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Lets begin with relaxation. Find yourself gently connected to your mat.

Notice how your body feels. You may need to lift your hips or your shoulders
and gently reconnect them. Close your eyes. Allow your eyes to sink into the
back of your head. This pose is known as Shavasana.

Breathe in and out through your nose. All breath is in and out through the
nose. Gently allow your head to go left and right. Turning your head on the

Place one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart. Pretend that a
balloon lives in your belly. Inhale through your nose deeply into your belly.
Pull the air up into your lungs and let it out through your shoulders. Each
exhale should sink you deeper and deeper into your mat. Close your eyes.
Stay with this breath known as the Dhurga Breath.

Allow your hands to come down by your sides. Close your eyes On your next
inhale, gently bring your arms up over your head and allow the backs of your
hands to touch the floor. Let your shoulders release. Allow your head to
gently go to the right and the left. Melt deeply on your exhale letting all stress

Bring your knees into your chest placing your hands on your knees. Give
yourself a hug rocking side to side massaging your lower back.

Leaving your right knee in gently straighten your left leg to the floor Let your
head go left.take a breath. Let your head go righttake a breath. Roll
your foot around on your ankle clockwise and counterclockwise. If it feels
good, gently pull your right knee towards your right bicep. This pose is known
as the Wind relieving pose.. It awakens the power of the Wind in your
digestion. You may breath your Dhurga breath here deeply pulling the air into
your belly, up into your lungs and out through your shoulders.

Release your right arm to the earth and take your left hand to your right knee.
Gently draw your right knee to the left side of your body in a lie down twist.
Your head can go to the right gazing over your right shoulders with your eyes
closed. Melt, breathe.Scan your body for any tension and let it go. Notice
your thoughts. Pick a mantra for your practice.I am I am strong, I am
healthy Let this stay with you throughout your practice. You mantra pushes
away thoughts of the past and worries of the future.

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Gently bring both knees into your chest for another squeeze. You may roll
your head up to your knees and rock if it feels good.

Switching sides we will leave the left knee in and straighten the right to the
earth. Roll your foot around. Head goes left and right. Left knees draws
toward the left bicep if it feels good. Make any adjustments you need to Melt,
relax and go back to your belly breaths. Tongue is at firepoint relaxing your
face. Thinking your mantra.I am vibrant, I am charmingI am.Know
that the word mantra means instrument of the mind. It is simply a trick we do
in yoga to keep your mind on your mat.

Releasing your left hand to the earthright hand goes to the left kneedraw
your left knee to the right side of your body twisting again. Your head goes to
the left gazing with eyes closed. Melt, relax, breathe. If your shoulders have
come off the mat, you have gone to far. Simply roll back a little. Let this feel
soooooo good.

Releasing this pose, straighten your legs and bring your arms above your head
to the Earth. Your head can go left and right. Enjoy a full body stretch and
then bring your knees in again for another squeeze. Begin to straighten your
legs to the sky. Knees may stay bent and your hands may go behind your
knees for support. Your toes may point or flex. When you feel ready, you
may always take your hands away from your knees. Do this with relaxation.
Shoulders, neck and face are all relaxed.

Releasing your pose give yourself another squeeze rocking forward and
backmassaging your spine.

Preparing to roll in and out of our bridge pose, release your feet to the Earth,
knees bent, feet are hip width distance apart. On your next inhale, gently roll
your bottom and then your back, one vertabra at a time up towards the sky
and then as you exhale roll down. You may walk your feet in a little closer to
your bottom if it feels good. Repeat. You may roll in and out as much as you
like or if you choose you may hold your pose bringing your hands to interlace
underneath your bottom and walking one shoulder and then another in. Push
your heart out and breath deeply. Dont be afraid to push your belly out.
Close your eyes. In your personal practice, know that you can hold your
poses as long as you like.

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Releasing, lets gently roll to the right side and using your hands, push yourself
to seated.

Adjust to a comfortable seated position. Both sit bones on the floor.

As you inhale, sweep your arms up to the sky looking up. Release your
shoulders by simply rolling your pinkies in. Bring your right hand to your mat
and gently reach with your left hand to the right. Allow your palm to face the
earth. Breath into your side body.

Switching sides reach up with both arms and then allow your left hand to go to
your mat reaching across to the left with your right hand. Look down.

