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Child Development

EDC 121

Dr. Blitz

Daniel Harm

February 13, 2016

1. Throughout the class I have raised Charlee to be outgoing and active. We would always have
him kicking a ball around or some kind of physical activity. We would also take him to the park
when we could and have him ride his tricycle on the sidewalk. During the exams he has always
been the the average level for physical activities.

2. Charlee has been behind in the language aspect but at age three he started to catch up to the
average expected of children of that age. Which was pretty big, since he was always lagging
behind. But cognitively he has been either ranked average or above average. He is smart when
it comes to puzzle solving and understanding situations.

3. In the home Charlee has some problems with social situations, like holding conversations. Since
he was behind in his language skills he has had trouble with forming some sentences and would
get frustrated with himself for it. That being said I'm sure this made him feel out-of-place with
the other kids in the preschool. With him feeling left out he became shyer around groups of kids
and would get aggressive with them as well. He was able though to make friends, which I think
helped him with some of his shyness and aggression towards other kids.

4. I would say my style is a combination of Authoritarian and Permissive. I would punish Charlee
for mistakes he'd make, but at the same time I wouldn't watch him like a hawk to make sure he
didn't make any mistakes. I would let him make his own mistakes and if the situation arose
where he needed to be punish for breaking the rules I would punish him with a time-out or take
something away from him until he learned his lesson.

5. He stopped behaving poorly in restaurants, and I believe that it stems from rewarding him for
acting appropriately in public places. He started having nightmares, so he has started sleeping in
our room, but he is sleeping better so we are transitioning him to his own room again. He has
been acting childishly since his teacher left, so we are ignoring his childish behavior and
punishing him when it gets excessive and acknowledge him when he's acting more mature.

6. Although Charlee has demonstrated some aggressive/uncooperative behavior, his personality

type is mostly resilient. He is able to focus on tasks without being distracted. He is friendly, and
displays mostly positive emotions. He is adaptable to new situations, and he gets along with
some of the child at preschool.

7. He has shown change in his social behavior since infancy. As an infant he was outgoing and
social loving new people, and now he is shy with other kids and the new teacher. He has
continually shown that he has an above average growth in his cognitive skills, showing he is
continually good with puzzle-solving and understanding situations.

8. Being raised Catholic I was raised rather strictly, but now that is not how America does things
anymore. We as a country have a variety of how people raise their kids. If we were in a county
that is predominately Catholic, such as Italy, the child would be still raised with Catholic values
and strict rules. Now that could be for any country that is predominately any religion. I just used
Italy because the Pope is main ruling figure in that country.

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