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Date: 6 Dec 2013 To: Chief Morris From: Ofe. Oliver Subject: Suspension Time 1, Ofe Oliver, am requesting to forfeit 16 hours of sick time per my option in the 2013-2014 Meet and Confer as stated in Article 13. Respectfully submitted, Balch Springs Police Department Chief of Police 12500 Elam Rood aressrontt Balch Springs, Texas 75180 (972) 587-6000 Panay Criminal tnveatigations ‘972-857-6020, Trafic Division ‘oressr02" Crime Prevention! ‘ress7-0017 | Bote: December 4, 2013 To: Oifleer Roy Olver #530 From: Ed Mons, Chef of Police ‘Balch Springs Police Daperiment Ce: Chill Service Commission Re: Sixteen (16) hour Definite Suspension Offcor Oliver, (On October 31, 2018 Deputy Chief Ed Morris informed the Professional Standards Unit to Investigate the following allegations: ‘Cobar 20, 2012 you ad a court eaten Dallas County concarming a DIV. Geoyis the summary of phone onveration with & superuser forthe Dales DistetAlenay Ofes conearang your conduct st coat 1 The DAs offco had a hard me getng you reper for cout 2. Youwere very enor that you hes to ben cour 5 Yourtanquage wae 80 vga hat De asst DA had a young femal tr leave the room, 44 Aton pest you got up and avis yeu ware going tolave. 5 Amaze Dit the room win you ent text massage to anctnr DA inthe courtroom advising you wero soaring en 6: Wine an the stand, he DA ackes you # question. You responded tothe question wih" don't understand the fucking questo ALLEGATIONS: 1. You fled to comply with the Giy of Belch Springs Pace Ofcers! Chil Service Commission Rule and Reguatons 2. Yous to comy wit he Ernplayee Personnel Potcy and Requstions Handbook, City of Balch Spenge, Texas, "Code of Ethics” 3 You fateitacompiy wit the Bach Springs, Texas Police Department General Orders Manus Choptor 1-1 tive Diep 13.503 “4 Youtala a campy wth be Ble Spgs, Texas Folee Depart Gone Orters Mari pler 24 Finpincs: 1. You fd to comply uth the Cy of Bach Spings Police Officer" Chl Service Commisson Rule snd Reguatlna SUSTAINED 2 Youtated to comply wih the Excloyee Pereonnel Plcy and Reguatons Handbook, City of Bach Springs, “Teras, "Coda of Ethics"- SUSTAINED 3 Youtated to compiy wih tho Belch Springs, Texas Plce Department Ganaral Orders Manual (Chapter 1-0-4= SUSTAINED 4. Youfaied to comply wt the Beleh Springs, Texas Police Department General Orders Manual, ‘Chaptor 2-1 - SUSTAINED ‘summary: ‘October 30, 2018 you had a court eae in Dafae Coury concerning DWI. alow the summary ofa phone ‘conversation wth a suparvsor for he Dales Distt Atrney Omi concering your carat a eau. 1. The DA’s office had hard ime getting you to report for court ‘+ The investigation dé net show any face to lead this investigator to beeve there was a problem, 2. Youwere very angry that you hed to bein court ‘+ By your own admission, you sai you were anary and aggressive while st court 3. Yourlenguage was so vulgar thatthe assistant DA had a young female intern leave te room, ‘+ There are no fac to show the inter wats sent out the room because of you. However, you stalog you "more than lcly" ware using profanity in te DA werkroom. 4, Atone point you got up and advised you was gokg to leave, You did getup o leave and smoke a cigarette. You did not make cure the DA know you were ‘coming back When you lef the DA thought you were leaving the property and not rturing, 5. An assistant. DA inthe room with you senta text message te ancther DA inthe court room advising you were scaring them. +The text message sent was leting the other DA's know that you were not going o be cooperative and a good witness. + nan eral fom one of he prosecuors, he sites you wer "sary pars to have in our 6. While on the stand, the DA asked you a question. You responded tothe question with I don't Understand te fucking question” ‘+ You