other substances produces heat and fumes similar in many
respects to acids. Bases are similar in many respects to acids and can be just as dangerous.
Like acids bases can be divided by strength, though some relatively weak bases are very
poisonous and can be fatal.

Bases can be neutralized with an acid or other corrosive substance. In most cases water is
the best substance for neutralizing a base. Adding strong bases directly to water results in
heat and the violent expansion of the base, which usually erupts out of the container it was
in dealing damage to the unfortunate individual doing the mixing. It takes five times the
volume of the base to neutralize it to a non-hazardous point with water. (For example: 1
flask of base requires 5 flasks of water to make it non-hazardous.)

Below are optional game rules for incorporating strong, average, and weak bases into your
campaign. Along with making excellent splash weapons, bases can be used as traps, as tools
for assassinations, or as new natural or magical attacks for monsters. In all cases a flask is
considered to be a glass or clay vessel that holds approximately 100 mL of liquid and weighs
1 pound.

Splash damage assumes contact of the base with unprotected skin. In the case of eye contact,
splash damage is also applied along with any damage done to the eyes. Inhalation effects can
occur if the listed amount of base is exposed to the person, such as having a flask of base
burst on your person, or in the square where you are standing. Inhalation effects can also
occur with large amounts of base in closed rooms. Usually an open barrel (about 25 gallons)
in a 10 x 10 foot room is enough to cause the listed damage within 1d4 rounds of exposure.
Ingestion only occurs by drinking the substance, or being dunked under a large vat or falling
into a lake or pool of base. To calculate damage from being immersed in base (such as a vat
or lake) multiply the damage result by 10 for each round of exposure. Bases can affect
creatures that have immunity to acid.

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

Strong Bases: Cost to create: 100 sp in supplies.

These are the strongest, Market Value: 20 gp per flask.
and also the most
common of the bases. Average Bases:
The strong bases include Though not as common as Average Base
sodium hydroxide and lye, average bases are caustic
Sal Ammoniac ammonium hydroxide. substances that can be dan-
Sodium hydroxide is also gerous, but are usually not
called lye and is used by deadly. These bases include
tanners in the tanning potassium hydroxide, lithium hydroxide,
process. Ammonium hydroxide (or sal and sodium cyanide. They can cause burns
ammoniac to the alchemist) gives off the to exposed skin, and while some are
pungent odor of ammonia. These bases can poisonous, they must be taken in large
produce severe burns to exposed skin and amounts to be deadly. Average bases make
can be deadly if ingested. They have strong, decent splash weapons. Their effects from
overpowering odors that are easily detected being inhaled make them good tools for
in small quantities (usually less than one traps where the intent is to incapacitate and
flask). Strong bases make excellent splash capture an opponent and not kill them.
weapons. Their pungent odor makes them
excellent tools for inhalation traps and Average Base Effects:
makes it difficult to accidentally ingest. Splash Damage: A flask of an average
base thrown as a splash weapon will deal
Strong Base Effects: 1d6 points of splash damage per round of
Splash Damage: A flask of strong base exposure.
thrown as a splash weapon will deal 2d4 Eye Contact: If a lucky throw (generally a
points of splash damage per round of critical hit) should strike the eyes of the
exposure. victim they must make a Fortitude save
Eye Contact: If a lucky throw (generally a (DC 12) or be blinded for 1d10 days in
critical hit) should strike the eyes of the addition to the listed splash damage. A
victim they must make a Fortitude save successful save still results in the victim
(DC 16) or be permanently blinded in being blinded for 1d8 rounds.
addition to the listed splash damage. A Ingestion: If ingested the victim must
remove blindness spell can cure permanent make a Fortitude save (DC 16) or take 1
blindness caused by the base. A successful point of permanent Constitution damage. A
save still results in the victim being blinded successful save still deals 1d6 points of
for 1d8 days. damage and 1 point of temporary Con-
Ingestion: When ingested the victim must stitution damage.
make a Fortitude save (DC 10) or take 3d6 Inhalation: If a victim should inhale the
points of Constitution damage. A success- fumes of an average base they must make a
ful save deals 1d8 points of damage and 1 Fortitude save (DC 14) or be disorientated
point of permanent Constitution damage. and nauseous for 1d6 rounds.
Inhalation: If a victim should inhale the
fumes of a strong base they must make a Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 15.
Fortitude save (DC 16) or suffer 1 point Cost to create: 50 sp in supplies.
temporary Constitution damage. Market Value: 10 gp per flask.

Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 20.

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

Weak Bases: points of subdual splash damage per round

Weak Base These are the weakest of the of exposure.
bases and are often more Eye Contact: If a lucky throw (generally a
irritating than damaging. They critical hit) should strike the eyes of the
include calcium hydroxide and victim they must make a Fortitude save
sodium phosphate. They cause (DC 10) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds in
burns that are irritating and not addition to the listed splash damage.
damaging, and are useful when Ingestion: Ingestion is irritating and deals
the desired result is to incapacitate your foe no damage.
and not damage them. Weak bases do not Inhalation: If a victim should inhale the
give off an odor and are typically not fumes of a weak base they must make a
dangerous when ingested. Fortitude save (DC 12) or be disorientated
and nauseous for 1d4 rounds.
Weak Base Effects:
Splash Damage: A flask of weak base Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 10.
thrown as a splash weapon will deal 1d4 Cost to create: 25 sp in supplies.
Market Value: 5 gp per flask.

Natural Elements and

Other Alchemical Items
Acids and bases are dangerous substances in the right hands, and any alchemist with even
the least amount of skill can create them. But there are other substances that occur in nature
or are created by the alchemist that are just as dangerous as acids and bases, and which take
considerable skill to liberate or create. Only the best alchemist has the knowledge and skill to
create weapons from these natural elements. These alchemists work long hours in their labs
to release these hazardous substances from the rocks in which they are found or combining
different chemical compounds to form new creations. Once released these substances are
treated with the greatest care lest the alchemist succumb to their own genius. Alchemists
closely guard the processes of liberating these hazardous materials from their non-hazardous
source material. Only the most skilled can teach the technique and they are careful whom
they teach lest the knowledge fall into the wrong hands.

Liberating the natural elements or creating other unique alchemical compounds requires
more time and skill than making simpler chemical substances like acids and bases, so the
costs to purchase these natural elements are naturally higher. Three of the most hazardous
natural elements are bromine, mercury, and chlorine. The first two exist as liquids when
liberate from the rocks in which they are found, while the third is a gas. Other useful natural
elements are antimony, arsenic, magnesium, and phosphorous. Each element varies in its
level of hazard and the route of exposure. Other alchemical creations are not generally
harmful to humanoid creatures (at least no one has yet determined if they are harmful in the

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

short term), however they are dangerous to vermin and plants and are useful weapons to use
against these creatures.

Natural Elements:

Antimony (Sb): for rogues and assassins because of its fast

Antimony is a rare metal that acting effects. Alchemists sometimes refer
comes from the mineral stibnite. to arsenic as aqua tofani. The growth of
Antimony is mostly used as a warts and lesions on the hands and feet of
pigment in paints and glazes, the victims can identify long-term exposure
how-ever the metal is highly to arsenic, such as drinking from a contam-
toxic and this has led many inated well.
rogues and assassins to use
antimony as a poison. The metal is usually Arsenic Effects:
ground up and mixed with food or drink. Splash Damage: Arsenic may irritate the
skin if it comes into contact but it deals no
Antimony Effects: real damage if thrown as a weapon.
Splash Damage: Antimony deals no Eye Contact: Should arsenic make contact
damage if thrown as a weapon. with the eyes the eye may feel irritated but
Eye Contact: Should antimony make no permanent damage will result.
contact with the eyes the eye may feel Ingestion: Ingesting as little as 50 mg of
irritated but no permanent damage will arsenic can prove fatal. The victim must
result. make a Fortitude save (DC 14) or suffer
Ingestion: Ingesting as little as 100 mg of 5d4 points of Constitution damage. On a
antimony can prove fatal. The victim must successful save the victim still takes 2 points
make a Fortitude save (DC 12) or suffer of permanent Constitution damage and is
3d6 points of Constitution damage. On a nauseated for 1d6 days.
successful save the victim still takes 1 point Inhalation: Breathing in arsenic dust will
of permanent Constitution damage and is irritate the lungs. The victim must make a
sickened for 1d8 days. Fortitude save (DC 12) or be fatigued for
Inhalation: Breathing in antimony dust 1d6 hours. A successful save results in no
may cause sneezing, but no serious damage damage.
will occur.
Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 18.
Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 18 Cost to create: 100 sp in supplies.
Cost to create: 75 sp in supplies. Market Value: 20 gp per half gram (good
Market Value: 15 gp per gram (good for for 10 doses).
10 doses). Weight: 1 pound for each 10 doses
Weight: 1 pound for each 10 doses (includes individual dose containers).
(includes individual dose containers).
Bromine (Br):
Arsenic (As): Bromine is a brownish-red liquid with a
Arsenic is an element that is pungent odor. The liquid fumes when
found in the mineral realgar. exposed to air, and it quickly turns from a
Arsenic has long been used as liquid to a gas if not well sealed. Bromine is
a fast acting poison and is a very corrosive liquid, having effects
often the poison of choice similar to the strongest of acids and bases.

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

It is often stored in clay vials sealed with even small amounts (less than of a flask)
wax to keep the liquid from turning to gas can be detected even in a large area (a 30 x
and escaping. Bromine makes an excellent 30 foot room, for example). Chlorine is
splash weapon, especially against creatures best used as a splash weapon or as a trap.
with natural immunities to acids or bases. Since most of its damage comes from
Its effects when ingested make it a choice inhalation of the fumes hitting the target is
tool for assassins, but they must be careful not as important as with other acids or
when using bromine lest they are effected bases.
by their own weapon.
Chlorine Effects (Gas):
Bromine Effects: Splash Damage: Chlorine gas does not
Splash Damage: If bromine is thrown as a deal splash damage.
splash weapon it deals 2d6 points of splash Eye Contact: Chlorine gas has no effect on
damage. the eyes.
Eye Contact: If a lucky throw (generally a Ingestion: Chlorine gas has no effect if
critical hit) should strike the eyes of the ingested.
victim they must make a Fortitude save Inhalation: A victim that is within 10 feet
(DC 20) or be permanently blinded in of a chlorine gas release must make a For-
addition to the listed splash damage. A titude save (DC 10) or suffer 3d6 points of
remove blindness spell can cure permanent Constitution damage. A successful save
blindness caused by bromine. A successful results in 2d6 points of damage and 1 point
save results in blindness for 1d10 days. of permanent Constitution damage. In
Ingestion: Should bromine be ingested the either case the victim is racked by severe
victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 10) coughing and nausea and is considered
or take 3d6 points of Constitution damage. nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
A successful save still deals 2d6 points of
damage and 1 point of permanent Con- Craft (Alchemy) skill check (gas): DC 25
stitution damage. Cost to create (gas): 500 sp in supplies.
Inhalation: Inhaling the fumes of bromine Market Value (gas): 100 gp for a double
requires a Fortitude save (DC 8) or the flask.
victim takes 1d10 points of damage and 1
point of temporary Constitution damage. Chlorine Effects (Liquid):
Splash Damage: Chlorine gas can also be
Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 25. mixed with water to produce a concentrated
Cost to create: 200 sp in supplies. solution of chlorine. If thrown as a splash
Market Value: 40 gp per flask. weapon chlorine liquid deals 1d4 points of
Weight: 1 pound. damager per round of exposure plus the
victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 15)
Chlorine (Cl): or be nauseated for 1d6 rounds.
Chlorine is normally found associated with Eye Contact: If a lucky throw (generally a
other elements and is usually quite safe. critical hit) should strike the eyes of the
When chlorine is liberated from the rocks it victim they must make a Fortitude save
appears as a greenish-yellow gas that is (DC 15) or be blinded for 1d10 minutes in
quite deadly. Chlorine gas is very irritating addition to the listed splash damage.
and burns the nose, throat, and lungs. Ingestion: Should a person ingest chlorine
Inhalation of moderate amounts of the gas liquid they must make a Fortitude save (DC
(about to two flasks) is usually fatal and 12) or suffer 1 point of temporary Consti-
tution damage and be nauseated for 1d6

