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Methods of Long-Term Virus Preservation 57

Methods for Long-Term Virus Preservation

Ernest A. Gould

Viruses exhibit a wide variety of structural and chemical differences, but, in general, their infectivity
may be destroyed by degradative enzymes that destroy nucleic acids, by detergents that solubilize the lipid-
containing envelopes thus exposing the nucleic acid, by temperatures higher than about 50C, or by chemi-
cals that breakdown capsid proteins. Preserving the viruses at low or ultra-low temperatures, and/or in the
absence of water, slows down these destructive processes sufficiently to increase significantly the length of
time that the virus can be stored as infectious material. Supplements such as serum are presumed to stabilize
the environmental conditions and to block degradative processes.
The methods by which viruses may be preserved for long periods of time are similar to those employed
for other microorganisms and are relatively simple. Nevertheless, attention to detail, good laboratory prac-
tice, aseptic technique, meticulous recordkeeping, and regular monitoring of the stored materials will
increase the success rate and reduce problems of contamination or loss in the storage containers, where
many different viruses may be stored for posterity! This article describes some of the simplest and most
reliable storage procedures for viruses, but the author recognizes that everyone will have a favorite method
to suit his or her own particular virus.
Index Entries: Preservation; virus; cryopreservation; storage; preserved; freeze-drying; drying; freezing.

1. Introduction viruses can be kept for months at refrigerator

Viruses are noncellular forms of life, and they temperatures and stored for years at very low
are much smaller and less complex, biochemi- temperatures without the need for special preser-
cally, than the simplest unicellular organisms. vatives or carefully regulated slow freezing tech-
Viruses consist of either RNA or DNA as a single niques. Their simple structure, small size, and the
molecule or in some cases as a segmented genome, absence of free water are largely responsible for
enclosed by one or more proteins. Basically, these this stability. Viruses with lipid envelopes are
proteins protect the nucleic acid from degrada- often less stable than nonenveloped viruses at
tion, deliver it to the cells that reproduce the virus, ambient temperatures but survive well at ultra-low
transcribe the nucleic acid (in the case of negative temperatures or in the freeze-dried state.
stranded genomes), and assist the virus to expose There are numerous textbooks on methods of
the nucleic acid to the biochemical machinery isolating viruses from field material and produc-
inside susceptible host cells. This relative simplic- ing virus preparations for research or diagnosis.
ity has in part been the secret of the success of A list of suitable books containing this type of
viruses in coexisting with all known life forms. information is provided at the end of the text.
In general, DNA viruses are more stable than A variety of procedures exists for maintaining
RNA viruses, but both types are extremely stable virus stocks, and these procedures depend to some
and can be preserved relatively easily. Many extent upon the peculiar properties of the particu-

*Author to whom all correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed. Dr. E. A. Gould, Institute of Virology and Environmental
Microbiology, Mansfield Road, Oxford, OX1 3SR, UK.
Molecular Biotechnology 1999 Humana Press Inc. All rights of any nature whatsoever reserved. 10736085/1999/13:1/5766/$12.50


