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Term paper: 2.

26 Compressible Fluid Dynamics, Spring 2004

Similarity transformation methods in the analysis of the two

dimensional steady compressible laminar boundary layer
Yeunwoo Cho
Angelica Aessopos

Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


The system of equations in a steady, compressible, The system of equations in the incompressible boundary
laminar boundary layer is composed of four fundamental layer with forced convection, is a PDE system composed
equations. Those are: the continuity equation, the of the continuity, the momentum, and the energy
momentum equation, the energy equation, and the equations. These simultaneous equations can be
equation of state. The solutions of these equations, reduced to two ODEs using similarity transformation. In
when solved simultaneously for a 2-dimensional this case, continuity equation and momentum equation
boundary layer, are: the velocity in the x and y direction are reduced to a single ODE and energy equation is
( u and v ), the pressure (p) and the density ( ). The reduced to another ODE.
system of equations is a system of partial differential
equations (PDE) and is usually difficult to solve. Compared with the incompressible boundary layer
Therefore, sophisticated transformation methods, called analysis, the effect of compressibility on the entire
similarity transformations are introduced to convert the velocity and temperature field should be considered. As
original partial differential equation set to a simplified a result, the system of equations in compressible
ordinary differential equation (ODE) set. The solutions of boundary layer is a more complicated PDE system,
this ordinary differential equation set are usually composed of the continuity equation, the momentum
nondimensionalized velocities and temperature. By equation, the energy equation and an equation of state.
principle, these ordinary equations are coupled
mathematically and usually can be solved by numerical SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS OF COMRESSIBLE
methods. However, with further appropriate assumptions BOUNDARYLAYER
related to the transport properties (e.g. Prandtl number),
and flow conditions (e.g. Mach number, geometry The system of governing equations to be solved for a
around flow), these ODEs can be uncoupled two-dimensional, steady, compressible, laminar
mathematically or can have simpler forms, almost similar boundary layer without body forces and bulk heat
to the forms obtained from the incompressible boundary transfer is as follows:
layer analysis. (e.g. Blasius solution, Falkner-Skan
equation). Hence, the simplified ODE set makes it GOVERNING EQUATIONS
possible to get the solution from the already existing
solutions of the incompressible analysis and also Continuity equation
reduces the computing time in the numerical analysis.

In this paper, three different transformation methods will ( u ) + ( v) = 0 (1)
be described. A detailed derivation of the generalized x y
(Levy-Ilingworth) transformation method and the
appropriate assumptions made during the derivation will
be explained. The Howarth transformation and the
Illingworth-Stewartson transformation will be described
Momentum equation h
u (0) = 0 v(0) = v( x) h(0) = h( x) =0 (5)
u u 1 P 1 u
u +v = + At the edge of the boundary layer, the viscous flow
x y x y y inside the boundary layer is required to smoothly
(2) transition into the inviscid flow outside the boundary
P layer.
u ( y ) U e ( x), h( y ) he ( x) (6)

where, the subscript e represents condition at the edge

Energy equation of the boundary layer.


h h u P 1 1 h u
u +v = + + (3)
x y x Pr y y y Introducing the non-dimensional variables:
u v y x
u= v= y= x= (7)
Ue Ue L L
An equation of state h P
h= = P= = (8)
he e e U e2 e
p = RT (4)
then, the original equations (1)~(4) become:
x : Direction along the surface creating the boundary ( u ) ( v )
layer + =0 (9)
y : Direction normal to the surface x y
u : Velocity in the x direction
v : Velocity in the y direction u u 1 P 1 u
u +v = + (10)
: Density x y x Re y y
p : Pressure
: Viscosity h h u P 1 1 h
: Kinematic viscosity u +v = ( 1) M e2 +
p : Pressure x y x Pr Re y y
h : Enthalpy ( 1) M e2 u
R : Gas constant + v
Re y
Comparing the energy equation (3) to the energy
equation (A.47) used in incompressible boundary layer (11)
with forced convection shown in Appendix.4, the first
term in the energy equation in (3) is retained, which is where,
u P
the compressive work term . The second term on eU e L
x Re = : Reynolds number
the right hand side of the energy equation represents the e
diffusion of heat transferred to the fluid or generated
within the fluid. The third term represents the heat
U e2
generated due to viscous stresses within the fluid, i.e., ( 1) M e2 =
viscous dissipation. he

BOUNDARY CONDITIONS = : Specific heat ratio
These boundary conditions at the surface, i.e., y = 0
are given by the no-slip velocity condition with or without Ue
mass transfer or heat transfer. Me = : Mach number
C p : Specific heat at constant pressure u2
H = h+ (13)
C v : Specific heat at constant volume
In the non-dimensional energy equation (11), the first u : the velocity along the streamline
term, i.e., the work due to compression and the third
term, i.e., the heat generated by viscous dissipation Using equation (13), the energy equation (3) becomes:
become increasingly important as the Mach number of
the external flow increases. H H u u
u +v u u + v =
x y x y
u + + u
In the PDE system composed of equations (1)~(4), the x y Pr y y y y
influence of compressibility is first contained directly in (14)
the density terms in the continuity equation (1), and
more indirectly as a variable coefficient in the The pressure gradient term in the energy equation (14)
momentum equation (2) and energy equation (3). The can be eliminated by multiplying the momentum
second influence of compressibility is to produce equation (2) by u and adding the result to the energy
temperature variations that are too large to permit the equation (14). This results in:
assumption of constant properties and k .
1 u u
It is common to use the energy equation written in terms u +v = 1 + u
x y Pr y y y
of enthalpy h in compressible problems instead of k as
shown in the energy equation (3), in which the Prandtl
1 H
c p +
number (Pr) is shown instead of k = . Therefore, Pr y y
the added complexity with compressible, laminar (15)
boundary layer problems is centered on variable , ,
and Pr.
For the similarity transformations and the corresponding
From an equation of state, the density is a function of similar solutions, the compressible stream function can
temperature and pressure, i.e., = (T , P ) . However, be defined by:
the pressure is assumed constant across the boundary
layer. Therefore, the density can be assumed to be a
function of temperature only, i.e., = (T ) . The = u (16)
viscosity also can be assumed to a function of

temperature only, i.e., = (T ) . Finally, the Prandtl = v (17)
number (Pr) is assumed nearly constant for most gases
over a wide range of temperature.
Equation (16) and (17) automatically satisfy the
DERIVATION OF GENERALIZED SIMILARITY continuity equation (1). Then, the momentum equation
TRANSFORMATION (ILLINGWORTH-LEVY OR (2) and energy equation (15) become:
1 1
The derivation of a generalized similarity transformation
is from the procedure adopted by Li and Nagamatsu [1] y x y x y y
and is well summarized in [2]. (18)
P 1
= +
The energy equation can be rewritten in terms of the
total enthalpy.
or integrating:

y x x y U ( x)

