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Andrea Brady

World Religions Position Paper


Take a look at the space around you. Acknowledge the different furniture, the textures,

and the colors. Now slowly, one by one, eliminate them. Take away the pop of orange given by

the pillow resting in the corner of the deep leather chair. Erase the furry rug that lets your tired

feet know when they are close to the bed and a night of rest. The colorful tribal painting to the

left of you can go as well; let it fade into the wall. Finally phase out the soft yellow glow from

the low lit lamps in the room. Observe as each characteristic of the room blends together and it

becomes a dull box. Now transfer this new perspective to the world. Identify everything that

adds something unique to the world, and consider religion. Consider both its variation and

importance from each continent, country, city, and home. Religion is the worship and pursuit of a

Supreme Being or idea. Although all religions have some similarities, they are not ultimately the

same. The rituals of worship, purpose, and ultimate goal of each religion are unique and each has

their own function both in this mortal life and in the post or eternal life after death, if the religion

believes in one.


Hinduism is the third largest and oldest living religion in the world, and is also referred to

as Sanatana Dharma. It dates back to the Vedic Period (1500 BCE-500 BCE) when Brahman

priests, called Pujaris, performed Puja, the worship of deities, for people. The religion was

exceptionally ritualistic (Fisher). Hindus worshiped many deities that control specific elements

of life. The sacred texts of Hinduism include the Vedas, which are Hindu scripture, and the
Upanishads, Shruti, and Smirti. The extensive history of religious practice and texts are some of

the most basic distinguishing factors of religions all around the world.

Over time the religion has evolved, as almost all living religions do. The main beliefs and

practices, such as Dharma and importance of the Vedas, are the same; however the ability to

worship in many locations, including the home, has created an individual connection with God

that makes the religion more accessible to many people.

The purpose of life is the big question in almost all religions. Hinduism is a unique

religion that is so intertwined in the lives of Eastern people that it can seem to more of culture

than an institutionalized Western religion. By Hinduism, humans are on a track of spiritual

progression, proceeding to the next stage after mastering the previous one. The life stages are the

student, the householder, the retired, and the ascetic. A Hindu navigates these stages putting the

needs of others before the needs of themselves.

Just like all major religion there are many sects or divisions of Hinduism yet they all

seem to get along with and respect each other. Some beliefs that are consistent throughout them

are karma and reincarnation. Through successfully navigating the paths of the stages of life one

can receive positive karma and eventually escape the cycle of reincarnation. This is

enlightenment and the individual is reunited with Brahma.


The fundamental belief of Christianity is in Jesus Christ, the son of God. Jesus Christ

lived a life of service but was ultimately rejected and crucified by the people. Three days after

his crucifixion Jesus was resurrected from the dead, making it possible for all humans to obtain
eternal life after their life on earth. Jesus taught through parables, or spiritual lessons, when he

wished to teach.

The Bible is the main religious text used in Christianity, dating back to around 164 BCE.

The Bible contains accounts of Jesus Christ and other prophets lives, commandments from God,

and prophecies of the future. The Bible is unique and has been interpreted in an innumerable

amount of ways. This can be both positive and negative, as individual interpretation allows for

the book and religion to be relevant on a personal level which in turn can bring controversy over

the true interpretation of scripture and the commandments of action that result from this

interpretation. Historically this caused the religion of Christianity to change forever. In the year

1054 the eastern and western Christian churches split permanently. Throughout the history of

Christianity, individuals have been reformers and as a result Christianity has over 40,000

different sects. The goal is to live a life in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Through

living an obedient life individuals will earn a place in heaven with God.


Buddha is a term that means awakened, hence revealing the goal of enlightenment in the

Buddhist religion. Buddha taught about the suffering of mortal life and how to avoid the

extremes of earthly existence. Buddhists believe that through analyzing cause of suffering and

realizing that it depends on the circumstances of life, then the suffering can be minimized or

ended. Buddhism has very unique ideas of Karma and Samsara. Karma is a psychological level

on which our subconscious thoughts that continues through each life of reincarnation. This

rebirth of karma continues until the individual attains the necessary amount of wisdom to reach

Nrivana, the enlightened state that escapes the cycle.

Buddhism does not believe in a soul, but that subconscious psychological continuation.

Once one learns to consistently act on thoughts that result in long term joy, as opposed to

immediate pleasure, they are closest to reaching that state of Nirvana. Failure to behave in this

way while having the knowledge is considered the living of an empty life, which Buddha says is

denying the purpose of life. This results in an unsatisfying life.


Each religion has particular beliefs and rituals that distinguish it from others, even sects

from the same main religion, in some significant way. Each one adds fulfillment to the human

need of expression and achievement. To consider all religions ultimately the same would be to

not truly understand the function of each religion. Through their ability to choose, although not

accepted by all religions, humans weave an intricate tapestry of diversity beginning in the home,

community, and the entire world. To fuse all religions into one, or eliminate religion entirely,

would erase the beautiful diversity of the world.

The solution is not to combine or destroy because of fear of the unknown or different.

The solution is to learn through study and exposure of the importance that these religions hold to

people on an individual level. Many religions bring a similar benefit to the life of individuals;

feelings of purpose, a sense of identity and direction, and expression of the true self are results of

consistently practicing religion. Once the personal sincerity of a foreign religion is observed and

experienced firsthand it is difficult to deny the necessity of that religion, at least to that


It takes an open mind to perceive religious diversity as positive contribution to the world

but it is a necessity. Because what is the purpose of life if our differences are not seen in a
positive light, and are instead simply labeled together and done away with? Leave the color in

the room. Let it be vibrant, bold, and expressive. Take away the competition but do not conform.

Celebrate the expression of individual paramount beliefs that make humanity feel undeniably

alive. Just be, and allow others to do so as well.


Fisher, Mary Pat. Living Religions 9th Edition, Pearson Publishing 2015

Easter Site Visit. Sri Sri Radha Krishna Temple, May 3, 2017

Western Site Visit. The Cathedral of the Madeleine, April 9, 2017

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