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Overwhelmed with your

savings goals? 5 Tricks to

save on air conditioning
Do not we believed when we
told you that energy
management is not
expensive? These 5 tips to
reduce your consumption of
HVAC ( "Heating Ventilating
and Air Conditioning ") will
surprise you.

Have you ever you wondered how much energy the air conditioning in your
workplace? It is an office, a factory or a store, often accounts for up to 50% of
your total energy costs. That is, about 65,000 per year in a typical office, for
example 1 .

It's a lot of money, do not you think? What if we told you that there are ways to
reduce this expenditure without compromising comfort or quality of your
products? The secret is in how you operate the equipment. What we call
"operational control", a cornerstone of energy management.

We have 5 tricks to help you save on air conditioning without anyone

knowing. Only your pocket.

1. Is your system supplying hot and cold at once?

We know, it sounds a bit absurd. It's like a car you were stepping on the
accelerator and brake at the same time. But you'd be surprised how many
times ithappens, and how easy it is to avoid it .

If your air conditioning has UTA (Air Handling Units), the control valves will be
responsible for controlling the flow of water that cools or heats the air
conditioning system. When you want a certain temperature, they are closed or
opened to let the amount of water necessary to help us achieve that

But often, due to damage or embedded impurities, these valves do not close
properly. This causes the water flow through the circuit, secretly, consuming
energy unnecessarily and making the system work to offset its effect. Double
check valves and begin to notice the effects.
2. Do you need to always pump 100% of your flow?

3-way valves are a

widespread practice
in air conditioning
systems. But we feel
tell you that you try
to eliminate
them. You are

Why? By having two

paths to move the
water, this type of
control elements
make the pump flow
is always the same. If
the delivery path is
open to the UTA,
water will flow in that
direction. If this road
is closed, it flows
the bypass and
return to its starting
point, turning into
the circuit losses
increasing isolation.

To avoid this, if you

have installed
variable frequency
drives to control
pumping units, it is
time to use them . In
most installations,
simply closing the
bypass of the third
way you become the
control valves in 2
- way
valve 2, adjusting the
flow rate at all times
and avoiding waste
of energy. And,
even if they seem
small savings
pump flow, this
(apparently so
stupid), you could
help save a lot
of money in March

3. Are you wasting energy free?

Depending on where you live, there are many hours a year when weather
conditions allow you to provide the cold needed for your installation through the
inlet of outside air. We call this free-cooling . That is, free cooling.

In order to take advantage of the free cooling, your UTA should have a series of
ducts and dampers to allow input from the outside air when conditions are
appropriate. On summer evenings, for example, take advantage of the breeze to
cool your building and get a fresh office during the day.

But beware! If the system is poorly controlled may be the opposite effect, and
not only do not save, but you have to bring colder or additional heat through the
UTA batteries.

And how you prevent harm you? If it is winter and very cold outside (or summer
and sweltering), you must be careful to close the way to the free-
cooling.Instead, take advantage of interior comfort conditions,
recirculate as much air as possible. At already be tempered, consume less
energy to heat to the desired temperature.

4. You're going obedient?

It is clear that, depending on the type of
building or industry in which you work,
there are a number of regulations that
must meet: the RITE, Good
Manufacturing Practices (GMP
colloquially called), etc. But not for the
law is to make our HVAC work oversized

In GEN Europe we have seen how many

industries overestimate their systems to
ensure a high number of air changes per
hour in each area. Well and GMP quality
issues or security requirements (such as
ATEX zones).But even if you work in a
sector with strong health and safety
measures, there are ways to save
energy without compromising these
important parameters.

Try adjusting the flows that are using the

requirements of your company. Can you
reduce them, even a little?Or even, you
could review all the requirements of your
plant or building to be repurposed? Be
brave! The savings are worth.

5. Have you stopped to check the number of hours per day that
your HVAC system is working?
Oddly enough, after so much work, sometimes we forget the most obvious
saving measures. Yes, the kind that your grandmother told you; as that " The
light turns off when you leave son! ".

we'll say you start to follow your peers turning off lights in their path, but you
even to think a moment. How many hours a day is on your HVAC installation?So
many hours really necessary? Our experience tells us that in many installations
can be adjusted hours of operation of the air conditioning to make the most of.

