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Lincoln Elementary
2nd Grade Lesson

April 21st, 2017

Essential Question: How can we use props to explore strong and weak beats? How does
identifying strong beats help us identify duple and triple meter?

I. National Standards
Cr1.1.2b Generate musical patterns and ideas within the contexts of a given
tonality (such as major and minor) and meter meter (such as duple and triple).
Cr2.1.2a Demonstrate and explain personal reasons for selecting patterns and
ideas for music that represent expressive intent.
Cr2.1.2b Use iconic or standard notation and/or recording technology to
combine, sequence, and document personal musical ideas.
Cr3.1.2a Interpret and apply personal, peer, and teacher to revise personal
Pr4.1.2a Demonstrate and explain personal interest in, knowledge about, and
purpose of varied musical selections.
Pr4.2.2b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic and
melodic patterns using iconic or standard notation.
Re7.2.2a Describe how specific music concepts are used to support a specific
purpose in music.
Re8.1.2a Demonstrate knowledge of music concepts and how they support
creators/performers expressive intent.
Cn10.0.2a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal
choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.

II. Learning Outcomes
SW sing familiar songs, Froggie and Bluebird, and identify it is in duple meter by
using designated body motions and egg shakers
SW sing new songs, It Rained a Mist and Home on the Range, and identify it is in
triple meter by using designated body motions and egg shakers
SW listen to a variety of musical excerpts and use designated scarf motions to
identify the meter

III. Glossary
Meter the pattern of how the stressed and unstressed beats are grouped in a
piece of music
Duple Meter a meter where the strong beats indicate that the number of beats
in the bar is 2
Triple Meter a meter where the strong beats indicate that the number of beats
in the bar is 3

IV. Materials
Class set of scarves
Class set of egg shakers
Froggie in the Meadow
It Rained a Mist (American Folk Songs for Children, Page 68)
Home on the Range (Refrain)
Doggie, Doggie
Classical Music Samples TBD
Kidz Bop 33
Speakers & CD Player

V. Procedures
1) SW come and sit in their assigned spots.
2) TW, seated, will begin singing a familiar song in duple, Froggie, tapping knees then
fingertips of both hands to show beats 1, 2.
3) TW sing It Rained a Mist, tapping knees, fingertips of both hands, then fingertips to
shoulders of same hand to show 1, 2, 3.
4) TW review strong and weak beats with students. What do the motions have in
common? (Both start on knees.)
5) TW initiate singing Bluebird. SW use motions to determine if the song is in duple or
6) TW sing new song, Home on the Range (Refrain). SW use motions to determine if
the song is in duple or triple.
7) TW place egg shaker in front of each student. TW warn students not to smack egg
hard on the floor. SW pick up egg and tap to show beats: 1 (floor), 2 (tap on other
palm), [3 (tap on shoulder of same hand)]. SW tap in duple or triple while singing
familiar songs, e.g. Froggie, Rain, Bluebird, and Home
8) TW playing listening samples and SW first find strong beat by tapping egg on floor,
then determine if meter is duple or triple.
9) SW place egg on the floor in front of them.
10) TW walk up and down rows and students will place egg in container and take scarf,
placing it in front of them and putting their hands in their lap.
11) TW take a scarf and demonstrate motion for duple: down, up (on same side of
body), while counting 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
12) TW demonstrate motion for triple: 3 waves across body, while counting 1 2 3 1 2 3..
13) SW mimic motions and then do so to beat while singing Bluebird and It Rained
14) TW play audio sample in duple wave scarf in duple motion.
15) TW play audio sample in triple wave scarf in triple motion.
16) TW play more audio samples and have students identify meter using scarves.
17) SW sing Doggie, Doggie as they move back to seats and move scarf to determine if
duple or triple.
18) TW collect scarves.
19) TW review the word meter and review terms duple and triple.

VI. Assessment
TW assess students accurate identification of the the meter of Froggie and
Bluebird by assessing their body motions and aurally/visually assessing egg
TW assess students accurate identification of the the meter of It Rained a Mist
and Home on the Range by assessing their body motions and aurally/visually
assessing egg shakers.
TW assess students accurate identification of duple and triple meter in musical
excerpts by visually assessing students scarf motions

VII. Continued Learning
Creating own motions to show duple and triple
Singing in triple meter

VIII. Honor Code
I affirm that I have upheld the highest principles of honesty and integrity in my academic
work and have not witnessed a violation of the Honor Code. Brittany N. Barry

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