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Division of Korea

N O R T H 1.1 Korea under Japanese rule (1910


Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

Main article: Korea under Japanese rule

4th Tunnel
2nd Tunnel
When the Russo-Japanese War ended in 1905 Korea
38th Parallel
1st Tunnel became a nominal protectorate of, and was annexed in
3rd Tunnel 1910 by, Japan. The Korean king Gojong was removed.
In the following decades, nationalist and radical groups
S O U T H emerged, mostly in exile, to struggle for independence.
Divergent in their outlooks and approaches, these groups
failed to unite in one national movement.* [1]* [2] The
Korean Provisional Government in China failed to obtain
widespread recognition.* [3]
The Korean Peninsula rst divided along the 38th parallel, later
along the demarcation line
1.2 End of World War II

Main article: World War II

In November 1943, Franklin Roosevelt, Winston

Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek met at the Cairo Confer-
ence to discuss what should happen to Japan's colonies,
Detail of the DMZ and agreed that Japan should lose all the territories it had
conquered by force. In the declaration after this con-
The division of Korea between North and South Korea ference, Korea was mentioned for the rst time. The
was the result of the Allied victory in World War II in three powers declared that they were, mindful of the
1945, ending the Empire of Japan's 35-year rule of Ko- enslavement of the people of Korea, ... determined that
rea. The United States and the Soviet Union occupied the in due course Korea shall become free and independent.
country, with the boundary between their zones of control [4]* [5]
along the 38th parallel.
With the onset of the Cold War, negotiations between
the United States and the Soviet Union failed to lead to
an independent, unied Korea. In 1948, UN-supervised
elections were held in the US-occupied south only. This
led to the establishment of the Republic of Korea in South
Korea, which was promptly followed by the establishment
of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in North
Korea. The United States supported the South, and the
Soviet Union supported the North, and each government
claimed sovereignty over the whole Korean peninsula.
The Korean War (19501953) left the two Koreas sep-
arated by the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in the Regional movement of Soviet forces in 1945
later part of the Cold War and beyond.
At the Tehran Conference in November 1943 and the
Yalta Conference in February 1945, the Soviet Union
1 Historical background promised to join its allies in the Pacic War in two to
three months after victory in Europe. On August 8, 1945,