acinit io saying this in your response later and during my Interview with you. tier Diipline 1-503 “There Is sufficient evidence fo prove that you volted the fllowing City of Balch Springs Police Officrs’ Cit Service Commission Rule ond Regulations, Employee Personnel Policy and Rogultions Handbook, City of Balen Springs, Texas, "Code of Eth ir Balch Springs, Texas Pol ‘Department General Orcers Manual 1 Cy of Balen Springs Palce Olicrs’ Cit Service Commision Rule and Regutons, Subchapter D. Disobinary Actions, Sections 143.061 Caume fc Remova or Surpendion, Number 3. (3) Volaton of any of he rules an regulations of Ce Genel Orders the Pole Dopartneni or of special orders oe applable, or of tho Rules and Regulations, 0 of any of the Gly Personnel Poles: oof any oer Gly Ornance er Paley sppcable to Pace Department enpioyees, Employee Personnel Ploy and Repulstons Handbook, Cy of Belch Springs, Texas, "Code of Ethics" ‘+ Employees shal conduct hemsalves inthe puble and private ecivies in @ manner tat deserves tha recpext nd conidanes of ele emsloyeos an the publ ‘+ Employnes shal azn tal 9 wrongdoing betrays the pble's confidance in pubic erie an that ‘ren he eppearance of wrengiong shout be aveced. Balch Spnge, Texae Police Deparment General Orda Manual, Chapter 4.1-, Mision, Vals, and Walter Brectve Sete, VI Complance wih drectves, A [A Al employees of tis Deparment stall ead, ahere wend are held accountaiefr a drectves, Pass, posedures, rue, and nstuesoral wainng ae Balch Spngs, Tesae Police Deperiment Goncral Orders Manual, Chapter 2-1-4, Rules of Conduct, V ener Dues, Eta, E. Pertomance Prohibitone +1. As appropriate, discipknery action may be taken for any ofthe following reasons: 2 Incompetent or inofiont performance or derscton of duty; », neubordnaton,cscourteous eatnent ofthe publ o a flow employee, or any act of emission or commission of sir nture which dscredtsorrjres te pub. (Insuberdination may also consist of direct, tac, or consructve refusal todo assigned work.) Balch Sprnge, Texas Police Department General Orders Manual, Chapter 21-1, Rul of Conduct, V General Duties, F2. F. Obedience to Rules of Conduct, ave and orders ‘Ad employoas, regardless of rank or assignment, shall be governed bythe flowing ‘general rules of conduct, Violation of any of thse rules by any emoloyee of the department ‘Shall be considered sufiient cause for dismissal, demotion, suspension, o th ddscipinary acton. 2. Adherence to Departmental Rules. Employees shall abide by the rules of the Ciy of Balch Springs Police Officors' Civil Service Commision Rules and Reguatons, the Ciy of Balch Springs Employee Pereonnel Polcy and Rogulallone Handbook, and the Policy and Procedure Manual and other properly lestied intemal crectves ofthe Police Deparment. '. Balch Springs, Texas Police Department General Orders Manual, Chaptar 21-1, ules of Concuct, V General Duties, G3. 6G. Attention to Duty 5. Conduct and Behavior. Employees whether on-duty or off-duty shall folow the ordinary ‘and reasonablerule of ood conduct and behavior and shall not commit any actin an ofcial or private capaci toning o bring reprosch, discredit, or embarrassment io their profession or the {department Employees shel folow established proceduresin carrying out their duiles 2s police offcers andlor employees ofthe department, and shall ata time use sound judgment. 