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1. Write the sentences in reported speech using the words given.

a. Sit down, Mary. (he told)

b. Would you pass my suitcase? (he asked)

c. Dont go near the sea, children. (the childrens mother warned)

d. Dont be late, Tim. (Tims father told)

e. Be quiet, children. (the librarian told)

a. Make some coffee, Bob, Carol said.(ask)

b. You must do the homework soon, Jane, she said.(tell)

c. Remember to buy a map, Ann he said.(remind)

d. You should see a doctor, Mrs Clark, he said.(advise)

e. Keep all the windows closed, Bill they said.(warn)

f. Go home, Paul, Francis said.(tell)

g. Please stay for supper, Bob, he said.(try to persuade)

2. Rewrite the sentences with the gerund or the infinitive and the in
reported speech.

a. Ill bring my CDs to the party. He promised to bring his CDs to the

b. Lets go to the cinema tonight, shall we? She suggested

c. Yes, I stole the wallet. He admitted

d. Be careful! The water is boiling. She warned us

e. You must apologise to your teacher. My father insisted (on)

f. All right! Ill share the expenses with you. My friend agreed

3. Write these sentences in indirect speech, changing words where

a. Ill see you tomorrow, she said.

b. I saw her today, he said.

c. I dont like this film, she said.

d. She said, We went swimming today.

e. I met her about three months ago, he said.

f. Ill see Mary on Sunday, she said.

g. Pete and Sue are getting married tomorrow, she said.

h. Stephens bringing some records to the party tomorrow, she said.

i. I really like this furniture, she said.

j. My parents are arriving tomorrow, she said.

I play tennis
Past S.

Past S.N.

Past S. I.

She drinks coffee

Past S.

Past S.N.

Past S. I.

We eat bananas
Past S.

Past S.N.

Past S. I.

You buy a book

Past S.

Past S.N.

Past S. I.
They go to London
Past S.

Past S.N.

Past S. I.

I make a pizza
Past S.

Past S.N.

Past S. I.

My sister watches tv
Past S.

Past S.N.

Past S. I.

You meet your friend

Past S.

Past S.N.

Past S. I.
Hi! My name is Paul. Im ten years old. I live in
Manchester with my family. Ive got two
sisters, Helen and Margaret.
Im tall and thin. Ive got blue eyes and dark
hair. Ive got glasses. I love Music, I play the
My favourite meal is pizza and coke. I like
going to the beach in summer. Ive got a pet,
a tortoise named Perli.
1. Albert met Sally at the station.

2. Albert met Sally at the station.

3. I can't come to the
party because I'm on holiday.
4. My little brother has been
crying all night.
5. We are travelling with our
6. They'll leave in the evening.

7. Cartoon films make us laugh.

8. I felt terrible after the funeral.
My friend Anna sends me an e-
mail every two days.
2. My friend Anna sends me an e-
mail every two days.
3. My friend Anna sends me an e-
mail every two days.
4. Joseph and Sue have lived in
Eastbourne for ten years.
5. Joseph and Sue have lived in
Eastbourne for ten years.
6. Joseph and Sue have lived in
Eastbourne for ten years.
7. My cousins will arrive at nine
8. This machine isn't working
Escribe el pronombre relativo correcto.
1. The man came first in the 100 metre race, broke the world

2. At the zoo, there is a parrot can talk to the people.

3. Do you know the woman son is a famous actor?

4. I really like the suit you bought for the wedding!

5. It was my brother I entrusted with looking after my baby.

Elige el pronombre relativo adecuado.

1. Did you see the car was driving much too fast?

2. It was very sad to see the bird wing was broken.

3. Today, I saw the woman always helps grandma with her

4. Do you like the new plants I bought for the living room?

5. I was offered a job by the manager of the company, I met at the


Elige el pronombre realtivo correcto.

1. Look at that dog is chasing its own tail!

2. Becky and Amy are two sisters faces look very much alike.

3. This is the newest phone you can buy in the shops.

4. Harriet Shaw was the name of the girl he wanted to give a

valentines present to.

