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Overall List of Symbols

Symbol Parameter Units

A cross-sectional area m2
b width of plate mm
c velocity of light in free space = 3 108 m/s
(exactly 299,792,458)
cm velocity of light in a medium = c/n m/s
cp specific heat at constant pressure J/kg K
cv specific heat at constant volume J/kg K
cvol = cp heat capacity (specific heat per unit J/m3 K
C alloy composition or solute %
C0 initial liquid composition %
CE carbon equivalent
CR cooling rate C/s

D average grain size m

Dl diffusion coefficient of solute in liquid m2 /s
D0 initial average grain size m
e natural exponent = 2.718281828
e() energy density (energy per unit volume) J/m3 Hz
at the
= 2 x e d = complementary
error function
E total energy of electron J
Eij energy difference between two energy J
levels i and j
E electric field vector V/m
El magnitude of electric field vector V/m
(electric field strength)
Em Youngs modulus Pa (N/m2 )
E0 amplitude of electric field vector V/m
Ex , Ey , Ez x, y, z components of E V/m
f volume fraction

Principles of Laser Materials Processing, by Elijah Kannatey-Asibu, Jr.

Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


fl focal length m
F force N
Fe energy of the Fermi level J
Fq laser fluence or energy per unit area J/m2
Fr Fresnel number
Fx , Fy , Fz external body forces in the x, y and z N/m3
directions, respectively
FWHM full width at half maximum
g gravitational acceleration m/s2
g gravitational acceleration vector m/s2
g(, o ) line-shape function
G shear modulus Pa (N/m2 )
GTl temperature gradient of liquid near C/m

solidliquid interface
GTs temperature gradient of solid near C/m

solidliquid interface
G total free energy change J
h thickness m
HAZ heat affected zone
hp Plancks constant = 6.625 1034 Js
i = 1 complex variable
I intensity or power per unit area W/m2
I0 intensity of incident beam W/m2
Ip peak intensity W/m2
Ir intensity of reflected beam W/m2
J flux of atoms /m2 s
k thermal conductivity W/m K
kB Boltzmanns constant = 1.38 1023 J/K
kw = 2/ wavenumber /m
K K factor
K0 () modified Bessel function of the second
kind of order zero
l optical path difference between rays m
L length of active medium (distance m
between active mirrors)
Lm latent heat of melting (fusion) per unit J/kg
Lmv latent heat of melting (fusion) per unit J/m3
Lv latent heat of vaporization per unit mass J/kg
Lvol latent heat of vaporization per unit J/m3
m integer

m mass flow rate kg/s

ma mass kg
me electron mass = 9.11 1031 kg
M moment due to forces Nm
M2 M 2 factor
Mc () number of modes in a closed cavity /m3
M0 momentum N m/s
n index of refraction
n unit vector normal to surface or curve
ne electron number density /m3
ni components of a unit vector normal to a
surface (i = 1, 2, 3)
N total population (number of atoms per /m3
unit volume) of all the energy levels
N difference in population between two /m3
energy levels
Ni population (number of atoms per unit /m3
volume) of energy level i
NA numerical aperture -
p probability
pt probability per unit time /s
P pressure or surface traction per unit area Pa (N/m2 )
Px , Py , Pz pressure components in the x, y, z Pa (N/m2 )
directions, respectively
q power or energy rate W
qa net energy absorption rate W
Q energy J
Qa energy absorbed by the workpiece J
Qf quality factor
Ql energy lost by conduction, convection, J
and radiation 
r 2 + y2 + z2 or 2 + y2 = radius or m
radial distance from a point
rmi radius of mirror i m
rs radius of curvature of surface m
R reflection coefficient
Rg gas constant 8.314 J/mol K or
1.987 cal/mol K
Ri reflection coefficient of mirror i
Sy yield strength Pa (N/m2 )
SR solidification rate m/s
t time s
T temperature K
Ta ambient temperature K

Tl liquidus temperature K
Ts solidus temperature K
Te degree of supercooling (undercooling) K
Tf = Tl Ts equilibrium freezing range K
Tm = Te melting (equilibrium) temperature K
Tm temperature change from ambient to K
melting temperature
T0 initial workpiece temperature K
Tp peak temperature K
Ts solidus temperature K
Tv vaporization (evaporation) temperature K
Tv temperature change from melting to K
vaporization temperature
TEMmn transverse electromagnetic mode, m, n
u velocity vector m/s
ui velocity components (ux , uy , uz ) m/s
uo object distance m
us speed of sound m/s
ux velocity component in the x-direction or m/s
heat source velocity
vi image distance m
V volume m3
Vc cavity volume m3
w beam radius m
wf focused beam radius m
wm beam radius at cavity mirrors m
w0 incident beam radius m
ww beam radius at cavity center or beam m
Wp pumping rate /s
x, y, z coordinate system
, y , z coordinate system attached to the
moving heat source
u, v, w displacements in the x, y, z directions m
xR Rayleigh range m
absorption coefficient /m
C solutal volume expansion coefficient /%
l linear thermal coefficient of expansion /K
T volumetric thermal coefficient of /K
p electric permittivity F/m
p0 = 8.9 1012 permittivity of free space F/m
1 , 2 , 3 principal strains

x , y , z normal strains in the x, y, z directions,

e elastic strain
p plastic strain
overall efficiency %
surface tension J/m2 or N/m
e interface surface energy J/m2
ij shear strain in a plane normal to i, in
direction j
thermal diffusivity m2 /s
wavelength m
dynamic or absolute viscosity Pa s
m magnetic permeability (H/m) or N/A2
frequency Hz
 frequency difference Hz
o oscillating frequency Hz
minimum oscillating linewidth Hz
p Poissons ratio
angular frequency rad/s
 oscillating bandwidth rad/s
0 central or resonant (transition or rad/s
oscillation) frequency
0 full width at half maximum rad/s
phase angle (shift)

density kg/m3
stress N/m2
1 , 2 , 3 principal stresses Pa (N/m2 )
x , y , z normal stresses in the x, y, z directions, Pa (N/m2 )
B StefanBotzmann constant W/m2 K4
= 5.6704 108
e electric conductivity (S/m) or A/V m
p pulse width or pulse duration s
c cavity lifetime s
ij shear stress in a plane normal to i, in Pa (N/m2 )
direction j
p pulse duration s
sp lifetime due to spontaneous emission s

B Brewster angle

subscript g refers to a gaseous medium

subscript l refers to the molten metal (liquid)
subscript ls refers to saturated property at liquid
temperature, Tls

subscript s refers to a solid medium

subscript v refers to vapor
subscripts x, y, z refer to the x, y, z directions,
superscripts e and p refer to the elastic and plastic states,

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