7. Baleh Springs, Texas Police Department General Orders Manual, Chapter 21-1, Rules of Conduct, V General Dutles, 30. |. Rostricons on Behavior 30. Du to be Kind, Courteous, and Ptiont Employees shall at altime be courteous, kind, patient, and respect in dealing with the publ. Employees shall strive towin the respact ofall members ofthe communi inthe clecharge of ther oficial duties. When addressed, ‘employees shall avoid answering questions in a short or abrupt manner, and shall aot use harsh, coarse, vole, profane, indecent, suggestive, ‘sarc, orneuling language Because of your scons you wl receive tho flonir: ‘Sisteon (16) hour Dette Suspension ‘Atco 19 of te 2013-2014 signed Mes and Corfr contrat, Atomatve Disciple, rade: OMtcwrs suspended up tos maxmum of fay (48) ours, may fool er secumusted vocation, cmpensstary, or sick tne equa fo the suspension fo serve re suspension with no fess opal lary. The ‘fice shal have fan (10) calandardaye fom rece of atic othe suspension fo dee whother or the (sho wishes fo fret accumulated leave or exercise Ns or her spells pursuant Chapter 143 Local ‘Government Code, No sppeal fo he Commission orto arbivaton may be Insitey on suspensions where ‘ho offer has fortatod sceumuated vacation, compensatory ar sick time of int sation. Th ferfaed Vacation, companostary, or elk te wil net cette hours worked, Th secon supere Sectors 143082 end 143.059, Texas Local Govermont Code to tho exon etorofthove section do nt aon for the process ould nthe section. “Training in Anger Management Training in Courtroom Demeanor and Testimany Oliver Diiptne 1.503 APPEAL RIGHTS: ‘You have 10 (ton) days from the date ofthis ter o fle a writen appeal othe Balch Springs Civil Serica Commission. You may also appeal ary indefinite suspension, suspension, promotional bypass, or recommended demotion to an independent third party hearing examiner Instead of to ‘the ‘commission. However ff you elect to appeal to a hearing examiner, you waive all ghis to appeal to a distict court except as provided by Section 148.057(), Local Government Code, utined below. “To exercise the choice of appealing to @ heering examiner, you must submit to the arector a wrtlen request as part ofthe original notice of appeal required under Chapter 143 stating the your decision to ‘appeal to anindependert thd party hearing examiner. Please note, pursuant fo Section 143,057, Balch Springs Civil Service Commission Rules, a discpinary proceeding conducted by # Hearing Examiner rather than the Commission shall not be conducted oF Fesolved via arbitration or the alton process. Ary election to appeal to a Heating Examiner isnot 2 Fight or an agreement fo submit such appeal io aration orth arbiaion process. Section 143,067(), Local Goverment Code slates that a dst court may hear an appeal of «hearing examiners award only on the grounds thatthe erbivaion panel was without jurisicfion or exceeded Its Jursdicfon or thatthe order was procured by fraud, collision, or other unlawful means. An appeal must be brought in the estrct court having jurediion inthe municpaly In which the fire or police department ie located, “The evepension eer wil become a pat of your permanent Cv Sena fs. |, Roy Over, #530, cknowladge recolt ofthe original thi eter rom Ed Mort, Chet of Paice on Becember 4 2013, Lil a Rayoner Ea Mote, Chat of Polos Balch Springs Pace Department copies: Givi Saree Commission Permanent Fle Doparimontal Fe Ober Dipti 13508, BALCH SPRINGS = e's ALL here! poston: [Eee = sparen ‘catustent Amat Instructions "lest anor wa permanant sell nn of noe Ince egy cee opel unter ne pn poe noose enpape roman, (= Pesos seperti aa and reignite sing eer ct. '5= Penance nee ob ules prance ove on siete ot rover 4: Raromnc somite pot ao edramens cca ede cto, 3 Feenstra tt greens ened ny we 4 Pores ers TJangrnent [Ries pciaas poaares aEI a 2 Folone at tate statosstactaaes igs eat | Folone srestonsstacions Tes as ide SESS oF REET] OUST es at Eretyersigean ws rua ete being th eaten yc wih an Tx oyna ea ny oan Ang Suen t ei _Initiative/Creativty Seeks waje toc exe Tare 2 Proaucos easly Wor. eg as ‘Looks fox naw ways to Terese rome SASTS oss ae Psat b ions i paises ea ‘5 ses proacve reaettes, Tae’ an resee cet [Hata pesca ace mest rotor hangar safing