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

rounds. A successful save results in the Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 20.
victim being sickened for 1d6 rounds. Cost to create: 50 sp in supplies.
Inhalation: Though not as deadly as Market Value: 10 gp per flask.
inhaling chlorine gas, the inhalation of the Weight: 1 pound.
fumes from concentrated chlorine liquid is
still dangerous. A victim must make a Fort- Flash Bang Box (FBB): This alchemical
itude save (DC 12) or be sickened for 1d6 creation combines the effects of the flash
rounds. A successful save negates this liquid with those of the thunderstone. The
effect. combined effect is enough to cause dis-
orientation in its victims long enough for
Craft (Alchemy) skill check (liquid): DC the attacker to either make a get away or to
15. take down an opponent or group of
Cost to create (liquid): 100 sp. opponents quickly.
Market Value (liquid): 20 gp per flask.
The FBB is a small clay box about three
Magnesium (Mg): inches square. It contains three separate
Magnesium is a silvery- chambers, a central chamber that holds the
white metal once it has thunderstone, a middle chamber that
been collected from its contains the magnesium metal, and an outer
source. Sources of mag- chamber that contains the special alchem-
nesium include many ical liquid.
types of minerals as well
as seawater. Magensium The FBB can be thrown as a weapon with a
metal is flammable and it will ignite when it range increment of 10 feet. When thrown
comes into contact with certain liquids, onto a hard surface the three elements
giving off a brilliant white light. So far combine with the following effects. All
alchemists have come up with two special creatures within 10 feet, even if they are
tools that use magnesium, though it is looking away from the source (and are not
possible that other alchemists have come immune to blinding effects) are auto-
up with other uses for this metal. matically blinded for 1d4 rounds. (Closing
your eyes will prevent the blindness.) In
Flash Liquid: This is a specially crafted addition, all creatures within 10 feet must
glass flask with two parts, an outer flask make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be
that contains a special alchemical liquid to deafened for 1 hour.
ignite the magnesium, and an inner flask
that contains the magnesium metal. The Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 20 (For
flash liquid can be thrown as a weapon with the flash liquid only. A separate craft skill
a range increment of 10 feet. When the check must be made for the thunderstone.)
flask is thrown the two substances are Cost to create: 50 sp in supplies. (For the
mixed creating a blinding flask of light that flash liquid only. A separate cost for
lasts for one round. All creatures within 10 creating the thunderstone is not included.)
feet, even if they are looking away from the Market Value: 40 gp per FBB (this price
source (and are not immune to blinding includes the cost of the thunderstone).
effects) are automatically blinded for 1d4 Weight: 2 pounds.
rounds. (Closing your eyes will prevent the

