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asrot7 Okonomiyaki Posted on April 27, 2012 hipilmecci-mamacamokonamiyaki (Oxonomiyak | mere! mama 432017 ‘Okonomiyak | merci mama — japanese ingredients, from left aonori (seaweed), okonomiyaki flour, dashi granules (front), tenkasu, katsubuoshi (front), kewpie mayo 0 kick this off — OF a Japanese pizza or a pancake or whatever else peo my fav yaki. Okono,..what? No, not joke ty and compare itt, it's just an okonomiyaki, | remember treat or when she wart ct «om things | se up rar nerally macto with in the fidge, Originally from the Kans of cabb jents ackcled, All you really need to know Is that itis damn tasty andl you've never tied ane, (Osaka) area in Japan, this is a savoury ci abe o, [know fm nol selling it here, bu ith me) mixed wih a better with var chuck this on your bucket lst tion when it nts that you will § and cheese but ‘eal (Okonomivak’ in Japanese means ‘as youlke’ or whet you lke’. So based on me 10 flavouring the okonomiyald you can be as cres @ as you Ike... Same fin in an okonomiyak’ in Japan are pork/bacon, ctopus, squid, prawn, vegetabl free to putin thngs that you really lice hipsimerci-mama canfokonamiyak! 432017 ‘Okonomiyak | merci mama Recipes for the oxcnomiyak batter vary widely out the good thing is tnat it is generally pretty easy to make substtutes if you don't have access to a Japanese supermarket and Ill make notes in the recipe of what you can subsitute, The imporant thing Ibeleve is that the fing shoulehnt be swimming in the batter, t should just be lightly coated otherwise the end resut wil be really doughy, hipsimerci-mama canfokonamiyak! asrot7 (Oxonomiyak | mere! mama 2 this a go, especially if you've never had one, | promise you, you willbe in for a 432017 ‘Okonomiyak | merci mama Okonomiyaki Make large okonomiyali enough for 2 for a main meal. You could make smaller ones if you preter. What you neea! = 1/4 cabbage — Ive made it with both green cabbage and chinese cabbage. Both are ine but | preter the green cabbage, © 1 cup okonomiyels flour ~ substitute plan all-purpose flour = 1 cup water 1 2 tsp dash granules (optional) ~ this is a Japanese stock power that wil ust provide more flavour = 1/2 tsp sal = 1 tsp sugar 1/8 cup terkesu~ these are der sit that look ice rice bubbles optional #1 tsp baking powder = 2eggs Jtied bits of flour dough used as a flavouring in = 3 sping onions, chopped fnely = 4 shiteke mushrooms, diced (optional) 1© 4 large raw prawns, chopped into small chunks = 4 slices of thinly sliced pork belly = vegetable oll Forthe sauce: fadapted from recipe book ‘a ile taste of Japan’ = GOmI tomate sauce/ketchuo = 2.1/2 tosp soy sauce = 1 tbsp cooking sake = 1 tbsp itis = 11/2 tosp caster sugar = 2 tbsp Japanese rice vnegar = 2.1/2 tosp worcestershire sauce For a more simple version just use Stbsp of tornato sauce/keichup, 1 tbsp worcestershire and 1 tsp soy sauce condiments: 1» Japanese kewpie mayo (this stu“ rocks, but if you can't find it, use whole egg mayo, but it does ‘ste diferent) = katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) 1» anor (seaweed flakes) What to do! hipsimerci-mama canfokonamiyak! 