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[ Contemporary Reviews in Sleep Medicine ]

Control of Ventilation in Health and Disease

Susmita Chowdhuri, MD; and M. Safwan Badr, MD

Control of ventilation occurs at different levels of the respiratory system through a negative
feedback system that allows precise regulation of levels of arterial carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Mechanisms for ventilatory instability leading to sleep-disordered breathing include changes
in the genesis of respiratory rhythm and chemoresponsiveness to hypoxia and hypercapnia,
cerebrovascular reactivity, abnormal chest wall and airway reexes, and sleep state oscillations.
One can potentially stabilize breathing during sleep and treat sleep-disordered breathing by
identifying one or more of these pathophysiological mechanisms. This review describes the
current concepts in ventilatory control that pertain to breathing instability during wakefulness
and sleep, delineates potential avenues for alternative therapies to stabilize breathing during
sleep, and proposes recommendations for future research. CHEST 2017; 151(4):917-929

Control of ventilation is orchestrated at separated from the forebrain and pons.

different levels of the respiratory system and During eupneic breathing, neuronal activity
through the entire life span of the individual. in the brain stem can be divided into three
Understanding the physiological and clinical phases: (1) inspiratory, (2) postinspiratory,
aspects of ventilatory control during and (3) late expiratory (or preinspiratory)
wakefulness and sleep and in health and neural activity.1 Inspiration starts with the
disease is a prerequisite step toward synchronized onset of neuronal discharge
developing therapies that stabilize ventilatory that increases to a maximum level but
control. This review describes ventilatory suddenly ends activity. This is followed by a
control mechanisms during wakefulness and secondary declining burst called
sleep, with an emphasis on mechanisms that postinspiratory after discharge that
pertain to sleep-related breathing disorders. represents the active phase of the passive
exhalation from the lungs.2 Classically, two
Respiratory Rhythm Pattern clusters of nuclei in the medulla were
Generators: Inspiration thought to regulate respiration: the dorsal
and Expiration respiratory group, which was activated
immediately prior to inspiration, and the
Anatomy of the Respiratory Cycle ventral respiratory group, which modulated
Breathing rhythm originates in the medulla phase switching to expiration. However, data
and continues even after the medulla is from neonatal rat studies identied an

ABBREVIATIONS: ACZ = acetazolamide; AHI = apnea-hypopnea AFFILIATIONS: From the John D. Dingell VA Medical Center (Drs
index; AT = apneic threshold; CBF = cerebral blood ow; CCHS = Chowdhuri and Badr); and Department of Medicine (Drs Chowdhuri
congenital central hypoventilation syndrome; CHF = congestive and Badr), Wayne State University, Detroit MI.
heart failure; CIH = chronic intermittent hypoxia; CSA = central sleep CORRESPONDENCE TO: Susmita Chowdhuri, MD, Medical Service
apnea; CVR = cerebrovascular responsiveness; fR = respiratory (11M), John D. Dingell VA Medical Center, 4646 John R, Detroit, MI
frequency; KF = Klliker-Fuse; LTF = long-term facilitation; NREM = 48201; e-mail:
nonrapid eye movement; Pre-Bt C = pre-Btzinger complex; Published by Elsevier Inc. under license from the American College of
REM = rapid eye movement; RPG = respiratory-pattern generator; Chest Physicians.
RTN = retrotrapezoid nucleus; RTN/pFRG = retrotrapezoid nucleus/
parafacial respiratory group; SCI = spinal cord injury; SIDS =
sudden infant death syndrome; V_ I = minute ventilation 917
oscillating respiratory-pattern generator (RPG), the Pre- peptidergic, acetylcholine neurons, and long-term
Btzinger complex (pre-Bt C), located in the ventral synaptic plasticity.8,9 Moreover, the RTN/pFRG, with its
medullary respiratory column caudal to the Btzinger chemosensitive neurons, provides tonic excitation to the
nucleus3 that consists of voltage-dependent neurons pre-Bt C and Bt C.10
with rhythmic discharge patterns. The pre-Bt C is
thought to be the primary RPG that provides inspiratory Control of Ventilation
rhythm, whereas another group of neurons, the Ventilatory control is regulated by a feedback
retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial respiratory group system that allows only small changes in arterial
(RTN/pFRG),4,5 provides rhythmic expiratory drive. An PO2, PCO2, and pH under physiological states such as
opposing view is that preinspiratory neurons in the rest, exercise, and sleep. Likewise, reexes from the
pFRG periodically trigger the inspiratory-pattern airways and lung also inuence respiration. The
generator, the pre-Bt C.6 Rostrally in the pons, the respiratory system maintains homeostasis by
Klliker-Fuse (KF) and parabrachial nuclei are relay integrating chemical, metabolic, and mechanical
nuclei for reex and higher-order CNS control of input during complex physiological states and
breathing, including control of postinspiratory activity.2 adjusting ventilatory motor output to meet
The KF area also regulates the inspiratory-expiratory ventilatory demands (Fig 1).
phase transition and the dynamic control of upper
airway patency during the respiratory cycle7; the KF area Chemical Control of Ventilation
receives input from various visceral sensory afferents Chemical ventilatory control monitors afferent input
through the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves.7 (PCO2 and PO2) through the peripheral and central
Respiratory rhythm generation is controlled by multiple chemoreceptors to maintain PCO2 and PO2 within a
modulators, including noradrenergic, serotonergic, specic range. The central chemoreceptors modulate