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

Mercury (Hg): to even small amounts (one drop) of

Alchemists have long known mercury can result in permanent damage or
about quicksilver, the silver- death.
colored liquid that is liberated
from the mineral cinnabar. A victim that is exposed to at least 1 drop
The liquid does not flow like of mercury for 6 weeks will begin to show
water but beads up and forms signs of mercury poisoning. For every
small puddles of silver liquid. additional week of exposure to mercury the
Many alchemists have experi- GM should roll d6 for one of the following
mented with mercury and effects of the poison (all damage is
have learned that it can be used determine temporary):
temperature among other uses. While
exposure to small amounts of mercury in 1-2 1 point of Dexterity damage
the short term usually has no harmful 3-4 1 point of Constitution damage
effects, long-term and repeated exposure 5-6 1 point of Intelligence damage
can lead to hazardous effects or even death.
The ability to cause severe and permanent When damage to one ability score occurs
damage, even death, to its victims from three times, despite any previous healing
very small amounts has made mercury a that has occurred to that ability score, the
choice weapon for assassins. The assassin victim then takes 1 point of permanent
must be patient for mercurys maximum damage in that ability. If permanent damage
effects to be noticed, but the beauty of occurs to the same ability score five times,
mercury is that many times the true source despite any healing, the ability score drops
of the poisoning is never known. to zero. (See Chapter 8 of the Core Rulebook
II for rules on ability score loss.)
Mercury Effects:
Splash Damage: Mercury does not deal Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 20.
damage when thrown as a weapon. Cost to create: 150 sp in supplies.
Eye Contact: Should mercury make Market Value: 30 gp per flask.
contact with the eyes the person struck may Weight: 1 pound.
feel a stinging but no immediate damage
will occur. Phosphorus (P):
Ingestion: See below. Phosphorus is a soft waxy
Inhalation: Inhaling the fumes of a large substance that is white in color. It
quantity of mercury (greater than 10 is a very dangerous element that is
gallons) results in nausea and abdominal difficult to control. Phosphorus
pains. The victim must make a successful spontaneously combusts and
Fortitude save (DC 14) or be incapacitated burns at a very high heat in air.
for 1d6 rounds. This unique property also makes
phosphorus a deadly alchemical weapon.
Mercury as a Poison: Phosphorus can also be changed slowly
Mercury is best used as a slow acting from its normal white form to a less
poison; it can be absorbed through the skin combustible red form, however this red
or ingested in food or drink. Over time form of phosphorus is still dangerous as a
mercurys toxicity results in damage to the poison.
nervous system, heart, lungs, kidneys, and
the brain. Long-term and repeated exposure

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

White Phosphorus Effects: Inhalation: Breathing in red phosphorus

White phosphorus is placed into flasks dust will irritate the lungs. The victim must
containing a special neutralizing liquid. This make a Fortitude save (DC 12) or be
liquid allows the phosphorus to be stable, fatigued for 1 hour. A successful save
but once the liquid comes into contact with results in no damage.
air it immediately evaporates, allowing the
phosphorus to erupt into flames. White Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 20.
phosphorus is a little more dangerous than Cost to create: 100 sp in supplies.
alchemists fire, however it doesnt last as Market Value: 20 gp per half gram (good
long. for 10 doses).
Weight: 1 pound for each 10 doses
White phosphorus can be thrown as a (includes individual dose containers).
splash weapon with a range increment of 10
feet. A direct hit on an opponent deals Other Alchemical Items:
2d4+2 points of fire damage. All creatures
within 5 feet of the point of impact take 2 Aqua Regia:
points of fire damage. This is a special acid that is
made by combining different
Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 20. types of strong and average
Cost to create: 150 sp in supplies. acids. Aqua regia is a dang-
Market Value: 30 gp per flask. erous weapon, but its real use comes from
Weight: 1 pound. its ability to dissolve kingly metals like gold
and platinum.
Red Phosphorus Effects:
Exposure to sun light or a low heat will Aqua Regia Effects:
change white phosphorus to red Splash Damage: A flask of aqua regia
phosphorus. The red phosphorus form is thrown as a splash weapon will deal 3d4
not combustible, however it is a deadly points of splash damage per round of
poison and ingestion of as little as 50 mg exposure.
can be fatal. This makes it a choice poison Eye Contact: If a lucky throw (generally a
for rogues and assassins. critical hit) with a flask of aqua regia should
strike the eyes of the victim they must make
Splash Damage: Red phosphorus may a Fortitude save (DC 18) or suffer
irritate the skin if it comes into contact but permanent blindness in addition to the
it deals no real damage if thrown as a listed splash damage. A remove blindness spell
weapon. can cure permanent blindness caused by the
Eye Contact: Should red phosphorus aqua regia. A successful save still results in
make contact with the eyes the eye may feel the damage and the victim is blinded for
irritated but no permanent damage will 1d10 minutes.
result. Ingestion: Aqua regia might be used as a
Ingestion: A victim that ingests a dose of poison. When ingested the victim must
red phosphorus must make a Fortitude save make a Fortitude save (DC 10) or take 3d6
(DC 14) or suffer 2d10 points of Con- points of Constitution damage. A successful
stitution damage. On a successful save the save deals 2d8 points of internal damage,
victim still takes 1 point of permanent and 1 point of permanent Constitution
Constitution damage and 1d10 points of damage.
damage. In addition, the victim that makes
their save is also nauseated for 1d4 days.