58 Gould

lar viruses. Although the protocols in this article some viruses and also the wide variety studied in
are devoted to cryopreservation and freeze-dry- the past 80 to 90 yr. The principles and practices
ing procedures, it is worth mentioning in general required for long-term storage of all viruses,
terms some recognized methods of maintaining regardless of their hosts, are essentially the same
viruses for relatively long periods without the and the protocols are provided subsequently.
need for specialized technical equipment. The infectious and often pathogenic nature of
Many plant viruses are extremely stable in the viruses means that they must be handled carefully
dried form at room temperature, although low by experienced personnel in purpose designed and
temperatures are preferable for longer-term stor- approved laboratories. Most developed countries
age. Dried virus-infected leaves, placed out of the outside the old USSR have produced Approved
light, can be maintained for months or even years. Codes of Practice for work with pathogenic micro-
Plant viruses in seeds will also survive long peri- organisms and in Europe they have now been
ods of storage. Some plant viruses establish long- incorporated into the Regulations for Control of
term infections in plants or trees and this principle Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH). Thus,
can be exploited to preserve the virus. Bacterio- one is legally required to conform to the standards
phage, i.e., viruses that infect bacteria, are usu- recommended in the Codes of Practice. Before
ally stable for several years if kept at 4C in the commencing any work with infectious viruses,
clarified nutrient broth used to grow the bacteria. the Hazard Grouping of the virus must be ascer-
Baculoviruses, i.e., viruses that infect insects, tained and all work must then be carried out under
have been known to survive up to 40 yr in soil. the appropriate conditions relating to safety. In the
They are produced as aggregates of virus particles United Kingdom, the Health and Safety Execu-
in characteristic polyhedra. The polyhedrin pro- tive, Library and Information Services (Baynards
tein protects the virions by as yet undefined House, 1 Chepstow Place, Westbourne Grove,
mechanisms. In Brazil where baculoviruses are London W2 4TF) advises on microorganisms haz-
used as viral insecticides, large colonies of ardous to humans and the Ministry of Agriculture,
infected insects reared in the laboratory are dried, Fisheries and Food (Hook Rise South, Tolworth,
milled, and stored by farmers for up to a year Surbiton. Surrey KT6 7NF) advises on viruses
without noticeable decline in virus infectivity. hazardous to animals and plants.
Perhaps the most widely reported virus for long- In addition to the need for safe working prac-
term survival is the smallpox virus, which is tices as directed in the appropriate guidelines,
believed to be capable of surviving decades or work with viruses also requires the use of aseptic
maybe centuries in the dried form. Church crypts technique and an awareness of the risks of con-
may contain infectious smallpox virus in the bod- tamination either by other viruses or by other
ies of smallpox victims. As a final example, some microorganisms. It is absolutely imperative that a
tick-borne arboviruses can be held at room tem- virus that is being prepared for long-term storage
perature in ticks, which, when they become and therefore as future reference material should
infected, multiply the virus. The ticks often have be handled in a virus-free environment. This can
a very long life cycle during which the virus be achieved by various means, but is most satis-
remains viable. In some cases the virus is passed factorily accomplished using a safety cabinet or
vertically through the egg to the next generation. laboratory that has been fumigated prior to the
Under appropriate laboratory conditions the live impending work. For tissue culture work, it is also
infected ticks can be maintained for 1 or 2 yr. If good practice to use sterile disposable plasticware
the ticks are then allowed to take a bloodmeal, for all manipulations involving production of
they develop through the next stage of their life the virus stocks. Where plants, insects, or animals
cycle and remain infected. The virus can be retrieved are involved in the virus production process, clean
at any time from these ticks. These examples rooms (complying with all appropriate safety
serve merely to illustrate the relative stability of regulations) must be set aside before virus pro-


Methods of Long-Term Virus Preservation 59

duction and preservation commences. Clearly, 3. Proteins are effective protectants for virus
there will be many instances where these condi- cryopreservation. The suspending medium of
tions cannot be fulfilled precisely, for example, choice for many viruses is tissue culture
in diagnostic or research laboratories involving medium containing added serum or other pro-
analysis of large numbers of field samples. In teins, at concentrations up to or greater than
these situations it is good practice to preserve 10%. The proteins are believed to provide pro-
virus samples, in the first instance, with the mini- tection of virus infectivity when samples are
mum number of manipulations. Subsequent frozen or freeze-dried. The precise mecha-
long-term preservation should then be done with nisms are not known, but the proteins possibly
individually handled specimens, amplified from provide buffering capacity against pH changes,
assist in colloidal dispersion of the virus par-
the initially stored samples. Another very impor-
ticles, and reduce or inhibit other processes that
tant aspect of long-term storage often overlooked
damage nucleic acids. Viruses contained in
is the need to develop a simple, reliable, and com-
serum or tissues from human or animal speci-
prehensive system for cataloging the viruses to be mens can be stored at ultra-low temperatures
preserved. Thousands of different viruses are pre- without further treatment.
served in our laboratory facilities, as both seed 4. It is good practice to preserve small volumes
pools and working stocks. Each cryotube used for of virus suspension. In general, virus infectivity
storing the virus samples can be identified by a is maintained more effectively when samples
number, a date, and the basic identity of the virus. are preserved in small volumes because the
This is recorded in a book (more recently on a processes of freezing, thawing, freeze-drying,
computer with backup) providing precise details and reconstituting virus samples can be carried
of the source of virus, the experimental protocol, out much more quickly. Rapid freezing and
the number of cryotubes, a copy of the label on thawing or reconstitution of a virus preparation
the cryotube, and the precise position of the virus is less harmful to the virus than slow freezing,
in the storage container. Viruses in storage for 20 thawing, and reconstitution. Moreover, for
or 30 yr can still be traced within minutes! most research and diagnostic purposes it is
The following general rules for preservation important to be able to reproduce the same
apply to most viruses. result many times. By dispensing small aliquots,
large numbers of samples of the same prepara-
1. Freeze-dried preparations of virus can be tion can be stored in a freezer, each available
maintained for decades at 4C in the dark, and to reproduce the same performance.
lower temperatures increase the storage time. 5. High titer virus preparations are preferable for
Although this principle has not been tested long-term storage. Since the half-life of a virus
exhaustively for every known virus, it has been held either at low temperature or freeze-dried
demonstrated with very many different viruses. is unaltered by the quantity of infectious virus
2. Virus infectivity is retained for very long peri- in the preparation, it follows that a high titer
ods in liquid nitrogen. This is not the most con- virus preparation will retain viability for longer
venient/cost-effective method of storing viruses than a low titer preparation.
for most purposes. However, most viruses will 6. Dry ice should only be used to preserve viruses
survive almost indefinitely in liquid nitrogen. in totally sealed containers. The optimal pH for
It is important to enclose the individual virus storage is between pH 7.0 and 8.0. Viruses
cryotubes in a heat-shrinkable tubing, such as are relatively labile at pH 6.0 or below. It is
Nunc-CryoFlex tubing. This prevents penetra- therefore unwise to store virus preparations in
tion of the cryotubes by liquid nitrogen remov- unsealed containers on dry ice since the released
ing the possibility of virus cross contamination, carbon dioxide is absorbed through the joint
reducing the risk of skin burns due to vaporiza- between the cap and the cryotube and the
tion when the cryotube is exposed to the atmo- absorbed carbon dioxide reduces the pH of the
sphere, and avoiding exposure to virus aerosols. preserved virus suspension.


