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Riza Afita Surya

History Education Program, Social Science Department
Teaching and Training Faculty, University of Jember (UNEJ)
Jln. Kalimantan 37, Jember 68121

History learning examines past events values in order to encourage students obtaining
benefical meaning on every historical moment. Recently, during history learning process
students of 10th grade AK 3 (accountancy specialized) in SMK Negeri 1 Jember (vocational
State High School 1 of Jember) tended to be passive instead of being active participants, the
often deal with difficulty to express their own ideas properly. One of the main factors due to
this learning failure was the selected methods that have been used were less in variety.
Regarding this, it may be solved through application of remedial learning and Renzullis
Enrichment Triad Model, which based on enrichment learning that encourages students to
express their talents and interests, despite without neglecting learning goals.
This research was engaged by classroom action research design by Hopkins and
performed both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Due to the classroom circumstance,
combining enrichment learning and remedial learning aimed to accommodate students was
ideal stage because of various ability levels. Enrichment model was reserved for high ability
students, while all students were not qualified as high ability, the rest of it was treated using
remedial learning. Hence, this classroom action research intended to improve students
academic outcomes and effectiveness level during history learning. Based on data obtained
by quantitative approach, both students academic outcomes and effectiveness levels were
improved significantly.
Keywords: remedial learning, enrichment triad model, history, Renzulli, academic outcomes,
and effectiveness levels.

History as part of social science disciplines puposes to embed knowledge and values,
in term of changes process and development of Indonesian society and througout the world
from past until the present (Depdiknas, 2003:1). Furthermore, Ismaun (2001:114) states about
history learning subjective is promoting students in order to gain historical understandings,
historical awareness, and historical knowledge then brings to the wisdom. Hence, history
learning is superficial to be studied properly. It needs adequate models, strategies, and
methods regarding obtain history subject goals. Student as a learning target due to the
Indonesian Education System is referred to someone who has history path and has unique
characteristic (individualism). Understandings of students characteristic should be the main
concern for educators and education administrators. Generally, students population reflects
heterogeneous society in smaller scope. There are so many characteristics, passions, talents
and abilities.
Mostly in a certain class, based on students academic ability can be categorized into
three main groups, including lower group, middle group, and upper group. According to
basic education principal, education is compulsory to provide the best treatment for all
category, this does not mean applying classical system as old fashioned system where
learning outcomes are defined by single measurement for all students. Relating to students
groups, lower and middle groups may be employed by remedial program and/or peer
learning. Thereby, students would be able to attain expected score. Meanwhile, upper group
do not gain adequate learning satisfaction in term of standard learning as lower and middle
groups do. This group requires more challenging learning activities, then all talents, interests,
and curiosity likely will be delivered appropriately.
According to the classroom observation which was conducted on January 2015 in
10th grade of AK 3 at SMK Negeri 1 Jember, has been found several obstacles affected
academic achievement of history subject as follows: (i), educators preferred to perform
conventional approach in teaching frequently, (ii) learning process disregarded students
natural characteristics, particularly high ability students. Thus, high ability students which
ware qualified using their average score of secondary school and examination entrance need
special program for exploring their abilities, so that all talents may be embodied, and (iii)
students were pretty inactive and bored. This tied with teaching method selection that was
less diverse. Educators possibly modify history learning method to solve these issues. Based
on earlier research results and literature review that have been conducted, reseacher decided
to implement remedial learning and Renzullis enrichment model for history learning.
Remedial is defined as a treatment, antidote, and healing that in line with fixing.
Furthermore, remedial learning means currative and/or corrective instruction. Remedial
instruction is a specialized form of teaching which enables students to be healed of study
difficulties (Prayitno, 2008:284). Commonly, remedial learning objection relates to learning
objectives. Remedial instruction specific aim is helping students who suffer difficulty in term
of personality condition or in learning process.
In the other hand, Davis (2012:99) points out that enrichment is a term referred to
enrich program. For broader scope, enrichment comprises all practices in standar education
field, whereby in the smaller contex enrichment means efforts made to provide someting
appealing regarding to improve students curiosity during learning process. Enrichment offers
richer learning activities. These activities deliver deeper sources compared to regular
classroom. It also involved new topics which deeper, thus material learning may be
accelerated than typically curriculum.