Opioids Respiratory Pattern Generators
+ pre-Btz C/Preinspiratory neurons
Therapy: Ampakines RTN/pFRG

High-Altitude Peripheral Activation of Medullary CCHS-PHOX2B mutation

CHF, Opioids chemoreceptors: Respiratory Centers: RTN, SIDS - 5HT, laryngeal
Sleep apnea Pao2/Paco2 sensing serotonergic raphe, other chemoreflex?

Respiratory muscles, Pulmonary stretch,
HMN upper airway receptors
Central chemoreceptors*
Paco2/H+ sensing,
Potential Cerebrovascular response
Therapy: Lung inflation
Determine Loop Gain
Determines CO2 reserve & AT Ventilation
Hypocapnic central apnea
Upper airway narrowing
and arousal

Figure 1 Ventilatory control of breathing, starting with inspiration/expiration at the respiratory-pattern generators, with ongoing modulation of
ventilation through a feedback mechanism by the peripheral and central chemoreceptors and cerebrovascular responsiveness (CVR) as well as by
airway/pulmonary receptors. Chemoreceptor sensitivity can be measured through loop gain, a measure of ventilatory responsiveness to PaCO2 levels,
which in turn determines the AT and carbon dioxide reserve during sleep and eventually the propensity for developing a hypocapnic central apnea. See
text for full explanation. Potential underlying pathophysiological mechanisms that predispose to sleep apnea, including chemoresponsiveness, CVR, and
opioid-induced inhibition of the pre-Btz C are depicted by black dashed lines. Therapeutic interventions that may target potential mechanisms are
denoted by blue dashed lines. denotes inhibition; denotes activation. 5HT serotonin related; ACZ acetazolamide; AT apneic threshold;
CCHS congenital central hypoventilation syndrome; CHF congestive heart failure; CVR cerebrovascular responsiveness to CO2. HMN
hypoglossal motor nucleus; pFRG parafacial respiratory group, Pre-Btz C pre-Btzinger complex; RTN retrotrapezoid nucleus.

918 Contemporary Reviews in Sleep Medicine [ 151#4 CHEST APRIL 2017 ]

ventilation in response to changes in the carbon dioxide/ Peripheral and central chemoreceptors are anatomically
H detected within the brain, whereas the faster-acting linked.10 Following bilateral carotid body resection in
peripheral chemoreceptors respond to changes in PO2 humans, peripheral chemoresponsiveness was absent,
and PCO2 in the periphery. Moreover, oxygen sensing but there was an associated reduction in central carbon
also occurs in the pons. dioxide sensitivity, indicating that the carotid bodies
exert a tonic drive or tonic facilitation on the output of
Major central chemoreceptor sites are distributed
the central chemoreceptors.17 Other studies have also
throughout the lower brain stem (Fig 2, Table 1).11
demonstrated that the responses of the central
The central chemoreceptors are responsible for
chemoreceptors are markedly inuenced by the
approximately two-thirds of the ventilatory response to
magnitude of sensory input from the carotid
carbon dioxide/pH.12 The response is linear until very
chemoreceptor.18,19 Thus, chemoreceptor
high levels of carbon dioxide are reached. The peripheral
interdependence determines the normal drive to breathe
chemoreceptors are located in the carotid body, at the
in eupnea and in acute hypoxia.20,21
bifurcation of the carotid artery, and to a smaller extent,
at the aortic arch. The carotid bodies are highly vascular
Mechanical Inuences
and are the major chemoreceptor site for hypoxia,
sensing PaO2, but not oxyhemoglobin saturation or Afferent input from chest wall, lungs, and airways
oxygen content. The carotid bodies are also very predominantly affects the pattern of breathing and is
sensitive to changes in PCO2 and [H].13-15 The carotid most apparent when increased demands are placed on
bodies hypoxic response is curvilinear, increasing in the ventilatory control system and is mediated by
slope once PaO2 drops to < 60 mm Hg. The steeper receptors in the chest wall and muscles. The Hering-
slope leads to higher ventilation for a given change in Breur reex, elicited by ination of slow-adapting
PaO2 and hence more pronounced hypocapnia. The chemically insensitive pulmonary stretch receptors,
changing gain of the hypoxic ventilatory response may causes a decrease in the frequency of inspiratory effort
explain the destabilizing effect of hypoxia on ventilation following ination. It is strong in cats, dogs, and rabbits
through hypocapnia.16 but is almost absent in humans; it is more powerful at
birth than it is in adult mammals.22,23 Whether the
proprioceptive chest wall receptors play a role in
irregular breathing in neonates is unclear. Additionally,
the laryngeal chemoreex is a protective reex initiated
by chemical stimulation in the laryngeal lumen that
results in a series of reactions including respiratory
inhibition, closure of the glottis, and bradycardia, and it
may be implicated in the sudden infant death syndrome