N ( x) 0
= e dy (27)
1 1

= 1 +
Pr y y y y y y
N (x) will be determined from the transformed
2 momentum and energy equations.
1 H
Introducing equations (23), (24), and (27) into the
momentum equation (18) and energy equation (19)

Dependent variable transformation U2 N 1 dP

( f ) + x Uff U x ( f ) 2
From the experience with the incompressible boundary N 2
N U dx (28)
layer equations, the dependent variable transformations = U x ( f f f f )
are introduced as follows:

( x, y ) = N ( x) f ( , ) (20) U N
H e ( g ) + x H e Pr fg Pr H e , x f g +
u ( x, y ) = U e ( x) f ( , ) (21) N N
H ( x, y ) = H e ( x) g ( , ) U
(22) (Pr 1) 2 ( f f ) = H e x ( f g f g )
where, the subscript indicates partial differentiation.
where, the subscripts , , and x indicate partial
The form of the enthalpy transformation (22) states that differentiations.
the compressible boundary layer is expected to be
similar with respect to a non-dimensional total enthalpy SIMPLIFIED FORM OF TRANSFORMED EQUATIONS
profile rather than the static enthalpy or temperature
profile, as in the case for the incompressible constant- Chapman - Rubesin viscosity assumption
property boundary layer.
In the equations (28) and (29), the density and the
Independent variable transformation viscosity, always appear in the form except in the
pressure gradient term. This leads to the assumption of
Independent variable transformations are introduced as a Chapman-Rubesin viscosity law, with w = 1 in
follows: equation (A.3) as shown in Appendix 1. Using the
conditions at the edge of the boundary layer as
= (x) (23) reference condition results in:
= ( x, y ) (24)
= C , ( = 1) (30)
e Te
Relation between independent and dependent
variable through trnasformation
From the definitions of the stream functions in (16) and
which, from = 0 and the equation of state:

= C e e (31)
= N ( x) f ( , ) = u = U e ( x) f ( , ) (25)
y y Substituting this result (31) into equations (28) and (29)
results in:
which results in:

U e ( x)
= (26)
y N ( x)
U2 N 1 dP where, the prime denotes ordinary differentiation with
e e (Cf ) + x Uff U x ( f ) 2 respect to .
N 2
N U dx
From equations (34) and (35), the similarity conditions
U N Condition (1)
H e e e (Cg ) + x H e Pr fg Pr H e , x f g +
U 3 NN x
(Pr 1) 2 e e (Cf f ) = H e x ( f g f g ) = const (36)
N C e eU e
Condition (2)
Linear viscosity law assumption, similar assumption,
and iso-energetic assumption N 2U x e
f 2 = function of only (37)
The coefficient C ( ) in equation (31) can vary through
C e eU e2
the boundary layer. However, the constant C
Condition (3)
assumption is made, and is evaluated at the surface
conditions, e.g., using the Sutherland viscosity law in
Appendix 1. U e2
= const or Pr = 1 (38)
The flow is assumed to be similar, in other words,
f = f ( ) and g = g ( ) such that the right hand side
of the momentum equation (32) and energy equation Simplification from Condition (1)
(33) become zero.
If the constant in condition (1) is the unity, then, in the
Finally, it is assumed that the total enthalpy at the absence of a pressure gradient, the momentum equation
(34) reduces to the Blasius equation in Appendix.2. In
boundary layer edge is constant, i.e., H e , x = 0 . This
addition, comparing equation (35) with the energy
iso-energetic assumption of the inviscid flow at the edge equation (A.91) for forced convection in Appendix.5, by
of the boundary layer, i.e., H e ( x) =constant, is not choosing the constant in condition (1) as unity, the
differential equation (35) for the compressible boundary
U e2 layer with unit Prandtl number has the same form as that
restrictive. Since H e = he + , both the static enthalpy
2 for the incompressible boundary layer with an isothermal
and the velocity can vary along the edge of the boundary wall. Therefore, the constant in condition (1) is chosen
layer. From the fact that the stagnation enthalpy is as unity as follows:
constant across a shock wave, the iso-energetic flow
assumption is reasonable when the shock wave is not NN x
significantly curved =1 (39)
C e eU e
From these assumptions, equation (32) becomes
following (34) by replacing pressure gradient term using Rearranging and integrating of equation (39) results in:
Eulers equation at the edge of the boundary layer, i.e.,
U x = (1 / eU e )(dP / dx) : x
N ( x) = 2 C e eU e dx (40)
NN x N 2U x e
f + ff + f 2 = 0 (34) Using equation (40), equation (27) becomes:
C e eU e C e eU e2
Ue y
and, the equation (33) becomes: =
dy (41)
2 C e eU e dx
NN x U
g + Pr fg = (1 Pr) ( f f )
C e eU e He Since, = (x) and:
= C e eU e dx (42) From the above simplifications, the final governing
0 equations are:

results in:
f + ff + ( g f 2 ) = 0 (48)

U e ( x) g + Pr fg = (1 Pr)( f f ) (49)
The transformations given in (42) and (43) are called the ( 1) M e2
Illingworth-Levy transformation. 1 2
1+ Me
Simplification from condition (2)

For the case of H e = const. , using the definition of ASSUMPTION FOR THE EXISTENCE OF SIMILAR
g ( ) in equation (22) and the definition of the stagnation
enthalpy: Power law variation in the Mach number

h u2 Similar solutions of the equations (48) and (49) exist if

u2 +
h+ he 2he
H 2 2 dU e H e 2 dU e 1 2
g ( ) = = = (44) = = 1 + Me (50)
He U e2 u2 U e d he U e d 2
he + 1 +
2 2he
is constant.
Since, u / U e = f , equation (44) can be written as
can be written in terms of the external Mach number
by differentiating [( 1) / 2]M e2 = U e2 / 2he and
h U e2 U2 evaluating dh e / d using the fact that the stagnation
= 1 + g e f 2 (45)
he 2he
2he enthalpy is constant at the edge of the boundary layer.