Based on reasons mentioned above, there are several objectives as follows:
1. To determine the improvement of effectiveness level of students history learning
using remedial learning and Renzullis enrichment model.
2. To determine the improvement of academic outcomes of students history learning
using remedial and Renzullis enrichment model.
3. Device contextual model of enrichment learning that is significantly relevant to gifted
(talented) students learning environment. It is also aiming to present an innovative
learning which may used in the regular class in order to develope all students skills
and potential.
4. Device a series of instruments based on contextual learning to measure different
academic outcomes between the Enrichment Triad Model and conventional learning,

The findings of this study will redund to the benefit of society considering that
History plays necessary role for shaping national character, it also helps us understand people
and societies. The greater demands for produce students who can manipulate, transform and
create new knowlegde. Schools have to respond to the changes of the new era, not only as a
response to marker forces, but as part of their responsibility to improve society. Thus,
education institutions that apply the recommended approach and strategy derives from this
research outcomes will probably able to nurture their students better. This correlation
research also will provide administrators guidance what should be empasized by teachers to
improve students self-esteem and creativity during History learning. For the researcher, the
study will help them discover the significance part in the educational process that many
researchers are not able to investigate. Thus, a new approach on learning history may be set

Subjects of the research were 10th grade of AK 3 (accountancy specialized) students
in the first term at SMK Negeri 1 Jember, consisted of 37 including 17 male students and 20
female students. Researcher decided to opt this class due to their average score was relatively
higher than other classes as enrichment generally works well for high ability students. This
research conducted both qualitative and quantitatif approaches. Quantitative approach was
used to determine the percentage of improvement regarding effectiveness level and academic
outcomes while performing first, second, and third cycle. Qualitative data analyze was
carried out to describe observation pre-cycle results and also clarify effectiveness levels in
each cycle.
This research implemented classroom action research design. Classroom action
research is a research action in educational field that conducts in classroom aiming to repair
and improve the quality of learning process (Kunandar, 2010:44). Students considered as
active if their overall score meet 75% of students ability in term of paying attention to
educators explanation, asking questions, answering questions, making notes, enthusiastic
doing assingments, and ability to give responds upon others opinion. Each of six indicators
below were specified into likert scale 1 to 5. In addition, students considered to be pass if
their post-test score meet the minimum of 75 points which also standard of all subjects in the
institution. The students academic outcomes will be obtained by collecting test results as part
of post-test for each students. The numerical scores will be calculated by adding and
averaging the results for cognitive learning outcome within history subject. Below is
classroom action research design which engaged on this study.
Figure 1. Classroom action research by Hopkins

1. Effectiveness Level Improvement of History Learning
Students effectiveness through application of remedial learning and Renzullis
enrichment model could be obtained by making comparisons at every stage of cycle. Results
analysis towards effectiveness learning percentage in three cycles shown in figure above:

Figure 2. Results of students effectiveness level improvement

Analyze results about students learning effectiveness rate based on observation on
every cycle could be seen that there was an increase. In the first cycle, students effectiveness
level was 66.08% which means sufficient. The second cycle, the percentage of students
effectiveness gained to 72.29% that was considered high. And the third cycle, there was
78.64% of effectiveness percentage which also was considered high. This results were
suited to Davis (2012:99) who states that enrichment enables to supply interesting learning
and then promoting exited feeling of students within history learning.
2. Academic Outcomes Improvement of History Learning
Students academic outcomes were increase through application of remedial learning
and Renzullis Enrichment Model. This finding was obtained by comparing learning
outcomes in every cycle. Analysis results according to students learning outcomes in every
cycle is presented in figure below:

Figure 3. Students learning outcomes improvement

Data results based on first cycle performed remedial learning and Renzullis
Enrichment model could be obtained as follows; 30 students were pass, and 7 students were
failed. Those who considered failed during pre-test decreased compared to first cycle after the
implementation of remedial learning. Percentage of completedness learning outcomes were
Students academic results increased from the first cycle to the second cycle. The
number of students who unsuccessful on first cycle were decline. Learning process during
second cycle was better than frist cycle due to the gaining students understanding about the
learning circumstances. They started to be accustomed over the difficult issues that had been
presented. In addition, educator as a learning facilitator kept giving continous motivation to
learn and learn. In the first cycle, during discussion stage, students were prefer asking
questions instead of giving opinions. Their history learning outcomes rose between second
and third cycle. The percentage of completedness learning outcomes during second cycle was
86.48%, whereby there was slightly increase amount 2.7% at third cycle. The number of
unsuccessful students in second cycle declined compared to third cycle.
Based on research results in term of the application of remedial learning and
Renzullis enrichment model to improve history learning outcomes and effectiveness level
for 10th grade AK 3 students at SMK Negeri 1 Jember school year 2014/2015, could be
obtained several conclusions, as follows;
1. The implementation of remedial learning and Renzullis enrichment model
improved students effectiveness levels. Students were more enthusiastic and
active to participate in history learning activities. This could be seen by the a
surge on each following indicator as follows; (i) paying attention to educators
explanation,(ii) asking questions, (iii) answering questions, (iv) making notes, (v)
enthusiastic doing assingments, and (vi) ability to give responds upon others
opinion. . In the first cycle, students effectiveness level was 66.08% which means
sufficient. The second cycle, the percentage of students effectiveness gained to
72.29% that was considered high. And the third cycle, there was 78.64% of
effectiveness percentage which also was considered high.
2. The implementation of remedial learning and Renzullis enrichment model
improved students history outcomes. In the first cycle, students completedness
learning achieved 81.08%, while there was 86.48% in the second cycle. Moreover
on the third, students gained completedness learning up to 89.18%, hence it was
incline about 2.6%.

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