TABLE 1 ] Eight Major Central Chemoreceptor Sites in

the Brain Stema
1. Retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN)
2. Rostral medullary raphe (MR) (raphe magnus)
3. Caudal MR (raphe obscurus) indirectly through
the RTN
4. Caudal nucleus tractus solitarious
5. The region just dorsal to the caudal ventral
medullary surface
Figure 2 Current view of locations of central chemoreceptor sites;
chemoreception is widely distributed in hindbrain. 7N facial nerve; 6. Pre-Btzinger region
VII facial nucleus; AMB ambiguous; C caudal; cNTS caudal 7. Fastigial nucleus of the cerebellum
nucleus tractus solitarious; cVLM caudal ventrolateral medulla;
DR dorsal raphe; FN fastigial nucleus; LC locus ceruleus; LHA 8. Orexin neuron containing regions of the hypothalamus
lateral hypothalamus; M middle; R rostral; PBC pre-Btzinger
complex; Pn pons; RTH/pFRG retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial Responses to stimulation across the different central chemoreceptor sites
respiratory group; rVRG rostral ventral respiratory group; SO can be synergistic.11
superior olive; V4 fourth ventricle. Reproduced with permission from See Figure 2 for a schematic diagram of the locations of central
Nattie and Li.11 chemoreceptor sites. 919
Metabolic Rate compensation during sleep as loads are not perceived;
Oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production thus, ventilation decreases and PaCO2 increases.
effect alveolar ventilation by mechanisms that are not Nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep removes the
well understood. The tracking of ventilation to wakefulness drive to breathe and renders respiration
metabolic rate is very precise. For example, during critically dependent on metabolic control and chemical
exercise, ventilation increases in a linear manner related inuences, especially PCO2. Transient breathing
to metabolic rate. When an animal was placed on a instability and central apnea often occur during the
membrane oxygenator, which allowed the removal of transition from wakefulness to sleep.26-29 Central apnea
metabolic carbon dioxide production, ventilation was results if arterial PCO2 is lowered to less than a highly
reduced to apnea by removing increasing amounts of sensitive apneic threshold (AT).30 An illustrative
carbon dioxide.25 example is shown in Figure 3, which demonstrates
central apnea induced during NREM sleep on cessation
Factors Modulating Control of Ventilation of noninvasive mechanical hyperventilation; the central
apnea occurred when the PaCO2 was at or less than the
Sleep State
hypocapnic AT level required to maintain rhythmic
The loss of the wakefulness stimulus to breathe renders breathing during sleep. Recovery from apnea is
ventilation dependent on chemoreceptor and associated with transient wakefulness and
mechanoreceptor stimuli. In addition, reduced activity hyperventilation. The subsequent hypocapnia elicits
of upper airway dilators and upper airway narrowing apnea on resumption of sleep. Consolidation of sleep
with increased upper airway resistance are normal alleviates the oscillation in sleep and respiration and
physiological events during sleep. In extreme cases of stabilizes PaCO2 at a higher set point that is greater than
upper airway narrowing, complete closure may occur, the AT. Interestingly, central apnea may occur without
leading to OSA. There is also a loss of load preceding hyperventilation at the transition from alpha

Figure 3 Representative polygraph segment from a subject during stable NREM sleep at different time points: room air control condition (C) and
mechanical ventilation (MV) leading to central apnea (A) after the cessation of MV. Note the 10-s central apnea (absence of respiratory effort on the
supraglottic pressure [PSG] tracing). EEG electroencephalogram; EOG electrooculogram; MV mechanical ventilation; NREM nonrapid eye
movement; Pmask mask pressure. Reproduced with permission from Chowdhuri et al.89