Finally, from the constant pressure assumption across dM e U e dU e U e2 dhe

the boundary layer, ( 1) M e = 2
d he d 2he d
e h U e2 1 dU e H e

f =2
f = 1 +
( g f 2 )
= ( 1) M 2

U e d he
he 2he
H and
= e (g f 2 )
he 1 dU e H e 1 dM e
= (52)
then, the term in condition (2) becomes: U e d he M e d

From equations (51) and (52), equation (50) becomes:

N 2U x H e
( g f 2 ) = ( g f 2 ) (47)
C e eU e he
2 dM e d ln M e
Simplification from condition (3) = = 2 = constant (53)
M e d d ln
Condition (3) can be written as follows:
Integrating the equation (53) results in
U 2
U 2
( 1) M
= e
= e
He U 2
1 2 M e = (const ) 2
he + e 1+ Me
2 2
Therefore, the similarity requirement for the momentum
FINAL FORM OF TRANSFORMED EQUATIONS equation (48) is satisfied by a power law variation of the
Mach number in the transformed plane. In addition, the
similarity requirement is satisfied by an exponential 2 v( x)
Mach number variation, which is shown by Li and f (0) = = const f (0) = 0 (55a, b)
Nagamatsu [1] and Cohen [2]. wU e ( x)
Other assumptions The equation (55a) represents the mass transfer normal
to the surface. This equation is obtained by
Furthermore, in order for similarity conditions in differentiating the stream function, equation (20), with
equations (48) and (49) to exist, one of the following respect to x , using the definition of N (x) given by the
assumptions must also be satisfied:
equation (40) to evaluate N x and the Chapman-
(1) =1 Rubesin viscosity law to rearrange the result. In addition,
(2) M e = 0 for similar solutions to exist, f (0) must be constant.
This implies that:
(3) Pr = 1
(4) M e = const wU e ( x)
(5) = 2 , i.e., M e v( x) = 0 or v( x) = (56a, b)
The assumption (1), i.e., =1 is unrealistic for most Here, as for the Falkner-Skan equation in Appendix 3,
gases. negative values of f (0) correspond to mass transfer
from the surface to the fluid, i.e., injection or blowing,
The assumption (2), i.e., M e = 0 neglects both the and positive values of f (0) correspond to mass
viscous dissipation and the compressive work terms in transfer from the fluid into the surface, i.e., suction.
the energy equation. If it is further assumed that there is
no heat transfer at the surface, the M e = 0 assumption The boundary condition related to the energy equation
states that the static temperature through the boundary is:
layer is constant. However, since the static temperature
in the boundary layer should vary from the surface g (0) = g w = const or g (0) = 0 (57a, b)
temperature to the static temperature at the boundary
layer edge, the M e = 0 assumption is less realistic than Outer boundary conditions
the unit Prandtl number assumption.
The outer boundary conditions are
The assumption (3), i.e., Pr = 1 states that the
stagnation enthalpy or temperature for zero heat transfer f ( ) 1 g ( ) 1 (58a, b)
at the surface is constant through the boundary layer.
This result is close to the true adiabatic wall stagnation SOLVING EQUATIONS
enthalpy variation, which is slight.
Similar solutions for equations (48) and (49) subject
The assumption (4), i.e., M e = const corresponds only these boundary conditions (55)~(58) can be obtained
according to the following cases. The results are
to the flat plate ( = 0 ) in equation (54). However, for summarized in Appendix 6. In all the bellow cases, the
fundamental equations are transformed to equations
small values of the pressure gradient parameter, , the similar to the fundamental equations governing the
constant external Mach number assumption is sufficient. incompressible boundary layer.

The assumption (5), i.e., M e leads to the Case 1: Low Speed Compressible Boundary Layer
with Variable Properties
hypersonic flow assumption, i.e., = 2 . This
approximation is less than five percent in error at the
external Mach number of ten. In addition, it allows the = const , M e = 0, Pr = const
investigation of the effects of constant but non-unit
Prandtl number on the heat transfer at the surface.
M e = 0 means neglecting the viscous dissipation and
BOUNDARY CONDITIONS compressive work in the energy equation and is
acceptable when the right hand side of equation (49) is
Boundary conditions at the surface small compared to the left hand side of equation (49).

The boundary conditions required at the surface for The boundary value problem for this case can be written
similar solutions to exist are: as follows:
equations in this case has no known analytical solution.
f + ff + ( g f 2 ) = 0 (59) This boundary value problem needs numerical methods.

g + Pr fg = 0 (60) Case 1.2 Uncoupled-equations ( = 0, f (0) = 0 : Flat

plate without mass transfer at the surface)
with boundary conditions
For this case, momentum equation (59) reduces to
Blasius equation in Appendix 2. Further, energy
f (0) = f w = const f (0) = 0 (61) equation (60) has the same functional form as the
energy equation governing the incompressible constant
g (0) = g w = const or g (0) = 0 (62) property forced convection thermal boundary layer
without viscous dissipation, i.e., equation (A.62) in
Appendix 4. In particular, the solution of equation (A.62)
f ( ) 1 g ( ) 1 (63) for arbitrary but constant Prandtl number is

Since, g ( ) = 1 (1 g w )1 ( ) (66)

h( ) 1 2
= g ( ) + M e ( g f 2 ) (64) where,
he 2 1 ( ) : non-dimensional solution given by equation
(A.66) in Appendix 4
From equation (64), M e = 0 case results in
Case 1.3 Another uncoupled-equations - Adiabatic
h( )
= g ( )
he For an adiabatic wall, i.e., g (0) = 0 integrating
equation (60) twice and using the boundary condition
Solution g ( ) of equation (60) represents non- g (0) = 0, g ( ) 1 results in g ( ) = 1 .
dimensional static enthalpy profiles through the
boundary layer or non-dimensional temperature profile For zero Mach number, the static enthalpy is constant
for a constant specific heat at constant pressure ( c p ). through the boundary layer. Equation (62) is analogous
to the Busemann and Crocco integrals, which are,
however, restricted to Pr=1. Using Equation (62), the
Further, from equation (50) momentum equation becomes

