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Khanyisile Restrick

IsiZulu III
Oct. 11, 2008
Amagama amasha

Amagama ngizwile erediyo:

Uphenyo = study / investigation

Iqembu = group, team / political party
Ilungu = member / official (as well as body part)

Indebe = ladle / cup (as given in a championship)

Phefumulo = breathe / soul
-Zinzile = be sendentary, be settled / be seated / be comfortable

umehluko = difference / unlikeness

Amagama ngifunde endaba encwadi, "Ifutho":

isizathu = reason
Amancoko = light-hearted conversation / good-humoured talk
[lungabanjwa] / -banjwa = be arrested
-chucha = weave through
abagibeli = passengers
izintuli = dust (uthuli, singular)


1. Amaphoyisa aqala uphenyo ukuthola amasela.

2. Abantu bonke eNingizimu Afrika bathokoza ukubona Bafana Bafana unqoba indebe.
3. Umama wazinzile ebhedini awathandi ukuyima ukusebenza phandle.
4. Abantu baseMelika ababoni kahle umehluko ngengulule neyingwe.
5. Inyoka inkulu ichucha etshaneni (in the grass?)
6. Izintuli zeSwatini zibomvu kakhulu, ngeke ngagqoka izingubo ezimhlope laphaya!

Amanye amagama angizwilanga futhi angitholanga e-dictionary:

bugqunqile, bunyukubele (regarding, "ubuso", face)

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