three months to the day after the end of hostilities in Eu-

rope, and two days after the atomic bomb was dropped on
Hiroshima, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan.* [6]
Soviet troops advanced rapidly, and the US government
became anxious that they would occupy the whole of Ko-
rea. On August 10, 1945 two young ocers Dean
Rusk and Charles Bonesteel were assigned to dene an
American occupation zone. Working on extremely short
notice and completely unprepared, they used a National
Geographic map to decide on the 38th parallel. They
chose it because it divided the country approximately
in half but would place the capital Seoul under Ameri-
can control. No experts on Korea were consulted. The
two men were unaware that forty years before, Japan
and pre-revolutionary Russia had discussed sharing Ko-
rea along the same parallel. Rusk later said that had he
known, he almost surelywould have chosen a dier-
ent line.* [7]* [8] The division placed sixteen million Ko-
reans in the American zone and nine million in the Soviet
zone.* [9] To the surprise of the Americans, the Soviet
Union immediately accepted the division. The agreement
was incorporated into General Order No. 1 (approved on
17 August 1945) for the surrender of Japan.* [10]
Soviet forces began amphibious landings in Korea by Au- South Korean citizens protest Allied trusteeship in December
gust 14 and rapidly took over the north-east of the coun- 1945.
try, and on August 16 they landed at Wonsan.* [11] On
August 24, the Red Army reached Pyongyang.* [10]
while, the division between the two zones deepened. The
General Abe Nobuyuki, the last Japanese Governor- dierence in policy between the occupying powers led to
General of Korea, had established contact with a num- a polarization of politics, and a transfer of population be-
ber of inuential Koreans since the beginning of August tween North and South.* [18] In May 1946 it was made
1945 to prepare the hand-over of power. Throughout illegal to cross the 38th parallel without a permit.* [19]
August, Koreans organized people's committee branches
for theCommittee for the Preparation of Korean Inde-
pendence(CPKI, ), headed by
Lyuh Woon-hyung, a left-wing politician. On September 2.1 US occupation of South Korea
6, 1945, a congress of representatives was convened in
Seoul and founded the short-lived People's Republic of Main article: United States Army Military Government
Korea.* [12]* [13] in Korea
With the American government fearing Soviet expan-
sion, and the Japanese authorities in Korea warning of a
power vacuum, the embarkation date of the US occupa-
2 Post-World War II tion force was brought forward three times.* [3]
On September 7, 1945, General Douglas MacArthur an-
In December 1945, at the Moscow Conference, the Al- nounced that Lieutenant General John R. Hodge was to
lies agreed that the Soviet Union, the US, the Republic administer Korean aairs, and Hodge landed in Incheon
of China, and Britain would take part in a trusteeship with his troops the next day. The Provisional Govern-
over Korea for up to ve years in the lead-up to indepen- ment of the Republic of Korea, which had operated from
dence. Many Koreans demanded independence imme- China, sent a delegation with three interpreters to Hodge,
diately; however, the Korean Communist Party, which but he refused to meet with them.* [20] Likewise, Hodge
was closely aligned with the Soviet Communist party, refused to recognize the newly formed People's Republic
supported the trusteeship.* [14]* [15] The US President of Korea and its People's Committees, and outlawed it on
Franklin Roosevelt had initiated the idea of the trustee- 12 December.* [21]
ship for Korea in 1943.* [16] In September 1946, thousands of laborers and peasants
A Soviet-US Joint Commission met in 1946 and 1947 rose up against the military government. This uprising
to work towards a unied administration, but failed to was quickly defeated, and failed to prevent scheduled Oc-
make progress due to increasing Cold War antagonism tober elections for the South Korean Interim Legislative
and to Korean opposition to the trusteeship.* [17] Mean- Assembly.
2.3 UN intervention and the formation of separate governments 3

of Korean Independence operating under the leader-

ship of veteran nationalist Cho Man-sik.* [25] The So-
viet Army allowed thesePeople's Committees(which
were friendly to the Soviet Union) to function. Colonel-
General Terentii Shtykov set up the Soviet Civil Admin-
istration, taking control of the committees and placing
communists in key positions.
In February 1946 a provisional government called the
Provisional People's Committee was formed under Kim
Il-sung, who had spent the last years of the war training
with Soviet troops in Manchuria. Conicts and power
struggles ensued at the top levels of government in Py-
ongyang as dierent aspirants maneuvered to gain posi-
tions of power in the new government. In March 1946
the provisional government instituted a sweeping land-
reform program: land belonging to Japanese and col-
laborator landowners was divided and redistributed to
poor farmers.* [26] Organizing the many poor civilians
Lyuh Woon-hyung giving a speech in the Committee for Prepa- and agricultural laborers under the people's committees,
ration of Korean Independence in Seoul on August 16, 1945 a nationwide mass campaign broke the control of the
old landed classes. Landlords were allowed to keep only
the same amount of land as poor civilians who had once
The ardent anti-communist Syngman Rhee, who had rented their land, thereby making for a far more equal
been the rst president of the Provisional Government distribution of land. The North Korean land reform was
and later worked as a pro-Korean lobbyist in the US, be- achieved in a less violent way than in China or in Viet-
came the most prominent politician in the South. On July nam. Ocial American sources stated: From all ac-
19, 1947, Lyuh Woon-hyung, the last senior politician counts, the former village leaders were eliminated as a
committed to left-right dialogue, was assassinated by a political force without resort to bloodshed, but extreme
right-winger.* [22] care was taken to preclude their return to power.* [27]
The government conducted a number of military cam- The farmers responded positively; many collaborators
paigns against left-wing insurgents. Over the course of and former landowners ed to the south, where some of
the next few years, between 30,000* [23] and 100,000 them obtained positions in the new South Korean gov-
people were killed.* [24] ernment. According to the U.S. military government,
400,000 northern Koreans went south as refugees.* [28]
Key industries were nationalized. The economic situation
2.2 Soviet occupation of North Korea was nearly as dicult in the north as it was in the south,
as the Japanese had concentrated agriculture in the south
Further information: Provisional People's Committee for
and heavy industry in the north.
North Korea
When Soviet troops entered Pyongyang, they found Soviet forces departed in 1948. [29]