= (2 / U e )(dU e / d ) f + ff + (1 f 2 ) = 0 (67)

and, from equation (42) This equation (67) is the Falkner-Skan equation in
Appendix 2.
d = C e eU e dx
Although the non-dimensional momentum and energy
Therefore, integration yields equations are mathematically uncoupled, physically they
are still coupled through the transport properties.
2 Considering the independent variable transformation for
U e = (const )(2 ) 2 = (const ) x = (const ) x m (65) , from equations (43) and (46), the physical dimension
y becomes:
m /(2 ) 1/ 2
2 x C U
: same as , i.e., Falkner-Skan pressure gradient 0 e e e 2 e

parameter in Appendix 3. 0 U e
d =
eU e

Case1.1 Coupled-equations case (Nonzero heat 2 He

= 1 (1 f ) + ( g f 2 ) d
transfer and 0 ) eU e 0 he

Due to the variable properties included in the solution, 2 H
the momentum and energy equations are coupled.
= J 2 + e J 1
eU e he
When there is heat transfer at the surface, the given
Where, From the Blasius equation f + ff = 0 , if ( f + A) is
multiplied to the Blasius equation, where A is some

J 1 = ( g f 2 ) d constant, and add that result to the energy equation
0 g + fg = 0 in equation (67), the result becomes:

J 2 = (1 f 2 )d
( g + Af ) + f ( g + Af ) + f ( f + ff ) = 0 (71)
Case 2: Compressible Boundary Layer on a Flat
Plate (g + Af ) + f ( g + Af ) = 0 (72)

= 0, M e = const , Pr = const Integrating once:

( g + Af ) = (const )e 0
In the external inviscid flow, U e , e and Te are constant, (73)
equation (59) reduces to the Blasius equation in
Appendix 2. Using the boundary condition in equations (61), (62),
and (63) at the surface ( = 0 ) yields g w = (const ) =0
f + ff = 0 (69) for the isothermal surface.

The governing differential equations (69) and (49) are After integrating equation (73) again and using
uncoupled. Since, the governing equations are equations (61), (62), and (63):
uncoupled, they are integrated sequentially in a manner
similar to that used for the incompressible constant g + Af = (const ) = g w (74)
property forced convection boundary layer in Appendix 4.
And, the boundary conditions are again given by
equations (61), (62), and (63). The constant A is evaluated from the boundary condition
at infinity, equation (63).
Case 2.1 Pr=1 and Adiabatic wall Finally,

Equation (49) reduces to g + ( g w 1) f = g w (75)

g + fg = 0 (70) Equation (75) is called the Crocco integral. g aw = 1 and

A specific integral of this form of the energy equation
g ( ) = 1 is a solution of the energy equation (75) for
(62) for zero heat transfer at the surface, i.e., adiabatic unit Prandtl number.
wall is g ( ) = 1 . However, since here M e 0 , g ( ) is
the ratio of stagnation enthalpies instead of the ratio of
Case 2.3( Pr 1)
static enthalpies. Therefore, in this case, the stagnation
enthalpy is constant through the boundary layer. Further, The energy equation g + Pr fg = (1 Pr)( f f ) is
the adiabatic wall condition is g aw = g (0) = 1 . This a linear non-homogeneous second order ordinary
differential equation with variable coefficients. The non-
means that for the unit Prandtl number, the stagnation homogeneous term is a known forcing-function that is
enthalpy at the surface is equal to the stagnation physically attributed to heat addition due to viscous
enthalpy at the edge of the boundary layer. Since, the dissipation. Since, the governing equation is linear, a
velocity is zero at the surface, for constant specific heat, solution is obtained as the sum of a complementary
the adiabatic wall temperature is equal to the stagnation solution of the homogeneous equation and a particular
temperature of the fluid at the boundary layer edge, solution of the non-homogeneous equation.
which means, consequently, the unity recovery factor.
This physical meaning is that the conversion of kinetic
energy into thermal energy at the surface through the g = K + KG1 + G2 (76)
viscous dissipation is as efficient as the conversion of
kinetic energy into thermal energy through the action of where, G1 ( ) is the solution of the homogeneous
pressure forces in the inviscid flow at the boundary layer boundary value problem, i.e. with original boundary
edge. This particular integral of the energy equation is conditions:
called the Busemann energy integral.

Case 2.2 Pr=1 and Isothermal wall G1 + Pr fG1 = 0 (77)
G1 (0) = 1 G1 ( ) 0 (78)
g w = const
where, G 2 ( ) is the solution of the non-homogeneous

boundary value problem with homogeneous boundary g (0) = 0 = 1 (0)[(1 g aw ) + ( 2 (0) 1 / 2)] (83)

G2 + Pr fG 2 = (1 Pr)( f f ) (79)
g aw = 1 + ( 2 (0) 1 / 2) (84)
G2 (0) = 0 G2 ( ) 0 (80)
Case 3: General Similar Compressible Boundary
From the comparison of equations (A.62) & (A.63) in Layer with Unit Prandtl Number
Appendix 4 with equations (77) & (78), G1 ( ) = 1 ( ) .

Therefore, G1 ( ) is given by equation (A.66) in

= const , M e = (const ) 2
, Pr = 1
Appendix 4.
f + ff + ( g f 2 ) = 0 (85)
Comparing equations (A.64)&(A.65) in Appendix 4 with
equations (79)&(80) reveals that the non-homogeneous g + fg = 0 (86)
terms are different. By using the method of variation of a
parameter or an integrating factor,
with boundary conditions
f 2
+ Pr ( f ( )) Pr ( f ( )) 2 Pr d d

G2 ( ) = f (0) = f w = const f (0) = 0 (87)
2 =
1 g (0) = g w = const or g (0) = 0
= ( f 2 1) + 2 ( ) (88)
(81) f ( ) 1 g ( ) 1 (89)
This is the same non-dimensional boundary value
2 ( ) : non-dimensional solution given by equation
problem governing the low speed ( Me = 0 )
compressible boundary layer, i.e., case 1. However,
The constants K and K in equation (76) are evaluated here the non-dimensional dependent variable g is the
using the boundary conditions equations (61), (62), and
(63). ratio of stagnation enthalpies H / H e rather than h / he .
This means that in this case 3, the effects of viscous
The complete solution is therefore dissipation are included.