920 Contemporary Reviews in Sleep Medicine [ 151#4 CHEST APRIL 2017 ]

to theta in normal subjects and is associated with determined by the magnitude of the reduction in PaCO2
prolongation of breath duration.31 Thus, hypocapnia is a resulting from a given change in ventilation (DPaCO2/
potent but not an omnipotent mechanism of reduced DV_ I), that is, the efciency with which carbon dioxide is
ventilatory motor output during NREM sleep. More eliminated. Hypoxia- and hypercapnia-initiated
importantly, the amount of reduction in PaCO2 to less chemoreexes are known to contribute to the regulation
than eupneic PaCO2 (ie, the carbon dioxide reserve of ventilation, and a high gain in any of these
equals the difference between the eupneic carbon chemosensory loops could contribute to breathing
dioxide and the AT carbon dioxide), and therefore the instability. Increased controller gain (eg, due to
transient increase in alveolar ventilation required to sustained hypoxia, acute intermittent hypoxia [Fig 5], or
reach the AT, is not constant. heart failure) or increased plant gain due to metabolic
alkalosis or disorders of hypoventilation, or both, in an
Concept of Loop Gain individual narrows the carbon dioxide reserve to
Ventilatory control during sleep operates as a negative- increase breathing instability. Note that steady-state
feedback, closed-loop cycle to maintain homeostasis of reduction of PaCO2, that is, low plant gain, is potentially
blood gas tensions within a physiological range. Loop stabilizing rather than destabilizing. Thus, decreased
gain, an engineering term, is used as a measure of controller gain or plant gain (eg, with supplemental
ventilatory stability32-36 and represents the overall oxygen) will widen the carbon dioxide reserve to
response of the plant (representing the lung and stabilize breathing37-39 (Fig 4).
respiratory muscles), the controller (representing the During rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, ventilation is
ventilatory control centers and the chemoreceptors), and predominantly under behavioral rather than metabolic
the delay, dilution, and diffusion inherent in transferring control so that it is insensitive to changes in PaCO2.
the signal between the plant and the controller. Central sleep apnea (CSA) is uncommon during
Controller gain, or chemoresponsiveness, is the slope of REM sleep, as breathing during REM sleep is impervious
the ventilatory response, or the change in ventilation, to chemical inuences, possibly due to increased
to hypercapnia and hypocapnia, that is, DV_ I/DPaCO2, ventilatory motor output or reduced chemosensitivity
where V_ I is minute ventilation (Fig 4). Plant gain is that blunts the hypoxic and hypercapnic ventilatory

Isometabolic line 44 44
10 Eupneic PETCO2
9 42 42

PETCO2 (mm Hg)