2.3 UN intervention and the formation of

separate governments

With the failure of the Joint Commission to make

progress, the US brought the problem before the United
Nations in September 1947. The Soviet Union opposed
UN involvement. At that time, the US had more inuence
over the UN than the USSR.* [30] The UN passed a res-
olution on November 14, 1947, declaring that free elec-
tions should be held, foreign troops should be withdrawn,
and a UN commission for Korea, the United Nations
Temporary Commission on Korea (UNTCOK), should
Welcome celebration for the Red Army in Pyongyang on 14 Oc- be created. The Soviet Union boycotted the voting and
tober 1945 did not consider the resolution to be binding, arguing that
the UN could not guarantee fair elections. In the ab-
a local branch of the Committee for the Preparation sence of Soviet co-operation, it was decided to hold UN-

cotted the elections in the south, as did other politicians

and parties.* [36]* [37] Kim Koo was assassinated the fol-
lowing year.* [38]
On May 10, 1948 the south held a general election. On
August 15, the "Republic of Korea" formally took over
power from the U.S. military, with Syngman Rhee as the
rst president. In the North, the "Democratic People's
Republic of Korea" was declared on September 9, with
Kim Il-sung as prime minister.
On December 12, 1948, the United Nations General As-
sembly accepted the report of UNTCOK and declared the
Republic of Korea to be the only lawful government in
Korea.* [39]
Unrest continued in the South. In October 1948, the
YeosuSuncheon Rebellion took place, in which some
South Korean demonstration in support of the U.S.-Soviet Joint regiments rejected the suppression of the Jeju upris-
Commission in 1946 ing and rebelled against the government.* [40] In 1949,
the Syngman Rhee government established the Bodo
League in order to keep an eye on its political oppo-
nents. The majority of the Bodo League's members
were innocent farmers and civilians who were forced
into membership.* [41] The registered members or their
families were executed at the beginning of the Korean
War. On December 24, 1949, South Korean Army
massacred Mungyeong citizens who were suspected com-
munist sympathizers or their family and axed blame to
communists.* [42]

South Korean general election on May 10, 1948

3 Korean War

supervised elections in the south only.* [31]* [32] Some Main article: Korean War
UNTCOK delegates felt that the conditions in the south
gave unfair advantage to right-wing candidates, but they
This division of Korea, after more than a millennium of
were overruled.* [33] being unied, was seen as controversial and temporary by
The decision to proceed with separate elections was un- both regimes. From 1948 until the start of the civil war
popular among many Koreans, who rightly saw it as a on June 25, 1950, the armed forces of each side engaged
prelude to a permanent division of the country. General in a series of bloody conicts along the border. In 1950,
strikes in protest against the decision began in February these conicts escalated dramatically when North Korean
1948.* [19] In April, Jeju islanders rose up against the forces invaded South Korea, triggering the Korean War.
looming division of the country. South Korean troops The North overran much of the South until pushed back
were sent to repress the rebellion. Tens of thousands of by a US-led United Nations intervention. The UN forces
islanders were killed and by one estimate, 70% of the vil- then occupied most of the North, until Chinese forces in-
lages were burned by the South Korean troops.* [34] The tervened and restored communist control of the North.
uprising ared up again with the outbreak of the Korean The Korean Armistice Agreement was signed after three
War.* [35] years of war. The two sides agreed to create a four-
In April 1948, a conference of organizations from the kilometer-wide buer zone between the states, known as
north and the south met in Pyongyang, but the confer- the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). This new border,
ence produced no results. The southern politicians Kim reecting the territory held by each side at the end of the
Koo and Kim Kyu-sik attended the conference and boy- war, crossed the 38th parallel diagonally.

