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Chapter 23 Ordinance Revision – Summary of Changes

A public hearing has been scheduled for the July 27, 2010 City Council meeting to adopt revisions to Chapter
23, ‘Cats, Dogs and Other Animals.  In anticipation of that public hearing, the following is provided as a
summary of the changes proposed within the Ordinance revision.


Most municipalities and counties require that its citizens pay a licensing fee for their pets. Some reasons for animal
licensing include Public Health and Safety concerns (licensing requires proof of a valid rabies vaccination), a greater
likelihood of reuniting lost pets with their owners, and a reduction in pet overpopulation through the use of a differential
licensing fee structure.

Outsourcing administration of the licensing program will provide a turnkey solution to managing all functions of an animal
licensing program, thus freeing up animal control personnel to spend time serving citizens and increasing the services
provided to citizens while saving the agency valuable time and money.

Licensing administration services typically consist of the following:

 Processing licensing mail

 Depositing licensing revenue
 Entering licensing and vaccination data
 Mailing license tags
 Providing customer service to citizens, veterinarians, and agency staff
 Collecting and processing tag sales reports from authorized registrars
 Maintaining privacy of data according to applicable laws

In order to increase animal licensing and compliance, a licensing administrator can also provide the following services:

 Mailing licensing notices and follow-up notices to citizens

 Offering online licensing with credit card payment, provided that all documentation requirements can be met
 Customizing a website with licensing information and customer service for the citizens of the municipality

Proper licensing results in a reduction in the number of animals which enter animals shelters, and therefore eliminates the
expense that would have been associated with the care, feeding, and disposition of these licensed animals. Enforcement
of licensing helps to ensure compliance with rabies vaccination requirements, which in turn reduces the probability of an
outbreak of rabies in the local animal population.
Finally, proper education on the benefits of licensing and vaccination generally promotes more responsible pet ownership,
resulting in a safer, more informed community.

Recommended licensing fees for both dogs and cats 4 months of age and over are:
 $10 annually for altered dogs and cats
 $35 annually for unaltered dogs and cats
 Exception: Persons sixty-five or older may obtain permanent licenses for spayed or neutered cats or dogs which
are valid for the lifetime of the cat or dog; provided, such cat or dog must permanently reside with the license
applicant; provided further, no person or persons residing in the same household may obtain more than three
such senior citizen pet licenses.
 Licenses not renewed by the designated renewal date shall be assessed an additional license fee of $10.00.
 Handling fee. Where license application is made to the authorized pet licensing agent, such agent may charge a
handling fee, not to exceed $5.00 per license. Where written application is made to the authority's designees,
such designees may charge a handling fee, not to exceed $5.00 per license. Provided, however, that such fees
shall not apply to a blind owner, keeper or harborer of any dog or cat of a hearing-impaired owner, keeper
or harborer of a hearing-aid dog or other service dog.

Some of Chapter 23 definitions needed updating:

1. Use of “dangerous” or “vicious” was often confusing. Not all dogs that bite are “dangerous” or “vicious”. Some bite
incidents are accidents. Redefining and clarifying bites into either “Potentially Dangerous” or “Dangerous” allows
officers the latitude to make the appropriate call based on individual situations. It also allows officers to impose
certain restrictions on dogs declared “potentially” dangerous, such as requiring the animal to where a muzzle when off
the owner’s property, microchip implantation and registration, or requiring animal behavior or obedience training.
2. The use and reference to Wild and/or Exotic is also clarified, and referenced only in terms of wild animals. While the
current ordinance defines “Wild/Exotic, it did not prohibit them or provide for a disposition of wild/exotic, thereby
defining what a lion, tiger or bear was, but not disallowing the ownership of them within city limits. This has been
3. Includes definition of Urban Chicken to correspond with new Chapter 23A.

Miscellaneous Updates include:

1. Edits ordinance to “Manager” vs. “Director”

2. Includes “venomous and constricting snakes” to list of Wild and Exotic. We currently ban crocodilians, but do not
include venomous and constricting snakes, which are often more of a problem than the crocodilians. Iowa Code
717F bans most venomous and constricting snakes.
3. Updates of 23.02 Rabies Vaccination and 23.04 Veterinarian Requirements to include that licensed veterinarians
shall provide copy of vaccination certificates to animal control division. This will aid in licensing compliance.
4. Section 23.05 Duty of Owner. (i) Prohibits unattended animals left in cars. Animal Control receives dozens of
these calls regularly, especially during the summer months. It takes only minutes for a pet left in a vehicle on a
warm day to succumb to heatstroke and suffocation. On a 78 degree day, temperatures in a car parked in the
shade can exceed 90 degrees -- and hit a scorching 160 degrees if parked in the sun!
(j) addresses abandonment.
(k) prohibits ownership of fowl within the city limits without first obtaining a permit.
5. New Section – 23.07 Animal Noise. Clarifies what is considered a disturbance, limitation on time and frequency
of noise, and how it will be enforced.
6. Section 23.12 Updates “Manager” and enforcement of power to include Animal Control Officers and Police
7. Sections 23.20 and 23.21 updates Wild or Exotic and Dangerous language, and provides for a disposition.
8. Section 23.22 is amended by removing 23.22(b)(2) there from.  City Attorney’s office recommends that if
alternative relief is sought, such as prohibiting a person from owning animals or putting an animal up for adoption,
a municipal infraction should be considered.
9. Section 23.33 Citations for Violations. Authorizes Animal Control Officers to issue citations for violations of
Chapter 23.
10. Sections 23.34 and 23.35 Schedule of Offenses and Fines, and Fees. Per recommendation by City Attorney and
City Clerk, removes table of fees from the ordinance, and provides for updates to be passed by resolution.

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