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1.General Profile

Name: ________________________

Age (in years):

21-30 31-40
41-50 50-60

Sex: Male Female

Below metric Metric
Graduate Post graduate

0-10 10-20

Marital status: Married Unmarried

1. I can't honestly say what I really think or get things off my chest at work.

2. My job has a lot of responsibility, but I don't have very much authority.
3. I could usually do a much better job if I were given more time.
4. I seldom receive adequate acknowledgment or appreciation when my work is really
5. In general, I am not particularly proud or satisfied with my job.
6. I have the impression that I am repeatedly picked on or discriminated against at
7. My workplace environment is not very pleasant or particularly safe.
8. My job often interferes with my family and social obligations or personal needs.
9. I tend to have frequent arguments with superiors, coworkers or customers.
10. Most of the time I feel that I have very little control over my life at work.

1 Do you suffer with difficulty in sleeping?

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

2 Do you find it difficult to concentrate?

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

3 Do financial problems get you down?

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

4 Do you find yourself 'self-medicating' with additional alcohol, nicotine

or other substances?
a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

\ 5 Do you get angry quickly?

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

6 Do you find you are prone to negative thinking about your job?
a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

When you have been ill with relatively minor illnesses, does it take you a long time to
a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

8 Do you feel you are isolated, with no one to talk to?

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

Do you feel out of control, as if you are not in the driving seat of your life and
a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

10 Do you snack instead of eating wholesome meals?

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

11 When conflict arises at work or at home, do you tend to over-react?

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

Do you feel that there is more work to do than you realistically have the capacity to
a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

13 Do you feel caught between the pressures of responsibility for family and for work?
a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

14 Do you feel 'under par' even at the beginning of a working day?

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

15 Do you shy away from social contact with colleagues and friends?
a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

16 Do other people comment on your not taking care of your appearance?

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

17 Do you claim you have no time for hobbies and interests?

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

Do you feel misunderstood or unappreciated by your colleagues, friends or family

a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

Do you feel you have to be the coper for your family or colleagues with no option
for seeking support for yourself?
a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often

e. Very Often

Would you take a sick day not because you feel ill but overwhelmed, just to keep
your head above water emotionally, mentally & physically?
a. Not at all b. Rarely c. Sometimes d. Often
e. Very Often

21 Kindly give us your suggestions, if any, to manage stress _____________

Personal Details
1. Name :
2. Sex : Male Female
3. Age : 2030 31-40
41-50 Above 50
4. Marital Status : Married Single
5. Designation or Grade :
6. Department :
7. Experience : 1-5 years 6-10 years

11-15 years 16-20 years

Above 20 years
8. Salary : 5000-10000 10001-15000
1. Do you feel stress at work?
i.) Always iii) To great extent
ii) To some extent iv) Never

2. Whether stress affects your performance ?

i.) Strongly agree iii) Disagree
ii) Agree iv) Strongly disagree

3. Does stress affect negatively at work ?

i.) Always iii) To great extent
ii) To some extent iv) Never

4. Opinion about working condition provided by organization

i.) Highly satisfied iii) Highly dissatisfied
ii) Satisfied iv) Dissatisfied

5. Do you think stress helps in boosting your performance ?

i.) Never iii) Sometimes
ii) Almost iv) Always

6. Does ever stress become a reason for absent

i.) Very often iii) Rarely
ii) Occasionally iv) Never

7 Do you think the output is affected by stress?

i.) Very much iii) Too much
ii) To an extent iv) Never

8. Whether the organization provide dead line at work?

i.) Very often iii) Rarely
ii) Occasionally iv) Never

9. Do feel tensed when dead lines are given?

i.) Very much iii) Not much
ii) Sometimes iv) Never

10.Does stress causes any psychological impact on you?

i.) Very much iii) Not much
ii) To an extent iv) Never
11.Whether stress brings any impact on your behaviour, if so then to what
i.) Always iii) To great extent
ii) To some extent iv) Never

12. Stress creates health problems what is your opinion ?

i.) Strongly agree iii) Disagree
ii) Agree iv) Strongly disagree

14. Do you think stress affects interpersonal relationship with co-workers and
i.) Very much iii) Not much
ii) To an extent iv) Never

15Do you agree that intra organizational factors causes stress?

i.) Strongly agree iii) Disagree
ii) Agree iv) Strongly disagree

16. How far individual stress affects performance?

i.) Never iii) Almost

ii) Some times iv) Always

17. How far group stressors affect work performance?

i.) Very much iii) Not much
ii) To an extent iv) Never
18. What is your opinion regarding organizational factors affecting stress?
i.) Never iii) Almost
ii) Sometimes iv) Always