Come back through center. Close your eyes and spread your arms wide
reaching left and right, palms may be up or down. Try to have both arms at
shoulder height.

Release your left hand to your right knee and sitting up tall gently twist to the
right gazing over your shoulder with eyes closed. Breathe into your belly.

Switch sides bringing your right hand to your left knee. Sit up tall and gently
twist to the left gazing over your shoulder. Breath.

Release back to seated or easy pose where you may stay . I am showing you
options in seated to stack one leg over the other in logs pose or start to drawl
knee of knee for cow pose. If you are drawling knee over knee, flex into your
feet. Im choosing ultimately to simply sit in easy pose.

Once you are comfy inhale your harms up and simply fold. Your hands may
touch the earth, or your elbows or you may go all the way down. Whereever
you are, simply allow yourself to melt with your exhales. I like to imagine my
breath starts at the base of my spine, I breath all the way to my crown and
then I exhale back down my spine.

Using your hands, gently roll up.

We are going to switch sides. In yoga, dont worry if you get confused. We
always do both sides so it balances out in the end. Whatever you did on the

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other side, do on this side too.stacking your legs or tying yourself up like a
pretzel. Again, inhale your arms up and exhale as you fold. Breath up and
down your spine.


Meditation postures:

1st meditationtime for 10 minutes to something else and then come out.

2nd meditation.time for 15 minutes to something else and then come out.

3rd meditation.


Moving into butterfly pose, bring the souls of your feet to touch. Seal your
hands together and wrap them around your feet or simply reach for your
ankles. Gently fold on your exhale. Your elbows may be in or out. Roll your
head around. Melt with every breath.

Gently roll up and bring your legs out in front of you for stick pose. Your
hands may be out to the sides touching your mat with spider fingers or bring
your hands to the sides of your hips with fingers forward. Sit up tall, tuck your
belly and breath. I find this pose to be quite challenging.

Releasing your pose, bend into your knees and forward fold. Let your lower
back release. Take your breath up and down your spine starting at the root
chakra and moving up to the crown chakra.

Inhale back to seated. Straighten your legs all the way. Sit up tall. Sweep
your arms up, shoulders relax, belly tucks in and fold. Let your hands go
wherever they comfortabley touch. And melt. Breathing up and down your
spine. Roll your head around. With every exhale, melt a little more deeply
into your pose.

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Inhale back to seated we will move into a twist. . you have many options in
this pose. Draw right knee in. You may place it to the left of your left leg. You
may even wrap the left leg around. Im choosing to keep my right leg straight.
Once your settled bring your left arm out, wrap it around your right knee. Sit
up nice and tall. , inhale your right arm up and around and on the exhale
gently twist bringing your right hand to touch just behind your tailbone. Gaze
over your right shoulder, eyes closed. Breath. Youre your head around.
Know that when you twist it is good for your digestion.

Releasing we will move to the other side. Draw your left knee in and choose
what works for you with your legs. Right arm comes out and wraps around the
left knee. Sit up tall, snuggle in and then on and inhale take the left arm up
and around placing your left hand behind the tailbone. On an exhale turn and
twist gazing over your left shoulder. Breathe.

Releasing, straighten your legs and we will forward fold again. Inhale the
arms up, tuck the belly and fold to where you are comfortable.

Inhale back to seated and we will move to hands and knees to a pose known
as table top. This is a transition pose and is really important to line you up.
Hands are below the shoulders, fingers spread wide. belly is tucked in. Knees
are hip width distance apart and know that your hips are not as wide as you
probably imagine.

Working to our wrists, gently draw your shoulders forward. Hold and breath.
If you suffer wrist pain from your computer, this series is so good for you. Do it
every day.

Turn your hands out to the right and left to your comfort. You may simply hold
or if it feels good gently shift right and left.

Finally flip your hands all the way around. Usually this is enough, but if it
feels good you can draw your shoulders back.

Releasing your hands, drawl your sitz bones to your heals to childs pose. You
may straighten your arms or gently fold making a pillow for your head to rest
upon. You may even walk your fingers out making one long line of energy up
your spine. Breath up and down your spine connecting back to breath and our
mantra. I am.

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Shift back to table top and we will take a few cat cows. As you inhale drop
your belly, raise your sitz bones and look up. As you exhale round out your
back, pushing out your shoulder blades just like a Halloween cat.
Repeat.moving with your breath. Know that this series is perfect for you if
you suffer back pain, especially in the morning.

