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Politics is said to be the process of decision making that tries to encompass a

group of people. It is a setting under which a people surrender some of their ri

ghts to a sovereign in a social contract theory to ensure harmony in society. Th
e individuals in return expect to be served with love and real empathy to inform
all the decisions that the sovereign makes directly and indirectly. Politics ca
nnot be separated from family values. The two are conjoined twins that without o
ne the other system is bound to collapse. The family is the natural and fundamen
tal unit of society and the necessary basis for the social order to prevail. Fro
m the institution of family stems the continuity of society and a belief of a fu
ture for a nation.
Family trims boys and girls to men and women of valor, integrity and moral uprig
htness. Even though morality may be considered a private affair, there are param
eters that all members of society must exhibit to ensure social order is maintai
ned. It is easier to build up a strong child than to repair a broken old man. (G
ebhardt-Benischke, 1986, p. 73) Children are said to be the future leaders. A g
overnment that ignores or under-invests in its youth kills its powerhouse. To br
ing up a good crop of leaders, the children must be accorded the best in their u
pbringing. Many times the States steps in to regulate and enforce morality in th
e course of bringing up a child.
Good family ethics and upbringing will translate to right political values and p
rosperity of the society. The success of any political regime is depended on the
development that can be reflected on the people. The success of a system cannot
only be gauged by the infrastructural development but also the impact it has on
the livelihood of its population, the support it accords to families to educate
and nurture young people ("Justice, Politics, and the Family," 2013, p. 37). In
the book, the author brings out various issues i.e. gender. The feminist agenda
in most parts of the world has ensured that women have comparatively the same f
ooting as their male counterparts in politics, economic and socio-cultural issue
Morality is taught or apprenticed from young ones observing what the seniors are
doing. However, most scholars prefer to distinguish the two. The collapse of fa
mily values and morality has had its effects felt widely in the larger sphere of
the society. Rights based fairness is more of a good phenomenon than it is a l
egal one. With this moral fiber, the state tries to maximize self-interests of e
veryone by striking a balance between the well-being of society and improved liv
ing standards of its citizens. Liberty is the measure of freedom to the people.
(Mottier, n.d., p. 65) People whose liberty is curtailed cannot be said to be pe
aceful. Most states around the globe have distinguished the church from the stat
e so as to avoid conflicts as to morality.
In response, politics and family are inseparable. The two institutions are vital
in ensuring efficiency, bringing up of morally upright societies and securing a
better future for generations. In enacting laws, the state through the legislat
ure takes into consideration the cultures of the people, the tradition and the l
arger impact on the family. For instance, many countries have not yet allowed th
e stretched definition of liberty so as to include lesbian and gay unions due to
its perceived effects on the family union. As such there is need to approach a
cautious approach when legislating on matters that touch on the coherence of fam
ily and politics.

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