432017 ‘Okonomiyak | merci mama Mix flour, baking powsler, sugar and sal. in 2 bowl. Dissolve the dashi granules (fusing) in a splash of boling water then fll to 1 cup with cold water. Whisk the dashi stock slowly into the flaur moure, Let sit while making the sauce and prepating the other ingredient, Mix all the ingredionts for the sauce with 2 tbsp of water and bring to a bol, let it simmer for about 10 mins or untilit thickens. Set aside Finaly chop the cabbage and mx with the spring onion, mushrooms and prawns. ‘Add the eqs and! the tenkasuto the batter and mix well ‘Add the cabbage mixture and rx well Gila non-stick pan and put nalf the micure in, Using a spatula, push itinto a circular shace around Som thick. Place the strips of pork bolly on top. lf you have some batter pooled in the bottom of the bowl of the cabbage mixture, spread a litle of the pork belly sts. it willhelp secure t to the oxonomiyaki Cover tne pan and fat it cook for 6 mins, Time to fl ‘The easiest way ve found is 10 use @ couple of spatulas to gently If tanto a plate. Then in one swt move, fp the plate over and the akonomiyaki should be cooked nough to stay tagether when you flip it onto the other side. Cover andl cook for another 10mins. Pop the okonomiyalé on the plate, spread the okonom sauce, dizzle with the mayo ane! ‘ona (seaweed) ancl katsuibuosti. rine with the Heaven Toe [en (0) [ae = Sh ‘This entry wes posted in Fish/Sheltish, Japanese, Meat anc tagged batter, cabbage, japanese, kewpie mayo, okonomi, okanomiyaki, osaka, pancake, pizza by Jules. Sootenark the permalink [ hipsimerci-mama canfokonamiyak! asrot7 hipilmecci-mamacamokonamiyaki (Oxonomiyak | mere! mama 79 432017 (Oxonomiyak | mere! mama 17 Photos Of Melania That Donald Trump Has Kept Secret The best Strategy Game of 2017! Vasings: Free Online Gare Crazy Cheap Tracking Device - Selling Like Hotcakes! TrackR Bravo Finally You Can Track Your Car Using Your Smartphone ‘Smart Device Trends Cheap Flights - At Last tripsinsider com End Your Nightly Snoring Nightmare With This Simple Solution My Snoring Solution 3Comments merci mama @ Login © Recommend — B& Share Sort by Newest @ sein the aiscussion =_ Tonnae * 10 months ago @ What an exciting find thanks to the link on Fine Dining Lovers! | just made ‘okonomiyaki for the first time last night using another recipe, or shall | say a combination of a few, ahem.... can't help it. Even a vegan version! Can't wait to try your recipe and your sauce! "No, not a Japanese pizza or a pancake or whatever else people try and compare it to, it's just an okonomiyaki." Love that line!! | have already seen it referred to as both. | will no longer make that comparison. It's just an okonomiyakil Thank you for an easy to follow recipe with awesome explanations of what stuff is and possible substitutions. So far ho one has mentioned that there is an actual okonomiyaki flour! | am now on mission. | have access to a wonderful Asian supermarket. | even found a hipsimerci-mama camfokonomiyakil 432017 (Oxonomiyak | mere! mama nagaimo there, it went into the vegan version. Not sure if I'll use it again, it kept flying out of my hand as | was peeling it. Ioll Thank again! :-) Av © Reply » Share» @ Shelby B * 4 years ago Thanks for the great recipe! Where | live in K) = 3 P y 's hard to find all the ingredients so the extra info and substitutes are a big help. Now | can finally make okonomiyaki thanks! :D Av «© Reply » Share» @ good! Av © Reply » Share» {.SO.CINMERGI MAMA It's been one year....let's eat cake! 2 comments 4 yearsagoe \ules — Hi Jennifer, thanks for choosing me for your award, That is so lovely and Iam honoured! I will salmon skin crackling - how to get the perfect crispy skin every time hipsimerci-mama canfokonamiyak! | A Shelby B * 4 years ago No probs shelby, in fact | just made it last night for dinner myself, sooo Brown butter heirloom carrots with a tangy yoghurt dressing rrmenis * 4 yearsagor }iel— Just wanted you to see my shout out to this recipe and your blog...http://foodrefuge. blogspot... Hell yeah for haloumi, watermelon and prawn salad

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