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100 Words Mispronounced By Filipinos

Pronunciation guide:

ei or EI Examples: bale = beil; whale = hweil

or Example: ban = bn

ee or EE Example: be = bee

igh or IGH Example: tie = tigh

i or I Examples: tip = tip

oh or OH Examples: code = cohd; soul = sohl; bowl = bohl

o or O Examples: law = lo; order = OR dur; chocolate = CHOK lit

au or AU Example: out = aut

yoo or YOO Example: duty = DYOO ti

oo or O Example: rule = rool

u or U Example: book = buk

oo or OO Example: moon = moon

ur or UR Example: curve = kurv

th or TH Example: thick or thik

Unaccented vowel uh Example: fistula = FISH chuh luh

zh or ZH Example: measure = MEZH ur

1. abalone. b uh LOH nee (not AH buh lohn). A delicious seafood.

2. accessory. k SES uh ree (not k ses SOH ree). Subordinate part.

3. acknowledge. k NAH lij (not k NOH lej). Admit; give credit to.

4. acoustic. uh KOOS tik (not uh KOHS tik). Pertaining to hearing.

5. admirable. D muhr uh buhl (not d MIR uh buhl). Worthy of admiration.

6. adolescence. adl ES ens pronounced minus the o (not uh DOL luh sens).
Period between youth and maturity.

7. advocacy. D vuh kuh see (not uhd VO kuh see). Active support, especially
for a cause.

8. affidavit. f i DEI vit (not f i D vit). A sworn statement in writing.

9. allegedly. uh LEJ id lee (not uh LEJD lee). Supposedly.

10. almond. M uhnd (not L muhnd). A delicious nut.

11. alms. ahmz (You dont pronounce the l). Money or goods given in charity.

12. alumnae. uh LAHM nee (not uh LAHM nei). Feminine of alumnus.

13. amoebiasis. m uh BIGH uh sis (not uh mib YAH sis). Infection caused by
the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica.

14. analgesic. n uhl JEE zik (not n uhl JE sik). Pain reliever.

15. any. EN ee (not EY nee). One chosen at random.

16. applicable. P li kuh buhl (not ahp LEE kuh buhl). Able to be applied;

17. appreciate. uh PREE shee eit (not AHP ree sheit). To recognize the quality,
significance, or magnitude of something or someone.

18. associate. uh SOH shee eit (not AH soh sheit). Colleague.

19. asthma. AHZ muh (not AHST muh). A respiratory illness often arising from

20. attach. ah tuh SHEI (not ah TAT chee). One assigned to the staff of a
diplomatic mission to serve in a given capacity.

21. attorney. uh TURN nee (not uh TOR nee). A legal agent qualified to act
for persons in legal proceedings.

22. awardee. uh wor DEE (not uh WAHR dee). One that receives an award.

23. bamboo. bm BOO (not BM boo). Any of various woody mostly tall
tropical grasses including some with strong hollow stems used for building,
furniture, or utensils.

24. beneficiary. ben uh FISH ee er ee (not buh ne fish YAHR ee). Receiver of

25. bicuspid. bigh KAHS pid (not BIGH kuhs pid). Having two points or cusps.

26. boutique. boo TEEK (not boh TEEK). A kind of specialty shop, now used to
describe also small hotels.

27. broccoli. BROK uh lee (not bro KOHL ee). A delicious vegetable.

28. bury/burial. BER ee/BER ee uhl (not BUHR ee/BUHR ee uhl).


29. busy. BIZ ee (Pronounced with a z). Filled with activity.

30. category. KT uh go ri (not kuh TE go ri). Class.

31. cement. si MENT (not seh MENT). Bond.

32. cemetery. SEM i ter ee (not se MEN tuh ree). Burial grounds.

33. chocolate. CHOK lit or CHOK uh lit (not CHO kuh leit). A food prepared
from ground roasted cacao beans.

34. cleanliness. KLEN lee nis (not KLEEN li nes). State of being clean.

35. climb. Pronounced with silent b. To ascend using the hands and feet.

36. comfortable. KAHM fuhr tuh bl or KAHMF tuh buhl (not kuhm FOR tuh
bl). Providing comfort or security.

37. condolence. kuhn DOHL ens (not KON doh lens). An expression of
sympathy with a person in grief.

38. confirm. kuhn FURM (not kuhn FEERM). To verify.

39. Connecticut. kuh NET i kuht (Silent c). A US state.

40. controversy. KAHN truh vur see (not kon TRO vur see). A dispute
characterized by the expression of opposing views.

41. corps. kor or kohr. A group of people with special training, organized for
working together, or associated under a common direction.

42. coupon. KOO pahn or KYOO pahn (not KOO p0n). A detachable slip.

43. debut. dei BYOO or DEI byoo (not di BOO). A first public appearance;
the formal presentation of a girl to society.

44. didnt. Use the inner part of the tongue for the second d to slide on to the
n (not dint). Contraction of did not.

45. douche. doosh. A jet of fluid (as water) directed against a part or into a
cavity in the body.

46. education. ej uh KEI shuhn (not ed yoo KEI shuhn). The process of

47. embryo. EM bree oh (not em BRIGH yoh). An organism in its early

developmental stage, especially before it has reached a distinctively recognizable

48. entrepreneur. on truh pruh NUR (not en TUR puh noor). One who
organizes, operates, and assumes the risk in a business venture.