7 40 40
X P = .01
VI, L/min

5 38 CO2 reserve 38
P < .001

3 36 36
1 34 P = NS 34
0 5 32 A 34 36 38 B 40 42 44 32 32
PETCO2 mm Hg Pre-episodic Post-episodic
hypoxia hypoxia
Figure 4 Relationship between minute ventilation (V_ I) and PETCO2
along the isometabolic curve with sustained hyperoxia vs sham room air. Figure 5 Observed eupneic carbon dioxide, AT, PETCO2, and carbon
Note decreased eupneic PETCO2 with hyperoxia (X), compared with sham dioxide reserve (eupneic PETCO2 minus AT PETCO2) with episodic hypoxia
exposure (Y), indicative of decreased plant gain. There is also a decrease (EH), specically during the pre-EH (red bar) and post-EH (blue bar)
in the slope of V_ I/carbon dioxide with hyperoxia (solid red line) periods. The top horizontal line represents the eupneic carbon dioxide
compared with sham (dashed blue line), conrming a decline in the level, the bottom horizontal line represents the AT, and boxes between
hypocapnic ventilatory responsiveness on exposure to hyperoxia. The these two lines represent the carbon dioxide reserve (pre-EH [red box]
arrows indicate carbon dioxide reserve during the two exposure condi- and post-EH [blue box]). The carbon dioxide reserve was signicantly
tions: greater magnitude of carbon dioxide reserve with hyperoxia (solid smaller following EH (post-EH) as a result of the signicantly lower
red arrow) compared with sham room air exposure (dashed blue arrow). eupneic PETCO2, without a change in the AT. Reproduced with permis-
Points A and B represent apneic threshold (AT) during hyperoxia and sion from Chowdhuri et al.89 AT apneic threshold; AT-PETCO2
sham, respectively. PETCO2 end-tidal carbon dioxide. Reproduced with apenic threshold end-tidal CO2; NS not signicant. See Figure 4
permission from Chowdhuri et al.39 legend for expansion of other abbreviations. 921
drive during REM sleep40-42 relative to NREM sleep. chemosensitivity, with increased isocapnic hypoxic
The retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) regulates both ventilatory responsiveness and hyperoxic suppression of
respiratory frequency (fR) and tidal volume when the ventilation (Dejours effect) despite an absence of
pontomedullary RPG is autorhythmicfor example, ventilatory long-term facilitation (plasticity) following
with anesthesia, NREM sleep, and quiet wakefulness,42 acute intermittent hyopoxia.68 Increased
but the RTN no longer controls fR during REM sleep. chemosensitivity, unconstrained by respiratory plasticity
Moreover, during REM sleep, the expiratory phase of the and reduced CVR, may explain the increased propensity
breathing cycle is controlled by suprabulbar inputs that for central apnea in elderly individuals during sleep.
inhibit the pre-Bt C; this could also explain the absence
of periodic breathing and CSA during REM sleep in Sex
humans.42 However, in REM sleep, the loss of intercostal The effect of sex on ventilatory control could be due to
and accessory muscle activity leads to a reduction of genetic or environmental factors; the latter is supported
alveolar ventilation and may manifest as apparent by studies demonstrating increased prevalence of sleep
central hypopnea in patients with compromised lung apnea after menopause, but there are no data in humans
mechanics or neuromuscular disease. regarding the former. Hormonal inuences on
Studies have shown that CSA also occurs more ventilatory control are also supported by experimental
frequently in the supine position43-45 and is reversed evidence demonstrating that the hypocapnic AT during
with nasal CPAP.46 sleep is altered by manipulations of sex hormones. There
is evidence that women are less susceptible to the
Cerebrovascular Responsiveness development of hypocapnic central apnea during NREM
sleep compared with men following noninvasive
Cerebrovascular responsiveness (CVR) to carbon dioxide
mechanical ventilation. Physiologically, the hypocapnic
is an important determinant of eupneic ventilation and
AT was higher in men compared with women (AT was
hypercapnic ventilatory responsiveness in humans,
3.5 mm Hg vs 4.7 mm Hg at less than room air level
primarily through its effects on the central
in men and women, respectively69). This may explain
chemoreceptors.47 Changes in cerebral blood ow (CBF)
why CSA is uncommon in premenopausal women.70
regulation modify breathing stability in healthy young
This difference in carbon dioxide reserve is not due to
adults48-51; a decrease in CBF allows accumulation of
progesterone. Administration of testosterone to healthy
carbon dioxide that stimulates the medulla, whereas an
premenopausal women for 12 days resulted in an
increase in CBF allows carbon dioxide removal and
elevation of the AT and a diminution in the magnitude
depresses ventilation. In young healthy adults, CBF and
of hypocapnia required for induction of central apnea
CVR to hypocapnia52 were reduced by indomethacin,
during NREM sleep.69 Conversely, suppression of
leading to increased AT and narrowed carbon dioxide
testosterone with leuprolide acetate in healthy men
reserve, that is, increased ventilatory instability. With an
decreased the AT, potentially stabilizing respiration,71
approximate 25% reduction in CBF, the subjects had
whereas nasteride, a testosterone-conversion blocker of
increased alveolar ventilation (arterial PCO2 decreased by
the 5a-reductase pathway, stabilized breathing in young
2-3 mm Hg) and increased ventilatory response to carbon
healthy individuals by reducing the controller gain.72
dioxide of 40%. Thus, reductions in the normal cerebral
Thus, the plasticity of the hypocapnic AT represents
vascular response to carbon dioxide may contribute to
strong evidence for the role of environmental factors in
breathing instability during wakefulness and sleep.48,49
ventilatory control.
CSA is more prevalent in older individuals than in Genetic Factors
middle-aged adults.53,54 Sleep state oscillations may Several transcription factors73,74 are responsible for
precipitate central apnea in older adults.26,55 control of breathing. The transcription factor Dbx1 is
Additionally, CBF regulation and CVR are reduced in essential for pre-Bt C development; deletion of Dbx1
elderly adults.56-59 However, investigations into the eliminated all pre-Bt C glutamatergic respiratory
effect of aging on chemoresponsiveness during neurons, with complete elimination of inspiratory
wakefulness have yielded conicting results.60-67 We activity both in vitro and in vivo.75,76 Atoh1, Krox20/
demonstrated that during NREM sleep, older adults, Egr2, Lbx1, Lmx1b, MafB/Kreisler, PHOX2B, Tlx3, and
when compared with young adults, had increased Tshz3 are also involved in the functioning of the

