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T h e a u d a c ity o f T ru m p : h o w he w on

a n d w h a t w e missed
Reuben Steff dicusses th e ou tco m e o f th e
rece n t A m erican presidential election.

Donald Trumps victory in the US election was, in significant

part, a result of the inability of Democrats, the media and politi
cal pundits to view Trump as anything other than an irrational
and impulsive firebrand. A less hysterical and emotionally-driven
reaction to Trumps campaign would have provided a sounder ba
sis for defeating him. This is because there was a strategic thread
running through Trumps bellicosity that practically every Demo
crat and liberal failed to see. His often contradictory statements
on a range of issues bewildered his opponents, diverting attention
away from the cunning strategic moves he was making through
out the campaign. This article oudines some often overlooked rea
sons behind Trumps victory, some of which may surprise.
The first element of Trumps success lay in his choice of per
sonnel. Specifically, after weeks of controversy that embroiled
D o n a ld Trum p w ins th e p re s iden cy
Trumps first campaign manager, Corey Lewandowsky, Trump
made a surprising change. On 17 August his campaign an highest levels of Trumps campaign. But the shakeup was made
nounced that long-time Republican campaign manager and poll precisely when it was called for. It followed the nadir of his cam
ster, Kellyanr.e Conway, and executive chair of Breitbart News, paign in the middle weeks of August. At this point Nate Silvers
Steve Bannon, would be brought on board. Conway would act as 538 election forecast website (which successfully forecast the re
Trumps campaign manager, while Bannon was elevated to chief sults of every US state during the 2012 US election) gave Trump
executive. The differing reputations of the two could not have only a 10.8 per cent chance of winning the presidency.2After the
been starker. Conway was widely respected across the Republican rearrangement of senior personnel in his campaign, chance of suc
establishment as a professional and measured operator. Bannon, cess would never reach such a low point again.
on the other hand, was seen as the ultimate outsider and mischief- The personnel change had the effect of shoring up Trumps
maker: a man who had presided over the transformation of Breit position and would ultimately sharpen Trumps campaign mes
bart News from a conservative website that characterised itself as saging. For a start, by having Conway on board, it sewed up his
the Huffington Post of the right into a champion of what is now flank with parts of the Republican establishment, who had threat
known as the alt-right, a movement that embraces American ened to abandon him in droves. Conway not only performed as
(often white) nationalism, rejects mainstream conservativism and Trumps manager but also acted as his surrogate repeatedly on
opposes immigration, multiculturalism and political correctness.1 Americas largest cable news networks. You could not turn on Fox
To most people, the ideas Bannon represented went against the News, C N N or CNBC for long before Conway appeared and
tide of history where liberal democracies such as the United States delivered defences of Trumps oudandish rhetoric and positions
(and New Zealand) embrace openness and tolerance. with a measured and sure tone that conveyed reassurance.
To outsiders, the Bannon-Conway tandem seemed the odd Bannon, for his part, and irrespective of his controversial
est of pairings, and one destined to generate dysfunction at the stewardship of Breitbart News, had his finger on the pulse of
the American electorate. In 2014 Bannon delivered a speech via
D r R e u b e n S te ff te a c h e s N e w Z e a la n d fo re ig n p o lic y , in te rn a tio n a l re la tio n s an d
Skype to the Vatican, where he explained that one of the moti
s e c u r ity s tu d ie s in th e D e p a r tm e n t o f P o litic a l S c ience a n d P u b lic P o lic y a t th e vating forces behind the rise of populist parties in the West was
U n iv e r s ity o f W a k a to . H e s p e n t t w o a n d a h a lf y e a rs in th e N e w Z e a la n d M in is tr y economic forces unleashed by the tide of globalisation that had
o f F o re ig n A ffa irs an d T ra d e w o r k in g o n in te rn a tio n a l s e c u r ity an d s tra te g ic p o lic y
an d is th e a u th o r o f S trategicThinking, D eterrence a n d th e US Ballistic M issile D efense
been extending across large parts of the globe since the 1980s,
P ro je c t fro m Trum an to O b a m a ( 2 0 14 ). and that seemed to work against working class people. Bannon