49. exciting. ik SIGHT ing (not eg SIGHT ing). Creating or producing


50. executive. ig ZEK yuh tiv (not ik SEK yuh tiv). Administrator or manager.
51. faux pas. foh PAH (not FOHX pas). French word for false step,
figuratively meaning social blunder.

52. gargantuan. gahr GN choo uhn (not gahr guhn TOO uhn). Immense in
size or volume.

53. genre. ZHAN ruh (not JEN re). Type or class.

54. gourmet. goor MEI or GOOR mei (not gor MEI). A connoisseur of good
food and drink.

55. hacienda. This is a Spanish word so the first letter must be silent. Country

56. handsome. HN suhm with a silent d (not HND suhm). Pleasing and

57. heinous. HEI nuhs (not HEE nuhs or HIGH nuhs). Grossly wicked or
deserving strong condemnation.

58. hippopotamus. hip uh PAHT uh muhs (not hee puh puh TAHM uhs). A
large, short-legged, chiefly aquatic African mammal.

59. humongous. hyuh MAHNG guhs (not hu MONG gohs). Extremely large.

100 english words commonly mispronounced by filipinos

60. idiot. ID ee uht (not EE juht). Mentally deficient person.

61. indigent. IN di juhnt (not in DIGH jent). Without means of subsistence;


62. ingenuity. in juh NOO i tee (not in JEN wi ti). Cleverness.

63. journal. JUR nuhl (not JOR nuhl). Diary.

64. knowledge. NAHL ij (not NOH lej). Understanding gained by actual


65. Kuwait. kuh WEIT (not kweit). An Arab country in Western Asia.

66. legume. LEG yoom (not LE joom). Any of a large family of plants having
fruits that are dry pods and split when ripe.

67. lettuce. LET uhs (not LET is). Vegetable that is best eaten fresh.

68. lip-synch. LIP sink (not LIP sing). To move the lips in synchronization with
recorded sound.

69. lychee. LEE chee (not LIGH chee). An oval fruit with a hard scaly outer
covering , a small hard seed, and edible flesh.

70. mahjong/mahjongg. mah ZHAHNG or mah ZHONG (not mah JONG). A

Chinese game.
71. maniac. MEIN yuhk (not MAHN yahk). Pervert.

72. mayonnaise. MEI uh neiz or mei uh NEIZ (not MAH yuh neiz). A
dressing of beaten egg yolk, oil, lemon juice or vinegar, and seasonings.

73. nuisance. NOO suhns or NYOO suhns (not NOOY sahns). Inconvenient
or vexatious; a bother.

74. nuptial. NAHP shuhl (not NOOP shuhl). Regarding wedding or marriage.

75. orange. AH rinj (not OH reinj). A citrus fruit.

76. orator. OR uh tuhr (not oh REI tuhr). One who makes an oration.

77. parachute. PAHR uh shoot (not PAHR uh kyoot). An apparatus used to

retard free fall in descending from an airplby ane or from a great height.

78. picture. PIK chuhr (not PICH uhr). A representation made by painting,
drawing, or photography.

79. Porsche. POR shuh (not porsh). A brand of an expensive sports car.

80. preface. PREF is (not PRI feis). Introductory statement or essay.

81. pseudonym. SOODn im (not SYOO duh nim). A fictitious name taken on
by an author; pen name.

82. Quaker Oats. KWEI kuhr ohts' (not KWAH ker ots). Brand name of a very
popular oat meal.

83. query. KWIR ee (not KWER ee). Request for information.

84. rendezvous. RAHN dei voo (not REN des voos). Meeting place.

85. salmon. S muhn (not SAHL muhn). Pronounced with a silent l. Food

86. sauce. sos (not sohs). A flavorful liquid dressing or relish for food.

87. sergeant. SAHR juhnt (not SUR jent). A non-commissioned officer.

88. species. SPEE sheez (not SPE sees). A fundamental classification category
in biology.

89. suicide. SOO i sighd (not SWI sighd). Intentional killing of oneself.

90. tarantula. tuh RAHN chuh luh (not tah ruhn TOOL uh). Any of various
large, hairy tropical spiders capable of inflicting a painful but not seriously
poisonous bite.

91. thesis/theses. THEE sis (for singular) and THEE seez (for plural). A
proposition maintained by argument.

92. tortoise. TOR tuhs (not TOR tois). Turtle that lives only on land.
93. tourniquet. TOOR ni kit or TUR ni kit (not TOOR ni kei). A first aid device
to temporarily stop the flow of blood through an artery.

94. Tucson. TOO sahn (not TOOK suhn). City in Phoenix, Arizona, USA; brand
name of an SUV made in Korea.

95. turquoise. TUHR kwoiz (not TUHR kois). A blue or blue-green mineral
valued in the polished blue form as a gemstone.

96. typhus. TIGH fuhs (not TEE puhs). Any of several forms of an infectious
disease caused by a rickettsia microorganism carried by fleas, ticks, mites, or

97. utensil. yoo TEN sil (not YOO ten sil). An implement or tool.

98. Worcestershire. WOOS tuhr shir (not wur CHES tuhr shighr). Trademark of
a piquant sauce of soy, vinegar, and spices.

99. worry. WUR ee (not WOR ee). To feel uneasy.

100. zucchini. zoo KEE nee. A European vegetable.

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