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An Bras Dermatol

V.89 (6 Supl 1); Nov-Dez 2014

An Bras Dermatol . 2014 Nov-Dez; 89 (6 Supl 1): 1-74.
Doi: 10.1590 / abd1806-4841.20143971
PMCID : PMC4365470

Consenso Brasileiro sobre Fotoproteo

Srgio Schalka , 1 Denise Steiner , 2 Flvia Naranjo

Ravelli , 3 Tatiana Steiner , 4 Aripuan Cobrio
Terena , 5 Carolina Reato Maron , 6 Eloisa Leis Ayres , 7 Flvia
Alvim Sant'Anna Addor , 8 Helio Amante Miot , 9 Humberto
Ponzio , 10
Ida Duarte , 6 Jane Neff , 11
Jos Antnio Jabur da
Cunha , 4 Juliana Catucci Boza , 12
Luciana de Paula
Samorano ,13Marcelo de Paula Corra , 14
Maia , 6 Nilton Nasser , 15
Olga Maria Rodrigues Ribeiro
Leite , 16
Otvio Sergio Lopes , 17
Pedro Dantas
Oliveira , 18
Renata Leal Bregunci Meyer , 5 Tnia
Cestari , 10, 12
Vitor Manoel Silva dos Reis , 13
e Vitria Regina
Pedreira de Almeida Rego 1816
Otvio Sergio Lopes , 17
Dantas Oliveira , 18
Renata Leal Bregunci Meyer , 5 Tnia
Cestari , 10, 12
Vitor Manoel Silva dos Reis , 13
e Vitria Regina
Pedreira de Almeida Rego 1816
Otvio Sergio Lopes , 17
Dantas Oliveira , 18
Renata Leal Bregunci Meyer , 5 Tnia
Cestari , 10, 12
Vitor Manoel Silva dos Reis , 13
e Vitria Regina
Pedreira de Almeida Rego 18

Informaes sobre o autor Notas sobre

artigos Informaes sobre direitos autorais e licenas
Este artigo foi citado por outros artigos em PMC.

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As radiaes electromagnticas so classificadas de acordo

com o comprimento ou frequncia da propagao de
ondas. Por exemplo, as ondas de rdio, microondas,
infravermelhos, luz visvel, ultravioleta, raios X e raios gama
so nomes de bandas de radiao, ordenadas a partir do
comprimento de onda mais longo para o mais curto. Eles
tambm podem ser encomendados a partir da menor para
a maior freqncia, uma vez que o comprimento de onda e
freqncia so inversamente proporcionais.

Infravermelho, luz visvel e radiaes ultravioletas

compreendem quase a radiao total que emana do sol. De
acordo com a Comisso Internacional de Radiao (CIE,
da Comisso Internacional de Eclairage ), este conjunto de
radiaes chamado de radiao ptica. 1
Apenas uma
frao, menos de 1% da radiao solar, no constituda
por radiao ptica e, portanto, agrega outras bandas como
microondas, raios X ou raios gama. Geralmente, a radiao
solar que atinge o topo da atmosfera terrestre composta
basicamente de:
A radiao ultravioleta (UVR) , caracterizada por
radiaes de comprimento de onda entre 100 e 400 nm **,
representa cerca de 10% da radiao solar total atingindo o
topo da atmosfera, mas sofre atenuao intensiva at
atingir a superfcie. A RUV responsvel por uma srie de
importantes reaes fotoqumicas e fotobiolgicas;

A radiao visvel , composta por comprimentos de

onda entre 400 e 780 nm, representa 40% da radiao que
emana do sol e definida como qualquer radiao capaz de
causar uma sensao visual. Comparado a outros
comprimentos de onda, a radiao visvel sofre menos
atenuao quando atravessa a atmosfera da Terra;

A radiao infravermelha , uma banda larga com

comprimentos de onda superiores a 780 nm, representa os
restantes 50% da radiao solar. A radiao infravermelha
fortemente absorvida pelo vapor de gua e gs carbnico
presente em quantidades significativas na atmosfera,
estando, portanto, intimamente ligada s mudanas
climticas no planeta.

** nm = nanmetro. Um nanmetro equivale a um

bilionsimo de um metro, ou seja, 1 nm = 10 -9
. Outro
submltiplo amplamente utilizado um milionsimo do
metro, chamado micrmetro ( m = 10 -6
m = 1000nm)

importante notar que estas percentagens relativas s

quantidades de cada banda de radiao mostram pequenas
variaes relacionadas com ciclos e perturbaes da
actividade solar. Alm disso, no existem limites precisos
para a banda espectral de radiao visvel, uma vez que
estes limites dependem da quantidade de energia radiante
que chega retina e da sensibilidade do observador. O
limite inferior geralmente entre 360 e 400 nm, enquanto
o limite superior est entre 760 e 830 nm.