922 Contemporary Reviews in Sleep Medicine [ 151#4 CHEST APRIL 2017 ]

pre-Bt C74, whereas the lateral RTN/pFRG, the site for breathing increased during acclimatization over 2 weeks
active expiration, contains PHOX2B-, Atoh1-, and at altitudes > 3,730 m, despite improved oxygen
Dbx1-derived neurons.74 RTN development is saturation, due to an increase in loop gain of the
particularly vulnerable to a PHOX2B mutation that respiratory control system. Interventions (eg, oxygen
causes congenital central hypoventilation syndrome and acetazolamide) to reduce loop gain have been used
(CCHS) in humans (PHOX2B27ala/). Mutations as potential therapies.15,82,83
affecting other transcription factors related to
respiration in mice models, involving Bdnf, Krox20, Sleep-Disordered Breathing
Mash-1, and Necdin, have also been described.77 The Patients with CSA due to CHF demonstrate pulmonary
genetic basis for sleep apnea and SIDS is under vascular congestion leading to hyperventilation and
investigation. hypocapnia; hence, they experience no rise in end-tidal
carbon dioxide (PETCO2) from wakefulness to sleep.84
Disorders With Dysfunctional Regulation of The AT in patients with CHF is close to the eupneic
Ventilation During Sleep PCO2 owing to increased controller gain. Consequently,
small decrements in PCO2 cause central apnea despite the
Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome
stabilizing effect of a low plant gain secondary to
Children affected by the rare condition CCHS hyperventilation and reduced steady state PETCO2.85,86
experience sleep-related hypoventilation and ventilatory Thus, interventions that reduce controller gain would
failure, requiring ventilatory support during NREM stabilize breathing and potentially serve as therapeutic
sleep, although a milder degree of hypoventilation may interventions for CSA and periodic breathing due to
also be present during REM and wakefulness.78 The CHF (see section on opioid-induced sleep apnea
RTN chemosensitive neurons express PHOX2B.79 In further on). CBF is also reduced in severe heart failure.87
CCHS, a PHOX2B gene defect with polyalanine Reduced CVR to carbon dioxide (50% less than in
expansion is associated with the clinical syndrome of normal healthy adults48) has been implicated in the
autonomic dysfunction, including an abnormal pathogenesis of periodic breathing in patients with
ventilatory response to carbon dioxide leading to absent CHF.48 Reduced CBF could lead to chronic
or severely reduced ventilation during sleep. Treatment hyperventilation due to elevated carbon dioxide/H
requires ventilation during sleep through tracheostomy at the central chemoreceptors. Reduced
or noninvasive ventilation. cerebrovascular reactivity causes an increase in
ventilatory responsiveness to carbon dioxide that
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
increases the susceptibility to central apnea due to
Autonomic dysregulation, prolonged laryngeal CHF. Sustained as well as intermittent hypoxia promote
chemoreex, blunted chemoreexes and arousal breathing instability during sleep by increasing the
reexes, sleep apnea, and genotypic polymorphisms are susceptibility to the development of hypocapnic central
some of the intrinsic factors implicated in sudden apnea and periodic breathing.85,88,89
unexplained deaths in infancy during sleep.80 These
may be mediated by a decrease in serotonergic receptor OSA is the result of a dynamic interplay between
binding in the raphe medullary nuclei that modulate chemosensory, mechanosensory and genioglossus
respiration, central chemoreception, upper airway reexes, neuromodulation, and behavioral state.90,91
integrity, and cardiovascular control Ongoing research Ventilatory motor output is an important determinant
will likely elucidate the exact mechanisms and a cure for of upper airway patency during sleep. Changes in
SIDS.81 ventilatory motor output are associated with a reciprocal
change in upper airway resistance. There is evidence that
High-Altitude Periodic Breathing patients with sleep apnea and snorers with inspiratory
High-altitude exposure is characterized by the ow limitation are dependent on ventilatory motor
appearance of periodic breathing during sleep. The output to preserve upper airway patency.92 In these
alveolar and, concomitantly, the arterial PCO2 vary with individuals, pharyngeal obstruction occurs when
altitude. For people traveling to a high altitude, hypoxia ventilatory drive reaches a nadir during induced
at a higher altitude increased carotid peripheral periodic breathing. Likewise, using beroptic
chemosensitivity with resultant increased ventilation, nasopharyngoscopy, Badr et al93 found that central
hypocapnia, and periodic breathing. In fact, periodic apnea was associated with pharyngeal narrowing or 923
Figure 6 Oropharyngeal airway occlusion during spontaneous central apnea in patient with central sleep apnea syndrome. Beginning of central apnea
is identied by open arrow. Complete occlusion (image 4) occurred before generation of subatmospheric intraluminal pressure. Last image shows upper
airway opening occurred with arousal. Pes esophageal pressure. Reproduced with permission from Badr et al.93