D o n a ld T r u m p m a d e a n u m b e r o f k e y s tra te g ic d ecisio n s d u rin g his e le c tio n c a m p a ig n . C o n t r a r y

t o t h e c o m m o n v ie w t h a t his c a m p a ig n w as m a r k e d b y in c o m p e te n c e a n d d y s fu n c tio n , t h e r e is
c o n s id e ra b le e v id e n c e t h a t h e m a d e a d r o it d ecisio n s a t k e y t im e s . T h e s e w e r e o v e r lo o k e d a n d
d is m is s e d b y his p o litic a l o p p o n e n ts t o t h e i r u lt im a t e d is a d v a n ta g e a n d d e f e a t . I f t h e D e m o c r a tic
P a r t y h o p e s t o t a k e b a c k t h e W h i t e H o u s e in fo u r y e a rs t im e , a n d t h e w id e r w o r ld w a n ts t o
u n d e r s ta n d t h e T r u m p p h e n o m e n o n , i t is im p e r a tiv e t h a t w e lo o k a t t h e lo g ica l t h r e a d t h a t
u n d e rlie s T r u m p s s e e m in g ly ir r a t io n a l b e h a v io u r.

New Zealand International Review

stated that through this crisis of capitalism, a centre-right populist trated so well.7
movement was emerging out of the working classes opposed to The final core person of Trumps team was himself, mocked
the elites that ran their countries.3To Bannon, Breibart News was by celebrities, the source of joke fodder for late night comedy
the platform for this voice in America. Bannon would take this shows and taunted and ridiculed by bloggers and political pun
insight with him into the Trump campaign and make Trumps dits the world over. The question most of us could not get over
appeal to the working classes of America razor sharp. was how could this guy actually win? We all tuned in to see Trump
The Conway-Bannon strategy played out to great effect, al during the election debates, not because we wanted to see some
lowing Trump-leaning voters to see in Trumps behaviour what thing serious but because we hoped for a spectacle. And boy did
they wanted to see. This was evident during Trumps seemingly he deliver. Facing what was supposed to be the most impressive
bizarre trip to Mexico on 31 August to meet and hold a press Republican line up ever assembled, Trump went on the offensive
conference with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. Prior to with a series of rhetorical fireworks that involved ridiculing his op
this, Trump had said that Mexican migrants crossing the border ponents with school-yard taunts (little Marco!, lying Ted) and
have lots about problems, and theyre bringing those prob declaring that politicians are stupid. But this was only the begin
lems with us. Theyre bringing drugs. Theyre bringing crime. ning. The bombastic nature of Trumps rhetoric escalated from
Theyre rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.4 day to day, week to week and debate to debate. It came to the
Despite this earlier rhetoric, Trump was calm during the press point where no single outrageous thing Trump said, and which
conference, leading some to suggest that Conway was making would have been a campaign killer for a normal candidate, really
real progress in restraining the Don. However, Trump followed dented his campaign, Trump, by disregarding with such vigour
his subdued trip to Mexico by delivering a raucous immigration all norms of political behaviour and political correctness, shifted
speech to his followers in Arizona on the same night, during which the publics sense of what was acceptable for a politician to say.
he reaffirmed his hard-line immigration policy and declared that He desensitised the public, all the while generating headlines that
Mexico would pay for a wall along the US-Mexico border.5 This kept him on the front pages of every newspaper in America and
had all the hallmarks of Bannons influence. In the space of a sin giving his speeches prime time coverage on cable news networks.
gle day Trump had made an unprecedented trip to Mexico, where
he acted with moderation, showing that he was capable of acting M edia role
presidential to moderate Republican voters hesitant about voting The US media played a major role in the creation of the Trump