g ( ) = 1 (1 g w )G1 ( ) + (G2 ( ) G2 (0)G1 ( )) Case 3.1 Adiabatic wall

= 1 (1 g w )1 ( ) + ( 2 ( ) 2 (0)1 ( )) For zero heat transfer at the surface, an explicit integral
of equation (60) subject to equations (61), (62), and (63)
+ ( f 2 + 1 ( )) is g ( ) = 1 . This shows that, for an adiabatic wall, the
(82) stagnation enthalpy is constant through the boundary
layer. Therefore, for zero heat transfer at the surface,
the internal heat generated due to viscous dissipation in
When = 0 , equation (82) reduces to equation (66)
the velocity field and the heat transferred by diffusion
obtained for M e = 0 . and conduction in the temperature field interact in a
precise manner to maintain the stagnation enthalpy
From = ( 1) M e2 /[1 + (( 1) / 2) M e2 ] , the effects constant throughout the boundary layer. This result is a
consequence of the unit Prandtl number assumption. As
of viscous dissipation on the enthalpy profile are g ( ) = 1 , the non-dimensional momentum equation
significant when the external Mach number is significant
as shown in Figure A.4 in Appendix 6. As increases reduces to the Falkner-Skan equation in Appendix 3.
Therefore, the nondimensional momentum and energy
the maximum enthalpy ratio in the boundary layer
equations are uncoupled.
increases. This is a result of the conversion of kinetic
energy within the boundary layer into thermal energy
Case 3.2 Non-zero heat transfer at the surface case
through viscous dissipation.
When there is heat transfer at the surface, the given
By differentiating the equation (82) and setting the result
equations in this case has no known analytical solution.
to be zero, adiabatic wall temperature can be obtained
This boundary value problem was studied numerically by
as follows.
Cohen [2], Levy [3], Li & Nagamatsu [1], Cohen &

Case 4: Similar Hypersonic Compressible Boundary HOWARTH TRANSFORMATION

Howarth transformation here is a restricted form of the
= const , M e , Pr 1 transformation similar to the one due to Howarth [7] and
the following derivation is adopted from ([2][8]).

f + ff + ( g f 2 ) = 0 (90) Introducing the compressible stream function defined by

g + Pr fg = 2(1 Pr)( f f ) (91) u v

= and = (95)
y r x r
with boundary conditions
where, the subscript r indicates some reference
f (0) = f w = const f (0) = 0 (92) condition.

Independent variable transformations are:

g (0) = g w = const or g (0) = 0 (93)
= (x) = ( x, y ) (96)
f ( ) 1 g ( ) 1 (94)

For the cases 1 to 3, under certain conditions, the , which are subject to the condition u = .
boundary value problem for the compressible boundary
layer could be reduced to an equivalent incompressible The particular functional forms chosen for the
boundary layer problem. However, this is not possible independent variable transformations are based on the
for the present case 4. This is because the stagnation equivalent forms for incompressible flow with restriction
enthalpy is not constant through the boundary layer u = which is also based on the incompressible
even for an adiabatic wall ( g ( ) = 1 is not an integral of
the energy equation). Thus, since, 0 , the
momentum equation (90) cannot be reduced to the r y
Falkner-Skan equation in Appendix 3. Therefore, the
= y = y = (97)
y r
functions f ( ), f ( ) and f ( ) required in the
energy integrals, equations (A.66) and (81), depend on which, yields the required independent variable
g ( ), g ( ) and g ( ) because of the coupling transformation for , i.e.
between the momentum and energy equations, (59) and
(91). Because of this coupling, the energy integrals y
cannot be evaluated except by successive = dy (98)
approximations using the incompressible Falkner-Skan 0
solutions to begin the approximation. Therefore,
numerical method should be used to get the exact The formal transformation equations are


Experimental data presented in Figure A.6 in Appendix 6

suggest that the proposed transformations predict the = x +x (100)
velocity and enthalpy of the system with high accuracy x
(e.g. velocity profile for the compressible boundary layer
on an adiabatic flat plate)
Transform of the momentum equation
It should be noted, however, that real life applications
are most likely to deviate from one of these four Using equations (99) and (100), the transformed
categories presented above. The need for numerical momentum equation becomes:
simulation is then becoming essential for more accuracy. 1 P 1
However, the analytical approach is critical as it provides x ( ) = + ( ) (101)
the essential framework on which the numerical
x r2
approximations are built.
Using the Chapman-Rubesin viscosity law with w=1 in for compressible boundary layer flow is uncoupled from
Appendix 1, i.e. the energy equation. Formally this is true. However,
determining the physical coordinate, y , from the inverse
T of equation (98), requires a knowledge of the density
=C (102) distribution in the boundary layer and therefore the
r Tr
solution of the energy equation. Thus, the momentum
and energy equations for compressible boundary layer
and from P / y = 0 , and using the equation of state, flow, even in the absence of a pressure gradient, are still
technically coupled.
= C r r (103)
Transform of the energy equation
then, equation (101) becomes
Transformation of the energy equation into
, coordinates yields
1 P
x ( ) = + r (C ) (104)
x 1 r 1 P 1
h h = + ( h )
C r x C Pr r2
If C =constant, then with x = C , i.e., = Cx ,
+ ( ) 2
1 r 1 P C r2
( ) = + r (105)
C r x (110)

Introducing the Chapman-Rubesin viscosity law in

Except for the factor (1 / C )( r / ) in the pressure
Appendix 1 and assuming that C r r is constant,
gradient term, equation (105) has the same form as the
momentum equation governing incompressible constant
property boundary layer flow. When the pressure 1 r 1 P r
h h = + h + r ( ) 2
gradient is zero, i.e., for a flat plate at zero-incidence, C r x Pr
equation (105) has exactly the same form as the
incompressible constant property momentum equation.
In the absence of pressure gradient, the similarity
In the absence of a pressure gradient, equation (105) is
transformations developed for the incompressible
equivalent to the energy equation governing forced
boundary layer flow yield the Blasius equation in
convection flow over a flat plate at zero-incidence.
Appendix 2, i.e.