occlusion, or both (Fig 6). The occurrence of complete contribute to CSA in the elderly and death during
pharyngeal collapse during central apnea, combined sleep.98 Moreover, increased irregular output from the
with mucosal and gravitational factors, may impede pre-Bt C to the XIIn hypoglossal motor nuclei
pharyngeal opening and necessitate a substantial following chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) has been
increase in drive that eventually leads to arousal, mitigated by antioxidant treatment.99 Thus, CIH may
ventilatory overshoot, and subsequent apnea/hypopnea. also explain irregular breathing in OSA and apnea of
Instability in ventilatory control is also increased with prematurity.
OSA.90,94 Specically, elevated controller gain and
narrow carbon dioxide reserve were present in patients Opioid-Induced Sleep Apnea
with OSA and were reversed after treatment with Multiple endogenous opioids in the medullary and
CPAP.94 Intermittent hypoxia of OSA may further pontine respiratory regions are tonically active and
increase the controller gain and destabilize the depressant to the respiratory network, suggested by the
ventilatory control system.89 Noradrenergic, muscarinic, fact that the opioid-receptor blocker naloxone stimulates
and serotonergic drive are reduced during sleep and may respiratory output in anesthetized normoxic
contribute to, or exaggerate, the instabilities associated normocapnic cats100 and unanesthetized hypoxic or
with OSA,9 since during sleep, the central respiratory hypercapnic animals.101 Opioids depress the rate and
drive to the genioglossus muscle is reduced, leading to depth of respiration at the pre-Bt C to induce
anatomical occlusion of a narrow airway.95,96 ventilatory depression102,103; this was reversed by
Termination of central or obstructive apnea is associated injection of naloxone into the pre-Bt C.104,105 Opioids
with variable asphyxia (hypoxia and hypercapnia) and also hyperpolarize the KF neurons, contributing to
transient arousal with ventilatory overshoot, subsequent opioid-induced loss of the postinspiration phase of the
hypocapnia, and further apnea/hypopnea. This sequence respiratory cycle and induction of apneusis.106 Opioids
explains why apnea rarely occurs as a single event and alter the discharge properties of cranial motoneurons of
why there is an overlap between central and obstructive the larynx and pharynx and the bulbospinal neurons
apnea (upper airway obstruction often follows central controlling the diaphragm, chest wall, and expiratory
apnea on resumption of respiratory effort, ie, mixed abdominal muscles to induce chest and abdominal wall
apnea). Thus, the mechanisms underlying the cause of rigidity, reduce genioglossus muscle activity and upper
central and obstructive apneas are tightly intertwined, airway patency, and acutely blunt hypoxic and
and central apnea may also inuence the development of hypercapnic responsiveness.107 The elderly, newborns,
OSA. and patients with COPD are very susceptible to the
effects of opioids.108-111 An exponential increase in
Ablation of the pre-Bt C results in the cessation of prescription opioid use has been reported in the United
rhythmic discharge in pre-Bt C neurons97 and apnea. States. About 30% of chronic methadone users had
Possibly, degeneration of the pre-Bt C neurons may ataxic Biots respiration or periodic breathing during