No caso especfico da RUV, os termos UVA, UVB e UVC

foram introduzidos em 1930 pelo Comit 41 da CIE devido
aos diferentes efeitos fotobiolgicos destas bandas
espectrais. 2
Portanto, a RUV foi dividida em:

UV-C, entre 100 e 280 nm;

UV-B, entre 280 e 315 nm; e

UV-A, entre 315 e 400 nm.

Os mesmos limites e designaes dessas faixas espectrais

tambm so adotados pela Organizao Internacional de
Padronizao (ISO, 2007). A CIE destaca a importncia da
padronizao internacional, uma vez que tais bandas so
amplamente utilizadas em diferentes campos de pesquisa
mdica e cientfica e, embora alguns pesquisadores usem o
limite de 320 nm para a diviso de bandas UVA e UVB, a
norma adotada em 1930 ainda a recomendada .

Outra diviso muito comum encontrada na literatura refere-

se banda UVA, que dividida em duas partes: UVA1 (315-
340 nm) e UVA2 (340-400 nm). Esta diviso baseada em
pesquisas recentes que mostram diferentes tipos de
interao fotobiolgica entre essas bandas eo DNA. Embora
esta diviso possa ter algum valor prtico, nem a CIE nem a
ISO recomendam a diviso da radiao UVA nestas duas
sub-bandas. 2,3

Alm do fato de ser a menor parte da radiao solar que

atinge o topo da atmosfera, a UVR fortemente atenuada
pela atmosfera terrestre e atinge a superfcie em
quantidades pequenas, mas suficientes para proporcionar
um efeito fotobiolgico significativo. UVC completamente
absorvido pelo oxignio e oznio presentes na estratosfera,
enquanto UVB radiao sofre forte absoro pelo oznio e
intensamente dispersos por molculas.

Portanto, a radiao UV superficial composta

principalmente por radiao UVA que, ao mesmo tempo que
ativamente disseminada pelas molculas presentes na
atmosfera, sofre menor absoro de oznio. Alm destes,
vrios outros fatores ambientais tambm interagem com
UVR, como mostrado abaixo.



importante enfatizar que os nveis superficiais de UVR

dependem de um conjunto de fatores meteorolgicos,
geogrficos e temporais. Portanto, no podemos avaliar a
influncia de cada um desses fatores ambientais
separadamente, mas apenas como um grupo de elementos
que podem depender e influenciar uns aos outros.

O oznio, principal absorvedor de UVR, produzido na
maior parte na estratosfera terrestre da regio equatorial
do planeta. No entanto, devido aos mecanismos de
transporte existentes na alta atmosfera, uma grande parte
do oznio produzido transportado para latitudes mais
altas. Portanto, a regio equatorial do planeta tem menores
quantidades de oznio do que regies de maior latitude e
os plos.

A camada de ozono o nome dado regio com alta

concentrao deste gs na atmosfera terrestre, localizada a
uma altura entre 15 e 30 km. Esta camada contm entre 80
e 90% do oznio total na atmosfera terrestre e
responsvel pela absoro intensiva de radiao UVB e
parte da extino da radiao UVC. O resto do oznio
encontrado principalmente em regies prximas
superfcie terrestre.

Durante a dcada de 1980, os cientistas observaram que a

camada de oznio era fortemente diminuda em regies de
alta latitude, especialmente nos plos. Verificou-se que esta
reduo drstica, que pode reduzir em 80 a 90% a
concentrao total do gs na atmosfera, principalmente
produzida pelo cloro livre libertado pelos
clorofluorocarbonetos (CFC), gases criados pelo homem e
intensamente usados como propulsores de fabricao E
fluidos refrigerantes em todo o planeta.

