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Lesson 2 How to Use Formulas in Google Sheets

Teacher Name: Bradley Hockaday

Date and time lesson will be taught: April 11th 2017, 12:55 pm

Lesson Title: Using Formulas Within Spreadsheets

Name of Secondary CTE Course: Introduction to Business Communications Technology

Curriculum Framework Unit: Spreadsheet Basics

Standard(s): 9.2.2 - Create mathematical functions

Objectives: The learners will be able to

1. Learn how to insert various functions into a spreadsheet, specifically a Google Sheet

a. Addition

b. Subtraction

c. Multiplication

d. Division

2. Learn how to copy an already created formula to other cells

3. Learn how to use preset functions SUM and AVERAGE

Content to be presented in lesson:

Class discussion over how to insert formulas into a google sheet

o Addition

o Subtraction

o Multiplication

o Division

Copying formulas to other cells

Using preset formulas

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook: Allotted time: 4 minutes

Ask students, What do you think the benefits of using formulas in a spreadsheet are? Wait for students

to answer. The correct answers should be that it will do a lot of math for you, and it will save you a lot of time

by not having to complete various math problems over and over again. If students do not give you this answer

be sure to share this with them. Say, So today I am going to teach you how to insert formulas, how to copy

formulas, and how to use preset formulas for addition and averages within a google sheet. Now while what we

will learn today is in google sheets you can do the same thing in excel. Excel does however have more in depth

options for formulas, which you guys will learn in later computer applications classes at the high school. What

we are learning today will give you a solid base of knowledge for how to use formulas within an electronic


Learning activities/procedures: Allotted time: 36 minutes

Have students open up a premade google sheet that will be posted on google classroom. Say, I need all

eyes and ears on me in three, two, one. Once you have students attention then say, I need you guys to go to

google classroom and open up the google sheet named, Formulas Classroom Examples. Once I see that up on

your screen I will know that you are ready to go.

Once all students have the google sheet up begin the lesson. Say, So lets look at sheet 1. For Cindys

Bicycle Manufacturers we have the salaries of her employees for 2017 and the amount that Cindy has already

paid her employees. What we need to figure out is how much she still owes each of her employees. Somebody

tell me what we need to do to find Isaac, our first employees salary? The students answer should be to subtract

the amount paid from his 2017 salary, if not explain it to them. So how we are going to do this in google sheets

is we are first going to click in the cell where we want the solution of our equation. Then we are going to type in

the formula. The first thing we have to do is type in the equals sign. That is the first thing that we have to do

every time we create a formula we have to type in the equals sign. Then we are going to click the cell with

Isaacs 2017 salary, then we are going to click the dash key to put in the minus sign, then we are going to click

the cell with the amount that Cindy has already paid Isaac. Now we have our formula in the cell the last thing
we need to do is press enter. Now we should have the amount of money remaining that Isaac needs to be paid

for his salary. Does anybody have any questions about how we just did that? Give students plenty of time to

answer and answer any questions students may have. Now can I get one volunteer to come up here and show

us how we are going to calculate the amount of Abbys salary that she still needs to be paid? Call on a student

and have them come show the class. If they mess up calmly correct them so that they can show the class how to

do it correctly. Once they are done say, Thank you student. So lets say Cindy had 20 more employees to pay,

would you guys want to do this same thing 20 more times? No, probably not right? So here is what we can do

so that we do not have to do the same thing over and over again. We are going to click cell D5 where Abbys

remaining salary is an then notice that there is a small blue square at the bottom right of the cell, we are going to

click and hold on that square then drag our mouse down to cell D8 where Connors remaining salary will be and

then we will release. Notice it completed all of that math for us. What that does is it copies the already created

formula down to the other cells and substitutes the corresponding numbers for that equation. This will make

your life so much easier so that you just have to complete a formula once then click and drag it where you want

it. Does anybody have any questions up to this point? Allow students to answer and answer any questions

students may have.

Now we are going to learn how to complete an addition problem in google sheets. So we want to figure

out the total salary of Cindys employees for 2017. Knowing what we know about how to complete a

subtraction problem can someone explain to me how we are going add up the total salaries of Cindys

employees for 2017? Allow students to answer. Answers should include clicking the cell you want to put the

solution to the problem in first then type in the equals sign, then click a cell with one of the salaries, then click

the plus sign then click the next salary, and repeat until you have included all salaries in the equation. If not be

sure to explain this to the class so that they have a good understanding. So for subtraction we use the dash key

or the minus sign and for addition naturally we will use the addition key. Now I want to figure out the total

salaries paid and the total salaries remaining. Do I need to retype the formulas into those other cells? Wait for

students to answer. The answer should be no. Would someone like to tell me how I can copy the formula we

just made into the next two cells? Wait for a student to raise their hand, and then call on them. They should
answer by saying that you click the cell that we already have the formula in, then click and hold the blue box at

the bottom right hand corner of the cell, then drag it over to the two cells to the right. If the first student does not

get it correct then give one to two more students the opportunity to answer and if you still do not get a correct

answer then answer it for them. Ask students, So does anybody have any questions about how we complete

addition and subtraction problems in google sheets? Take time to answer any student questions.