60 Gould

7. Viruses can be preserved for long periods as loss of antigenic activity even though the infec-
nucleic acid. The purified nucleic acid of posi- tivity might be significantly reduced. Long-term
tive stranded RNA viruses (i.e., those in which storage at 20C of acetone-fixed virus infected
the viral RNA is the messenger RNA) and cells on glass coverslips is a very convenient
many DNA viruses (those that do not enclose method of retaining specific virus antigens for
essential enzymes in their structure) is infec- serodiagnostic purposes.
tious. This principle can be utilized to pre- Proteins in the form of serum or other biologi-
serve these viruses for very long periods of cal material, in buffered isotonic salt solution or
time. The ethanol precipitated RNA and DNA tissue culture medium, can be used to preserve
can be stored almost indefinitely at 4C (or infectivity of most viruses held at ultra-low tem-
lower temperatures) under ethanol. The etha-
peratures. It is good practice to thaw frozen virus
nol is important for long-term storage of RNA,
samples rapidly by placing the cryotubes in a
to inhibit enzymes that breakdown RNA. DNA
water bath at 37C. Thawing should be carried out
can be stored either under ethanol or as dried
DNA. This method of virus preservation is one
just before the virus is to be used unless it is
of the most effective available but is not really known that the virus has good thermostability
very widely used. Virus frozen as nucleic acid characteristics when held at laboratory tempera-
can probably be preserved almost indefinitely tures. The cryotubes should be removed from the
and because it can be stored in extremely small water bath immediately after thawing is com-
volumes, many samples can be maintained pleted and placed at 4C until they are needed. If
without the need for large volumes of storage possible, virus stocks for long-term preservation
capacity. should be backed up by storage in more than one
ultra-low-temperature freezer.
2. Cryopreservation
Notes: In the United Kingdom, all work 2.1. Cryopreservation at 4C (and 20C)
involving pathogenic viruses must be carried out 2.1.1. Materials
using correct procedures in an appropriate labo- 1. Refrigerator at 4C, freezer at 20C.
ratory and a suitable safety cabinet (see HSE and/ 2. Low to medium speed refrigerated centrifuge.
or MAFF advice in Subheading 1.). Equivalent 3. Sterile Universal bottles (either glass or
regulations apply in many other countries and polypropylene).
should be examined carefully before commenc- 4. Chloroform.
ing work with pathogenic viruses. 5. Aluminum foil.
Virus infectivity is retained well at tempera- 6. Large plastic tray, metal gauze, cotton gauze,
tures below 60C. Many freezers now available glass or Perspex lid to cover the tray, roll of
can reliably maintain these ultra-low tempera- plastic tape.
tures. In many virology laboratories, 70C (or 7. Anhydrous calcium chloride or silica gel.
8. Strong pair of scissors.
more recently 80C) is the favored temperature,
9. Plastic funnel that will fit into the neck of the
partly because viruses are known to survive for
Universal bottles.
decades at 70C and partly because modern
10. Sterile glass rod.
freezers do not have to work at their maximum 11. Facilities for culturing bacteriophage.
capacity to maintain this temperature, thereby 12. Virus-infected leaves.
increasing their reliability. Viruses should be fro-
zen rapidly and this is most readily accomplished 2.1.2. Procedures
by storing only small volumes (0.10.5 mL) of Most bacteriophage can be stored at 4C for a
virus suspension. If retention of virus infectivity few years. The infectivity will decrease slowly
is not essential, for example, in cases where the with time, but it is usually a simple task to revital-
sample is required as an antigen in an ELISA test, ize the stock after 1 or 2 yr by culturing the phage
it can be stored for many years at 20C without in the appropriate bacterial host.