A presena de cloro (ou bromo) em grandes quantidades na

atmosfera desbalancea a cadeia de formao e destruio
de oznio, acelerando seu processo de destruio. Com
menos oznio, h menos absoro de UVR e, portanto,
maior presena de radiao superficial. As comparaes
dos teores de oznio medidos entre 1964-1980 e 2002-
2005 mostram uma queda mdia de 3,5% no contedo de
oznio da atmosfera terrestre, mais intensamente em
latitudes altas e menos representativo nos trpicos. 4

Com o objetivo de retardar este processo de destruio do

oznio, em 1987 foi estabelecido o Protocolo de Montreal
( para proibir a
produo eo consumo de CFCs e outros gases que destroem
a camada de oznio. A adeso das naes ao Protocolo foi
enorme ea eliminao do consumo de CFC permitiu uma
recuperao dos nveis de oznio em todo o planeta. Prev-
se que, at meados deste sculo, a camada de ozono seja
completamente recuperada at aos nveis existentes antes
da produo de CFC. 5
Um estudo realizado pela UK
Chemistry and Aerosols mostra que o Protocolo de Montreal
previne o aparecimento de dois milhes de novos casos de
cncer de pele at o ano 2030. 6


Quanto maior a altitude de um local, mais fino a

atmosfera acima dele e, conseqentemente, quanto maior
a quantidade de UVR atingindo a superfcie. Em situaes
de cu claro e sem nuvens, o fluxo de UVR pode aumentar
entre 5 e 10% para cada 1000 m de altitude. No entanto,
este aumento relacionado altitude na URV pode variar
para valores prximos a 20% por quilmetro, pois depende
de uma srie de outros fatores, como a quantidade de
oznio nas camadas mais baixas da atmosfera, o tipo de
superfcie que reflete A radiao UV, as partculas presentes
na atmosfera e at mesmo a posio do sol. 7

A hora do dia ea estao do ano

Em uma situao de cu claro, o "mais alto" do Sol est no

cu, mais altos os nveis de radiao UV so. Isto significa
que quanto mais longe o Sol estiver do horizonte, menor
ser o percurso ptico que a radiao tem de atravessar na
atmosfera. Nestas condies, a RUV sofre menos interaco
com gases e partculas e, consequentemente, menos
atenuada. Portanto, s vezes perto do meio-dia solar, UVR
atinge seus valores diurnos mais altos.

O mesmo raciocnio pode ser utilizado para avaliar a

variao dos fluxos de UVR em relao estao do
ano. No vero, o Sol alcana posies mais altas em relao
ao horizonte do que no inverno e, conseqentemente, o
fluxo de UVR mais intenso. As diferenas entre as
estaes do ano tornam-se mais relevantes medida que a
latitude se torna mais elevada. Ou seja, nos trpicos h
pouca diferena entre a posio do Sol no vero e no
inverno, enquanto que em latitudes mais altas esta
diferena bastante significativa.


Os nveis de UVR em dias claros do cu, isto , quando no

h nuvens, so geralmente mais elevados. No entanto, a
presena de nuvens tende a atenuar a radiao UV ea
diminuir a quantidade de radiao superficial. No entanto,
os nveis de atenuao podem variar consideravelmente e
as nuvens nem sempre exercem uma proteco adequada
contra UVR. Nuvens profundas e escuras, como visto em
tempestades, podem atenuar quase totalmente os fluxos
UVR, mas nuvens mais finas e mais claras podem atenu-
las apenas parcialmente.

Devido a esta grande variabilidade, no possvel fornecer

um parmetro ou uma percentagem de atenuao de UVR
para a nebulosidade. H mesmo situaes particulares
quando a presena de nuvens de cumulus ou cirrus pode
desencadear um fenmeno de intensificao de UVR e, por
um curto perodo de tempo, fazer fluxos de UVR superiores
aos que seriam observados em um dia de cu claro.


As partculas slidas ou lquidas encontradas na atmosfera

so chamadas aerossis. O fuligem emitido por automveis,
motocicletas e caminhes ou queima de biomassa, p de
solo em suspenso ou mesmo sal marinho de gua
ocenica evaporada so exemplos de aerossis
atmosfricos. Essas partculas interagem com UVR, muitas
vezes refletindo a radiao para outras direes. No
entanto, alguns tipos de aerossis tambm so capazes de
absorver parte do UVR incidente.

Assim, ambientes poludos ou com poeira em suspenso

podem mostrar uma atenuao UVR em relao a situaes
de cu claro. Alguns estudos demonstram que locais
poludos, como So Paulo (SP) 8
ou Cidade do
Mxico, 9
podem apresentar situaes com cerca de 20% da
radiao UV incidente. No entanto, essa diminuio da
radiao UV observada em perodos de intensa poluio e
os aerossis no devem ser considerados agentes
protetores contra a exposio ao sol.

