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1. Embedding refers to the inclusion of a linguistic unit in another linguistic unit.

This may
involve separating the main verb from its subject by adding one or more phrases (e.g.,
Canada, unlike the United States, has a parliamentary for of government). Subordination
refers to the joining of a subordinate clause to a clause of higher value often by using
connectors (e.g., You can go as long as you have finished your homework). Academic
and literacy texts often contain complex sentences that embed elements that distance the
verb from the main subject and include one or more subordinate clauses. The following
example is from an economics textbook:
2. Function Words
to the of a unit in this may the from its by one or more e.g., unlike the has a for of to the
of a to a of by e.g., You can go as as you have your and that that the from the and one or
more The is from an
Content Words:
Embedding refers inclusion linguistic unit another linguistic unit. may involve separating
main verb subject adding phrases Canada United States parliamentary government
Subordination refers joining subordinate clause clause higher value often using
connectors long finished homework Academic literacy texts often contain complex
sentences embed elements distance verb from main subject include subordinate clauses
following example economics textbook
3. Compound:
Textbook, homework
Embedding refers inclusion linguistic unit another linguistic unit involve separating
subject unlike parliamentary government Subordination refers subordinate higher
connectors finished Academic literacy contain complex sentences embed elements
distance subject include subordinate following example economics textbook:

4. Inflectional:
Embedding, refers, separating, linguistics, higher, finished, sentence, elements, refers,
connectors, finished, sentences, embed, elements, following, economics,
Refers, inclusion, linguistics, unit, another, linguistic, unit, involve, separating, subject,
unlike, parliamentary, government, subordination, refers, subordinate, higher, connectors,
academic, literacy, contain, complex ,sentences, embed, elements, distance, subject,
include, subordinate, following examples, economic, textbook
5. Stem Derivation
Com Complex (adv.)
Connect (V) Connectors (N)
Element (N) Elements (V)
Example(N) examples (v)
Follow(V) following (n)
High (adj) Higher(adv)
Linguistic (adj) Linguistics (n)
Literate(adj) Literacy(n)
Refer(v) Refers (n)
Sentence(N) sentences (V)
Separate (n) Separating (v)
Subordinate(adj) Subordination(n)
6. Dasdf
Word Origin Root Affix
Embeding Greek In, into, cover with Em- in, into
Bed- bottom
Refers Latin To carry Re- to carry, bear
Bher-to direct
Inclusion Latin To make part of Include- enclose,
Linguistic German Pertaining to the Linguis- language
study of language Ic- having to do
Unit Greek Regarding number Digit- quantity
Another Old English different An- one, lone
Other- the other of
Separating Latin To pull apart Se- apart
Subject Latin To lay open Sub- open
Unlike old English Not resembling Un- not
Parliamentary French/Latin To speak about Parliament- to
-ary- pertaining to
Government French Act of ruling Govern- rule,
command, direct
Subordination Latin To bring into Subordinate
position position
Higher Old English Height, tall, High- elevated
Connectors Latin Join together Connect join
finished French End Finish- to bring to
an end
Literacy Latin To read and write Literate-
Contain Latin To hold together Cum- together
Complex French All the parts Complicated
Include Latin To put together in In- to shut
an area



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