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Problem Set No. 1

1. What is the wire diameter of a 10 mesh screen whose aperture is 0.065 in?

2. Calculate the specific surface in square centimeters per gram of pyrite having the screen analysis
below. Specific gravity of pyrite = 5.0

Mesh % Retained
-3+4 0
-4+6 4.0
-6+8 7.2
-8+10 12.0
-10+14 17.6
-14+20 15.4
-20+28 12.0
-28+35 10.0
-35+48 7.2
-48+65 6.0
-65+100 3.8
-100+150 2.8
-150+200 2.0

3. Fine silica is fed at 1500 lb/hr to a double-deck vibrating screen combination to obtain a 48/65 mesh
(Tyler) product. The silica feed is introduced into the upper screen of the 48 mesh and the product is
discharged off the surface of the lower screen of 65 mesh. During the screening operation, the ratio
of oversize to product to undersize is 4:3:2. Laboratory analysis of the different fractions is given in
the table below.

Screen Mesh Feed Mass Oversize Mass Product Mass Undersize Mass
Fraction Fraction Fraction Fraction
10/14 to 28/35 0.2821 0.5855 0.3385 0.00453
35/48 0.258 0.337 0.322 0.0036
48/65 0.281 0.066 0.526 0.344
65/100 0.091 0.005 0.067 0.299
100/150 to 150/200 0.087 0.066 0.026 0.353

(a) Calculate the effectiveness of the screening equipment

(b) If the screens measured 5 ft x 8 ft each, calculate the capacity in MT/day-ft2-mm of the 65 mesh
screen on the basis of a perfectly functioning 48 mesh screen
(c) Calculate the capacity in MT/day-ft2-mm on the basis of the actual performance of the 48 mesh
4. A solute that forms cubic crystals is to be precipitated from a solution at a rate of 10,000 lb of solid
(dry basis) per hour using 1,000 lb/hr of seed crystals. If no nucleation occurs and the seed crystals
have the following size distribution, determine the product size distribution:

Tyler Sieve Mesh Weight Fraction Retained

-48 + 65 0.10
-65 + 100 0.30
-100 + 150 0.50
-150 + 200 0.05
-200 + 270 0.05

5. A solution of 32.5% MgSO4 originally at 150oF is to be crystallized in a vacuum adiabatic

crystallizer to give a product containing 4000 lb/hr of MgSO47H2O from 10,000 lb/hr of feed. The
solution boiling point rise is estimated at 10oF. Determine the product temperature, pressure, and
weight ratio of mother liquor to crystalline product.

6. Problem 27.1 (McCabe)

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