ee, Epes a ets bt Ris hind sep Jomo ings conta mrp, Ege have spc eee eels pape, peared pom a ae ii Performance/Work Habits eis ad awed Pe ee soem aE ‘5 Pelgy To unettanenow nomen Sms a mel Ta quomer cast ops fOFA OE Ereover hae andra nl abi a cas inoemaion ven wa Epes [se ate ee atan baled op a sae TV Appearance/Punctually [Wat groomed eat end sean z 2 Aap none drs 3 Pancualiy; Intnl bees ney aa apace ————— a as, ingress ows aT a frre SUH wh aero pec V [Team Prayer Le syn seg te ost, pe we eager —— ea — 2 —= a — Tae aa [ib 200 = Sow eecaions [509-00 = Going as scone req (rena Cone cst- ar ewes ong OS TER PRS OT CT [Complete each ofthe following section pe Gian wists ish wih Tar BEESEIRT 3 RSNA ST WS SONS TTT [ocurnted and mpeat. Enya ist motets b mint tuts dosesanesanip ns itn os Deportes ran [sortie ‘uawaPinesnene | Sergeant §. Snow at — Discussed win erpinyee on; SE ANN) Employee's Strate: ZZ Se bo STE en rete, [eens | | epnanetn at serie een za seen _ | ee ee ee ere =e - a TSSSIR STM | RST RESL, | wewraeneoesieqmen | ane mating [Benpnemnmsneans | Sierra, tena =| + eaukneenree . eae =| ey = eee eae ee —= ae ee a a ER a ne ee z x SSE em ae RE a a EE EE | See aes Re es SSS jaeoennemmonnaenm ease SS =| =a ar SRE | ememnaanatstcon, ‘oermnagmontemtns [meme =a, a ee STS = — Sega Pmesmeremened remeron | ements | Seaman ar i TSS ara ri rama saan] Sanaa ala aaa a =a ET ae —_ = aa Sesame [ etermeetares | mranycacrnersee er at Sahara Se — — ERRenese tee tl naeoeeanes = erase | mmceicerere ve] mmramrenttny |, mneruepmaceen, |e er . “the OF —— oo =a ———— ere en Shonen steer ar a ‘escent ean tae annem ans, a esate TN Ra MA OR se inna eget eee nt a ek oo RTO [Saraseeern| -mmmemmmmame fgurensnarsenmeneedsetetersauiees Tee antlers = re SERS AIL” | cement snow | Seaintinscmmpncet | Eomammereapenrnany rata ae Pata | ccs carat — [a mtvnostinntn | Materataketer |e ei) ASSESS, he oe i = eee | eee nee a a Socimeenmgarceim | Sceetceareritrris” |wammcnam mee arcane] Aguysnia mes nieemn P™Rasayee eee SECS | SESS pee moe Ce es Srniicatmaaaan | Paiste | eases |e enceammnse| ere Se ae ee = a Te giemeeneaee [oom mags nen] tenner os free onamena] wasoeagan ow a a Cocina | Srgeamanngenern | iommemmamnnymmin | mysemmytensanse | egmemmannans Fema area Sa SS a eat | Sonmoamense | Rectioaarcee | Reeeesceae [weneemmeneme lexan mT : smpiamarsaae | SRE RRCEASS Meencetnts ss] comremewennren [Ori = ae seaaeieraemammmee | ncaacremneete| Some etna | ween, | “Riese” | om _ Vio feor om LL 202008 Ig-awarded this 021 Roy Oliver te for completion of the.course 5-Day (40 Hours) Level 1 Precision Rifle Course TJ Pilling Diestor ee Teainng 3324 Tooke enaen October 03-07, 2016 . Lm John Tillman TIGER vty Lead tnetractor 40 ont Traning Hears CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BALCH SPRINGS POLICE TRAINING DIVISION This is to certify that ROY OLIVER has successfully completed a course of study PATROL SHOTGUN conducted by the Balch Springs Police Department AUGUST 8 - 9, 2011 Bre 379 GH i / Instructor Chief of Police ‘TCLEOSE CREDIT - 16HOURS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BALCH SPRINGS POLICE TRAINING DIVISION This is to certify that ROY OLIVER has successfully completed a course of study HANDGUN SKILLS / MALFUNCTION CLEARING conducted by the Balch Springs Police Department AUGUST 8, 2011 Bison CL Morn Instructor Chief of Police ‘TCLEOSE CREDIT - SHOURS BALCH SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL ORDER No. 136 Date of Effect: December 7,201 ‘Date of Expiration: Until Further Notice ‘This personnel order affects the stats of Roy Oliver #530 Peace Officer ‘ofthe Police Department inthe following manner: (1 New Probationary Sworn Employee 1 New Probationary Non-Sworn Employee D Transfieto from _ O Promotion to from _ 7 Demotion fom___to__ C1 indefinite