Methods of Long-Term Virus Preservation 61

1. Culture the bacteriophage, preferably under Many plant viruses can also be stored at 4C
one-step growth conditions to yield a high for a few years if the infected plant tissue is dehy-
infectivity titer (probably >1 109pfu/mL). drated chemically.
2. Clarify the infective culture medium by cen-
trifugation for 20 min at 8000g. 1. A large tray or plastic box will be required.
3. Store the supernatant medium in either screw- Place sufficient anhydrous calcium chloride to
capped glass or polypropylene sterile Univer- cover the bottom of the tray and cover it with a
sal bottles at 4C, which should be wrapped in metal gauze or screen. The ends of the gauze
silver foil to protect the contents from the light. should be bent over to create a platform over
4. Add two or three drops of chloroform (assum- the calcium chloride. Place cotton gauze over
ing the bacteriophage do not have lipid enve- the platform.
lopes) to each bottle to ensure sterility. 2. Collect infected leaf tissue and cut it into small
pieces approx 0.5 in. square avoiding the thick
The more complex viruses such as baculoviruses
stems and ribs of the leaves. Distribute the cut
or pox viruses can also be stored at 4C for a pieces of leaves onto the cotton gauze. It is a
few years and they also preserve satisfactorily good idea to work aseptically and to ensure that
at 20C. material containing other plant viruses is not
1. Culture the virus in appropriate cells using a nearby.
relatively low multiplicity of infection i.e., 3. Cover the tray with a suitable piece of glass or
0.10.01 infectious virions per cell. plastic and seal it to the tray with plastic tape
2. For baculoviruses, collect the infectious super- (electrical insulation tape is ideal).
natant culture medium after incubation for 48 4. Place in a refrigerator for approx 8 d.
to 72 h at the appropriate temperature. The 5. The virus can be stored in small dry glass or
objective is to obtain high titer preparations, plastic bottles (about 2530 mL capacity, with
therefore, it is a good idea to optimize the cul- a wide neck of approx 1 in. diameter) contain-
ture conditions before preparation of the virus ing a dehydrant such as silica gel. For conve-
stocks for preservation. Usually these viruses nience, the silica gel can be prepared as small
produce marked cytopathic effects on the packets in cotton gauze tied with thread (if not
infected cells, causing infectious virus to be available as commercially supplied packs). On
released into the supernatant culture medium d 7, prepare the silica gel packs and place in a
as the cells are killed and lysed. For pox viruses, drying oven at about 60C overnight. The silica
the virus tends to remain cell associated. It is gel will turn pink when dry (blue when not
therefore a good idea to collect the infected dry). Alternatively a piece of dried calcium
cells in a small volume of the supernatant chloride can be placed into the bottle.
medium and to lyse the cells by three cycles of 6. On d 8, allow the silica gel packs to cool to
freeze-thawing or by ultrasonication for about room temperature and then aseptically place
20 s at 4C. one at the bottom of each storage bottle.
3. Clarify the supernatant medium by centrifuga- 7. Remove the tray containing the dried leaves
tion at 2000g for 10 min. from the refrigerator and place at room tem-
4. Store the clarified medium in sterile plastic perature for 1 h to equilibrate, then transfer the
screw capped bottles at 4C out of the light. dried infected pieces of leaf to the bottles con-
The virus will preserve equally well in a freezer taining the silical gel. The simplest method
at 20C. of transferring the leaves to the bottles is to
5. If baculovirus-infected caterpillars are avail- pour them down a large necked funnel directly
able, either from field sources or from caterpil- into the bottles. A sterile glass rod or pipet can
lars reared in the laboratory, they can be placed be used to push the pieces of leaf tissue into
directly into bottles and stored at 20C for the bottles.
years. The virus infectivity will decrease only 8. Seal the bottle immediately with a screw cap
slightly. and wrap three or four layers of plastic tape