for him, and also showed his base with diehard fans at his Arizona phenomenon. Personally, I was stunned during a trip to Adanta
rally that he was not abandoning his core hard-line immigration early last year when I saw that both Fox News and C N N would
policy. broadcast Trump speeches in full during prime time television.
Trump would utilise this contradictory approach over and over This allowed his message to reach millions of Americans who
again throughout the campaign to great effect, reassuring both his would otherwise not be paying much attention to the election (it
moderate and hard-line supporters that he remained committed is hard for us to understand in an outwardly-focused nation like
to them even if his behaviour was, at other times, contradictory. New Zealand but many Americans do not follow their countrys
Owing to their success, Conway and Bannon have been rewarded politics very closely). The cable networks, driven by profits, were
handsomely by Trump, with Conway offered a job as counsellor only too willing to shower attention on Trump, aware of the mas
to Trump and Bannon now acting as Trumps chief strategist in sive ratings and advertising revenue this would generate. Speaking
the White House. on the role his channel played, C N N Chief Jeff Zucker publicly
A third key member of Trumps team that led him to victory admitted that
is his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who harnessed social media to We probably did put on too many of the campaign rallies
the campaigns advantage. Kushner and his digital team utilised in the early months unedited... in hindsight we probably
low-tech policy videos that garnered 74 million hits.6 Micro-tar shouldnt have done that as m uch... We put them on because
geting inundated Trump-leaning voters with his blunt messaging we never knew what he was going to say. They did also attract
and enabled the campaign to sell hats and t-shirts with Trumps quite a bit of an audience.8
Make American Great Again slogan, turning people into human Rather than realise that this was an enabler for Trump to deliver
billboards. Trumps campaign expenditure is a testament to this, his message into the deepest reaches of the American homeland,
as spending on traditional television and online advertising was the US media missed the mark.
marginalised in favour of using Twitter and Facebook to drive A typical story of this was released by Politico which, writing
the campaign to get the message out and monitor the shifting about Trumps dominance of the airways, suggested that it had
mood of voter sentiment. Trumps Federal Election Commission likely doomed him. Yet a study from Harvards Kennedy School
filings through to mid-October showed that he only spent half of of Government showed that throughout 2015 and in the lead-
what Clintons campaign did, showing the dividends from this up to the Republican primaries, major news media delivered an
unorthodox approach. Again, the mainstream media called this unusually high volume of coverage despite Trumps low polling
approach untested and likely to fail in the face of the Clinton numbers at the time. Furthermore, Trump received more good
campaigns formidable get out the vote infrastructure. But as press than bad, helping to elevate him to the top of Republican
the leader of Trumps data hub, Brad Parscale, said, not only was polls.9 Other analysts claim that the media coverage he received
the data operation used to decide virtually every campaign deci during the primaries totalled $2 billion in free advertising. An
sion (travel, fundraising, advertising, rally locations and topics of other smdy at the University of Wisconsin explained that Trump
speeches) but also Kushner put all the different pieces together. proved himself uniquely able to satisfy the imperative of dominat
And whats funny is the outside world was so obsessed about this ing the news agenda, entering the news cycle... and repeatedly
little piece or that, they didnt pick up that it was all being orches re-entering it, with stories and initiatives so that subsequent news