Reflexo de superfcie (albedo)

O termo "albedo" usado para expressar a relao entre a

radiao refletida por uma superfcie e a radiao que tal
superfcie recebe do Sol. Portanto, UVR refletido de
maneiras diferentes, dependendo da superfcie que incides
sobre. Esta a razo pela qual o albedo pode ser um fator
determinante na avaliao da quantidade de radiao que
atinge um indivduo. As superfcies muito claras, como a
neve recentemente cada, podem reflectir at 90% da
radiao incidente; Portanto, usar proteo adequada para
os olhos e pele necessria em ambientes como
montanhas e pistas de esqui.

Em relao aos ambientes tipicamente observados no

Brasil, as reas pavimentadas urbanas e asfaltas
apresentam geralmente 3 a 5% de albedo. A areia tem
albedo varivel entre 2 e 12%, dependendo do tipo de areia
e da umidade. As superfcies gramneas apresentam baixo
albedo, cerca de 1 a 4%, mas o concreto de cor clara pode
refletir entre 10 e 20% da radiao UV. 10


O ndice ultravioleta (UVI) uma escala de valores
recomendada pela OMS (Organizao Mundial da Sade),
relacionada intensidade da radiao UV que induz o
aparecimento de eritema na pele humana. 11
Esta escala
tem por objectivo simplificar a informao dos nveis de
UVR para o pblico leigo de acordo com uma tabela de
valores inteiros, em que zero o menor valor, enquanto o
maior valor normalmente representado pelo smbolo
11+. No entanto, importante enfatizar que no h limite
superior. Quanto maior o valor, maior o potencial de
danos solares pele e aos olhos.

As variveis que influenciam o clculo ou a medio de UVI

so as introduzidas no subcaptulo anterior. Ou seja, o
contedo total de oznio da atmosfera levado em conta,
bem como a posio geogrfica do local (quanto mais
prximo estiver da linha do Equador, maior ser o UVI); A
altitude da superfcie (em altitudes elevadas, maior UVI so
observados); A hora do dia (a maior parte do UVR atinge a
superfcie s vezes perto do meio-dia solar); poca do ano
(o UVI aumenta no vero e diminui no inverno); Condies
atmosfricas (os UVI so geralmente mais elevados em dias
de cu sem nuvens); E tipo de superfcie.

O uso desta escala uma ferramenta importante para

orientar a populao quanto aos riscos de exposio solar
excessiva. especialmente til para aqueles grupos que
so mais vulnerveis aos efeitos prejudiciais da RUV, como
pessoas com fototipos baixos (I e II), crianas, idosos e
turistas, pessoas com histria de grande exposio solar
cumulativa e / ou cncer de pele, Etc

A escala UVI e as recomendaes gerais da OMS para a

fotoproteo so mostradas na figura 1 .

O ndice ultravioleta e as recomendaes da OMS

A categoria designada "UVI baixa" geralmente acontece s

vezes perto do amanhecer e do pr-do-sol, alm de
momentos em que uma grande massa de densas nuvens
cobre o cu. No entanto, sempre muito importante ser
extremamente cuidadoso na avaliao de UVI quando
existem nuvens, uma vez que a nebulosidade no pode
atenuar significativamente a radiao UV ou mesmo
intensificar os nveis de radiao em curtos perodos de
tempo. Deve-se lembrar que a OMS recomenda medidas de
proteo solar quando os valores de UVI esto acima de 3.



Desde a segunda metade do sculo passado, estudos sobre

a radiao UV emitida por fontes artificiais tm sido
realizados para esclarecer a relao entre o uso de
lmpadas fluorescentes ea incidncia de melanoma
cutneo. Esses estudos refletem a preocupao com a
possibilidade de aumento do risco de incidncia de cncer
de pele, melanoma e no melanoma, em indivduos
expostos a UVR emitidos por essas lmpadas.