5. I need someone can fix my washing machine.

Durante mucho tiempo Alexander Graham Bell fue considerado el inventor del telfono,
junto a Elisha Gray. Sin embargo, Bell no fue el inventor de este aparato, sino solamente el
primero en patentarlo. Esto ocurri en 1876. El 11 de junio de 2001 el Congreso de
Estados Unidos aprob la resolucin 269, que se reconoca que el inventor del telfono
haba sido Antonio Meucci, que lo llam teletrfono, y no Bell.1

Historia de su invencin[editar]
Antonio Meucci (pronunciado [mechi], 1808-1889) fue el inventor del telettrfoni,
posteriormente bautizado como telfono.2
En 1854,3 Meucci construy un telfono para conectar su oficina (en la planta baja de su
casa) con su dormitorio (ubicado en el segundo piso), debido a que su esposa estaba
inmovilizada por el reumatismo. Sin embargo, Meucci careca del dinero suficiente para
patentar su invento, aunque s patent otros inventos que l crea ms redituables, como
un filtro econmico para la depuracin del agua y el uso de la parafina en la fabricacin de
velas (que hasta ese momento se fabricaban con grasa de animales, muy contaminantes y
En 1860 Antonio Meucci hizo pblico su invento, el teletrfono. En una demostracin
pblica, la voz de un cantante se trasmiti a una considerable distancia. La prensa italiana
de Nueva York public una descripcin del invento y un tal Sr. Bendelari se llev a Italia
una copia del prototipo, y la documentacin necesaria para producirlo all, pero no se
volvi a saber de l, como tampoco se materializ ninguna de las ofertas que surgieron
tras la demostracin.5
Consciente de que alguien poda robarle la patente, pero incapaz de reunir los 250 dlares
(unos 7900 dlares de 2016)6 que costaba la patente definitiva, tuvo que conformarse con
un cveat (aviso, trmite preliminar de presentacin de documentacin para el
patentamiento, con vigencia de un aos) que registr el 28 de diciembre de 1871 y que
pudo permitirse renovar por 10 dlares (o 314 dlares de 2016)6 7 solo en 1872 y
En cuanto tuvo el acuse de recibo de Patentes, volvi a empearse en demostrar el
potencial de su invento. Para ello, ofreci una demostracin del telgrafo parlante a un
empresario llamado Edward B. Grant, vicepresidente de una filial de la Western Union
Telegraph Company. Cada vez que Meucci trataba de avanzar, se le deca que no haba
hueco para su demostracin, as que a los dos aos, Meucci pidi que le devolvieran su
material, a lo que le contestaron que se haba perdido. 8
En 1876, Alexander Graham Bell registr una patente que realmente no describa el
telfono pero lo mencionaba como tal.9 Cuando Meucci que viva cerca de Nueva York
se enter, pidi a un abogado que reclamara ante la oficina de patentes de los Estados
Unidos en Washington, algo que nunca sucedi. Sin embargo, un amigo que tena
contactos en Washington, se enter de que toda la documentacin referente al telgrafo
parlante registrada por Meucci se haba perdido.8
Una investigacin posterior puso en evidencia un delito de prevaricacin por parte de
algunos empleados de la oficina de patentes con la compaa de Bell. En un litigio
posterior entre la empresa Bell Telephone Company (creada en 1877) y Western Union,
aflor que exista un acuerdo por el cual Bell pagara a la Western Union un 20 % de los
beneficios derivados de la comercializacin de su invento durante 17 aos.10
Diez aos despus, en un proceso legal de 1886, Meucci tuvo que demandar incluso a su
propio abogado, sobornado por el poderoso Bell. Sin embargo Meucci supo hacer
entender al juez que no caba duda en cuanto a la autora del invento registrado. A pesar
de la declaracin pblica del entonces Secretario de Estado: Existen suficientes pruebas
para dar prioridad a Meucci en la invencin del telfono.10

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