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Lauren Bryie

EDL 647


Article 1: Diversity Matters Leadership Counts


The article, Diversity Matters Leadership Counts by Mark Anderson, discusses the

need for equity and diversity in all aspects of education. Many believe that equity is the same

as fair, but there is a large difference. Equity is giving each person what they need based on

their specific and individual needs. This doesnt mean that every person needs the same things

to be successful. Being fair would be giving each person the same support no matter their

circumstances, which as we all know, does not work in education. Each student walks in the

door with their own unique background, whether it be one of ease or difficulty. Each student has

their own needs educationally, emotionally, mentally, and physically to be successful in school

and society.

Embracing diversity and creating support for different cultures is necessary in our

educational world. There are best practices in schools to create equity. Schools need to

embrace and celebrate diversity in order to be successful.

A diverse group of students need to be put in all classrooms. This will allow all students

to learn from one another and collaborate. It will show students how to work with all different

kinds of students and learning styles. Educators need to value desire and growth over

preconceived ability. Students will want to learn from teachers who are supportive and create

equity in their classroom.


I appreciated reading the part in the article that described a teacher who teaches AP

courses. The teacher is more focused on the students who show growth from a score of 1 to 2
than the students who came in with the skills necessary to get a 5 when they walked in the door.

As a teacher I know that I am more focused on growth from low-achieving students than

students who walked in the door with everything needed to be successful. The students in my

class who have everything they need to be successful; a supportive home life, high abilities, and

an independent learner; do not need as much guidance from me as my students who come in

the door not having breakfast, a jacket on a cold day, and someone to help them complete their


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