Em 1988, por exemplo, Swerdlow et al. J apontou para

uma conexo entre cncer de pele e exposio a mtodos
de bronzeamento indoor. 12 No
entanto, pouco tempo antes,
em 1985, Ingls et al. Mostraram que no existe ligao
entre a incidncia de melanomas ea exposio a lmpadas
fluorescentes regularmente utilizadas em casa e no
consultrio. 13
Em 1990, Diffey indicou as principais
situaes de risco de radiao UV derivadas de fontes
artificiais: cmaras de bronzeamento artificial, fototerapia
mdica e dentria, fotoprocessos industriais, esterilizao e
desinfeco, investigao laboratorial, armadilhas e
iluminao para ambientes em geral. 14

Os tipos de lmpadas encontradas no mercado so

lmpadas de quartzo de halogneo, lmpadas
incandescentes com um filamento de tungstnio, tubos
fluorescentes e lmpadas fluorescentes compactas. Em
todos os continentes, as discusses sobre o uso racional da
energia so temas cada vez mais freqentes e uma
prioridade nas agendas governamentais. Neste cenrio, as
lmpadas incandescentes com um filamento de tungstnio
esto a ser substitudas por lmpadas fluorescentes
compactas devido ao seu baixo consumo de energia, tanto
para uso domstico como comercial. 15
Foram publicados poucos artigos relacionados com a
emisso de radiao UV por fontes de iluminao
artificial. As quantidades de UVA e UVB emitidas por
lmpadas comumente utilizadas so muito pequenas e
totalmente bloqueadas pela membrana protectora
actualmente includa no invlucro de vidro das
lmpadas. Assim, no existem relatrios sobre a emisso de
UVR pelas lmpadas encontradas no mercado. 16 , 17

Embora no emitem radiao UV, as lmpadas so fontes

de emisso de luz visvel e apresentam variaes no
espectro electromagntico que podem afectar indivduos
com outras doenas de pele, como o melasma, por
exemplo, dependendo da intensidade e da frequncia da
exposio. 18
De qualquer forma, importante ressaltar que
no h relao entre a exposio a lmpadas artificial
comum em casa e no cncer de escritrio e pele.


Um conjunto significativo de dados coletados nos ltimos

anos em vrias regies do Brasil permite traar com mais
preciso o comportamento da radiao solar ultravioleta
em solo brasileiro. Veremos que esses dados mostram uma
grande necessidade de melhor educar a populao sobre os
riscos de exposio solar sem proteo adequada.

No Brasil, h generosa oferta de radiao ultravioleta. A

UVR apresenta valores mais altos para latitudes geogrficas
menores, mas outros fatores como altitude, estao do ano,
hora do dia e caractersticas meteorolgicas, como
presena de nuvens e poluio atmosfrica, tambm
influenciam a intensidade da radiao solar. Apesar dessas
variaes, os nveis de UVR em condies de cu claro so
sempre muito altos em todas as estaes do ano e em
quase todo o territrio brasileiro. 19

Tendo em conta a posio geogrfica, as regies Norte e

Nordeste apresentam as doses cumulativas mais elevadas
de radiao ultravioleta. Isto significa que, nessas regies,
os nveis de UVR so elevados e variam pouco durante todo
o ano. Por outro lado, nas regies Sul e Sudeste o efeito das
estaes do ano bastante perceptvel, de modo que os
nveis de UVR mostram grande variabilidade entre inverno e
vero. 20

importante ressaltar que, no vero, a regio Sudeste

apresenta intensidade de UVR recorde observada no pas,
com nveis ainda mais altos do que na regio Nordeste. Isso
ocorre devido posio geogrfica da regio sudeste
brasileira. A cidade de So Paulo (SP), por exemplo, est a
23 de latitude sul e esse ngulo coincide com o ngulo de
inclinao do planeta em relao ao sol. Portanto, no vero,
o sol atinge seu ponto mais alto ao meio-dia e,
conseqentemente, em um dia de cu claro, os nveis de
UVR so mais intensos.

A distribuio da radiao UV aqui apresentada considerou

apenas as posies geogrficas das regies brasileiras. No
entanto, importante levar em conta tambm os fatores
meteorolgicos, como a ocorrncia de chuvas, com a
presena de nuvens profundas que atenuam
significativamente a radiao UV. A regio central do Brasil,
por exemplo, pode receber grande incidncia de radiao
solar durante as estaes secas (outono e inverno), pois h
menos chuvas e um nmero ainda maior de cu claro.

