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Physics PH05 Modified 15/02/2015 (PB)
3 Specific Heat Capacity 12 Luminosity
4 Absolute zero 13 Hertzsprung-Russell
5 Ideal Gas 14 Black body radiation
6 Ionising radiation 15 Red Shift
7 Radioactive decay 16 Binding Energy
8 SHM 17 Nuclear Fusion & Fission
9 Oscillations 18 Formula
10 Forced Oscillations
11 Gravitational Field Strength

5.3 Thermal Energy 5.4 Nuclear Decay 5.5 Oscillations 5.6 Astrophysics & Cosmology
PH05 Topic 3 Specific heat capacity
E = m c

E = Energy change (joules)

m = mass (kg)
c = specific heat capacity (J kg-1 C-1)
= temperature change (C)

109 3
PH05 Topic 3 Absolute zero

Both pressure and volume can be related to the

kinetic energy of the particles. A plot of volume or
pressure vs. temperature will intercept the x axis at The mean kinetic energy of a particle can be
absolute zero a point where the average kinetic found from:
energy of the molecules is zero.
m<c2> = 3/2 kT
Absolute temperature (Kelvin temperature) is a
measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules. m = mass (kg)
c = speed of light in a vacuum (m s-2)
Internal energy is the random distribution of kinetic k = Boltzmann Constant (J mol-1 K-1)
and potential energies amongst molecules T = temperature (K)
110 111 112 4
PH05 Topic 3 Ideal gas
Ideal Gas
For an Ideal Gas it is
assumed that:
All collisions are elastic
Motion is random
P = pressure (Pa)
V = volume (m3)
n = amount of substance (mol)
k = Boltzmann constant (J mol-1 K-1)
T = Temperature (Kelvin)

113 5
PH05 Topic 4 Ionising radiation
Background radiation can be measured using a Geiger, or
other radiation, counter. The most common is alpha given off
by radon gas and there is a growing percentage that relates
to medical use. In the past more radiation from space
penetrated our developing atmosphere.
Alpha, with its large mass and 2+ charge is highly ionising.
Beta has a much smaller mass and a 1- charge and therefore
is less ionising. Beta particles are quantised and come with a
range of energies.
Gamma, whilst highly penetrating, has a low ionising ability.

Nuclear decay is
spontaneous and random.
114 115 116 6
PH05 Topic 4 Radioactive decal
dN / dt = N
= ln2 / t ln2 = 0.693
N = N0 et lnN = lnN0 t
N = number of undecayed nuclei
N0 = initial number of undecayed nuclei
t = time (sec)
= Activity (sec-1)

Dice can be
You may be asked to discuss the used to
applications of radioactive simulate
materials, including ethical and radioactive
environmental issues decay
117 118 7
PH05 Topic 5 SHM
Simple harmonic motion, for example the vertical
movement of a spring (projected onto the
y axis and represented by the sine wave)
F = -kx 2

recognise and use the expressions

/2 3/2
a = 2 x
a = A 2 cos t
v = A sin t
x = A cos t T = 1/f
T = 1 / f = 2 / =2f

a = acceleration The gradient of a displacement vs time graph

A = amplitude (maximum displacement) Gives the velocity at that point.
= angular velocity / frequency / speed
f = frequency

119 120 121 8

PH05 Topic 5 Oscillations
The total energy of an undamped Free oscillations experience no
simple harmonic system remains external retarding force. The
constant so K.E. + GPE amplitude of damped
oscillations drops off over time
(usually 3 or 4 swings)

Forced oscillation changes at and around the

natural frequency of a system.

122 123 124 9

PH05 Topic 5 Forced oscillations
124 investigate and recall how the amplitude
of a forced oscillation changes at and
around the natural frequency of a system
and describe, qualitatively, how damping
affects resonance
Use, for example, vibration
generator to investigate forced
125 explain how damping and the plastic
deformation of ductile materials reduce the
amplitude of oscillation
Use, for example, vibration
generator to investigate damped

124 125 10
PH05 Topic 6 Gravitational Field Strength
F = G m1 m2 / r2

F = force (newtons)
G = Universal gravitational constant
G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2
m = mass
r = distance from the centre of mass of the body

g = -G m / r2 Derive F = mg ?

g = the gravitational field due to a point mass

There are similarities between Gravitational and Electric Field Strengths:

Gravitational Field Strength is defined as Force per unit mass g = F / m

c.f. Electric Field Strength is defined as Force per unit charge E = F / Q
126 127 128 11
PH05 Topic 6 Luminosity
Trigonometric parallax:
F = L / 4 d2 r = 1 Astronomical Unit

F = Flux (energy / area / brightness)

L = Luminosity (watts)
d = distance to a star

A standard candle is an astronomical object (a star or

galaxy) whose luminosity is already known. Distance
can be calculated by comparing the known
luminosity to the observed brightness.