1/ 2
U ( )
= ( , ) = (2U ( ) )1 / 2 f ( ) Assuming that unity Prnadtl number, constant c p , and
(106) the viscosity linearly related to the temperature,
Stewartson and Illingworth have independently shown
that there exists a transformation from a compressible
( f ) + f ( f ) = 0 (107)
flow boundary layer, to a related incompressible flow
boundary layer ([4][8]).
The transformed boundary conditions for an
impermeable surface are A stream function that satisfies the continuity equation
f (0) = f (0) = 0 (108)
f ( ) 1 (109) = (112)
y 0
where, the prime denotes differentiation with respect to
. = (113)
x 0
Therefore, the solution of the momentum equation for
the compressible variable property boundary layer in the The energy and momentum equations are transformed
absence of pressure gradient is reduced to the solution to new coordinates X and Y such that:
of an equivalent incompressible constant property
equation, i.e., the Blasius equation in Appendix 2. In the
absence of a pressure gradient, the momentum equation
Pe a e 2m
X = C dx (114) = : Pressure gradient
P0 a 0 m +1
U u
e = = f : Velocity ratio
Y = C dy (115) U e ue

where, a means sonic speed and subscript 0 SUMMARY

represents some reference state.
With the increased complexity of the equations of motion
The enthalpy function S is defined as: for compressible (variable-density), variable-property
flows, it was natural to seek ways of rigorously extending
he the material at hand for constant-density, constant-
S= 1 (116) property flows to those cases. Ways were sought to
h0 transform a compressible boundary layer problem into
an equivalent incompressible problem. The existing
The stream function is replaced by the transformed solutions could then be transformed back to a solution
velocities U and V through following relations. for the original compressible problem. This procedure
ended in success with some assumptions. We
discussed three examples, e.g. the Illingworth-Levy
U= (117) transformation, the Howarth transformation and the
Y Stewartson-Illingworth transformation.

V = (118)
Equations (112)-(118) are applied to the momentum and
energy equations and a new set of equations is [1] Li, T.Y., and Nagamatsu, H.T., Similar solutions of
obtained. It assumed that the pressure is constant along compressible boundary layer over a flat plate with
the boundary layer and that wall temperature is suction or injection, JAS, Vol.22, pp.589-597, 1955
[2] David F. Rogers, Laminar flow analysis, Cambridge
In order to reduce this system into a system of ordinary University Press, 1992
differential equation, the following relations are
assumed: [3] Cohen, C., Similar solutions of compressible laminar
boundary layer equations, JAS, Vol.21, pp.281-282,
= AX aU ep f ( ) (119)
Y = BX bU eq (120) [4] Levy, S., Effect of large temperature changes
(including viscous heating) upon laminar boundary
S = S ( ) (121) layers with variable free-stream velocity, JAS, Vol.21,
pp.341-348, 1952
where, A, B, a, b, p, and, q are undetermined variables.
[5] Cohen, C.B., and Reshotko, E., Similar solutions for
Possible similar solutions are possible if: the compressible laminar boundary layer with heat
transfer and pressure gradient, NACA TR 1293, 1956
U e = CX m or U e = C exp(C 2 X ) (122)
[6] Rogers, D.F, Reverse flow solutions for compressible
laminar boundary layer equations, Phys. of Fluids, Vol.
Then, the system of ODEs corresponding to the power-
12, pp. 517-523, 1969
law velocity distribution of equations my be written:
[7] Howarth, L., Concerning the effect compressibility on
f + ff = ( f 2 1 S ) (123) laminar boundary layers and their separation, Proc. Roy.
Soc. London Ser. A, Vol. 194, pp. 16-42, 1948
( 1) M e2
S + Pr fS = (1 Pr) ( f f + f 2 ) (124) [8] Stefan Schreier, Compressible flow, Wiley, 1982
1 2
1+ Me
2 [9] A.D. Young, Boundary layers, Oxford, 1989


[1] O.A. Oleinik, V.N. Samokin, Mathematical models in

boundary layer theory, Chapman&Hall/CRC, 1999

[2] Josep A. Schetz, Boundary layer analysis, Prentice-

Hall, 1993

[3] Herrmann Schlichting, Klaus Gerstan, Boundary-

layer theory, Springer, 2000
Image removed due to copyright considerations.



The transport properties of importance in a viscous

compressible flow are the viscosity, the thermal
conductivity, the specific heat at constant pressure, and
the Prandtl number which is the combination of the first Figure A.1. Absolute viscosity of certain gases and
three properties.

From monatomic gas theory, the viscosity of gases

depends only on the temperature and is independent of
the pressure. Experimental measurements confirm that
this result is essentially correct for all gases. For gases,
the viscosity increases with increasing temperature. In Image removed due to copyright considerations.
contrast, the viscosity of liquids depends on both
temperature and pressure and decreases with
increasing temperature.

Sutherland viscosity law

Experimental measurements of the viscosity of air are

related with temperature by the Sutherland equation: Figure A.2. Power law viscosity relationship
3/ 2
T Tr + S1
= (A.1) Chapman-Rubesin viscosity law
r Tr T + S1
Because of the complexity of Sutherland equation,
For air between 180 R and 3400 R , approximation formula based on the empirical equation
called Chapman-Rebesin viscosity law is used instead.
S1 =198.6 R
Tr =491.6 R T
= C (A.3)
r = 3.58 10 (lb sec/ ft )
7 2 r Tr

Therefore, for air, A simple and useful case of the Chapman-Rubesin

viscosity law occurs when C=1 and w=1 in equation
T 3/ 2 (A.3). With these values, and using the surface as the
= 2.270 10 8 (lb sec/ ft 2 ) (A.2) reference condition,
T + 198.6
Figures A.1 and A.2 show the absolute viscosity of = w ( x)
certain gases and liquids and the power law viscosity Tw ( x )
relationship respectively [2].
For an isothermal wall, this reduces to

The thermal conductivity of gases k also depends only GOVERNING EQUATIONS AND BOUDNARY
on the temperature and is independent of pressure. The CONDTION
variation of the thermal conductivity of air with
temperature is the same as that of the dynamic Continuity equation
u v
x y
The specific heat at constant pressure c p for air is
Momentum equation
almost constant for a wide range of temperatures.
u u 2u
x y y
The behaviors of transport properties with temperature
mentioned above make the Prandtl number Boundary condition
Pr = c p / k essentially invariant with temperature.
Therefore, it is assumed that the Prandtl number for y = 0: u = v = 0 (A.6)
gases is constant. This assumption eliminates the need
to formally specify the functional variation of the c p and y : u U (A.7)
k with temperature. Further, considerable mathematical
simplification occurs if we choose a unit Prandtl number
and a Chapman-Rubesin viscosity law with C=w=1.
u = y v = x (A.8)
Figure A.3 shows the variation of k, cp and Pr with
temperature [2]. From (A.5) and (A.8),

y xy x yy = yyy (A.9)