62 Gould

tightly around the joint of the cap with the recommendations of the ACDP). The lysed cell
bottle as additional security against water debris can then be removed and virus collected as
vapor entering the bottle. clarified medium.
9. Place the bottles in the refrigerator preferably
protected from exposure to the light. 2.2.1. Materials
1. Ultra-low temperature freezer capable of main-
2.2. Cryopreservation at 70C taining a temperature of 70C or lower. These
Notes: As indicated earlier, viruses can be pre- are available from many of the major suppliers
served very successfully at ultra-low temperatures of laboratory equipment.
(below 60C) and in general they do not need 2. Screw capped cryotubespreferably small
special preservatives if there is some protein in volumes such as 1 or 2 mL capacity.
the suspending medium. Each of the methods 3. Ice bath.
described previously for preservation at 20C is 4. Sterile Pasteur pipets or sterile disposable
equally applicable for preservation at 70C. Note graduated pipets.
also that the choice of 70C is not critical, it is 5. Cold-protective gloves.
6. Indelible marker pen (test it in advance for
merely a convenient temperature below 60C for
resistance to freezing).
preserving viruses for long periods of time. It is
very important to ensure that the freezer has an 2.2.2. Procedures
alarm to warn if the freezer fails, i.e., if there is a 1. Before virus is harvested from the cells, label
rise in temperature of more than 5C. Virus infec- the cryotubes in which it will be preserved,
tivity is significantly reduced if there is a slow paying attention to the advice on recordkeeping,
rise in temperature. Ideally a backup freezer given previously. For a working stock of virus
should be available, some companies will supply we routinely label 50 2 mL sterile screw
one in emergencies. capped cryotubes (available from all well-
Virus preparations to be preserved from tissue known suppliers of tissue culture plasticware).
culture monolayers, cell suspensions, or allantoic 2. Place the flask containing the clarified virus
fluid from infected fertile hen eggs, should be suspension, either as tissue culture supernatant
clarified by centrifugation at about 2000g for 10 medium or as cell lysate (in tissue culture
min at 4C. The clarified preparation should then medium), in an ice bath for a few minutes.
be dispensed and frozen immediately. It is good 3. Dispense small volumes (from 0.1 to 1 mL) of
practice to determine when maximum infectivity the clarified medium aseptically into the cryotubes
is produced in the culture and to harvest the virus using a sterile pipet and ensure that the cap of
each cryotube is screwed down firmly. We usu-
at this time. Unless they are known to be very
ally find it most convenient to dispense 0.2 mL
stable, viruses should not be held at room tem-
aliquots from a 10 mL disposable pipet.
perature for more than a few minutes. Many
4. Wearing protective gloves to handle the trays
viruses produce marked cytopathic effects and are and racks in the freezer, transfer the cryotubes
efficiently released into the supernatant medium, containing the dispensed virus directly to the
others are less cytopathic and are therefore retained 70C freezer. We use storage racks with trays
within the infected cells. With released viruses, it that contain partitions suitable for cryotubes up
is a simple matter to clarify the supernatant to 2 mL capacity.
medium by sedimenting the cell debris. With 5. Virus required for experimentation should be
viruses that remain in the cells, these should be obtained from the rack, recording precisely
harvested at the optimal time of virus production which cryotube was removed. It should be
and lysed either by rapid freeze-thawing cycles, placed in a water bath at 37C immediately and
using a mixture of methanol and dry ice, or by removed as soon as it has thawed. Use the virus
ultrasonication at 4C for 15 s (carrying out these as soon as possible after thawing keeping it at
manipulations according to the advice given in the 4C until used.


