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4551/1 Inheritance

Biology Paper 1


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Question No. Question No. Question No. Question No. Question No. Question No.
6 5 5 5 2 2

YEAR 2003

1. Which of the following statements are true about double fertilisation in a plant?
I One male gamete nucleus fuses with the nucleus of an egg cell to form an
embryo sac
II Two haploid nuclei formed in the ovule fuse with two male gamete nuclei
III One male gamete nucleus fuses with the female nucleus to form diploid
IV Two polar nuclei fuse with one male nucleus to form the endosperm

A I and II only C I, II and III only

B III and IV only D II, III and IV only

2. Figure 13 shows genes in a pair of homologous chromosomes

Figure 13

Which of the following statements regarding the homologous chromosomes are


I Every trait is controlled by a pair of alleles

II The chromosome pair controls five traits
III One is a maternal chromosome while the other is a paternal chromosome
IV D, e, f, g and H are possible alleles which may be found in the chromosome
of a daughter cell after a mitotic division

A I and IV only C I, II and IV only

B II and III only D I, II, III and IV

Answer To Score 1 Jabatan Pelajaran Perak 2009

4551/1 Inheritance
Biology Paper 1

3. Identical twins are produced from the fertilisation of one sperm and one ovum.
Which of the following twins is not the result of such fertilisation?



4. In pea plants, the allele for smooth-skinned seeds is dominant over the allele for
wrinkled-skinned seeds. Two heterozygous plants are cross-bred.
What is the chance of an offspring producing smooth-skinned seeds?
A 25% C 75%
B 50% D 100%

5. Figure 30 shows albinism in the pedigree of a family.

Figure 30

Albinism is controlled by a recessive allele, a. What are the genotypes of

individual P and individual Q?

Individual P Individual Q
A Aa Aa
C Aa aa
D AA aa

6. Figure 31 shows the results of blood group tests from donors P, Q, R and S.
Answer To Score 2 Jabatan Pelajaran Perak 2009
4551/1 Inheritance
Biology Paper 1

Donor Anti-A Anti-B

Key: Agglutination No agglutination

Figure 31

Which of the following recipients blood groups are compatible with their donors?

Donor Recipients blood group

A P A, B, O and AB
B Q O and AB
C R A and B
D S A and O

YEAR 2004

1. The figure shows a dihybrid cross between two pea plants.

Which of the following represent genotypes I, II and III?

Answer To Score 3 Jabatan Pelajaran Perak 2009

4551/1 Inheritance
Biology Paper 1

A RR yy RRy y
B RY ry R r Yy
C RY ry RRy y
D YY rr r r YY

2. The diagram shows a DNA model built by a student.

Which of the following represent K, L, and M?

A Nitrogenous base Phosphate group Deoxyribose sugar
B Deoxyribose sugar Phosphate group Nitrogenous base
C Nitrogenous base Deoxyribose sugar Phosphate group
D Phosphate group Deoxyribose sugar Nitrogenous base

3. The figure shows the karyotype of an individual.

Answer To Score 4 Jabatan Pelajaran Perak 2009

4551/1 Inheritance
Biology Paper 1

The individual is a
A normal male C Down's syndrome male
B normal female D Down's syndrome female

3. The allele for curly hair in human is dominant to the allele for straight hair. A
man with curly hair is heterozygous while his wife has straight hair. The
probability of getting a child with straight hair is

A 1 C

4. The diagram shows a change in the chromosome structure caused by


What type of mutation is this?

A Translocation
B Deletion
C Duplication
D Inversion

5. The following information refers to sickle cell anaemia.

Sickle shaped red blood cells

Low haemoglobin content

Which of the folllowing activities can be carried out by a person who suffers from
sickle cell anaemia?