With boundary conditions

y=0 x = y = 0 (A.10)
Image removed due to copyright considerations.

y y U (A.11)

After similarity transformation

=y ( x, y ) = 2Ux f ( ) (A.12)
Figure A.3. Variation of thermal conductivity, 2x
specific heat at constant pressure, and the Prandtl
number with temperature f + ff = 0 (A.13)

with f (0) = f (0) = 0 (A.14)

and f ( ) 1 (A.15)
dx dx
For all x > 0 , the boundary condition at infinity
( y , ) becomes:

Continuity equation y = ABU ( x) f ( , ) U ( x) (A.26)

u v 1
+ =0 (A.16) or f ( , ) (A.27)
x y AB
Momentum equation In order to non-dimensionalize equation (A.25) and to
obtain a simple numerical result for the boundary
u u 1 P 2u condition at infinity, AB=1 and A B = U are chosen.
u +v = + 2 (A.17)
x y x y
Where, U : the potential velocity upstream of x = 0 .
Boundary condition
Solving for A and B yields
y = 0: u = v = 0 (A.18)
A = U / and B = / U (A.28)
y : u U ( x) (A.19)
Then, equation (A.25) becomes:


f + ff + (1 f 2 ) = g 2 ( f f f f ) (A.29)
y xy x yy = U + yyy (A.20) where,
dx g g2
= (Ug ) =
U (A.30)
With boundary conditions U U

y=0 x = y = 0 (A.21) In order for similar solutions to exist, the transformed

stream function must be a function of only, i.e.,
y y U ( x) (A.22)
f = f ( ) . Therefore, the right hand side of equation
By introducing the transformations (A.29) must be zero. Furthermore, , must be
independent of x . Since g and U were assumed to be
Ay functions of x only, , are constants.
=x = (A.23)
g ( x)
f + ff + (1 f 2 ) = 0 (A.31)
( x, y ) = BU ( x) g ( x) f ( , ) (A.24)
with boundary conditions
Then the governing equations yield:
f (0) = f (0) = 0 (A.32)
( AB) 2
g U 2
f + g (Ug ) ff + 3 [1 ( AB) 2 f 2 ] f ( ) 1 (A.33)
A B3
A B (A.25)
( AB) 2 Since , are assumed to be constants, equations
= g U ( f f f f )
A 3 B (A.30) represent two equations in the two unknown
functions, U(x) and g(x). U(x) and g(x) can thus be
where, determined. From
2g g2 1
f f f 2 =
(Ug ) U = ( g 2U ) (A.34)
f= f = f = U U U

Providing 2 0 , integration of equation (A.34) Using the results for A and g(x) in the original
yields transformations, yields the appropriate independent
similarity variable
U 2
g = (2 ) x (A.35) (m + 1) U
U =y (A.44)
2 x
A second algebraic equation for U(x) and g(x) is
obtained by considering In the above analysis, the cases where =0 and
where 2 = 0 were excluded.
g g2 U
Multiplying both sides of equation (A.36) by U and
rewriting results in:
( ) = U = (A.37)
U U g g

Integration of equation (A.37) results in: Image removed due to copyright considerations.

= U g = Kg (A.38) Figure A.4. Forced convection boundary layer flow
U past a flat plate [2]

Simultaneous solution of equations (A.34) and (A.38)

Continuity equation
U ( x)
=K 2
[(2 ) x] 2
= (const ) x m (A.39) u v
U + =0 (A.45)
x y
1/ 2 Momentum equation
U x
g ( x) = (2 ) (A.40)
U u u 2u
u +v = 2 (A.46)
x y y
Similar solution of the steady two-dimensional
incompressible boundary layer exist if the potential
Energy equation
velocity U(x) varies as a power of the distance along the
surface. Providing 0 , without loss of generality, 2
= 1 is chosen. In addition, by introducing T T 2T u
c p u +v = k 2 + (A.47)
x y y y
m= or = (A.41)
2 m +1
Boundary condition
U(x) and g(x) then become
y=0 u=v=0 (A.48)
1/ 2
2 x
U ( x) = K x m and g ( x) = U (A.42) T
m +1U T = Tw or =0 (A.49)
m y u U T T (A.50)
K = U K m +1 (A.43)
m + 1
where, the subscript indicates conditions in the
inviscid flow at the edge of the boundary layer. 2 + Pr f 2 = Pr f 2 (A.64)

2 (0) = 0
with and 2 ( ) 0 (A.65)
Using the similarity transformations


=y ( x, y ) = 2Ux f ( ) (A.51)
2x Both the homogeneous and the non-homogeneous
boundary value problems are amenable to analytical
f + ff = 0 (A.52) solution.

Homogeneous solution
with f (0) = f (0) = 0 (A.53)
The solution of the homogeneous problem is
and f ( ) 1 (A.54)

( f ( )) d

= 0 (Pr)
2 2 =
d T
+ Pr f
= Pr
f 2
( ) =
( f ( )) Pr d
( f ( )) d
d 2
d cp =0
Introducing the non-dimensional temperature
where, 0 (Pr) = ( f ( )) Pr d
= (A.56)
Tw T For the special case of unit Prandtl number 0 (1) = 1 ,
equation (A.66) reduces to
Then, equation (A.55) becomes
1 ( ) = 1 f ( ) (A.67)
+ Pr f = Pr Ef 2 (A.57)
Therefore, when there is heat transfer at the surface the
with (0) = 1 or (0) = 0 (A.58) non-dimensional temperature distribution has the same
form as the non-dimensional velocity distribution.
and ( ) 0 (A.59) Non-homogeneous solution

where, the appropriate Eckert number is defined as The non-homogeneous boundary value problem for the
adiabatic wall is solved using the method of variation of
U 2 a parameter.
E= (A.60)
c p (Tw T )
2 ( ) = Pr ( f ( )) Pr ( f ( )) 2 Pr d d

= 0
Equation (A.57) is a second-order linear non-
homogeneous differential equation subject to two-point
asymptotic boundary conditions. This equation can be
For the special case of unit Prandtl number, this result
divided by two equations by superposition principle.
reduces to
( ) = K1 ( ) + E 2 ( ) (A.61)
2 ( ) = (1 f 2 ( )) (A.69)
Homogeneous equation 2
Total solution
1 + Pr f1 = 0 (A.62)
Using the condition =1 at =0
with 1 ( 0) = 1 and 1 ( ) 0 (A.63)
K = 1 E 2 (0) (A.70)
Non-homogeneous equation
and equation (A.61) becomes
( ) = [1 E 2 (0)]1 ( ) + E 2 ( ) (A.71) TRANSFORMED EQUATION