Methods of Long-Term Virus Preservation 63

Notes: Viruses present in infected arthropods, either freezing whole tissue or freeze drying the
animal tissues, or plants that need to be preserved extracted virus (see later).
at ultra-low temperatures can all be frozen directly Animal tissue infected with viruses can also be
or they can be prepared as clarified suspensions satisfactorily processed in a mortar and pestle, as
in diluent and then frozen in a similar way to that described above. Another method favored by
described previously. The precise technical pro- virologists working with arboviruses relies upon
cedures differ slightly as indicated below. glass beads to release virus from mouse brain cells
or other relatively soft tissue. Very young mice
2.2.3. Materials
inoculated intracerebrally or intraperitoneally
1. Phosphate buffered saline (PBS) at pH 7.47.6 with arboviruses produce high virus infectivities
containing 10% fetal bovine serum and 200 U/mL in the brain. When the mice are sick, they are
of penicillin G and 200 g/mL of streptomycin
killed (following Home Office guidelines) and the
brains are removed aseptically for processing
2. Universal plastic bottles.
(refer to procedures in the book by Mahy listed in
3. Sterile graduated pipets.
4. Sterile mortar and pestle or sterile ground glass recommended reading).
homogenizers or Waring blender. 2.2.5. Materials
5. Ice bath.
1. Sterile glass Universal bottles (flat-bottomed)
6. Sterile cryotubes.
containing 6 mm sterile glass beads (approx 8
7. Low speed refrigerated centrifuge.
10 per bottle).
8. Virus in intact arthropods, animal tissue speci-
2. Low speed refrigerated centrifuge.
mens, or plant tissue.
3. Small volume cryotubes as earlier.
9. Acetone.
4. Sterile graduated pipets or Pasteur pipets.
2.2.4. Procedures 5. Brains from virus-infected mice.
1. Place infected arthropods (usually held in a 6. Small vortex mixer, e.g., Whirlimixer or
plastic bottle) at 70C until frozen to kill them equivalent.
and to soften the tissue. 7. Sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS).
2. Prepare pools of the arthropods (usually the 8. Cold-protective gloves.
same species in each pool, consisting of up to
2.2.6. Procedures
100 per pool) and suspend the pools in the
phosphate buffer at the rate of up to 20 arthropods 1. Aseptically remove the infected mouse brains
in 1 mL of buffer. Put the suspension into a from the mice at the appropriate time after
sterile glass homogenizer or a sterile mortar infection with the arbovirus and place them in
that is cooled on an ice bath and grind the sterile Universal glass bottles containing 6 mm
specimens until the arthropods are totally sterile glass beads.
disrupted. 2. Place not more than 10 newborn mouse brains
3. Clarify the suspension by centrifugation at into 1 glass flat-bottomed Universal bottle con-
about 2000g for 20 min at 4C and then dis- taining about 8 to 10 glass beads and screw the
pense small volumes into cryotubes, record and cap on tightly.
freeze as described previously. 3. Vortex the brains for 1 min (in a safety cabinet).
4. Add 2 mL of cold (4C) PBS per brain, replace
Notes. The mortar and pestle method of the cap tightly, and repeat the vortexing proce-
extracting viruses from plant tissue is widely dure.
used, although a Waring blender is sometimes 5. Centrifuge the suspension at 2000g for 10 min.
used with plant tissue, which is suspended in 6. Dispense the clarified supernatant medium in
acetone. The acetone is then removed by evapo- properly labeled cryotubes, replace the cap
ration and the dried precipitate is dispensed and securely, and freeze at 70C as described
frozen. In general, plant virologists often favor previously.