19. Do you feel role related factors are caused by stress?

i.) Very much iii) Not much
ii) To an extent iv) Never
20. What is your opinion on stress caused by job related factors?
i.) Never iii) Almost
ii) Sometimes iv) Always

21. Your opinion on stress management programme followed in your


i.) Satisfied iii) Dissatisfied

ii) Highly satisfied iv) Highly dissatisfied
22. Do you think stress at work affects your personal life?
i.) Very much iii) Not much
ii) To an extent iv) Never

23. What do you think strategies followed to cope up stress in your

i.) Very good iii) Average
ii) Good iv) Poor

24. Do you think stress is a reason for job hopping?

i.) Strongly agree iii) Disagree
ii) Agree iv) Strongly disagree

25. Do you think stress management and training programmes are necessary in
an organization?
i.) Always iii) To great extent
ii) To some extent iv) Not required
No Questions Not at Rarely Sometimes Often Very
all often
1 Do you feel run down and
drained of physical or
emotional energy?
2 Do you find that you are prone
to negative thinking about
your job?
3 Do you find that you are
harder and less sympathetic
with people than perhaps they
4 Do you find yourself getting
easily irritated by small
problems, or by your co-
workers and team?
5 Do you feel misunderstood or
unappreciated by your co-
6 Do you feel that you have no-
one to talk to?
7 Do you feel that you are
achieving less than you
8 Do you feel under an
unpleasant level of pressure to
9 Do you feel that you are not
getting what you want out of
your job?
10 Do you feel that you are in the
wrong organization or the
wrong profession?
11 Are you becoming frustrated
with parts of your job?
12 Do you feel that organizational
politics or bureaucracy
frustrate your ability to do a
good job?
13 Do you feel that there is more
work to do than you
practically have the ability to
Instructions: For each question, put an 'X' in the column that most applies. Put one 'X' only in
each row.
Please write the total number of x at the space given at the bottom of each column

No Questions Number
Answer Weight Yes
Weighted Total No
1 all Are you satisfied with the performance
Not at 0 you give at your work?
Rarely Do you think that you are suffering from
1 depression?
Sometimes Do you worry about your colleague's2 opinion about you?
Often Do you discuss your problem with your 3 spouse or friend or any
Very oftenother close to you? 4
5 Do you work more than 8 hours?
6 You have an important function at your home and your boss asks to
-1 No sign of burnout here!
5 Littlegive
signa of
4 hour overhere,
burnout time,unless
what will
your response?
are particularly severe
7 Do you regularly spend time for entertainment?
18 Be careful - you may be at risk of burnout, particularly if several scores are high
35 8You Is areyour socialrisk
at severe life of
burnout - do something about this urgently
45 9You Do are you plansevere
at very your work
risk ofbefore doing?
burnout - do something about this urgently
10 Do you fear about the quality of your performance?
11 Do you try to find any solution for the problem of your stress?
12 (IF YES) Do you practice yoga or any other ayurvedic therapy for
reducing stress?
6. How do you feel about the physical working condition of the organization?
Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Highly dissatisfied
7. How do you feel about the psychological working condition of the organization?
Highly Amicable Cordial Neutral Strained Very poor
8. What is your opinion about the training programs conducted in the organization?
Excellent Good Better Bad Worse
9. How do you feel about the pay package provided by the organization?
Highly satisfied Satisfied Neutral Highly dissatisfied
10. How do you feel about your job?
Challenging Interesting Routine Monotonous
11. Do you agree that you can complete your work within the specified time?
Strongly agree Agree Undecided Strongly Disagree Disagree
12. Do you agree that you are overloaded with work?
Strongly agree Agree Undecided Strongly Disagree Disagree

13. Do you suffer any stress in your job? Yes No


14. In your accordance which of the following factors cause more stress?
Role overload Role under load Interpersonal relationship
15. What kind of stress do you suffer in your job?
Physical Mental Both
16. What is the level of stress that you feel in your job?
Very high High Moderate Low Very low
17. Do you suffer any physical inconvenience due to stress in your job?
Yes No
18. If yes, what kind of inconvenience?
Headache High blood pressure Digestive problem
Hypertension Nervousness

19. Have you taken any coping strategies personally to manage stress?
Yes No
20. What kind of strategies of the following have you taken?
Exercise Meditation Listening music Take a walk
Spend time with children
21. Does this organization take any suitable steps to manage stress?
Yes No
22. What type of company-wide programs that are/could be adapted to manage stress?
Employee counseling Effective Training & Development program
Autonomous work groups Health clubs Transport subsidy
23. Kindly give your suggestions to reduce stress