Releasing, take your feet to the right and gaze over your right shoulder at your

Now take your feet to the left and gaze over your left shoulder at your feet.

Return to a neutral table top, tuck your belly in and reach out with your left leg
and your right hand. You may gaze at the mat, at your finger tips or take
everything up.

Return to hand and knee to the earth and switch sides. Again, pick what is
comfortable for you.

Release and return to childs posesitz bones to heals and breath deeply
into your lower back.

Return to table top. This pose is for fun. Reach out with your right hand and
left leg. Bend into your left knee and begin to reach back for your ankle. You
may reach nothing but air, a pant leg or perhaps you will reach your ankle. If
you capture the ankle simply look up. Hold and breath.

Release just the way you came in reaching out with your right hand and left
leg. Returning everything to the earth.

Return to childs pose. Wiggle around. Make yourself comfortable. Connect

back with your breath. Breathing in, breathing out. Go back to your
mantra.I am

Return to table top position and we will transition into a plank pose. Simply
take your knees back and then rotate your shoulders back over your hands.
Knees can stay connected to the earth or curl your toes and bring your heals
off the earth for a full plank. Bottom is out of the air. Make a choice that is
right for you. Gently lower yourself to the earth elbows tucked in.

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Bring your elbows directly underneath your shoulders for sphinx pose. You
want to be very squared off. Relax your body including your bottom. Gaze
at the edge of your mat. Know that you can bring your feet out wider to
relieve your lower back. Make a good choice for you. Hold and breath up
and down your spine.

Return to the earth. Bring your arms by your sides and simply turn your head
to the left for a few breaths. Fill up your lower back. Turn your head to the
right for a few breaths. Again, Breath into your lower back.

Return your hands directly underneath your shoulders. Connect your forehead
to your mat. On your next inhale, gently roll up drawing your elbows in,
shoulders away from your ears. This is cobra. Exhale back to the earth.
Inhale up, exhale down, inhale up and this time hold it. Do this with
relaxation. Breath. Return to the earth and then to childs pose.

Go back to breath. Back to mantra. Relax.

Using your hands, gently push yourself to a seated position for heros pose.

You may sit on your feet, a block or if you can take your feet to the left and
right of your bottom with your bottom on the floor, do that. Bring your hands
to your knees closee your eyes and breath up and down your spine. Know
that this is a pose your should do nightly for your knees and ankles.

The next pose we will do is called toes pose. Its a favorite. Come gently up
to your knees. Reach back for your toes and place each one into your mat.
You may have to really reach down for those guys. Then, gently sit back on
your toes. Ouch. I know. It hurts me too. To hold this pose, I always change
my mantraI love giseppe zontle, Christian laboutain, prada, Gucci,
manola blanik. Do this nightly and know that when you are 80 you will still
be rocking the stilletos.

Coming back to table top, pause to roll your ankles around and scrunch your
toes. Get out the stuck energy.

Moving into down down, make sure your hands are directly below your
shoulders, knees hip with distance apart. Curl your toes and gently bring sitz

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bones to sky. Once you are here roll your foot around on your ankle. You
can walk your dog gently bending into one knee and then another.

Finally settle into your down dog. Fingers are spread wide, hands are pushing
into the earth. Shoulders draw away from the ears. If your eyes are open,
gaze at your belly button. Let your heals sink towards the earth. Relax,
breath. Feel the power in your shoulders.

Know that down dog and childs pose are interchangeable. You can always
choose one over the other. With head down, you are giving your heart a little

Place your attention on your feet and slowly start to walk your hands toward
your feet for a standing forward ford. Feel free to bend into your knees, or
bring your feet wide on the mat hanging in rag doll or if it feels good,
straighten your legs with hands on either side of your feet. Relax, melt. Let
your lower spine simply waterfall. You can roll your head around to release
any tension.

Tucking your belly in to protect your lower back, slowly roll up one vertabra at
a time. Inhale your arms to the sky and as you exhale bring your hands to
Namaste or prayer pose.

Releasing your arms to your side, find your mountain. Hands are loose.
Knees are loose, hips widen, shoulders relax. Go back to breath and ground
yourself to the earth. Breathing up and down your spine.

Lets move into our moon salutations. Gently step wide on your mat, feet wider
than hips. Bring your arms out and point your toes to the corners of your mat.
This is called 5 pointed star.