64 Gould

2.3. Cryopreservation in Liquid Nitrogen 5. Snap freeze the sealed cryotubes in a small vol-
Notes. It is recommended to use only small ume of liquid nitrogen in a thermos flask (wear
volume cryotubes for storage of virus in liquid a face mask and gloves).
6. Place the frozen sealed cryotubes into the appro-
nitrogen and as noted previously, each cryotube
priate compartments of the liquid nitrogen tank
must be sealed in special tubing (Nunc Cryoflex
and keep a detailed record of the position,
or equivalent) to avoid the risk of cross contami-
experiment number, date, etc., of the samples.
nation of viruses and also exposure of the opera- 7. When the frozen virus is required for experi-
tor to virus-containing aerosols when cryotubes mentation, remove the cryotube from the nitrogen,
are removed from the nitrogen (Hawkins et al., thaw it at 37C for the minimum time neces-
1996, in recommended readings). It is also impor- sary, and use a scalpel blade to cut the Cryoflex
tant to remember that liquid nitrogen storage tubing at the position of the silicone gasket
tanks have to be checked and replenished with on the cap of the cryotube. Unscrew the cap
liquid nitrogen regularly. Modern equipment is with the Cryoflex tubing still attached to it.
often fitted with a self-filling device from a reser-
voir. Virus samples should be prepared and dis- 2.4. Freeze Drying Viruses
pensed into appropriate cryotubes exactly as for Long-term Preservation
described for cryopreservation at 70C and the Notes. This is probably the most satisfactory
heat-shrink tubing should then be applied to each method of preserving viruses for very long peri-
cryotube as indicated below. ods. There are several variations in the technical
procedures depending on the specific design of
2.3.1. Materials
the freeze drying equipment. For small numbers
1. Heat-shrink cryotubing, e.g., Nunc Cryoflex or of samples and small volumes of virus, the sim-
equivalent. plest and most effective method involves only one
2. Screw-capped cryotubespreferably small vol vacuum stage because the glass ampules are
(1 or 2 mL).
placed directly onto the branched exhaust mani-
3. Liquid nitrogen storage tanks.
fold of the freeze dryer. We use either 5 mL or 2 mL
4. Protective gloves and face mask.
glass ampules and always ensure that the volume
5. Indelible marker pen.
6. Bunsen burner. of sample occupies less than one-third of the total
7. Thermos flask containing liquid nitrogen. ampule volume. The ampules are designed with a
8. Pair of large forceps. long thin neck and a snap-off point at the shoul-
der, i.e., above the body of the ampule. It is quite
2.3.2. Procedures common practice to produce a small restriction in
1. Cut a length of tubing sufficient to extend 2 cm the neck of each ampoule by heating it before use,
beyond each end of the Cryotube. to simplify the process of sealing it under vacuum
2. Insert the correctly labeled cryotube contain- after the freeze drying process is complete. The
ing the virus in the center of the cut length of method is described below. It is worthwhile prac-
Cryoflex tubing. ticing this technique on different sized ampules
3. Heat the tubing gently using the flame from a before starting the preservation work. A good seal
Bunsen burner or heat gun, The heat will is very important for long-term preservation.
shrink the tubing around the Cryotube. Note,
it is not necessary to heat the tubing to a high 2.4.1. Materials
temperature. 1. Glass freeze drying ampules. These come in
4. Reheat the ends of the tubing and squeeze or various sizes. For most purposes, ampules of
crimp the ends with a large pair of forceps (or approx 2 or 5 mL capacity are satisfactory.
equivalent) to provide a seal. The ends of the 2. Air/gas torch, producing a narrow flame, pref-
Cryoflex tubing can be melted to ensure an erably with a two-sided outlet to provide heat
absolute seal. on two sides of the glass ampoule at the same


Methods of Long-Term Virus Preservation 65

time. This is not absolutely essential but does 5. Wearing protective gloves and a face shield,
simplify the procedure of sealing ampoules. shell-freeze the virus suspension by vigorously
3. Long forceps. rotating the ampule in a dry-ice alcohol bath or
4. Aluminum foil. in liquid nitrogen held in a wide neck thermos
5. Sterilizing facilities, e.g., autoclave or drying flask. Once the sample is frozen, keep it frozen
oven. in a suitable container until all the other
6. Freeze dryer with condensing chamber, high- ampules are similarly frozen. Note that it is
performance diffusion (vacuum) pump, and important to snap-freeze the sample around
branched manifold attachment suitable for con- the surface of the ampule, hence the term shell-
necting the ampules individually. freeze. This helps to maintain a high infectiv-
7. Sterile Pasteur pipets. ity by increasing the speed of freezing and
8. Protective gloves and face shield. drying.
9. Thermos flask and either a mixture of dry ice/ 6. Switch on the freeze dryer about 30 min before
methanol or liquid nitrogen. it is to be used to ensure that the temperature of
10. Good quality sticky cloth tape and indelible the condensor has reached at least 40C.
marker pen. 7. Check that all joints are air tight, using a small
11. High-voltage spark tester (not essential). amount of high vacuum grease on gaskets and
12. High vacuum grease. switch on the diffusion pump. Use empty
ampules to seal off the ports not required.
2.4.2. Procedures Arrange them on the manifold so that the num-
1. Heat the neck of each ampule (about 2 cm from ber of available ports exactly matches the num-
the top) by rotating it in the flame of a purpose ber of samples to be attached.
designed gas torch, which presents the flame 8. Immediately load the frozen ampules onto the
on both sides of the glass simultaneously. As branched exhaust manifold. Perform this
the glass softens in the flame it will naturally operation as quickly as possible, if necessary
push the glass inward. At this moment, using a asking someone to help.
pair of blunt forceps, gently stretch the neck of 9. The vacuum will start to develop as soon as the
the ampule just sufficiently to cause a slight last ampule is connected to a spare port on the
narrowing at the softest point. Do not stretch branched exhaust manifold.
the neck more than about 510 mm. Remove 10. Normally, the samples on the manifold will
the ampule from the flame as you stretch the remain frozen because the vacuum is generated
neck and quickly roll it on a flat heat-resistant quite quickly. The freeze-drying process should
surface to ensure it is reasonably straight. Pre- be allowed to take place until the samples are
pare a large number of ampules in this way as completely dry, at which time there will be no
they can be stored indefinitely. moisture of condensation on the outside of the
2. Place a piece of aluminum foil (two layers ampules. With small samples and low numbers
thick) over the end of each ampule and affix it of ampules i.e., 5 to 10, the process should not
to the shoulder of the ampule with a small piece take more than 34 h, although for convenience
of autoclave (heat-resistant) paper tape. we usually leave our samples drying overnight.
3. Sterilize the ampules, we use dry heat but The Instruction Manual of most freeze dryers
autoclaving is also suitable. should provide information on level of humid-
4. Using a long thin Pasteur pipet or other equiva- ity for specified vacuum and condensation
lent applicator, carefully insert a small volume temperature.
of the virus suspension into each ampule 11. When the samples are dry, seal the ampules
ensuring that the volume of the sample is less under vacuum at the narrow point of the neck
than one-third of the ampule volume. We use that was prepared earlier. Use a suitable gas
0.5 mL of sample in 2 mL ampules. When torch to melt the glass at the constriction.
inserting the sample, try to avoid contaminat- Allow the glass to separate as each end seals
ing the neck of the ampule with the virus. itself. Do not pull the glass ampule away as the


