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College of Education


Name: Nathaniel Rauen

Grade Level: 7th Grade
School: Madison Central School District
Date: 4/24/17 4/25/17
Time: Various

Reflection from prior lesson:

Last week, the students were taking their state tests. Today, we are getting back into the
learning mindset by playing a pseudo-game that will serve as the final activity for the
probability unit.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.SP.5 Understanding that the probability of a chance event
is a number between 0 and 1.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.SP.7 Develop a probability model and use it to find
probabilities of events.

Lesson Objectives
Given the exit ticket at the end of class, 75% of the class will answer the worksheet

Materials Needed:
OneNote Document with Notes on it
Website with link

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

The class has 19 students, some of which are A-level students, while others are more in
the C range. Each day, it will be a challenge to not only make a lesson that will test the
upper level students, but also move at a pace that is comfortable for the lower level

A. The Lesson

1. Introduction (15 minutes)

Game for incentive
To start class we are going to play a game for candy. The instructions will be:
At your table of four, it is your job to make a 3x3 bingo board. The numbers on the
board will be from the sum of two spinners up to 8. Your task is to be the first group to
get a bingo. One person at each table should have their computer and head to my website
to get the test spinners.

The rules will be explained and the students will be given 2 minutes to formulate any
questions that they may have.

2. Content Delivery (Approx. 30 minutes)

Work Time
The students will be given 10 minutes to complete their boards and be given the
best strategy.

I will also remind them, that this is a competition, so unless they want to share their
strategy, they should keep it quiet.

I will have a timer going at the front of the room to give them an indicator of how much
time they have left.

As they are working, I will walk around the room and make sure that everyone is on task.

Playing the Game

We will then play the game as a class using the same link that I gave them.

We will talk about their strategies

I will also reveal the way to find the probabilities via an excel spreadsheet.

3. Closure (15 minutes)

Exit Ticket
The students will be given a work sheet that includes similar problems to the
game that we played. This is an individual activity; it will be framed as what each
person knows, not a group worksheet.

After they have completed the worksheet, they will be given the rest of the time to work
on Accelerated math.

B. Assessments Used
The main form of assessment that is used will be the exit ticket.
After that, observations during the activity will help me gauge student knowledge.

C. Differentiated Instruction
This lesson lends itself well to differentiation. The first level is the groups. Each group
should have some stronger and some weaker students. This means that the stronger
students can help the weaker students. The second layer is as I walk around, if I notice
that one group is struggling more than it should, I can stop and ask some guiding
questions to help them arrive at where they need to be.
D. Resources

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