Bend into your elbows or goddess arms and gently squat down. Relax. Take
a nice breath and sink a little deeper.

Come up on the inhale and then reach your left hand to the sky for a modified
triangle. Right hand drifts down the right leg.take a breath. Let your head
look up or down, whatever it needs to be comfortable.

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Releasing, switch sides taking your right hand to the sky, left hand drifting
down the left leg.

Coming back through 5 pointed star to our squat. Bring your right elbow to
right knee and reach across the room with your left hand, palm down. Breath.

Switch sides bringing left elbow to left knee. Breath into your side body.


Lets prepare to go into a wide angled forward fold.

Straighten your toes, bring your hands behind your back and interlace your
fingers. Fold, bringing your arms off of your back. If this is super easy you
can bring your hands together.

Release your hands to the earth, walk your feet our just a little wider. You can
flip your hands and use the sticky of your mat to draw you deeper into the

Place your left hand directly below your face and reach up for the sky with
your right hand twisting this our. Follow your hand with your eyes. Hold

Return your right hand to the mat and switch sides reaching up with your left
hand. Hold and breath.

Return your hand to the mat. You may bring your feet in just a tad. Begin to
turn the toe of your right foot to the corner of your mat. Draw your right knee
over your right ankle. Walk your hands to the right. You may lift the toes of
your left foot if you want to go deeper into that inner thigh. Settle in and hold
and breath.

Switching sides we will come through center, straighten the right toe. Turn your
left toe to the corner of your mat. Draw your left knee over your left ankle
taking your hands with you. Again, you may lift the toes of the right foot or
not. Settle in and breath.

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Come back through center. Straighten your toes and walk your feet in just a
bit. Walk your hands to the right taking your toes to point to the right as well.
Fold and relax into pyramid pose.

Twisting this out, bring your right hand to your waist and gaze over your right

Release and switch sides, begin to walk your hands through center and to the
left. Taking your toes to point to the left as well. Relax into your fold.

Bringing your left hand to your waist twist it out looking over your left shoulder.

Releasing, walk your hands back to center. Heal toe your feet apart a little bit.

We will move into frog pose so walk your feet behind your mat. Fold your mat
to make a cushion for your knees. Place your hands on the earth beyond your
mat and Taking big elephant steps with your hands, gently bring your knees to
the earth. Your toes are pointed left and right, away from each other. Once
you are here you may simply leave your hands on the earth and begin to push
back. If it feels okay, bring your elbows to the earth. Push back gently into
your hips. Allow gravity to release your hips wider. You will feel this deeply
in your hips. Breath up and down your spine. This pose is a beautiful hip
opener. Know that you will feel discomfort in this pose, but should not feel
pain. If you are feeling pain, simply pull out of the pose and go to childs

This is a yin posture. IN yin yoga, we focus on the hips and we hold our poses
a little bit longer. You may hold a yin posture 1, 2 or up to 6 minutes. This
allows you to get to the deeper connective tissue of your bodyyour
ligaments, tendons and fascia.

That was 2 minutes. Begin to slowly come out of this pose and pack into your
wide forward fold. Know that there really isnt any graceful way to do it. Say
hello to your hips!

Begin to come out of your forward fold pausing half way up to stabalize your
blood pressure. If you come up too quickly you could get dizzy. Inhale the
rest of the way up and simply step back to your mat to mountain pose.

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Lets touch our abs. bring your legs out in front of you and roll to your sitz
bones. Bring your feet up to knee height and gaze at your toes. Your hands
can be placed behind your knees for extra support, or on the floor or you may
open your arms. Hold and breath.

Gently begin to roll down to canoe. Know that if you are new to abs you may
place your elbows to the earth or even roll down to the earth and gently lift
one foot and then the next. Go where you are happy. Hold as long as you

Release to the earth and enjoy a full body stretch. Pull your knees in and give
yourself a squeeze rocking side to side.

Release your squeeze bring your feet to the earth, knees bent mat width
distance apart. Arms can go to t position and gently allow your knees to drft
to the left, head to the right. Melt, breathe.

Switching sides bring your knees the other way, head turns. Let go of every
last bit of tension.

Bringing knees back to center, allow the souls of the feet to touch and simply
let your knees fall open. Arms come up overhead. You may reach for
opposite elbow.