You'll notice in the bill, and your colleagues will know nothing.

And now, what else I can do?

Follow these tips you'll see how soon begins to reduce energy consumption in
your company. No complaints from your peers, without impairing the quality of
your products without compromising the safety of the installation. Study each
system well to see what measures can apply-and save energy!

And better yet, you will discover the added benefits will help to improve the
maintenance of your equipment and prolong its life.

So, the next time they ask you to reduce energy consumption in your
company, you can breathe easy.

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Preplavljena sa svojim tednje ciljeva? 5 Trikovi da se utedi na klimatizaciju

Ne bismo verovali kada smo ti rekli da je energetski menadment nije skupo? Ovih 5
saveta kako bi se smanjila potronju klimatizaciju ( "grejanje ventilaciju i
klimatizaciju") ce vas iznenaditi.

Da li ste ikada zapitali ste koliko energije klima u vaem radnom mestu? To je
kancelarija, fabrika ili prodavnica, esto ini i do 50% svojih ukupnih trokova
energije. Odnosno oko 65.000 godinje u tipinom kancelariji, na primer 1.

To je mnogo novca, zar ne misli? ta ako smo ti rekli da postoje naini da se smanji
ove trokove bez ugroavanja udobnosti i kvalitet svojih proizvoda? Tajna je u tome
kako koriste opremu. Ono to mi zovemo "operativnu kontrolu", predstavlja kamen
temeljac upravljanja energijom.

Imamo 5 trikova koji ce vam pomoci da utedite na klimom niko ne zna. Samo dep.

1. Da li je va sistem snabdevanja tople i hladne odjednom?

Znamo, zvui pomalo apsurdno. To je kao auto si stajanja na akcelerator i konice u

isto vreme. Ali da ce se iznenaditi koliko puta se desi, i kako je lako da se izbegne.

Ako va klima ureaj ima Uta (Klima komore), kontrolni ventili ce biti odgovoran za
kontrolu protoka vode koja hladi ili zagreva klima ureaj. Kada elite odreenu
temperaturu, oni su zatvoreni ili otvoreni za neka koliina vode potrebnog da nam
pomognu da postignu tu temperaturu.

Ali esto, usled otecenja ili ugraenih neistoca, ovi ventili ne zatvore pravilno. Ovo
uzrokuje protok vode kroz kolo, tajno, troi energiju nepotrebno i ineci da sistem
radi da nadoknadi svoj efekat. Proverite ventili i poeti primetiti efekte.

2. Da li je potrebno da uvek pumpa 100% svog toka?

Nemam budet
3-vai ventili su iroko rasprostranjena praksa u sistemima za klimatizaciju. Ali mi
smatramo da ti kaem da pokuate da ih eliminie. Vi boli.

Zato? Imajuci dve staze za kretanje vode, ova vrsta kontrolnih elemenata ine
protoka je uvek isti. Ako je putanja isporuke je otvoren za UTA, voda ce poteci u tom
pravcu. Ako ovaj put je zatvoren, ona tee kroz obilaznice i povratak na polaznu
taku, pretvara u gubicima kola povecanje izolaciju.

Da biste to izbegli, ako imate instaliran razliitih frekvencija za kontrolu pumpna

jedinica, vreme je da ih koriste. U vecini instalacija, jednostavno zatvara bajpas
treceg puta ste postali kontrolni ventili u 2 - nain ventila 2, podeavanje protoka u
svakom trenutku i uz izbegavanje rasipanja energije. I, ak i ako se ini mali protok
utede pumpe, ova situacija (oigledno tako glup), moete spasiti mnogo novca u

3. Da li rasipanje energije slobodan?

U zavisnosti od toga gde ivite, postoje mnogi sati godinje, kada vremenski uslovi
to budu dozvoljavali da obezbedi hladnocu koja je potrebna za vau instalaciju kroz
otvor na spoljanjeg vazduha. Mi to zovemo ovaj besplatni-hlaenje. To jest,
slobodno hlaenje.
Da bi se iskoristile slobodnog hlaenja, va Uta treba da ima niz kanala i klapni kako
bi se omogucilo ulaz iz spoljanjeg vazduha kada su odgovarajuce uslove. Na
letnjim veerima, na primer, iskoriste povetarca da ohladi svoju zgradu i da novu
kancelariju tokom dana.

