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Teacher Candidate's Name: Hayden Koller School: Old Town High School Mentor: Mr.


Lesson Plan Template: Backward Planning

Unit Title: Physical Science: Energy
Lesson Title: Mechanical Energy
Content: Energy
Grade/Level: 8
Date of Lesson: 4/5/2017
Length of lesson: 65 Minutes

Alignment CCSS for ELA/Math

Objectives (or MLR and/or Next Gen Science for other content areas)
MS-PS3-2: Develop a model to describe that when the arrangement of objects interacting at a distance
changes, different amounts of potential energy are stored in the system.

MS-PS3-5: Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an
object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object.

Essential Question(s)
How is energy utilized in our daily lives?

How do you make reasonable scientific reasoning?

Student Objectives (Outcomes): Students will determine the energy types utilized and transformed by small
devices and toys provided to them
Assessment Methods: Group discussion
Informal: Group discussions (both as a whole class and between myself and the different small groups?
Formal: None

Objectives and Assessments

Objective Objective(s) (Number each objective.) Assessment(s) for Each Objective (In
Number parentheses, mark each I for informal
or F for formal.)
Students will investigate a series of objects and determine what types Students will complete a worksheet
1 of energy are utilized by these items as well as what types of energy and share the results with the class
transformations they do (F)

Necessary Prior Knowledge/Skills (Describe where/when/how each has been learned.):

- Knowledge of energy and energy transformations (learned this year)
- Scientific investigation skills (learned this year and previous years of school)
Alignment Instructional Components
Objectives What Teacher Does What Students Do

Anticipatory Set (Hook): Ask the Discuss/ describe what was done the previous
students to recap the previous lesson, go lesson and listen to the days plan
10 min
over the days agenda, and take

Main Lesson
1. (10 min) Radiant Light energy Participate in the discussion
1 demonstration using green and
red led flashlights
2. (5 min) Introduce and explain the Listen to the explanation
1 investigation that the class will be
completing today
3. (20 min) Walks around the room Students will complete the investigation to the
checking in with groups and best of their abilities and ask any questions
answering any questions the
students have
4. (10 min) Transition the class to Students will complete the analysis questions
the analysis questions and analyze their investigation
Closure: The teacher go over what we Students will listen to the recap and answer any
5-10 min did in class and discuss what the plan is questions
for next class
Instructional Strategies or Design: The instructional approach to this lesson is a demonstration, followed by a
small lecture, then a small group discovery lab, and finally data analysis

Tools of Inquiry: Small group discovery

Links to Technology: None

Materials and Supplies: Text books, work sheets, a variety of little mechanical devices, red flashlight,
green flashlight

-Students with ADHD can use fidget cubes/similar tactile objects while writing
-Those who are struggling can get more direct help from me (I will be walking around the room
helping students as needed)
-The faster students can move ahead or help the other students in their group

Maine Common Core Teaching Standards (MCCTS) (Check those that are part of this lesson.):
Check only those that are part of the lesson plan, not those that are part of lesson implementation.

The Learner and Learning Instructional Practices

+ S1 Learner Development S6 Assessment
+ S2 Learning Differences + S7 Planning for Instruction
+ S3 Learning Environments + S8 Instructional Strategies
Content Professional Responsibility
S9 Professional Learning and Ethical
+ S4 Content Knowledge
+ S5 Application of Content S10 Leadership and Collaboration
S11 ISTE Standards.T

Hayden Koller
Lesson Reflection 4/5/2017
This lesson started with a predict/observe/explain (P.O.E.) and then transitioned into a lab/analysis activity. I felt
like this lesson went pretty well and had some really good results in a variety of areas. With this being said I do have some
thoughts of how I could have be done better the next time.
First I would like to talk about what went well. I felt like the P.O.E. activity was a big success. I presented the class
with 2 flashlights, one green and one red, and asked the students 2 questions about them: what color would be created when
I mixed these 2 colors together and which color would shine through my hand the most. This activity led to some really
great discussion about light and our sense of sight and will be a great anchoring activity to return to when we talk about
visible light in depth again. I also felt like the lab activity went really well. The students had to manipulate 4 devices,
determine the energy types they utilized, and describe how they knew these types of energy were present. I think this lab did
a great job of allowing me (and the students) to gauge the classs level of understanding. I also felt like the transitions
between activities went better today than in previous classes which is something I have been working on.
There were a couple area I thought could have been done better. While the P.O.E. activity was a great success it
didnt relate to the activity we did in class all that much. It may have been a better idea to save it for another day when we
were making the transition to radiant light energy. Finally I didnt follow my own personal rule and call out students that
were talking over me and others. I am currently getting sick and I ended up letting some of this slide which wasnt a good
idea for my classroom management system.

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