When d = 1 pc, = 1 arc second (1/360)

129 130 12
PH05 Topic 6 Hertzsprung-Russell
The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram is a
plot of a stars luminosity against its

The Main Sequence stars are a

diagonal from top left to bottom right
with the hottest stars to the top left.

L = T4 x surface area, (for a sphere)

Stefan-Boltzmann law:

L = 4r2 T4 (for black body radiators)

L = luminosity (watts)
= Stefan- Boltzmann constant
= 5.67 x 10-8 watts m-2 k-4
T = temperature (Kelvin)
131 132 r = radius of the star 13
PH05 Topic 6 Black body radiation
Wiens law:

The peak wavelength of a black body radiator can

be found from

max T = 2.898 x 103 m K

max = wavelength with the highest intensity

T = Temperature (Kelvin)

133 14
PH05 Topic 6 Red Shift
z = / f / f v / c

z = value of red shift (positive = moving away)

= change in wavelength
v = velocity of the object
c = speed of light

v = Ho d (for objects at cosmological distances)

v = recessional velocity
Ho = Hubbles Constant (km s-1 Mpc-1)

There is controversy over the age and ultimate fate of the

universe associated with the value of the Hubble Constant and
the possible existence of dark matter

134 135 15
PH05 Topic 6 Binding energy
The mass difference (mass defect) of a nucleus is the difference between the sum of the
masses of the separate nucleons compared with the mass of the nucleons when combined
in a nucleus. This mass loss also represents a loss of energy (E = m c2)

Masses of particles can be given in amu,

atomic mass units (U) rather than in kg.
They can also be given in equivalent units
Calculated from E = m c2

U = 1.661 x 10-27 kg

Use kg to convert values to Joules, then

divide by the charge on the electron to
convert to electronvolts:

U = 931.3 MeV

136 16
PH05 Topic 6 Fission & Fusion
Control rods: Slow Unstable
Capture neutrons, controlling the chain thermal nucleus
reaction: neutron Two or
more, fast
Moderators: moving,
Slow down the fast neutrons so that they neutrons.
can be absorbed by more U-235 triggering
a chain reaction. Absorbed ENERGY

1H 4
The temperatures and pressures required are difficult to achieve on earth
and it can be very difficult to contain the reaction.
High temperature and pressure are required to overcome the
electrostatic repulsion of like-charged protons and to give the particles
sufficient kinetic energy to collide and fuse. This kinetic energy would
be insufficient to overcome electrostatic repulsion at low temperatures
0n and the chances of successful collisions increase with pressure.

137 138 17
Energy and Matter

Heating E = mc c = specific heat capacity

= change in Kelvin temperature

Molecular kinetic theory m<c2> = 3/2 kT mean kinetic energy of a particle

k = Boltzmann constant

Ideal gas equation pV = NkT p = pressure

V = volume
(NOT PV=nRT) N = number of molecules
k = Boltzmann constant
T = Kelvin temperature
Nuclear physics

Radioactive decay dN/dt = N = decay constant

N0 = initial number of nuclei
= ln 2/t t = half life
N = N0 et

28 30 18

Simple harmonic motion a = 2x = angular velocity (frequency or speed

a = A2 cos t A = amplitude
v = A sin t v = velocity
(vmax = A at equilibrium)
x = Acos t x = displacement
T = 1/f = 2/ T = period
F = frequency

Gravitational force F = Gm1m2/r2 G = Gravitational constant

28 30 19
Observing the universe

Radiant energy flux brightness F = L/4d2 F = flux (energy / area) or L = luminosity (total
energy emitted by a star in 1 second or Watts)
4d2 = surface area of a shell
d = distance to a star

Stefan-Boltzmann law L = T4A = Stefan-Boltzman constant

L = 4r2T4 4r2 = area of a sphere
T4 = power emitted per sq m
r = radius of a star
Wiens law maxT = 2.898 x 10-3 m K

Redshift of electromagnetic z = / f/f v/c


Cosmological expansion v = H0d H0 = Hubble constant

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