1 f + ff + (1 f 2 ) = 0 (A.82)
For the special case of unit Prandtl number, 2 (0) =
f (0) = f (0) = 0
( ) (A.83)
( ) = 1 ( ) + E 2 ( ) 1 (A.72) f ( ) 1
2T T m 1 T 2 Pr T
m +1 m + 1 x
Continuity equation
2T T T T
u v + Pr f + 2 Pr( 1)f (2 ) Pr f x
+ =0 (A.73) 2
x y
= Pr f 2
Momentum equation cp
u u 1 dP 2u
u +v = + 2 (A.74)
x y dx y By introducing a non-dimensional temperature:
Energy equation
T Tw
= (A.86)
2 Te Tw
h h h 2
u +v = + (A.75)
x y Pr y 2
y Further assumption is made such that the surface heat
transfer is sufficiently small that it does not change the
Boundary condition temperature in the inviscid flow at the edge of the
boundary layer. Thus, Te = T
y=0 u=v=0 (A.76)
x dTw
T = T (x) (A.77) + Pr f Pr(2 )(1 ) f
Te Tw dx
y u U T Te (A.78) U 2
= Pr x 2 m f 2
c p (Te Tw )

U ( x) = U x m m= (A.79)
2 x dTw x 2m
= const and = const (A.88)
Te Tw dx Te Tw
Tw Te = T1 x
(m + 1) U
=y (A.80)
2 x where,
T1 : a constant associated with the initial temperature
1/ 2
2 distribution (n=0 : Isothermal condition)
( x, y ) = xU f ( ) (A.81)
m +1 Using this assumption, equation (A.87) becomes
+ Pr f + n Pr(2 )(1 ) f = Pr E1 x 2 m n f 2 1) 0 < < 2
The surface temperature increases in the direction of
where, the flow
the Eckert number is E = U 2 / c p T1
2) < 0
The surface temperature decreases in the direction of
The associated boundary conditions are
the flow
(0) = 0 ( ) = 1 (A.90)
3) = 0 and n = 0
Constant surface temperature

From equation (A.89), there are two classes of similar APPENDIX 6. SUMMARY OF GOVERNING
solutions of the energy equation for forced convection: EQUATIONS FOR SIMILAR COMPRESSIBLE
those with viscous dissipation, and those without viscous BOUNDARY LAYER
Case 1: The low speed compressible boundary layer
Low speed incompressible flow (Neglect of viscous
dissipation) 0 and M e = 0
In this case, the Eckert number is small, since U is
small. Under these conditions, the viscous dissipation on
the right hand side can be neglected.
f + ff + ( g f 2 ) = 0
+ Pr f + n Pr(2 )(1 ) f = 0 (A.91) g + Pr fg = 0

1) n = 0 (isothermal wall) 1.1 Adiabatic Wall analytical Solutions (It can be solved
using the result of Falkner-Skan equation)
This equation reduces to the same form as the
homogeneous solution for the flat plate isothermal wall f + ff + (1 f 2 ) = 0
case, i.e., equation (A.62). Although equation (A.91) is of
g ( ) = 1
the same form as equation (A.62), its solution = ( )
is not the same. Here, the non-dimensional stream
1.2 Isothermal Wall analytical Solutions (It can not be
function f ( ) , given by the solution of the Falkner-Skan solved)
equation in Appendix 3, depends on the value of , and,
in turn, the solution of equation (A.91) also depends on Comments:
the value of . h
1) g ( ) =
2) =2 2) The viscous dissipation terms are neglected

Similar solutions of the energy equation exist for

arbitrary wall temperature variations. Case 2: The compressible boundary layer on a flat
3) n 0 and 2
0 and M e = const
The similar solutions of the energy equation depend on
both the pressure gradient and the surface Equations:
temperature parameter n .
f + ff = 0
When the viscous dissipation is not neglected
g + fg = (1 Pr)( f f )
Similar solutions of the energy equation exits only if
2.1 Adiabatic Wall analytical Solutions (It can be solved
2m-n=0. n = 2 /( 2 ) and 2 for Pr=1):

In other words, similar solutions of the energy equation f + ff = 0

exist for only one wall temperature variation. g ( ) = 1 (Busseman Integral)
2.2 Isothermal Wall analytical Solutions (It can be

2.2.1 Pr = 1
Image removed due to copyright considerations.
f + ff = 0
g ( ) = g w ( g w 1) f (Crocco integral)

2.2.2 Pr 1

f + ff = 0
g ( ) = 1 (1 g w )1 ( ) + ( 2 ( ) 2 (0)1 ( ))

+ ( f 2 + 1 ( )) Figure A.6. Comparison of experimental and
theoretical velocity profiles for the compressible
boundary layer on an adiabatic flat plate
1) g ( ) =
2) The viscous dissipation terms are included
Case 3:similar compressible boundary layer with
3) For Pr = 1 , g aw = 1 unit prandtl number

For Pr 1 , g aw = ( 2 (0) )
2 0 , M e = (const ) 2 , Pr = 1
Figure A.5 presents the effect of Mach number on the Equations:
enthalpy profiles for a flat plate [2]: f + ff + ( g f 2 ) = 0
g + Pr fg = 0
3.1 Adiabatic Wall analytical Solutions (It can be solved):

f + ff + ( g f 2 ) = 0
g ( ) = 1

Image removed due to copyright considerations. 3.2 Isothermal Wall analytical Solutions (It cannot be


1) No analytical solutions for non-unit Prandtl number

2) The viscous dissipation terms are included

Case 4: The similar hypersonic compressible

boundary layer with nonunit prandtl number
Figure A.5. The effect of Mach number on the
enthalpy for = 0 , g w = 0.6 , and Pr=0.723
0 M e

Figure A.6 shows the comparison of experimental and f + ff + ( g f 2 ) = 0
theoretical velocity profiles for the compressible
boundary layer on an adiabatic flat plate [2]: g + fg = 2(1 Pr)( f f )

4.1 Adiabatic Wall analytical Solutions (Cannot be

4.2 Isothermal Wall analytical Solutions (Cannot be


1) M e yields =2
2) g ( ) 1 for the adiabatic wall

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