66 Gould

glass melts. Once separated, use the flame of 1. Never freeze dry more than one virus at a time;
the torch to melt the top of the ampule so that it 2. Clean the ampule attachment points on the
forms a thick and therefore strong seal. manifold with 70% ethanol prior to the next
12. If available, a high-voltage spark tester can be usage and smear a very small amount of vacuum
used to test the integrity of the vacuum, but this grease onto each ampoule attachment point;
is not absolutely essential. Store the ampules 3. After the freeze dryer has reached room tem-
at 4C or lower if possible and avoid direct perature, wipe the condenser chamber several
exposure to light. times with a suitable virucidal agent to ensure
13. Label the ampules in such a way that they can there is no viable virus present.
be identified many years later. We find that
white cloth sticky tape is ideal for this purpose. There are many different viruses but in general
the principles and practices that have been described
Notes. After storage for a few days open one of previously should apply to most of them. The
the ampules in an appropriate safety cabinet to test most important ground rules to remember are:
the infectivity of the virus. The ampules are
designed to break at the neck. Place a triple lay- 1. Viruses are hazardous, therefore handle them
ered piece of alcohol-soaked paper toweling in purpose designed facilities with appropriate
around the ampule and wearing protective gloves, safety procedures;
snap off the neck of the ampule while it is held 2. Keep virus preparations at 4C when they are
inside the paper soaked in alcohol (alternative not being used or preserved long term;
virucides are equally suitable). Reconstitute the 3. Unless it is necessary to reduce infectivity for
a scientific purpose, maintain only high titers
contents of the ampule using sterile distilled water
of virus;
to the volume of the original starting material.
4. Freeze and thaw viruses rapidly and infrequently!
Check the infectivity of the virus in the test
5. Unless it is required for a specific purpose, do
ampule by titration. It should be almost as high as not subculture viruses unnecessarily;
that of the original preparation before freeze dry- 6. The lower the temperature the longer the virus
ing. Test another ampoule after 6 mo. If the titer will survive.
of the virus has not altered significantly, the virus
in the remaining ampules should remain viable for Recommended Reading
many years. Hawkins, A. E., Zuckerman, M. A., Briggs, M., Gilson, R.
The importance of good quality recordkeeping J. C., Goldstone, A. H., and Tedder, R. S. (1996) Journal of
is often overlooked even by experienced scien- Virological Methods 60, 8188.
tists. Because the samples are likely to be kept for Kurstak, E. (ed.) (1991) Viruses of Invertebrates. Marcel
Dekker, New York.
many years, it is absolutely essential that a pre-
Mahy, B. W. J. (ed.) (1985) Virologya practical approach.
cise record of all details is kept in a good quality IRL Press, Oxford.
book or card system. A computer record is also McKinney, H. H. and Silber, G. (1968). Methods of preserva-
useful, but there needs to be some degree of cer- tion and storage of plant viruses, in Methods in Virology, volume
tainty that the data will be accessible many years IV (Maramarosch, K. and Koprowski, H. eds.) Academic
Press, NY, New York, pp. 491501.
later when the computer will have been replaced. Ward, T. G. (1968) Methods of storage and preservation
It is strongly recommended to prepare a detailed of animal viruses, in Methods in Virology, volume IV
label on good quality tape, written (or typed) in (Maramarosch, K. and Koprowski, H. eds.) Academic
indelible ink. Further points to note: Press, NY, New York, pp. 481489.


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