924 Contemporary Reviews in Sleep Medicine [ 151#4 CHEST APRIL 2017 ]

sleep,112 and this was dose related.113 Chronic stable additionally, decreased peripheral chemosensitivity to
doses of methadone signicantly decreased hypercapnic reduce the controller gain39 (Fig 4). Moreover, in
ventilatory responsiveness but increased hypoxic patients with OSA who had high loop gain, oxygen
ventilatory responsiveness compared with control effectively reduced loop gain with a corresponding
subjects, suggesting that chronic opioid use may blunt reduction in the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI).117
central chemoresponsiveness but potentially elevate Hence, supplemental oxygen has been used to stabilize
peripheral chemoresponsiveness, probably due to respiration by reducing the frequency of central apneas
hypoxia114 during sleep. and percent apneic time in patients with and those
without heart failure.118-120
Patients with spinal cord injury (SCI), especially cervical Acetazolamide
injury, have derangements that impair the ability of the Acetazolamide (ACZ) has also been used to stabilize
ventilatory system to compensate for physiological breathing in patients with CSA due to heart failure.121
challenges, including neuromuscular weakness, small ACZ produces a metabolic acidosis-induced rise in
lung volume, abnormal chest wall mechanics, and an normoxic ventilation,122 although the exact mechanism
unopposed parasympathetic system promoting airway by which it improves CSA is not clear. In humans
narrowing. Ninety percent of patients with cervical SCI with OSA, ACZ has reduced loop gain by 41% in
had CSA not explained by daytime hypoventilation, patients during sleep and was associated with a
cardiac dysfunction, or the use of narcotics.115 Patients 51% improvement in the AHI,30 although it did not
with cervical SCI predominantly demonstrated CSA, affect sleep architecture.123 Preliminary studies showed
whereas the thoracic SCI group demonstrated OSA that ACZ stabilized breathing by widening the carbon
during sleep. In addition, there was narrowing of the dioxide reserve through a reduction in the plant gain in
carbon dioxide reserve in individuals with cervical SCI older healthy adults.124 ACZ also increased the CVR to
compared with patients with thoracic SCI or able-bodied hypercapnia at sea level during wakefulness125 and
individuals. Increased propensity to CSA was associated enhanced brain blood ow responses to carbon dioxide,
with increased plant gain but not controller gain. This in addition to increasing resting V_ I and stabilizing
was likely due to accentuated sleep-related breathing. Administration of ACZ increased middle
hypoventilation in patients with cervical SCI.115 cerebral artery velocity (during wakefulness) with
increased CVR to hypercapnia. In humans and cats,
Pathophysiology-Based Therapies of ACZ exerted inhibitory effects on carotid body-
Sleep Apnea mediated reexes. In both species, low IV doses reduced
both steady state hypoxic sensitivity and the oxygen/
carbon dioxide interaction.126-128
The salutary effects of CPAP could be due to the
prevention of upper airway obstruction following central Sex Hormone-Based Therapy
apnea, resulting in dampening of ventilatory overshoot
The marked sex difference in the propensity to the
and mitigation of subsequent hypocapnia. Increased
development of hypocapnic central apnea suggests that
lung volume is associated with decreased plant gain and
alterations in sex hormone levels may inuence
reduced propensity to central apnea. Moreover,
breathing instability. Earlier studies focused on the use
prolonged use of CPAP therapy in patients with OSA
of medroxyprogesterone to correct diurnal carbon
has resulted in decreased propensity for hypocapnic
dioxide retention.129,130 Similarly, female hormone
central apnea by reducing the controller gain.94,116 The
replacement therapy widened the carbon dioxide reserve
latter nding may explain the resolution of central apnea
and decreased the propensity to induced central apnea
following positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy in a
in healthy postmenopausal women.131-133
majority of patients with PAP-emergent CSA.
Male sex hormones also modulate the plasticity of the
Supplemental Oxygen AT. Administration of testosterone to healthy women
Exposure to sustained hyperoxia over 30 min stabilized was associated with narrowing of the PCO2 reserve to
breathing (increased PCO2 reserve) in healthy young male levels.69 Conversely, the use of leuprolide, a
individuals during NREM sleep by stimulating steady gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog, was associated
state hyperventilation to reduce the plant gain and, with a decreased serum testosterone level and widening 925
of the PCO2 reserve in young men.71 The noted widening during NREM sleep.140 Finally, noradrenergic agents
of the PCO2 reserve following administration of that increased genioglossus tone showed minimal or no
nasteride, a 5a-reductase blocker, indicated that this effect of noradrenergic agents on the severity of sleep
pathway may contribute to increased breathing apnea.141-143 Overall, pharmacologic therapy for central
instability and sleep apnea in men.72 However, the apnea is a major unmet need, especially in patients with
efcacy and effectiveness of hormone-based therapy is heart failure or those using opioid analgesia.
yet to be determined.

Neurotransmitter-Based Therapy Conclusions and Recommendations for Future

Several pharmacologic agents have been used
There are limited physiological studies that have
experimentally to stabilize respiration. In animal studies,
analyzed the exact pathophysiological mechanisms of
amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-D-aspartate receptor
sleep-related breathing disorders in humans. Clinical
agonists (ampakines) when administered to the pre-
diagnostic tests that easily detect abnormal
Btzinger area offset the respiratory depressant effects of
chemoresponsiveness, CVR, and other facets of
opioids drugs without affecting their analgesic
respiratory control are nonexistent. There are no clinical
effects.103,134 Several human studies are currently under
trials of therapies that seek to systematically modulate
way to test the potential utility of ampakines for the
chemoreceptor and cerebrovascular traits of ventilatory
treatment of opioid-induced CSA.135,136
control to alleviate breathing instability during sleep.
Likewise, serotonin agonists showed promising results in Table 2 provides directions for future research in this
animal studies but not in humans.137-139 Clonidine, an eld. Multipronged therapeutic approaches based on
alpha-2 agonist decreased the AT and increased the pathophysiology are required to treat disorders of
carbon dioxide reserve by decreasing the controller gain ventilatory instability during sleep across the life span.

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