Q1. Kind of stress in job

a) Physical
b) Mental
c) Both

Q2. Level of stress in job

a) Very high
b) High
c) Moderate
d) Low
e) Very low
Q.3 Physical inconvenience due to stress
a) Yes
b) No

Q4. Kind of inconvenience

a) Headache
b) BP
c) Backache
d) Hypertension
e) Eye sight
f) Any other

Q5. Do you get angry quickly?

a) Not at all
b) Sometimes
c) Very often

Q6. Do you find you are prone to negative thinking about your job?
a) Not at all
b) Rarely
c) Sometimes

Q7. Opinion about job

a) Challenging
b) Interesting
c) Routing
d) Boring

Q8. Opinion about pay package

a) Satisfied
b) Neutral
c) Dissatisfied

Q9. Do you feel you are isolated, with no one to talk to?
a) Not at all
b) Rarely
c) Sometimes

Q10. Do you feel out of control and as if youre not in the drving seat of your life and
a) Rarely
b) Sometimes
c) often

Q11. In case of conflicts, do you tend to over-react?

a) Not at all
b) Rarely
c) Sometimes

Q12. Do you feel you work more than your capacity?

a) Rarely
b) Sometimes
c) Often
d) Very often

Q13. Do you feel caught between office and home pressure?

a) Yes
b) No

Q14. Did organization take steps to manage stress?

a) Yes
b) No

Q15. Programs that could be adopted to manage stress

a) Employee counselling
b) Training and development program
c) Work groups
d) Health clubs
e) Any other

Q16. Opinion about counselling to reduce stress

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree

Q17. Organization policies & procedures to free stress

a) Highly accepted
b) Accepted
c) Neutral
d) Not accepted

Q18. Best intervention to reduce stress

a) Relaxation techniques
b) Time management
c) Training development
d) Working

Q19. Opinion about interpersonal relationship in the organization influencing stress

a) Strongly agree
b) Agree
c) Neutral
d) Disagree
e) Strongly disagree
Q20. Spending the weekend
a) Working
b) Get together
c) Visit/ trio\p from organization
d) Family

Q21. Personal factors influencing stress

a) Perception
b) Attitude
c) Condition
d) Personality

Q22. Best strategy to reduce stress

a) Yoga
b) Meditation
c) Motivation
d) Counselling

Q23. Level of stress reduced with these strategies

a) Highly satisfied
b) Satisfied
c) Neutral
d) Dissatisfied

e) Highly dissatisfied

Q24. Should flexible timings be introduced?

a) Yes

b) No

Q25. Does shift in working days is required?

a) Yes

b) No

If yes,

c) Alternate Saturday working

d) 5 working days

e) Saturday half day

Please read the following questions and give any one of the scores mentioned below:

1. Disagree Strongly 2. Disagree 3. Neutral 4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree

S.No Questions Score

1 I am able to compete with my colleagues at work. 5
2 I feel comfortable to work with latest technologies in the organization. 5
3 I feel insecure in the working environment. 1
4 I worry about the lay offs and retrenchment in the organization 2
5 I like to continue in the organization for a long period 4

6 I am able to meet out the demands of my job. 5

7 I try to give new results. 5

8 I work for long hours, on overtime and even on holidays. 1

9 I'm so busy I find it increasingly difficult to concentrate on the job in front of me. 1
10 I experience excessive work pressure. 3

11 My relationship with colleagues and peers is smooth and co-ordial. 3

12 I am able to receive support from my boss, colleagues and juniors. 4

13 I am comfortable with the dress code in the organization. 5

14 I am able to get the necessary information to perform my job effectively 4

15 I experience argument or heated conversations with co-workers or boss. 3

16 I feel tired during the day. 3

17 Recently I've found it more difficult to control my emotions. 3

18 If a project I am working on fails I tend to brood over the failure for a long time. 2

19 I spend so long at work that my outside relationships are suffering. 2

20 I always get a good night's sleep without worrying about work 4

21 I have been given my expected Promotion. 4

22 My junior has superseded me on the basis of promotions. 1

23 My colleagues and peers celebrate my accomplishments. 4

24 I experience harassment on the basis of gender in the organization. 2

25 I experience unwelcome verbal and physical conduct from my male employees 2

26 As an employed woman, I receive good respect from my society. 4

27 My income is very important to run my family. 3

28 I am able to maintain my family after the working hours 4

29 I am working against my will in the organization. 2

30 I am able to receive good support from my family members. 4


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