4 Geneva Conference and NNSC [5] Savada, Andrea Matles; Shaw, William, eds. (1990),
World War II and Korea, South Korea: A Country Study,
GPO, Washington, DC: Library of Congress
As dictated by the terms of the Korean Armistice, a
Geneva Conference was held in 1954 on the Korean ques- [6] Walker, J Samuel (1997). Prompt and Utter Destruc-
tion. Despite eorts by many of the nations involved, the tion: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs Against Japan.
conference ended without a declaration for a unied Ko- Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. p.
rea. 82. ISBN 0-8078-2361-9.

The Armistice established a Neutral Nations Supervisory [7] Oberdorfer, Don; Carlin, Robert (2014). The Two Ko-
Commission (NNSC) which was tasked to monitor the reas: A Contemporary History. Basic Books. p. 5. ISBN
Armistice. Since 1953, members of the Swiss* [43] and 9780465031238.
Swedish* [44] Armed Forces have been members of the
[8] Seth, Michael J. (2010). A History of Korea: From Antiq-
NNSC stationed near the DMZ. uity to the Present. Rowman & Littleeld Publishers. p.
306. ISBN 9780742567177. Retrieved 2015-11-16.

[9] Buzo, Adrian (2002). The Making of Modern Korea. Lon-

5 Post-armistice relations don: Routledge. p. 53. ISBN 0-415-23749-1.

Main article: Korean conict Continuing conict [10] Hyung Gu Lynn (2007). Bipolar Orders: The Two Koreas
since 1989. Zed Books. p. 18.

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Hawai studies on Korea. Rowman & Littleeld. p. 86.
ict, with the opposing regimes both claiming to be the
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wards reunication.* [45] don: Routledge. pp. 5357. ISBN 0-415-23749-1.

[13] Robinson, Michael E (2007). Korea's Twentieth-Century

Odyssey. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. pp. 105
6 See also 106. ISBN 978-0-8248-3174-5.

[14] Buzo, Adrian (2002). The Making of Modern Korea. Lon-

List of border incidents involving North Korea don: Routledge. p. 59. ISBN 0-415-23749-1.

Korean conict [15] Bluth, Christoph (2008). Korea. Cambridge: Polity

Press. p. 12. ISBN 978-07456-3357-2.
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[16] Cumings, Bruce (2005). Korea's Place in the Sun: A Mod-
North KoreaSouth Korea relations ern History. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. pp.
187188. ISBN 0-393-32702-7.
History of North Korea
[17] Buzo, Adrian (2002). The Making of Modern Korea. Lon-
History of South Korea don: Routledge. pp. 5960, 65. ISBN 0-415-23749-1.

[18] Robinson, Michael E (2007). Korea's Twentieth-Century

Partition of Vietnam Odyssey. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. pp. 108
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[19] Hyung Gu Lynn (2007). Bipolar Orders: The Two Koreas

7 Notes since 1989. Zed Books. p. 20.

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ern History. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. pp.
159160. ISBN 0-393-32702-7. [23] Arthur Millet, The War for Korea, 19451950 (2005).

[4] Cairo Communique, December 1, 1943. Japan Na- [24] Jon Halliday and Bruce Cumings, Korea: The Unknown
tional Diet Library. December 1, 1943. War, Viking Press, 1988, ISBN 0-670-81903-4.

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don: Routledge. pp. 5455. ISBN 0-415-23749-1. ' ' '
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[45] Feer, John (June 9, 2005).Korea's slow-motion reuni-
[28] Allan R. Millet, The War for Korea: 19451950 (2005) cation. Boston Globe. Retrieved 2007-08-13.
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[29] Gbosoe, Gbingba T. (2006). Modernization of Japan. iU-

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10-06. Although Soviet occupation forces were with-
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[31] Buzo, Adrian (2002). The Making of Modern Korea. Lon-
don: Routledge. p. 66. ISBN 0-415-23749-1.
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[32] Jager, Sheila Miyoshi (2013). Brothers at War The Un- Hoare, James; Daniels, Gordon (February 2004).
ending Conict in Korea. London: Prole Books. p. 47. The Korean Armistice North and South: The Low-
ISBN 978-1-84668-067-0. Key Victory [Hoare]; The British Press and the Ko-
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[33] Cumings, Bruce (2005). Korea's Place in the Sun: A Mod- nostications [Daniels]". The Korean Armistice of
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[35] Robinson, Michael E (2007). Korea's Twentieth-Century

