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1.One group member pulls out a slip from their bag. The group member reads their slip
and decides if the authors purpose is to persuade, inform, or entertain.

I think the authors purpose is to because .

2. Other group members at the table can agree or disagree. If you disagree, a polite way
to say your opinion is:
I disagree, because .

3. If multiple members disagree at a table, talk through your options using the 3 tips we
learned about for persuade, inform, and entertain.

4. Once you have decided where the paper slip belongs, make a pile. (There will be
three piles at your table for persuade, inform, and entertain, by the end of your sorting).

5. After the first group member takes a turn, then the next group member pulls out a slip
from their bag and repeat directions.

***Only one group member reads their slip at a time. Work together and have fun!***
When you are done organizing, please have one person from your table get
cups from the front table and place your paper slips in the cups that they belong in.

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