Suspension, Definite Sumpension [2 Omer ~ Completed training; assigned to 4 shift Ath AAS By onder of Mark Maret, Deputy Chief BB Employee © rite BS Dispatch 0 Bulletin Board CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BALCH SPRINGS POLICE TRAINING DIVISION This is to certify that ROY OLIVER has successfully completed a course of study REDUCED LIGHT FIREARMS TRAINING conducted by the Balch Springs Police Department 10/15/2012 Laser 4 Instructor Chief of Police TCLEOSE CREDIT - HOURS Texas Tactical Qualification Form Name: Oliver. Boy. N te a Mt Social Scourity: __ 7 NMBID! 27701) Division: faecal __Dept:_falch Sorings Rank: neveaere- 3 Dete:__//-0cr «sp __ ” Range: Texas Tactical DPS#1840¢ (ass Fail) Model: Serial Number: Secondary Weapon (Pass Fail) Make: Model: Serial Number:_ (Pass Fail) Model: Serial Number, 1 ia) ri TE Laka vos, EO Caliber: Ss6 Serial Nomber:_ gai 63/779 50 pars SOF rev or 100 yrs BE reuived o pas Sniper rifles 1003 required Range Master ‘TEXAS COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT & OFFICER STANDARDS AND EDUCATION ear masnotr WILLIAM E. MORRIS BALCH SPRINGS POLICE DEPT. 12500 ELAM RD. BALCH SPRINGS, TX 75180 REF: ROY D. OLIVER - 277011 Peace Officer - Peace Officer License Date of appointment: 7/25/2011 Dear Administrator: ‘The Commission has received an employment report (L-1) for the licensee referenced above. The Commission's records have been updated to note the licensee's current ‘employment. This acknowledgement must be maintained in your agency's personne! files and must be available to Commission staff upon request. TIMOTHY A, BRAATEN Executive Director Phone (S)S67RO fae: GENET DORI BD STB Aan T TES In the name and by the authority of The State of Texas OATH OF OFFICE L Roy Dy oliver do solemnly swear (or affirm), that | will fathfully execute the duties of the office of Peace officer of the ‘State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws ofthe United States and of this State, so help mo God. (foo loa SWORN TO and subscribed before me by afant on tis ASth cay of i 7-801 Saver See ‘be Intectons } PLEASE nrson PRNTLSOLY PROVISE ALL REQUESTED INORATION STATEMENT OF ELECTED/APPOINTED OFFICER Posse Te oe ar 58h oad 20) FI Roy De Oliver do sclemrily ‘swear (or affirm), that I have not diretly or indirectly paid, effeed, promised to pay, contributed, or promised to contribute any money or thing of value, or promised any Dulic office or employment for the giving or withholding of s vote atthe election at Which I was clected or as a reward to secure my appointment or confirmation, ‘whichever the case may be, so help me God, ‘UNDER PENALITES OF PSRIORY, 1 DECLARE THAT 1 KAVE READ THE FOREGOING STATEMENT AND THAT Tie FACTS SEATED THRRBIN ARE TRU 2S Tilt MMe Date Peace Ofticer _ Balch Springs /DeLlas Position to Which Blectod/Appointed City andor County Exam Analysis Page 1 of2 TEXAS COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT Officer Standards and Education (30 MIGHWAY 290 STE 209, AUSTIN TEXAS TaT3-105 snao10 75838 AM TcLEOSE ID: 277011 [Bxam: Peace Offer Lleensng Bam Score: 90 Passed ‘You Passed the Pesce Office Licensing Bx with «sure of 90 on 9/1/2010 7:56:49 aM Attached isan snalyis ofthe Its atemmp which identi eed “Texas Commission on Law Enforcement nto// Analysis PP2.aen?TestResnIHIN=27R143, enna Exam Analysis Page 2 of 2 TEXAS COMMISSION ON LAW ENFORCEMENT Officer Standards and Education RefP_ID27011 “Topi Objecve Corrie erent Arvest Serch &Sere mi Ct Procs a Lib 0 im (Cris tnterentin Tring (TT) Ment sth Cote 20 ‘amly Visine a Rates Arne Ooo @ ines Wen & Strat Minapenet » Fare Options ™m aman Rig “” Prfesinal Foes Diving a SirtgerofDeltoe Fears w US, Tera Conetenton Bf ight & Cri Ste System, 0 Vetgst Crime a np / PF2.a907TestResult1D-278141 sno BALCH SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL ORDER No.127 Date of fects July 25, 2011 ‘Date of Explration: Until Further Notice ‘This personnel order affects the status of Roy D. Oliver, 11#530 Peace Officer of the Police Department in the folowing manner: Bil New Probationsry Swom Employee 1 New Probationary Now Swom Employee Cy Transfer to from _ Promotion to___ ftom. 1 Demation trom __to_ Di Indetisite Suspension 1 Dette Suspension Oi otter __ ALA AAS By onder of Mark Maret, Deputy Chief Bl Employee & Fite BF Dispatet 1B Bulletin Board 4 i CITY OF BALCH SPRINGS, TEXAS PRE-EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FOR POLICE OFFICER ‘Te City of Balch Springs is an equal opportunity omployer and wil consider il applicants fr al positions equally without regard fo thir aca, sex, age, color, religion, national engin, votean status, or any disability as provided i ‘the American with Disb het. ‘This application wil be given every consideration, but ite receipt does not imply that the appilean will be employed, Each question should be enswored Ina complete and accurate manner es na aetion ean be faker on this applcedon ntl all questions have boon answered. Recumes may be attached, however, the application MUST be completed it ieentresy. PERSONAL INFORMATION Last Nome FirstName Olver Roy Cunent Aare — Soret eee i 1 Sa] isarypo [carn Van — — OO eee Hine ‘Tho Balch Springs Police Daparmant ie governed by tho Texas Loasl Government Code Chaptor 14 Munlepat Chit ‘Service for Frefightrs and Polce Ofcere andthe Cy of Balch Springe Chil Serve Commlasion's Local Rule, Please anewer the folowing minimum requirements qusetionais [Wives CINo 1 Vos TNo- Ave yours carted Peabo OWfear In the Sate of Texas] Bie you a etizon of the Uniad Statos? | or nearing the the complation of a basle peace officer academy? {elves C1 Wo Areyou btresne s56 (C1 Yor B¢ Wo ave you otwnon te ager ats ca yeas od Se of 21 (039 years od? ‘leas S yours full im paid as apaatsoffieer or ative milly duty? “es Bj No Rave you ad Wav Wan "| [1 Yes 1 No Have you ever boon convicted. on probllon, or ‘loving Viloatons/acedents in last 3 yeare? | detered sjucietion for an olleee shove a Class Mindenioanor? Boyourhavea High Shoo! Ef Yee Have you sver boon convicted of «Caos & Diploma or GD. ine’ "Vos BiNo If'yes, please explain bolow. Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) information: ‘lease provide We name and adress of the Basle Pease Oar Ready you~ | Bale you completed or wil] stlonded or are eutrenty atoning ‘complet the Academy. ‘Tarrant Count College 4001 Marne Crock Dr Ft Worth, 1% 76170 s2010. TeLEOSE TD Taleaie which Petes Offear CeRcaton you No 27011 [Basic [utermediste[) Advanced. [-]Master Balch pings Pole Department 1 ‘Paschal High Schoo! 3001 Forest Park Ft Worth, 1x76110__| A¥0-94—Jan-98 Dyes Bane ‘allege: : Dyes Cine Trade School ‘errant Count College 4801 Marine Creok Dr Ft Worth, Tx Tex] MOY“10~ Sep-10 are you aid not gradusto, why aid you leave High Schoo! er Colege? [dropped outta work Lime, You planing Yo pursue Wrther studies? I Ves L]Wo Wo, when ahd Wht cOUREST Let any scholastic ons, ofces Fal, aaviies involved airing High ScROST and Cage ‘Daseiba and Tet any abhor achools oF apevlalzed Taina: — ‘Service Branch ‘ite Entered? Date Separated Final Ranks Army sesr008 A720 Sore). Wao yh ssl pao aT aT TY es D1 No it no, phase espisin; ‘Hive You svar been asp Tor Waiting company rks a WguRTSOS? 16s Ba) No ityes, pase expan: at aw many daye of work or schooT have you missed In Ue Task 2 youre? ‘Explain Las sick many Tinos have You BeoTNG TOTWa OST ak VareT ‘Wit you be wiling and able to vapor te work on tiie vary day ona Tagua and Sonaltent Haale? des: Noitan seas {Have You led any typeof Fraudulent lan against any of your pastor present omploVeTa7 (D)Ye8 Pa Noyes, pce ae, Pian Coe ane Doyou type? B3 Yes [No it yes, how many words por minute? 