Odyssey. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. p. 112.
9 External links
ISBN 978-0-8248-3174-5.
South Korean Ministry of Unication (Korean and
[36] Cumings, Bruce (2005). Korea's Place in the Sun: A Mod- English)
ern History. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. pp.
211, 507. ISBN 0-393-32702-7. North Korean News Agency (Korean and English)

[37] Jager, Sheila Miyoshi (2013). Brothers at War The Un- Korea Web Weekly (English)
ending Conict in Korea. London: Prole Books. pp. 47
48. ISBN 978-1-84668-067-0. NDFSK (Mostly Korean; some English)

[38] Jager, Sheila Miyoshi (2013). Brothers at War The Un- Koreascope (Korean and English)
ending Conict in Korea. London: Prole Books. pp. 48,
496. ISBN 978-1-84668-067-0., has list of Post-World War II US and So-
viet administrators (English)
[39] Buzo, Adrian (2002). The Making of Modern Korea. Lon-
don: Routledge. p. 67. ISBN 0-415-23749-1. Korean Unication Studies

[40] 439 civilians conrmed dead in Yeosu-Suncheon Upris-

ing of 1948 New report by the Truth Commission places
blame on Syngman Rhee and the Defense Ministry, ad-
vises government apology. The Hankyoreh. 8 January
2009. Retrieved 2 September 2012.

[41] Gov't Killed 3,400 Civilians During War. The Korea

Times. 2 March 2009. Archived from the original on 4
October 2012. Retrieved 19 October 2014.

10 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

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10.2 Images
File:Anti-Trusteeship_Campaign.jpg Source:
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File:Demonstration_in_support_of_the_US-Soviet_Joint_Commission2.JPG Source:
commons/4/41/Demonstration_in_support_of_the_US-Soviet_Joint_Commission2.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Japanese
book The First Anniversary of Korean Liberationpublished by Shinkan Sha. Original artist: Korean People Journal
File:Korea-Gyeongju-Bulguksa-33.jpg Source:
Korea-Gyeongju-Bulguksa-33.jpg License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Contributors: Bulguksa Original artist: Samuel Orchard from Australia
File:Korea_DMZ.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contrib-
utors: Own work Original artist: Rishabh Tatiraju
File:Korea_Map.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contrib-
utors: Image:Unification ag of Korea.svg Original artist: Made by Kudo-kun
File:Korea_demilitarized_zone_map_-_1969.jpg Source:
demilitarized_zone_map_-_1969.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Digital ID:g7901f ct000578
gmd/g7901f.ct000578 Original artist: Central Intelligence Agency
File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
File:South_Korean_general_election_1948.JPG Source:
Korean_general_election_1948.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Korean book Departure of Republic of Ko-
rea capital Seoul(1945-1961)" published by Seoul Metropolitan City History Committee. Original artist: Unknown<a
href='' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='https:

//' width='20' height='11'

srcset=' 1.5x, 2x' data-le-width='1050'
data-le-height='590' /></a>
File:Soviet_invasion_of_Manchuria_(1945).gif Source:
Manchuria_%281945%29.gif License: Public domain Contributors: Original artist:
File:Welcome_Celebration_for_Red_Army_in_Pyongyang2.JPG Source:
Welcome_Celebration_for_Red_Army_in_Pyongyang2.JPG License: Public domain Contributors: Japanese bookThe First Anniversary
of Korean Liberationpublished by Shinkan Sha. Original artist: Korean People Journal
File: .jpg Source:
80%EB%B9%84%EC%9C%84%EC%9B%90%ED%9A%8C.jpg License: GFDL Contributors: Original artist: Un-
known<a href='' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='https://upload.' width='20' height='11' srcset='https:// 1.5x, https://upload.wikimedia.
org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/Wikidata-logo.svg/40px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='1050' data-le-height='590'

10.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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