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Red blood cell

In the human body, blood is one of the most important connective tissue.
Blood consist of 40-45% red blood cell. In a normal adult male, there is about 4.32
5.72 trillion of red blood cell in a litter of human blood. In female, there is about 3.9
5.03 trillion of red blood cell in a litter of human blood Red blood cells is
responsible for the distribution of oxygen it is also responsible for disposing carbon
dioxide inside the body (Laura Enzor, 2016). Red blood cells carries hemoglobin
which is responsible for distributing 98% of the oxygen we intake to all over the
body. One of the most common disorder in the red blood cell is anemia. Anemia is
the lack of red blood cell or hemoglobin, one of the most common type of anemia is
the iron-deficiency anemia which is the lack of iron in the red blood cell. Anemia is
common to women because of menstruation and childbirth due to blood loss. Iron is
an important tool on producing hemoglobin (WebMD, 2016). Tobacco smoke destroy
an amount of vitamin C which is responsible for the absorption of iron for the blood.
(Bagchi et al., 2001)
White blood cell
There is about 3.5 10.5 billion white blood cells in a litter of blood of a
normal adult man, together with the volume of platelets, it makes a total of 1% of
the human blood. White blood cells are also called immunity cells, it is responsible
for our immune system. There are 6 types of white blood cells. Neutrophils is a type
of white blood cell that is responsible for defending our body from bacterial and
fungal infection. Eosinophils a type of white blood cell that is responsible for the
bodys defense against parasitic infections and allergic reactions. Monocytes, a type
of white blood cell that destroy pathogens in the bloodstream. Macrophage,
developed monocyte, responsible for removing cell debris and foreign materials in
the body. Basophil, responsible for bodys immune response. Lymphocytes
responsible for the production of antibodies and contains natural toxic killer. Low
white blood cells in the body makes you more vulnerable to diseases. (University of
the Rochester Medical Center, 2016)

There are around 150 450 billion platelets in a litter of blood of a normal
adult man, it is also the smallest blood cell in the body. Platelets are the cells that
circulate within our blood and bind together when they recognize damage blood
vessels, Dr. Marlene Williams. Thrombocytosis is a disorder in the platelets, having
over number of platelets in the blood. Primary or essential and secondary
thrombocytosis are the two type of thrombocytosis. Primary thrombocytosis is the
overproduction of platelets due to an abnormal cells in the bone marrow (unknown
reason). The secondary thrombocytosis is the overproduction of platelets caused by
disease. (Dr. Marlene Williams)

Plasma is the largest portion of the blood, it consist of 55% of the blood
volume. 92% of the plasma is water. The rest of the blood cells are suspended in the
plasma. Plasma contains proteins, albumin, fibrinogen and globulins. Plasma is
responsible for the distribution of the remaining 2% of the oxygen, maintaining the
correct volume and pressure of the blood, it is responsible for aiding the platelets
for blood clotting and the white blood cells for immunity. It is also responsible for the
exchange of vital minerals and maintaining the proper acidity of the blood.
(American national Red Cross, 2016)

American Red Cross (2016). Plasma. Retrieved from
Williams, M. What are Platelets and Why are They Important?.
What Are White Blood Cells?. (2016, may 16). Retrieved from
McDougal, W. (2003- 2016). What is Blood Plasma?. Retrieved from
What Are Red Blood Cells?. (2016, may 16). Retrieved from
Mayo Clinic Staff (1998-2016). Retrieved from
Enzor, L. (2003-2016). Retrieved from
WebMD (2005-2016). Retrieved from
Bagchi M, Balmoori J, Joshi SS, Stohs SJ, Bagchi D, Kuszynski C. (2001). Retrieved

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