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

Inhalation: If a victim should inhale the Herbicide Effects:

fumes of aqua regia they must make a An herbicide thrown as a splash weapon
Fortitude save (DC 14) or take 1d8 points will deal 2d6 points of damage to creatures
of damage and 1 point of permanent with the plant designator in its description.
Constitution damage (save for half The herbicide is harmless to other creature
damage). types. In addition, the herbicide bypasses
Special: Aqua regia readily dissolves gold the plant special ability to ignore critical
and platinum. A single flask of aqua regia hits. A critical hit made by an herbicide will
can dissolve up to 10 gold and or platinum deal twice the damage.
coins or other gold or platinum objects of
similar weight. Typically the metal is placed Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 18.
within the flask of aqua regia. It takes two Cost to create: 50 sp in supplies.
full rounds to dissolve the metal in the Market Price: 10 gp per flask.
flask. The metal is not destroyed, merely in Weight: 1 pound.
suspension within the aqua regia. Once the
aqua regia is evaporated the metal precip- Pesticide:
itates back out of solution. This makes aqua Like the herbicide, a pesticide is a specially
regia a valuable tool for rogues who like to crafted alchemical weapon
steal but dont like to get caught. (Note that designed specifically to
a flask of aqua regia thrown onto a pile of deal damage to vermin.
gold or platinum will dissolve the equivalent The pesticide is a special
amount of metal and since there is no mixture of chemicals in a
container to hold the dissolved metal it is concentrated liquid that is
lost.) The aqua regia still retains its other harmful to vermin but not to other
properties even if there is dissolved metal creatures. This makes it useful when you
within the solution (though using the aqua only want to harm or kill the vermin and
regia as a weapon at this point could prove not risk damaging nearby allies with splash
to be a costly affair). damage or errant throws.

Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 25. Pesticide Effects:

Cost to create: 150 sp in supplies. Pesticide thrown as a splash weapon will
Market Price: 30 gp per flask. deal 2d6 points of damage to creatures with
Weight: 1 pound. the vermin designator in its description.
The pesticide is harmless to other creature
Herbicide: types.
An herbicide is a specially
created alchemical weapon Craft (Alchemy) skill check: DC 18.
that is designed specifically to Cost to create: 50 sp in supplies.
deal damage to plants and Market Price: 10 gp per flask.
plant creatures. The herbicide Weight: 1 pound.
is a special mixture of chem-
icals in a concentrated liquid that is harmful
to plants but not to other creatures.