I call this bedtime pose. Do it everynight in bed before you go to sleep. It

releases all the energy ick of the day. It releases Karma. As you lay in this
pose, witness your day. Start at the beginning of the day and quickly walk
through it. If you dont remember something, it doesnt matter. Just thinkI
woke up, I let the dogs out, I meditated..if you get to a part of your day that
was not so pleasant, you may notice that your body responds with stress. DO
notice that your body did not respond as much as it did in the moment. Your
body has already began to let the stress go. This tells your mind to let it go as

Lets start to move to our final pose.the most important pose of yogaknown
as Shavasana or the Relaxation Pose. Simply straighten your legs, bring your
arms by your sides, palms up and begin to settle in. Let your breath go. Let
your mantra go. If you have a blanket, its nice to cover yourself for

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Shavasana will last about 10 minutes. Know that in Shavasana you heal your
body and your mind. You receive all the benefits from your practice. If at any
point in the cleanse you feel like you cant do yoga, know that if you only
practice this one pose every single day, you are doing yoga. 90% of disease
is caused by stress. This pose de-stresses you.

Now just drift and relax. If you fall asleep, thats okay.

Placing your attention on your breath start to bring yourself back to your body.
Simply take a nice inhale and feel the oxygen enter your lungs. You may
wiggle toes, fingers. You may take your head left and right. Do any small
moves that feel good to you.

When you are ready, draw your knees in for a squeeze and gently roll to your
right or left side, making a pillow for your head with your hands. Pause here
for a moment of gratitude. Say a silent thank you for everything in your
life.the good, the bad and the ugly. Know that everything is perfect and just
as it should be in this moment.

Using your hands, gently make your way back to seated. Rest your hands on
your knees for a moment and notice how your feel. Bringing your hands to
forehead center, bowing in gratitude for you day. Thank you for sharing your
practice with me. Namaste.

Sun Salutations.

Bring your body to the front of the mat, hands to Namaste, connect with your
breath.your heart. Breathing a nice even breath.

On an inhale sweep your arms to the sky, look up.

As you exhale, forward fold.

Come up to a flat back and look out.

Fold and place your hands to the mat. Bring your right foot and then your left
to the back of the mat for plank pose. Know that you can lower your knees.

On an exhale, slowly come all the way down to the earth, elbows tucked in.

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Release the tops of your feet. ON an inhale slowly roll up to cobra.

On an exhale make your way to down dog by transitioning through table top.

In down dog, spread your fingers wide, let your heals sink. Gaze at your

Come back to table top and bring your right foot forward placing it between
your hands for runners lunge.

Build a foundation of knee of ankle and when you are ready on your next
inhale, place your hands on your knee and leverage yourself up or simply
sweep your arms up. You may look up to create a little back bend.

Place your hands back to the earth and begin to straighten your right leg
folding over the extended leg. You may reach for your toes and pull them in.

Slowly bend into your right knee and then step your foot back to downdog.

Return to table tobp

Bring your left foot forward for runners lunge on the other side. Know that you
can always lift the knee of your back leg if you want a little more umpf.

When you are ready bring hands to knee to assist you up or simply sweep
your arms up. Look up.

Return your hands to the earth and begin to straighten your left leg folding
over the extended leg. Reach for your toes or not. Relax.

Bend into the left knee and the bring yourself through table top and back to
down dog. Find your breath. Melt your heels.

Placing your attention on your right leg raise it up behind you, foot flexed.
Keep your hips like headlights to the earth. Return your foot to the earth and
switch sides. Flexing into your left foot.

Release your left foot to the ground, return to table top and then bring your
right foot between your hands. We are moving to warrior so bring your left

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knee off the earth. Seal your left foot to the earth and either use your hands or
simply sweep your arms up or if you shoulders are tired, bring your hands to
Namasteyour choice.

Look up. Relax your shoulders. On an exhale bring your hands to namaste
and open your body to the left for Warrior 2. Gaze at your right hand. If
your shoulders are tired, flip your palms.

Moving to peaceful warrior, flip your right hand and sweep I tto the sky and
let your left hand drift down your left leg or wrap it around your body for a

Cartwheel your hands to the earth and step back to your plank, low push up
elbows in., cobra and then your down dog. Know that we will always pause
in down dog.

Return to table top. Bring your left foot between your hands. Raise your right
knee off the earth. Seal your right foot to the earth and using your hands or
simply sweeping up, bring yourself to Warrior 1. Inhale and look up.

