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Mara Fernanda Villagmez Arcos

Modelacin digital avanzada: Ensayo Segundo Parcial

The course Im actually taking, from March 27th to April 7th is about MTM-1. The
objective of this course is to know the classification of MTM-1, the general
manufacturing environment and the development of this method; so after this
course I will be able to use the MTM-1 for planning and designing work methods
and work stations and for improving existing work systems.

Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) means that the time required to perform a

specific task depends on the method chosen for the activity. MTM serves the
function of a common language providing a standard for design, as well as, serving
as the basis for measurements, comparisons and modifications. MTM strives to
avoid waste, along the whole value added chain, through method planning by the
standardization of production and by providing time standards. The standards
given by MTM were obtained in the 1950s by Maynard and Schwab, they filmed a
large number of industrial work processes, and calculated the actual times by
counting the number of frames per motion.

Obviously, there are many influencing factors for the motion sequences, such as
degree of control, motion length, type of motion and Force or weight. The degree of
control makes reference to the control of the body, visual and mental motions that
an average person gets to make an activity. The motion length is the actual motion
path taken, generally measured in cm.

The first basic motion we took over in the course was Reach, this motion is the one
where the predominant purpose is to move the fingers or the hand to a specific or
general location. Then, theres grasp, which is the basic motion performed by the
fingers or hand to obtain sufficient control of an object so that the next basic motion
can be performed later. Move is the motion that generally comes after a grasp
motion, which has the purpose of transporting one or more objects with the fingers
or hand to a destination. Finally, theres a release, which consists in leaving the
control of an object.

There are more motions, such as position, turn, apply pressure, disengage, eye
focus and eye travel, read, write and also the body motions; every motion has its
own rules for interpretation and Reading, thats why the course takes two weeks
long to be completed.

It results really interesting for me to know that the simply task of moving an object
from one table to another, implies so many motions: reach to the object, grasp it,
move it and release it; those are movements we do everyday, but its really useful
for calculating the cycle time for manual operations in the industry and for reducing
it, which means more produced parts.

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