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

Table 1: Acids and Bases

Chemical Splash
Eye Contact Inhalation Ingestion
Name Damage
3d6 pts of Con dmg
Permanent 1d8 pts of damage and 1 pt. (DC 10) or 2d8 pts of
Strong Acid
2d4 blindness Permanent Con (DC 14). Save damage and 1
20 gp
(DC 18) for half damage. permanent Con damage
on successful save.
2d6 pts of Con dmg
Permanent (DC 8) or 1d8 pts of
Average Acid 1d4 pts of damage and 1 pt.
1d6 blindness damage and 1
10 gp Temporary Con (DC 12)
(DC 14) permanent Con damage
on successful save.
1d6 pts of damage plus
Weak Acid Blinded for 1d4
1d4 1 pt. Temporary Con (DC 10) 1 pt of temporary Con
5 gp hours (DC 10)
damage (DC 14)
3d6 pts of Con dmg
Permanent (DC 10) or 1d8 pts of
Strong Base
2d4 blindness 1 pt. Temporary Con (DC 16) damage and 1
20 gp
(DC 16) permanent Con damage
on successful save.
Blinded for 1d10 Coughing/disorientation for 1 pt permanent Con
Base 1d6
days (DC 12) 1d6 rounds (DC 14) damage (DC 16)
10 gp
Weak Base 1d4 Blinded for 1d4 Coughing and disorientation
5 gp (subdual) rounds (DC 10) for 1d4 rounds (DC 12)

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry

Table 2: Natural Elements and Other Items

Chemical Splash Eye
Inhalation Ingestion
Name Damage Contact
3d6 pts of Con dmg (DC 12) or 1
Antimony pt of permanent Con dmg and
None None None
15 gp sickened 1d8 days on successful
5d4 pts of Con dmg (DC 14) or 2
Arsenic Fatigued 1d6 hours (DC pts of permanent Con dmg and
None None
20 gp 12) nauseated for 1d6 days on
successful save.
Permanent Death (DC 8) or 1d10 pts 3d6 pts of Con dmg (DC 10) or
2d6 blindness of damage and 1 pt of 2d8 pts of damage and 1 pt of
40 gp
(DC 20) temporary Con damage. permanent Con damage.
3d6 pts of Con dmg (DC
Chlorine (gas) 10) or 2d6 pts of damage
100 gp None None and 1 pt permanent Con None
damage. Nausea for 1d4
1d4 +
Blinded 1 pt of permanent Con dmg and
Chlorine nausea
for 1d10 Sickened for 1d6 rounds nauseated 1d6 rounds (DC 12).
(liquid) 1d6
minutes (DC 12) Sickened 1d6 rounds on successful
20 gp rounds
(DC 15) save.
(DC 15)
Flash Liquid Special: Blinds all creatures within 10 feet for 1d4 rounds.
10 gp
Special: Blinds all creatures within 10 feet for 1d4 rounds and all creatures must make
Flash Bang Box
Fortitude save (DC 15) or be deafened for 1 hour.
40 gp
See text
Mercury for long- Incapacitated for 1d6
None See text for long-term exposure.
30 gp term rounds (DC 15)
Phosphorus 2d4+2 None None None
30 gp
2d10 pts of Con dmg (DC 14) or
Fatigued for 1 hour 1d10 pts of dmg and 1 pt of
Phosphorus None None
(DC 12) permanent Con dmg and
20 gp
nauseated for 1d4 days.
3d6 pts of Con dmg (DC 10) or
Permanent 1d8 pts of damage and 1
2d8 pts of damage and 1
Aqua Regia 3d4 blindness pt. Permanent Con (DC
permanent Con damage on
30 gp (DC 18) 14). Save for half damage.
successful save.
Special: can dissolve gold and platinum coins and objects.
Herbicide Deals 2d6 points of damage to creatures with the plant designator. Can also deal critical
10 gp hits to plant creatures.
Deals 2d6 points of damage to creatures with the vermin designator.
10 gp

Geoff Habiger Better Damage Through Alchemistry


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