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Name: Maryam Abdullah Rashed kashh Grade Level: Grade 1


CCSS Standards: Unit 6: our senses : lesson 8: My story time

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

- Students will able to identify the key words in a story.
- Students will able to tell a simple story from pictures.
- Students will able to recognize the key words in a story with picture clues.


teacher books -
student book(s) Learner book page 126, activity book page 121 , 122
worksheets/ papers -
teacher materials Flash cards ( princess, lake, giraffe, lion, lollipop, long, curly) , flas
cards has the pictures of events of the story, puzzle about the
story, colors
student materials/ Pencil

technology Data show, PowerPoint

Other -
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

word glossary definition image

The queen of the people


Lake The small water that we drink from

Lion The animal that is the queen of the forest

lollipop The candy that children like and eat it

Students Prior Knowledge:

- Students already take the words (princess, lake, giraffe, lion, lollipop, long, curly)

Possible Problems and Misconceptions:

- Students will not remember the words (princess, lake, giraffe, lion, lollipop, long, curly)

- Teacher should make review the words by showing the flash cards about the words with pictures

Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher language: Good morning boys, how are you?, Im fine , thank you, today we will take
new story, order the events, (princess, lake, giraffe, lion, lollipop, long, curly), what can you see in
the picture? , what is the color of the tree?

Student language: Good morning MS, Im fine, thank you , (princess, lake, giraffe, lion, lollipop,
long, curly), I can see a princess, green is the color of tree,

Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge): time:

- I will make a review about the words that include in the story
(princess, lake, giraffe, lion, and lollipop, long, curly) by showing the
10 minutes
flash cards with the pictures. Then, I will ask the students what is
this?, and ask them to repeat the words with me.
- I will ask the students about the words. what is the letter that begging with word
princess , and what is the sound of this letter , and give me other words
begging with this letter.
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):
- I will show them PowerPoint has the pictures of the story with the sentences. Firstly,
I will show the first picture and ask them what can you in the picture?, they will say
I can see a lake, I can see a princess, I can see a tree. Then , I will ask them
what is the color of the lake? , what is the color of the tree , what is the
color of the princesss dress. After these questions, I will read the story of them. I 35 minutes
will tell them what the name of the princess is, and what is the name of the lion.
Then , the nest page , I will ask them what can you see in the picture , then , I
will read the sentence of them and explain it for them. After that, the next page I
will ask them the same question for last page also.
- I will give them puzzle pictures of the story with the sentences and I will ask them
to match the picture with the sentences. I will show the puzzle in the PowerPoint,
and read all the sentences for them.
- I will give them flash cards has the events of the story and ask them to order them
in correct order.

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment): 10 minutes

- i will do the activity in the learner book page 126
- I will do the activity in the activity book page 121 and 122

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