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Gonds (atishudra) are tribes of Maharashtra, mp, chhatisgarh, odisha have been given

constitutionally the status of sc.

Published in January 2011, one of the newest graphic novels
Rural lives, animal imagery (lions and crocs anger and oppressions of upper castes;
fish and elephants dalits and their thirst to move upward in the societal hierarchy)
and rural visual art in a pictorial representation.
There is an instance where ambedkar longing for water in the form of a fish.
Everyday challenges of dalits wages, drinking water, gunny sacks on which dalits are
made to sit on the floor being untouchable, was made to clean and carry it around
himself (ambedkar)
Graphic novel using pictoral, visual and literary devices to give readers an emotional
Political and social issues also a pervasive theme in the novel.
This type of political and social confrontation can only be expressed by graphic novel
Difference from comics
Serialised and never ending story but bhimayan is just one text; and doesnt have self
interest and has social issue in it.
Graphic novel is sequential connected thematically not serialised
Multi layered narrative
Black and white and colored drawings and animal symbolism and biographical
Form beginning, middle and end. Rising action, climax, falling action and resolution
2 famous graphic novels spiegelmans maus (experiences of jews in holocaust); joe
Saccos Palestine( experiences and time spent in Palestine deprivation and bad
treatment of Jews)
Another imp theme of graphic novels is photography experiences and ideas
expressed by original photos. They have a direct impact and implementation of the
idea. Otherwise open for interpretation.
So bhimayana instead of sequential art, it is thematic art which uses traditional Indian
art called pradhan gond art.
Gond art signifies emotions instead of representing particular themes.
Statements, we would like to state one thing, very clearly at the outset, we shall not
force our characters into boxes. It stifles there.
WE prefer our work in open spaces, our art is khula/open where there is space for all to
breathe, says natarajan.
The ecology of pradhan gond art is such that even when dealing with urban subjects,
we see free falling animals, birds and trees in landscapes without a horizon. (no
demarcation per se) The train becomes a snake, the intimidating fort a lion, the
happiness of the people of Chalisgaon is not conveyed by smiling faces but a dancing
peacock, an earthmover used by a dalit who is killed for digging a well sheds tears as 2
cows (cows only sympathise dalits) bear witness natarajan
Graphic novel more effective in portraying oppression or suffering. And mostly black
and white because it is not cheerful and is bleak. Everyone in the society irrespective
of diff caste creed and color is equal.
If background is color and foreground is black and white as their lives is bleak. Or even
the people are celebrating.
More of Indian culture is added to the novel. We have an insight and criticism of
casteism and India. Graphic novels are more complex. Analysis moves between images
and words, unlike only words n prose.
Techniques as well color theory(different colors or black and white at times), line
theory(highlights)[Digna pattern-villages in india to decorate their house, various
kinds of lines to connect characters to the speech bubbles, boxes not used to confine
the sketches] , background color as well (lives of selves and others). It points fingers at
Peacock is an imp symbol for coming of ambedkar, when people have hopes as a
saviour/ messiah has come.
Word bubbles inside thought bubbles in the form of birds who are victims of castes.
(express the state of mind)
Digna meaning tika and welcoming
Bubbles represent the hindu religion at times which represent characters believing in
the benefit of castes made up in circles overlapping each other and slowly getting
bigger leading to a clouded bubble.
Dalits never enjoyed the humanitarian aspect as there was oppression and aggression
against them.
Constant longing by the dalits to change the social place of themselves.
Satyagraha meant to show that dalits capable of mobilising ppl and they are rightful of
all sources of life like water.
Important temple entry movt nasik 1927, Amravati and poona, last movement was in
nasik 1930 kalaram temple on the banks of Godavari
Gond art wall art initially. Fairly recent art, came to the fore in the 1980s-90s. It is
about nature and imagination.
Museum is all embracing but the people harbour feelings of hostility.
Colours not showing any emotions.arbitrarily used.
Gond art (issues of tribes) and issues of dalits addressed at the same time.

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