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Mariah Hernandez

AGSD 485

ALE Reflection
Within the Discipline
In my internship, I used the knowledge gained from many of my Horticultural classes
especially plant propagation. At project-44 we start everything by seed whether in the ground
or greenhouse. We use different methods of seed propagation such as scarification,
stratification and soaking depending on the type of seed. I have used a lot of knowledge and
information from my soils class. The soil is badly depleted to the point where we dont have
earthworms and the soil is very thick Texas clay. I have been using amendments and
implications I learned such as bioremediation with the use of ice plants, pelletized gypsum,
mineral amendments like azomite and humic acid and the use of natural fertilizers with chicken
manure and cover crops which also help with aeration and runoff and the quality of the soil
overall. I also utilized everything I learned in my entomology course. We got an aphid bloom in
the greenhouse and have every common horticultural pest such as cucumber and potato
beetles, harlequin bugs, and lace bugs. All the bugs we have are chewing/sucking insects and
slowly depleted the plants of their nutrients and open the plants to allow other pests such as
vine borers into the stem of the plants. We use a combination of IPM and botanical insecticides
to eradicate the pest problems.
Beyond the Discipline
For the hydroponics at Project-44 we must understand how the chemistry behind it
works. The chemistry course I took helped me better understand how the molecules become
available as they bind and separate with the water compounds. It is very important to know
how the pH scale effects the way the nutrients can be up taken by the plant. Although the
nutrients are in the water, the pH should be around 6.5 -6.8 for them to be available. I use basic
math from college algebra and the two calculus courses I took to successfully calculate the
volume of the tanks and the proper amount of nutrients to add the water. We also got new
rafts for tanks and I had to calculate the length, width and thickness of each raft to get the most
yield out of the tanks. A large aspect of my internship was communicating, coordinating and
leading volunteers. My speech and agricultural sales and services classes prepared me with the
confidence and public speaking tools it takes to handle the volunteers. I give them tours, inform
them about the farm and everything we do. I also give them instructions on Saturday work days
along with calling youth group leaders and coordinating volunteers throughout the week.
Beyond Academics
Throughout my internship I have learned a lot about mechanics. I had to rebuild a lawn
mower deck. The spindle on the pulleys were bad and I had to replace them along with the belt
after the malfunctioning pulleys snapped the belt in half. I have kept all the tractor implements
and tractor greased up. Changed and repaired many tires and even replaced broken lug nut
Mariah Hernandez

AGSD 485

studs. Although I am a horticulture major, without all the equipment we use, I wouldnt be able
to do my job as efficiently without the equipment, therefore it is very important to learn all
different skills to be successful. I have also learned how to lead large groups of volunteers
ranging in all age groups. I had to lead an entire fourth grade from the local elementary school
all day and every Saturday we have at least 40 people who show up to the farm. Community
involvement is extremely important for a non-profit organization to be successful. By taking the
confidence I have obtained through giving speeches and the plant knowledge from school I
could lead the volunteers in an education manner.
Operating a farm requires an array of skills, knowledge and values. All the courses I have
taken have prepared my mind with the information needed to know how to accomplish tasks
successfully day-to-day but even though you are prepared with the information it doesnt mean
that the body is prepared. Farming is hard work and requires long days of work in extreme
conditions of the environment. To get the body prepared, the correct mindset must be in order.
One cant go into work thinking they know everything already, in my case I have learned so
much about mechanics and group leadership that I couldnt have learned without entering the
real world and getting some hands-on experience. I have also had to revert to knowledge and
skills I dont use much but came in handy like chemistry and math to produce the maximum
yield of our crops.
Global Awareness
During my internship, I have seen how difficult it is to be a non-profit organization. We
rely on donations to pay for everything. What we do is try to make a positive impact of the
people in Hood county and the donors have specific wishes and stipulations on how their
donations are spent. Most of the donors wish for the money to stay within the county and I
used to believe the same. I thought we should be helping people here in our own county, in our
own state first before we try to help other people but after seeing the mission and the progress
they have made in Liberia I started to wonder how we could help both the people here and
over there. With all the food that we produce and waste here, I see that after already being
established, we can afford to use some of our resources to reach out and help others by
educating and supporting the effort.
Broader Implications
Project-44 has six ministries they have formed and one includes a ministry they have in
Liberia. They are trying to build trade schools for welding, mechanics, and farming for the
people involved in the ministry over in Liberia. What we are doing at the farm is experimenting
with traditional and alternative methods of gardening/farming. Their ultimate goal is to take
what we have learned here and try to implement and educate the ministry in Liberia. With the
Mariah Hernandez

AGSD 485

different climates and conditions of Liberia we are learning a mixture of the two methods are
best because they dont have the resources to completely go with alternative methods like
hydroponics. I think it is important for the people of Granbury to be assisted with the hunger
summit as well as people all around the world with minimal impact on the environment and the
resources that are available. By interning with Project-44 and earning a degree from Tarleton
even if I dont stay with the project I have the tools and skills to make a difference in the world.
My generation is going to make a huge impact on the world and I believe we can make a
positive influence in the agricultural industry and the whole world.

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