New Zealand International Review

coverage is set on your terms.10
In other words, Trum p played the media like a fiddle, and it
redounded to his immense benefit. W hen the media did eventu
ally turn on Trump and began fact checking him and calling him
a serial liar, it could not prevent his victory as Trum p turned his
attention to using social media to get his message out. N o doubt,
Trump was aided by the fact that a majority o f the American
populace no longer trusted the mainstream media, with a Gallup
poll in September showing that only 32 per cent o f Americans
trusted the media to report the news fully, accurately and fairly,
the lowest level on record in Gallup polling history.11 Ultimately,
to Trump, any exposure was good exposure, and he manipulated
the publics thirst for outrage to his advantage unlike any political
candidate in m odern times.

Effective campaigning
Another key element o f Trumps strategy involved that most
fundamental m ethod o f electoral politicking campaigning. Campaigning at the Iowa State Fair
Throughout a gruelling 2016 schedule C linton held approxi
mately 278 rallies and speeches compared to Trum ps 302.12 deground states. But this missed the point taat there was always
Trumps speeches were, on average, larger, w ith the largest rally a higher probability that some o f the batdeground states would
held by Clinton totalling between 14,000 and 18,000 compared tilt towards Trump. So with time running short it was impera
to 28,000 for Trum p.13 Admittedly, C linton did have a star- tive that Trump take a gamble and try wrenching rustbelt states
studded line-up o f surrogates that included Joe Biden, Michelle out o f Clintons firewall, w ithout which he could not win even i f
and Barack Obama, who fanned out across the country to stump he won the batdeground states. In other words, it was absolutely
for her, while music stars like Bruce Springsteen and Lady Gaga strategically the right move for Trump to target the rustbelt. The
played shows in her honour. But ultimately a candidate rises or erroneous accusations that Trumps campaign was misguided in
falls based upon their own strengths and US voters did not feel its decision-making was characteristic o f the Democrats approach
they were voting for Obam as legacy; they felt they were voting for time and time again throughout the election, and even Obam a
C linton herself. would go on to criticise Clintons campaign strategy after the elec
W hat was probably more im portant was where the candidates tion when he stated that
chose to campaign, especially in the final weeks. Again, m uch of good ideas dont m atter if people dont hear th e m .. .We have
the media missed the logic behind Trum ps strategy. D uring this to compete everywhere. We have to show up everywhere... I
critical period Trump targeted the US rustbelt, comprised of won Iowa not because the demographics dictated that I would
the north-eastern states o f Indiana, Michigan, O hio and Penn win Iowa. It was because I spent 87 days going to every small
sylvania. The economies o f these states had once been home to town and fair and fish fry.14
Americas formidable industrial steel industry, but this had been
devastated by economic change in recent decades. Trum p realised Persuasion pow er
that the memories, sometimes highly romanticised, held by the The final key part o f Trumps strategy lay in his power o f persua
citizens o f these states o f a more affluent and hopeful past made sion. For over a year now Scott Adams, creator o f the syndicated
them especially susceptible to Trum ps message that he would Dilbert cartoon, but also a trained hypnotist who understands
bring jobs back to the American working class and Make Amer the power o f persuasion, had been applying his expertise to the
ica Great Again (this was not m uch different to the underlying US election. He explained that Trump displayed potent skills, la
appeal o f the Brexit campaigns slogan in the United Kingdom belling him the best persuader I have ever seen. O n a scale from
that they would help people take back control from faceless elites 1 to 10... Trump is a 15.15 According to Adams, our emotions
in Brussels). Yet the rustbelt states were part o f Clintons blue fire underlie the vast majority o f our decision-making, which we like
wall a num ber o f states that had voted for Democrats in four to think is rational and based on facts. After witnessing Trumps
out o f the last six elections and that were assumed to be firmly in behaviour over a year ago, Adams predictec that Trump would
the Democratic camp. Polls taken throughout the election sup win the election. Using what ne called the Master Persuasion
ported this notion, showing Trum p trailing C linton in Michigan Filter, Scott meticulously catalogued the rhetorical tit for tat
and Wisconsin by up to seven percentage points, a seemingly in o f the campaign between Trump and his opponents, showing at
surmountable lead. Beyond these states were a num ber o f bat- each turn how what appeared to be absurd statements often had
deground states where the polls were tighter, but Trum p was also a logic behind them. Consider Trumps labelling o f his political
generally trailing. Trum p needed to win, at a m inim um , not only opponents. Marco Rubio was dubbed litde Marco; Jeb Bush be
the batdeground states but also one or two o f Clintons firewall came low energy Jeb; Ted Cruz got tarred with lying Ted and,
states. o f course, Hillary Clinton got stuck with crooked Hillary. Like
In the final weeks Trump made campaign stops in the Rust characters in a play, Trump cast his opponents as characters in the
belt states. The media seemed baffled by this move, casting it as most simplest o f fashions. A nd boy did the labels not only stick
a desperate and misguided play by Trump. They asserted that, in but behind them lay a simplistic m ethod that operated on our
light o f the polls, he would be better served to go after the bat cognitive biases. For example, consider Jeb Bush, part o f the Bush

New Zealand International Review

phenom enon which could conceivably come to our own shores in
time (especially if New Zealand is shaken by economic turbulence
in the near future), it is imperative that we understand that there
is a logical thread that runs through Trumps seemingly irrational
behaviour. In other words, even if it appears that Trump is a buf
foon who was lucky enough to somehow rise to become the most
powerful hum an on the planet, our best bet is to try to see beyond
Trumps oudandish comments to the stratagem of a man of con
siderable cunning.

