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Alec Daub


Human rights are the fundamental rights stating that everyone in the world, regardless of

gender, race, religion, language, or any other differences, have the rights for opportunities in life.

All humans are said to be born with these rights. Some countries dont believe everyone has

these rights and takes them away from their citizens, which is very wrong. Most of these

countries are in the middle east and fairly full of poverty around the country. One of these rights

that is taken away is the right to be free. There are people being held as slaves in many

countries around the world to this day without an escape.

The countries Mauritania, Haiti, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Moldova, Benin, Ivory Coast,

Gambia, and Gabon have the most slavery worldwide. Slavery was started in Africa thousands

of years ago. Some people think slavery is a thing of the past. Slavery is bigger in the present

than it ever was in history. There are 30 million people enslaved today. All of these enslaved

people have the right to be free according to human rights laws, and it should be common

sense not to hold another human captive and forcefully do work.

Slavery is a violation of human rights. It violates article four, and article four states that

no one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all

their forms. A person should not be forced to work for another person for free. If a slave tries to

escape slavery they are punished very harshly. Also these slaves are shipped off to foreign

countries so even if they do escape they arent in a place close to home.

One day, I hope slaves all over the world will be free. It isnt fair to be held captive and

forced to do things without pay, everyone knows this it is common sense. These slave owners

should be put in the slaves shoes for a couple days and see how they enjoy slaving at someone

else's expense. Many children and adults are suffering each and every day, although there are

some small groups trying to stop it from spreading. Slavery is a horrible idea that should be

banished from all countries and this should be enforced around the world.
Work Cited

Slavery Remains a Reality. Northern Territory News (Includes Sunday Territorian) (2013):14.

Newspaper Source. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.

Skinner, E Benjamin. The New Slave Trade. Time 175.2 (2010):54. MAS Ultra-School Edition.

Web. 21 Nov. 2013.

Stewart, Gail B. Human Rights in the Middle East. 2001. Print.

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