16 ave you had 6 OF word probessIng experience oF Ga (es EIN Hv you ha ry con Desa exp ining? TT Yes BI ‘What languages do you speak Muti? Enalgh ch Sigs Pace Deparmere ‘Are you presently employed? [1 Yes [] No ‘Tfyes, May we contact your employer? BJ Yes []No re TST Bae do TEESE TTT LIV the pane oui | Have vou evar bean acipived or recelred verbal or walton warnnge Tor abaantedlem or tardiness? C1 Yew BING] tyes, Please explain: ith the present or last employer Bsed frst. Account forall Periods oftime incluing military service and any periods of unamployment if self-employed, give company name and supply business refronces. DO NOT REFERENCE YOUR RESUME. Tae af Employer "ares Dshworthington Gardens OPS Roosevelt Or tix: Site Zp boner in x rae [Tako ‘ates Enpioyed! | Suponsars Nam: (erry2re. ase ogust 10 Kleton Somers Siarng Pay: ing Pay! Reason forlaving: [wo TS work afl ime Pais OMe S00 Tame of Employer ass: Unemployment time iy: Sia Tip Code: ne Springs PliceDepment am of Eeployer ‘aioe Dalworthngton Gardens DPS Rocsevet Or ‘iy: ‘State Zip os ‘atington ™ e018 ‘Telophone Rumbar”| Job THRE ‘Dales Employed ‘Supervisors Name (s17}276-1234.~ | Diapatehor November = Marc, of | Greg Petiy | String Pay ing ay ‘Reason for leaving! Hoined the Army. $730 S200 ob bie 1 Ei Name of Employer "Teas CW ‘iat ip ak "Telaphione Namba Job THE oe Sarna Pa sang Pay s ob aie ane of Employer “eas ai ‘Sate — | 2p coi [Faephone Nena [TaR Te ‘Bites Einpoyear Supercars Nama Seta] i a [Rn ring Seb Dats aaa ‘Baie ip Code eb Tiler Dates Floyd ‘Sapeniaors Nomar ing Fay Roa ring Balch Springs Pole Deparment egg RR Ref ERS ninmeeeeniewa cit: Noe ome Phone ‘Aonaie Phone | igo ein reecetse zi Complete acares, Cy, Sat, ip Cade ‘Oscipaton 4203 Buhacod br rngton 170017 [emer Nae Tiome Phone ‘Atemate Pons Scot Ginn ese (eta) o08 7889 Compl assess, ly, Sate Zp Coa Sexe: HAZE Riverside Dr Grapevine, 1 6081 Baier EERE os ime tome Phone ears asin - {s0o)set ars Copia aro, Cy, Sala Bp Ce ‘eeupata: ‘td Tanglewood Dr None L AFEOAVIT | corty that my answars fo the foregoing questions are true and correct without any consequential omissions of any hind whatscaver. 1 understand that iam employed, any false, miseading or etherwise incorectstatomants made on this appiceton fry oe ‘during any interviews, may be grounds for my immediate discharge. ‘I horeby authorize the Cty of Balch Spring 9 contact any company or individual It Seems appropriate {0 investigate my employment history, charactor and qualfeatons ant | give Imy tal end complete consent to their revealing any and afl iformation they wish 0 2 ‘result of this Investigation. In adaion, I hareby waive my right fe bring any cause of {action against these indviduais for defamation, Invasion of privacy or any ether reeson because of their statements, {Lagroo that, itm employed, ! wil abe by atthe rales and regulations of the Clty of Balch Springs. "I understand that the taking of dug test, algo! testy, and other ‘pplicebio teats, when given pursuant fo Cky of Balch Springs policy, afe a contlon oF ‘riploymant and res to take such fsts when asked wl be grounds for my Inmate {rmination I frther understand that nobody int Ciy of Balen Springs fs authorised fo enter into any wen or verbal employment contracts with mo for ay Soto period oF fine, also understand that my employment ls “stall” and may be terminated by mysolt {by the City of Balch Spring at any ime for any reason of no reason a al with oF ‘whout prior nace 4 BO Map dol Baki Springs PlceDeprtnen CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION CITY OF BALCH SPRINGS This supplemont othe appsation le nacossary to provide atonal Information requir {or the Glut Service Entrance xaminaton, Pleses lt all detalls as they app) to