On an exhale bring your hands to Namaste and open to the right transitioning
into warrior 2. Gaze ar your left fingertips.

Flipping your left hand sweep up reaching for the sky. You can wrap your
right arm around your back reaching for shirt or hip or simply let it drift down
your right leg. Look up.

Releasing, carwheel your hands to the earth, step your right foot forward and

Inhale as you roll up to standing reaching up. Exhale your hands to Namaste.

Find your mountain. Connect with your breath.

We will begin moving a little faster now. Know that your sun salutations can be
your cardio workout if you move quickly with breath. It takes time to build
yourself into this. You will find that once you master swinging your knee
forward and once your body memorizes the poses, it will be much more
simple. Know that you do not have to keep up with me or with anyone in a

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class. We always pause in down dog, so you will catch up. Move with your
breath which is as unique as you are.

ON an inhale reach up, looking up.

On an exhale, forward fold.

Come to a flat back, look out, place your hands on the earth and step back
into your plank.

Elbows in tight, lower yourself almost to the earth, flip over your toes lining
your finger tips up with your breasts and then roll up for up dog or simply
choose cobra. You may bring your knees off the earth in Up dog as well.

Roll over your toes to down dog or transition through table top to down dog.

Connect with your breath.breathing up and down your spine. Notice your
thoughtsbring them back to your mantra. Heals sink, sitz bones fly, fingers
spread. Melt.

On an inhale bring your right toe to the sky. You may bend into your knee
flexing your right foot and open your body to the right. Gaze under your right
arm. Allow this to feel sooo good.

Bring that right foot through and plant it for warrior. Seal your left foot to the
earth and reach up. Look up.

On an exhale bring your hands to Namaste and then open to your left for
Warrior 2. Gaze at your right fingers. Flip your right palm and reach up for
peaceful warrior. Take the bind. Look up.

Release by cartwheeling your hands to the ground.

Step your right foot back to a high plank,

Low push up.

Up dog.

Down dog.

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Find your breath, your mantra, relax. Feel how strong your shoulders are.

On an inhale sweep your left foot to the sky, toe points.

Bend into your knee, flex your foot and open to your left gazing under your
left arm.

Releasing, bring your left foot between your hands and plant it for warrior 1.
Seal your right foot to the earth and sweep your arms up. Look up. Breath.

On an exhale, bring your hands to Namaste and then open to your right for
Warrior 2. Gaze at your left fingers.

Flip your left palm and reach up for peaceful warrior. Take the bind. Look up.

Cartwheel to the earth and step your right foot forward for a standing forward

Your pretty loose now, so if you want to take your hands to your ankles and
draw yourself in, go ahead.

Another option is to bend into your knees, wrap your arms around your knees
and then slowly begin to straighten your legs in this bind.

Or simply fold. Your choice.

On an inhale roll your body up reaching up and bring your hands to Namaste.

On an inhale reach up

On an exhale, Forward fold.

On an inhale come to a flat back, look out.

Step or jump back to plank position.

Elbows in tight lower to a low pushup,

Up dog

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And then roll into down dog. Find your breath, relax your head, find your

On an inhale bring your right leg up, toe to the sky. You may bend into your
knee open up and then swing your leg forward for warrior 1.

On an inhale straighten your right leg, look up talking a little backbend and
then forward fold into pyramid pose. Release your back. Let every inhale
lenthen and every exhale release.

Tucking your belly in to protech your back on an inhale come up. Setting back
to warrior.

Bring your hands to Namaste and open to your left for warrior 2.

Flip your right palm reaching up to peaceful warrior.

Cartwheel your hands to the earth and step back through your high plank to
low push up to up dog and then to down dog.

Find breath, mantra, relax.

On your next inhale the left toe goes to the sky, bend into your knee open up.

Bring your left foot forward for warrior on the other side sealing your right foot
to the earth. Sweep it up.

Inhale straighten your left leg, look up and take a mini back bend. As you
exhale fold into pyramid.

Melt, relax.

Tucking your belly in inhale yourself to standing and settle back into your
warrior. Bring your hands to Namaste and open to your right for warrior 2.
Flip your left palm, reach up for peaceful warrior.

Cartwheel your hands to the ground and step forward into your forward fold.

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Gently roll to standing reaching up and then bring hands to Namaste.

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