Ali pazite! Ako je sistem slabo kontrolisanim moe biti suprotan efekat, a ne samo
da ne tede, ali morate doneti hladniji ili dodatnu toplotu preko UTA baterije.

I kako spreiti da te povredim? Ako je zima i veoma hladno (ili letnje i vrucem),
morate biti paljivi da zatvori put do slobodnog hlaenja. Umesto toga, iskoristite
unutranjih uslova komfora, recirkulie koliko vazduha moguce. Na vec da se
usklade, troe manje energije da se zagreje do eljene temperature.

4. Ide posluni?

Jasno je da, u zavisnosti od vrste objekta ili industriji u kojoj radite, ima veliki broj
propisa koji mora da ispunjava: The Rite, dobre proizvoake prakse (GMP
kolokvijalno zove), itd, ali ne i za zakon treba da se na KGH rad prevelika nain.

U GEN Evropi smo videli koliko industrije precenjuje svoje sisteme kako bi se
osiguralo veliki broj izmena vazduha na sat u svakoj oblasti. Pa i GMP pitanja
kvaliteta ili bezbednosni zahtevi (kao to je ATEKS zone). Ali ak i ako radite u
sektoru sa jakim zdravstvenim i sigurnosnim mjerama, postoje naini za tednju
energije bez ugroavanja ovih vanih parametara.

Pokuajte da podesite tokove koji se koriste zahteve vae kompanije. Da li moete

da ih smanje, ak malo? Ili ak, moete da pregledate sve zahteve vaeg
postrojenja ili objekta koji ce se promeniti svrha? Budi hrabar! Utede su vredni.

kao tednju energije

5. Da li ste prestali da proveri broj sati dnevno da va KGH sistem radi?

Zaudo, posle toliko posla, ponekad zaboravljamo najoiglednije mere tednje. Da,
ona koja je tvoja baka rekao; kao da je "svetlo se gasi kada napustite sina!".

mi cemo reci ponete da pratite svoje vrnjake iskljuivanje svetla na svom putu, ali
ak i da trenutak. Koliko sati dnevno je na instalaciji klimatizacije? Toliko sati zaista
potrebno? Nae iskustvo nam govori da u mnogim instalacijama moe da se podesi
sati rada klimatizacije kako bi na najbolji nain.

Primeticete u raunu, a vae kolege nece znati nita.

A sada, ta jo mogu da uradim?

Sledite ove savete videcete kako uskoro poinje da smanje potronju energije u
vaoj kompaniji. Nema albe od svojih vrnjaka, bez naruavanja kvaliteta vae
proizvode bez ugroavanja sigurnosti instalacije. Prouava svaki sistem dobro da
vidimo ta mere mogu primeniti-i tede energiju!

I jo bolje, vi cete otkriti na dodatu prednosti ce pomoci da se pobolja odravanje

vae opreme i produi svoj ivot.

Dakle, sledeci put kada vas da smanje potronju energije u vaem drutvu, moete
disati lako.

Da li ti se svia ovaj lanak? Prijavite se za vie vesti GEN Evropi. Mi ne obecavaju

da bombarduju, samo jedan post meseno sa naim trikova za poboljanje
upravljanja energijom i utede energije pri niskim cos

The 5 pillars and 20 steps of Energy MAP

Step 1: Obtain Senior Management Commitment
Step 2: Appoint Senior Manager Sponsor
Step 3: Appoint Energy Management Co-ordinator
Step 4: Establish an Energy Management team
Step 5: Establish an Energy Policy

Step 6: Identify and comply with Legal and other requirements

Step 7: Identify total energy consumption & develop an energy baseline

Step 8: Survey energy use & identify significant energy users
Step 9: Identify factors that influence energy use & establish Energy Performance Indicators
Step 10: Identify opportunities for energy savings

Step 11: Set objectives and targets
Step 12: Establish an Energy Action Plan
Step 13: Allocate human, financial & other resources

Take Action
Step 14: Implement the Energy Action Plan
Step 15: Promote energy awareness
Step 16: Train key personnel in energy efficient practices
Step 17: Operate, maintain, design & procure efficiently

Step 18: Measure & monitor energy performance
Step 19: Address corrective and preventative actions
Step 20: Conduct a Management Review of Energy Map

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