You. Pons attach & photocopy of your Stats taued certeates and or Mary orice DD-2t4 ‘ong form. NAME Olver, hey O SOCIAL SECURITY #§ ‘TEXAS DRIVERS LICENSE ¢_ qa CIVIL SERVICE POSITION FOR WHICH YOU ARE APPLYING: COFIRE FIGHTER POLICE OFFICER DATE OF BIRTH QM ARE YOU A VETERAN: £7768 5) NO (GriscH boat soon WonOnSELE SeeTaAaS, ARE YOU FULLY CERTIFIED FOR THE POSITION IN WHICH YOU ARE ‘APPLYING? CTYES [JNO INDICATE WHICH STATE CERTIFICATION YOU HOLD: CiBasic Fine FIGHTER (BASIC PEACE OFFICER COINTERMEDIATE FIRE FIGHTER [J INTERMEDIATE PEACE OFFICER CUADVANCED FIREFIGHTER J ADVANCED PEACE OFFICER COMaSTER FIREFIGHTER (Chaser PEACE OFFICER ACADENY INFORMATION FROM WHICH YOU RECEIVED YOUR TRAINING: NAME AND ADDRESS OF ACADEMY “Tarren? County Colles 20) teal Fé Uncth , TX F614. DATE YOU COMPLETED THE ACADEMY.G1 Sep 2010 | State of ‘Lexas | | Certificate of High School Equivalency | copy e copy COPY y cot Tarrant County ¥ College Nowrawesr Caxrus "4801 Marine Creek Packoey «Fort Worth, Texas 76179-3599 17-55-7100 ‘August 20, 2010 To Whom it May Concern: Rov. Olver, SUMMER cuccosctuly completed the 139" Basic Peace Officer ‘Academy May 10, 2010~-September 1, 2010 at Tarrant County Colepe Distt, CCriminal Justice Training Center, Norihwest Campus, ‘The academy consisted of 658 hours of dlassroom instruction and taining in accordance sith the Taxas Commission on Law Enfocsomont Ofenr Standards ane education (TCLEOSE} regulations which included but was not nited to the subjects below 8-hour ASP Tactical BatonTralning - included classroom lecture and practical training forthe expandable baton, 40-hour Defensive Tactlés Training ~ included claseroom lecture, practical training in pressure points, handeufing, takedowns, defensive countermeasures, and impact weapon raling. ‘82-hour Driver-Training Course in Emergoncy Vehicle Operations — included ‘lassroom lelure, practical defensive driving ané accident avoidance excelsos. (Students received tne NAPD Certfcate of Achiovement for complaion of 24- Fouts of ntonsive traning in Tactical Police Driving.) ‘1G+hour Emergency Modical Assistance/Frst Ald Training - included classroom lecture and practical taining on the proper administration of ‘emergency medical assistance as well ag CPR. 40-hour Firearms Course ~ successfully completed the course with @ hendgun soore/B2 and shotgun ecore98, ‘nour NCICITCIC “Loss than Full Accoss” course wih a score of 82 on July 8, 2010. successfully completed the Tarrant County \ College Normnwesr Casts “\ 4801 Marne Creek Pavey + Fort Wort, Teas 76178-3599 817.515.7100 OC Spray Certiieation Included a 4-nour lecture on th history, proper techniques, and decontamination of OC Spray. ‘Training included being fully sprayed inthe face wih OC Spray. + 2éhour SFST Training ~ included classroom lecture and practical raining on ‘he proper administration ofthe three standardized fd sotity test. {there are any questions about the training the cadets received, please donot hesitate to call me at (817) 816-7700. ‘Sincerely, SSK ‘Scott Donaldson Assistant Trahing Coordinator 180° BP.OA Criminal Justos Training Conter Tarrant Gounly College NY lee Altachments (1) “Sreatdown of TCLEOSE Hous” 618-HOUR BASIC PEACE OFFICER ACADEMY (ESictive Sepember 12007) ‘a serdanc wit Commision mulation, th Basis Peace Ofer Arey sal const of minimum of 618 ‘cheroom bur atl seu, but st be lite, he bles bel. Ths ie secomsiened seen teaching he couse, Academis may nage he sequen iecnsny- TCC-CITC ofers 636 tows ong ‘StSi cnt coco on oficor seal snd trom. 2 ; RoR BSSaSESSSLRNS a eek BSLEE [geladng Intodsten Gee Protection of nd Csine Scie Seth, nevi Teac, Beckiog Proves, Coustoem Daeanor& Tetinoy, sn Can Masapeoet 20._PhysicaTianing TOTAL HOURS 656 “TEP OA DecaenH9 neo wee a0

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