A Driving a car C Exercising actively

B Climbing a mountain D Driving

Answer To Score 5 Jabatan Pelajaran Perak 2009

4551/1 Inheritance
Biology Paper 1

YEAR 2005

1. The figure shows a pair of homologous chromosomes. The alphabets represent

the genes in the chromosomes

T and t represent
A alleles C phenotype
B genotype D linked genes

2. Which of he following traits was used in Mendelsexperiments?

A Colour of leaf C Size of fruit

B Number of seeds D Height of plant

3. The diagram shows a karyotype of a male suffering from a type of genetic disease.

The genetic disease suffered by the man is

A haemophilia C Downs syndrome

B Turners syndrome D Klinefelters syndrome

4. The figure shows the inheritance of two traits in pea plants.

The allele for smooth seed (S) is dominant to the allele for wrinkled seed.
The allele for purple flower (S) is dominant to the allele for white flower.

S: smooth seed U: purple flower
dominant allele dominant allele
s: wrinkled seed u: white flower
received allele recessive allele

Answer To Score 6 Jabatan Pelajaran Perak 2009

4551/1 Inheritance
Biology Paper 1

Parents P X Q

Parents SSuu SSuu


Gamete Gamete Gamete Gamete

Offsprings Smooth seed, Smooth seed, Smooth seed, Smooth seed,

Purple flower White flower Purple flower White flower

Genotype of plant Q is

B SSuu D SsUu

5. The figure shows a monohybrid cross between durian tree P and durian tree Q.
50% of the offspring are tall and 50% are dwarf

Parents Durian tree P X Durian tree Q

(Tall) (Dwarf)

Offspring Durian tree R Durian tree S

(Tall) (Dwarf)

If durian tree R is crossed with durian tree S, what percentage of the trees
produced will be dwarf?

A 0% C 50%
B 25% D 75%

YEAR 2006

1. Which of the following terms defines the physical characteristics of an organism?

A Genotype C Homozygous
B Phenotype D Heteroygous

2. What is the technique used to transfer genes from the DNA of one species to the
DNA of another species?

A Cloning C Genetic engineering

B Dihybrid cross D Monohybrid cross

Answer To Score 7 Jabatan Pelajaran Perak 2009

4551/1 Inheritance
Biology Paper 1

3. Diagram 18 shows the karyotype of an individual.

Which of the following shows the number of chromosome in a gamete produced

by the

A 22 + Y C 44 + Y
B 22 + XY D 44 + X

4. A married couple has different rhesus Rh factors. Their first child is a Rh+ . All
the subsequent pregnancies end with miscarriages.
Determine the rhesus factors for the parents and the miscarriage foetus.

Father Mother Miscarriage foetus

A Rh+ Rh- Rh-
B Rh+ Rh- Rh+
C Rh- Rh+ Rh+
D Rh- Rh+ Rh-

5. The following information shows the alleles belonging to a pair of married couple.

B ~ Dominant allele for normal eyesight

b ~ Recessive allele for colour blindness

Which of the following crosses produces male progeny who all have colour



Answer To Score 8 Jabatan Pelajaran Perak 2009

4551/1 Inheritance
Biology Paper 1

YEAR 2007

1. Saras blood group is type B.

Which blood groups can be recipients of Saras blood.

A. Types A and AB C. Types O and AB

B. Types B and AB D. Types O and AB

2. Diagram 23 shows a pair of

homologous chrosomes.
P is a locus on those
homologous chromosomes.
What is P?
A. Locus of dominant characteristic
B. Locus of recessive characteristic
C. Lokcus of genotype
D. Locus og gene Diagram 23

YEAR 2008

1. Blood group in humans is determined by three alleles, IA, IB and IO.

What is the possible genotype for a person having a blood group B?


A. I and II C. I and IV
B. II and III D. III and IV

2. Which genetic disorder is caused by a sex-linked gene?

A. Albinism C. Downs syndrome

B. Colour blindness D. Sickle-cell anaemia

Answer To Score 9 Jabatan Pelajaran Perak 2009

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