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‘that creating a fair, ‘measure certain skills d, test developers ask ‘of item development mals appointed by the jibilities of these item undergoes numerous grrect answer among the ghout the test. Scoring | responses, go thro ugh ha sample group similar §, trained reviewers must ive or pre regarded as $ taking populatio! paratord xi Objectiv. Is) ~ It Vy e (MCQ: ; ) ~ Item De: elopment name of all activities and experiences to be conveyed to th to the: 8) Studentv Teacher is the oy ‘Activity is a complete cod. tae : . le of school activiti seats Eo ies which is completed through the guidance (>) Inns i 2 D) Admini ‘of curriculum is that teaching process is ae oe (B) Purposeful” (D) Natural 5 are regularly: (B) Observed (D) Achieved (B) Appliances () —Needs¥ of a curriculum makes the objectives of education: @) .Clear¥ (D) Compulsory 5 an ease for a student and a: @) Child (D) School process is purposeful, teachers know what to teach to get a/an: iv (B) Plan (D) “Success easy to finish the process is purposeful, there i it makes within a fixed are regularly planned, @) Course” (Dp) Activity ety does to make its individuals best whom, education is that effort which 2 s (p) — Benthem Stuart Mill” to the coming general mt CONVEY make it better than before. B} Objectivity (p) _ Positivity ich are Remodulation ization tion so that by af ‘Mill, educatio vd of progress they cou! i ed for reconstruction and: rriculum whi ied in the curt i ‘are includ Ne ey needs of the B on is unique a country and the achievemen' ind these coincide Course Content | 149 | Eni Ping in view its ieedtieen @®) Educationy Training (B) Political objectives () Traditional objectives very healthy people of its nation? (8) Spartay , () — Macedoni: parta, which ii se ich state in Greece wanted to develop a permanent political system? (B) Macedonia ; ©) Athensy is an ideological state and has her basis as Two-Nation Theory, therefore, its ee had an ideology of having (B) Arabic cist @) Urdu pa syllabus, which needs of the students should be kept in view? gical” (B) Emotional (D) Personal syllabus is such 2 source with the help of which child moulds his self to () Garett . (D) Dewey ibus is a source of expression of thoughts and needs of a society, therefore, fhave a deep influence on the framing process of syllabus. (B) Ideological (D) Sociological” ell as the stadium where the m, society is the total number of players as w is played? v (B) Rousseau () —_Beglay ciety and determine the national objectives and thus the manner of 2 so (B) Sociological” (D) Psychological to plan and togiveit al shape ) (D) Arranged shape ig material, activities ° jum means to organize, teaching methods and fives of teaching, teachin ir, method of on or a structure jelty of the: fies the problems

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