1. BBC News, H ow Breitbart became Donald Trumps favour
ite news site, 14 Nov 2016 (
2. Fivethirtyeight, W ho W ill W in the Presidency?, 8 Nov 2016
3. J. Lester Feder, This is How Bannon sees the Entire World,
First dcy a t th e W h ite H ouse 16 Nov 2016 (
dynasty m at produced two US presidents over the past 30 years. mbGj2YMKK).
M ild mannered, Bush comes across at first like a rational chief 4. Adam Edelman, A look at Trumps most outrageous com rhat would not be easily flustered during crises. Surely ments about Mexicans as he attempts damage control by
a man the people could elect. Im m f diately after Trum p labelled visiting with countrys president, 31 Aug 2016 (www.ny-
him as low energy w hat we then saw in Jeb confirmed the label.
Busn did look like a m an devoid o f excitement, charisma or en mexicans-article-1.2773214).
ergy who was attem pting 1 0 match the high energy o f Trump, 5. Politico, Full text: Donald Trump immigration speech in
widen he clearly could not The label stuck. Low energy equated Arizona, 13 Aug 2016 (
to someone the American aeople were not going to vote for in a donald-trump-immigration-address-transcript-227614).
very m ud American election, 6. Steven Bertoni, 22 Nov 2016, Exclusive Interview: How
The same went for crooked H iL iry. This lent itself perfecdy Jared Kushner W on Trump the W hite House (www.
to Trumps labeling strategy. By labelling Hillary as a crcok for fo rb e s .c o m /s ite s /s te v e n b e rto n i/2 0 l6 /ll/2 2 /e x c lu s iv e -
m onths on end a person who is dishonest or criminal it in te rv ie w -h o w -ja re d -k u s h n e r-w o n -tru m p -th e -w h ite -
pr imed us to see her this way at a tim e when an email controversy house/#6e31 Ib715b84).
was cogging the Clinton campaign. Once the label was used, it 7. Ibid.
created a confirmation bias trap, and thus even th e admission by 8. Hadas Gold, Jeff Tucker has no regrets, 14 O ct 2016 (www.
FBI Director James Comey that Clinton had not acted criminally /blogs/on-m edia/2016/10/jeff-zucker-cnn-no-
could not change the perception amc ngst large parts o f the voting regrets-229820).
public that C linton was disnonest. N o other candidate in the elec 9. Thomas E. Patterson, Pre-Primary News Coverage o f the
tion, oestdes Trump, had such an excellent grasp o f these tactics. 2016 Presidential Race: Trumps Rise, Sanders Emergence,
Clintons Struggle, 13 Jun 2016 (
Trumps audacity primary-news-coverage-2016-trump-clinton-sanders/).
Was there strategy behind Trur_ios ascent or was it dum b luck? 10. Shock Trump win Triggers Media Soul-searching, Straits
Let us consider the following: after every Trum p campaign shake- Times, 10 Nov 2016 (
up, Tnim ps opponents loudly declared his campaign was marred states/shock-trump-win-triggers-media-soul-searching).
by general incompetence; after every outrageous szatement that 11. Art Swift, A mericansTrust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low,
gave Trum p free media coverage, his opponents asserted that it 14 Sep 2016 (
m ade h .m unelectable; after every campaign stop in Clintons sup mass-media-sinks-new-low.aspx).
posed blue firewall, his opoonents stated that it would have been 12. Candace Smith and Liz Kreutz, Hillary Clintons and Donald
pr udtn: for him to campaign elsewhere and that he was wasting Trumps Campaigns by the Numbers, 7 Nov 2016 (abenews.
his time. In other words, during all these calculated steps, Trumps /Politics/hillary-clinton-donald-trum ps-cam paigns-
opponents disregarded them as impulsive and likeN to fail. They numbers/story?id=43356783).
viewer them through a traditional political lens that no longer 13. Ibid.
applied in an era o f popular angst and during an extraordinary 14. Lucy Pasha-Robinson, Barack Obam a suggests Hillary Clin
election. ton didnt work as hard on campaign trail as he did, 15 Nov
Be.iind the baffling swings in Trumps behaviour and non- 2016 (
tradiriond approach to campaigning, and which will no doubt elections/president-obama-hillary-clinton-us-election-didnt-
lie behind his approach to governing, lies a logic that has worked work-campaign-trail-a7418001 .html).
well fur him so far. That is the audacity of Trump. If the D em o 15. Scott Adams, The Persuasion Reading List, 24 Sep 2015
crats .icpe to take back the W hite House in four years time, and ( /post/129784168866/the-persuasion-read
the rest o f us watching from afar want to understand the populist ing-list). @

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