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Stand for trees

Trees are amazing we literally breathe the air they are creating, and they clean up
our pollution, our carbon, they store and purify water, gives us medicine that cures
our diseases and foods that feeds us. Which is why im so sorry to tell you that, we
burn them down, cut them down with brutal machines at a rate of 40 football fields
every minute, thats 50% of all the trees in the world gone in the last hundred
years. Why? For this. Today we all live in the world where we destroying nature to
make money. We have forgotten our role as stewards of God given natural wealth.
We think only of enriching ourselves disregarding the protection and care of our

If a farmer sees a tree that is unhealthy, they don't look at the branches to
diagnosis it, they look at the root, so like that farmer, we must look at the root, and
not to the branches of the government, not to the politicians run by corporations.
We are the root, we are the foundation, of this generation, it is up to us to take care
of this planet. Earth is our only home, we must globally warm our hearts and
change the climate of our souls, and realize that we are not apart from nature, we
are a part of nature. And to betray nature is to betray us,
To save nature is to save us because whatever you are fighting for racism or poverty
or any type of equality it wont matter in the least because if we dont all work
together to save the environment, we will be equally extinct. It is our duty to protect
mother nature from those who refuse to see her beauty.
And our goal is to save nature and as a part of our nation we have to all work
together to save the world

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