Now I need everybody to click on Sheet2 at the bottom of the screen. I need you to give me a big

thumbs up once youve gotten onto Sheet2. Once all students have given you a thumbs up move on. So now

we are going to learn how to use multiplication in google sheets. For this example we want to figure out the

total cost for each item based on how many units we need to buy. So we are going to multiply the price of each

item by the number of units we are going to purchase. To do this in google sheets we are going to do the same

thing that we did for addition and subtraction but instead of using the minus sign or the plus sign we are going

to use an asterisk as our multiplication sign. So for our first item, wood, we are going to click the cell we want

our solution to be in and type in the equals sign. Next we are going to click the price of the wood, then type in

the asterisk or our multiplication sign and then we will click the cell with the number of units we need to

purchase, and then the last thing we need to do is press enter. Now have successfully calculated the total cost of

wood we need to calculate the total cost of each of the other materials. So just like before, we are going to click

the cell with the formula in it, click the little blue box, and drag it down to the cells where we want the formula.

So now we have very quickly done four multiplication problems. Isnt that so much easier than having to solve

each problem? Before we move on to division does anybody have any questions up to this point? Take time to

answer any student questions.

Now we are going to move on to Sheet3 where we are going to learn division in google sheets. So in

this example we are trying to figure out the batting averages of these five baseball players. To do that we have

to divide the number of hits players have by the number of at bats they have. Just like when inserting other

types of formulas we are going to first type in the equals sign into the cell we want to solution to be in, which

right now is cell D4, where Bryce Harpers batting average is supposed to be. Then we are going to click the cell

with the number of hits he has. Then since we are doing a division problem we are going to type a slash as our
division sign. Then we will click the cell with the number of at bats he has, and click enter. Now we have

calculated Bryce Harpers batting average. So, now lets copy this formula down to the cells where the other

players batting averages are going to be. Somebody tell me how we are going to do that? Wait for students to

answer. If they do not answer correctly make sure that you explain the correct answer to the class. So now we

have just calculated all of these players batting averages in a fraction of the time it would take to do it by hand.

The last thing that I want to show you guys is how to use a couple of preset functions. We are going to

learn how to use the SUM function, so addition, and we are also going to learn to use the AVERAGE function.

In our example here we want to find the total number of hits between all of these players, and we want that

solution to be in cell B10. So we are going to click cell B10 then go up to the tool bar and click the functions

dropdown arrow and click SUM. You should now see a function that says =SUM( ) in cell B10. Does

anybody not have this in cell B10 on their computer? Once all students have it move on. So what we have to

do is now is click cell B4 where we have our first players number of hits and then hold the click and drag it

down to our last players number of hits, so that we highlight all of the individual players hit totals. Now once

we have all of them highlighted we just need to press enter and it will complete the formula for us. Does

anybody have any questions about how to do this? Give students plenty of time to ask questions and then

answer them. So would somebody like to tell us how we might calculate the average batting average of all of

the players down here in cell D10? Answer should be click cell B10, and then click the Functions drop down

arrow. Next highlight all of the individual players batting averages then press enter. If students do not get this

answer guide them in the right direction. Then ask, So does anybody have any questions about how we use

preset functions?
Closure/Review of Content: Allotted time: 5 minutes

Ask students an array of questions and discuss answers with students. Guide the discussion towards the correct


What is the first thing that we have to do when creating a new formula in a cell?

o A: Type the equals sign.

After we type the equals sign what do we do next?

o A: Enter in our data for the formula.

By clicking cells and using the keys depending on what we are calculating.

What are the different symbols we use for different types of formulas?

o A: Subtraction: -, Addition: +, Multiplication: *, Division: /

How do we copy a formula to bordering cells?

o A: We click and hold the little blue box and drag it to the other cells we want the formula to be


How do we use a preset formula?

o A: Click the cell we want the formula in, then click the Functions dropdown arrow and select our

formula. Then we highlight the data we need for our formula and press enter.

I am now going to hand each of you a sticky note and I want you to write one thing you learned today

on the stick note and put it on the Learned section of our KWL.
Evaluation/assessment of student learning: Allotted time: 4 minutes

Students will fill out their KWL exit slips which will give me an idea of what concepts stuck

with my students the most.

Through the review questions I can get a good idea of whether or not students gained an

understanding of how to use formulas within a spreadsheet

Through asking questions throughout the lesson I can see how well my students already know

the material and can determine if I need to slow down or speed up.

Modifications for exceptional learners:

Caemon and Mack will need for someone to sit down with them and review each piece with them.

o Will need to come later in the week due to a time constraint.

I could have a handout that covers the various symbols used for formulas and where the necessary

functions are located on a google sheet.


[eHowTech]. (2012, October 27). Uses of Excel in the Workplace: Using Microsoft Excel.

[Video File]. Retrieved from:

Arkansas Department of Education. (2013). Arkansas Department of Career Education Model Framework.

Retrieved from:

Materials and equipment needed for lesson:


Computers with internet access

Sticky notes

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