Esta variabilidade diurna de UVR devido presena ou

ausncia de nuvens influencia a dose de radiao
cumulativa qual um indivduo est exposto. De acordo
com a OMS, a dose diria recomendada de radiao UV que
uma pessoa deve ser exposta de 108 J / m 2
. As leituras
de UVR coletadas em So Paulo (SP), Ilhus (BA) e Itajub
(MG) entre 2005 e 2009 demonstraram que os meios
dirios de radiao UV so semelhantes, em torno de 3300
e 3800 J / m 2
, com menor variao na amplitude do valor
No Nordeste quando comparado com a regio Sudeste. No
vero, os meios dirios so ainda maiores e podem atingir
valores acima de 7000 J / m 2
. motivo de preocupao
observar que, mesmo no inverno, uma pessoa exposta sem
proteo no perodo entre 8:00 da manh e 5:00 da
tarde, Pode receber uma dose de UVR maior do que o
recomendado. Esta uma realidade para muitos
trabalhadores brasileiros. 20

Em nosso pas, a tendncia cultural de exposio solar nas

praias ainda muito popular. A maioria dos turistas visita
as praias brasileiras no perodo de maior incidncia de RUV,
sendo sujeito a grandes quantidades de UVR e seus perigos
relacionados. Um experimento realizado na praia de Ponta
Negra, em Natal (RN), um claro exemplo dos altos nveis
de radiao UV aos quais um indivduo pode estar
exposto. Nas leituras realizadas pela manh, a dose
cumulativa registrada entre 9h40 e meio dia foi de 5250 J /
m 2
, ou seja, mais de 50 vezes a dose diria mxima
recomendada pela OMS e quase 12 vezes a dose necessria
para desencadear eritema em um Indivduo do fototipo
IV. 20
No entanto, importante ressaltar que esse tipo de
dose no observada apenas em balnerios, mas tambm
em centros urbanos.

A conscientizao deste padro de incidncia UVR, bem

como a dose diria cumulativa que os brasileiros esto
aptos a receber, so ferramentas fundamentais para definir
as polticas de cuidados com a pele.

No Brasil, o UVI observado em dias sem nuvens e no meio-

dia solar freqentemente encontrado em nveis extremos
durante o vero em todo o pas. No inverno, as regies
Norte e Nordeste podem apresentar UVI nesses mesmos
nveis extremos, enquanto nos Sul e Sudeste podem ser
observados os nveis de UVI. 19 , 21 de - 23 de
Figura 2 mostra a
distribuio da mxima IUV no pas em um dia em agosto
esto disponveis 2013. Os dados dirios IUV no local do
Centro de Previso de Tempo e Estudos Climticos do
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. 24
Exemplo de ndice ultravioleta (UVI) para a Amrica do Sul:
previso de condies de cu limpo

A Figura 3 apresenta os valores mdios do ndice

ultravioleta para condies de cu claro (sem nuvens) nos
dias de solstcio e equincio, em quatro localidades
brasileiras. 25

ndice UV (UVI) para condies de cu limpo (sem nuvens)
nos dias de solstcio e equincio em quatro localidades
brasileiras. Clculos realizados com o modelo de
transferncia de radiao NCAR / ACD TUV: Ultravioleta
Troposfrica e Radiao Visvel ...

importante destacar alguns elementos da figura 3 . No

vero (linha contnua), os valores de UVI em dias claros do
cu alcanam valores extremos em todas as regies do
pas. Na primavera e no outono, tais valores tambm
podem ser atingidos, principalmente nas regies Norte e
Nordeste, e at na regio Sudeste. Mesmo quando tais
figuras apresentam situaes particulares de cu sem
nuvens e cu claro, esses valores so comumente
observados e registrados na literatura. Alm disso, os
tempos normalmente recomendados para exposio ao sol
(antes das 10:00 e depois das 16:00) tambm podem
apresentar valores de UVI altos e muito altos e,
conseqentemente, causar danos pele e aos olhos.

A exposio excessiva ao sol ea ignorncia destes dados

pela maior parte da populao tm sido considerados os
principais factores na incidncia crescente de cancro da
pele. 26
Incentivar a populao a tomar as precaues
necessrias com base na exposio consciente ao sol pode
reduzir as consequncias indesejveis desta prtica.



1. A pesquisa sobre as caractersticas da radiao

solar no Brasil deve ser encorajada a compreender
melhor as peculiaridades de exposio ao sol
enfrentadas pelos brasileiros, produzindo polticas
pblicas de fotoproteo adaptadas nossa

2. O ndice Ultravioleta deve ser melhor divulgado

populao brasileira, por meio de meios de
comunicao impressos e eletrnicos, como forma
de orientao sobre a fotoproteo diria, sugerindo
o uso de medidas fotoprotetoras que atendam s
condies especficas daquele local e nesse dia

3. Os dermatologistas e a comunidade cientfica

devem estar conscientes das peculiaridades da
radiao solar no Brasil, evitando a incorporao
automtica de conceitos originados em pases que
tm climas distintos dos nossos.

4. A SBD (Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia)

concorda que o uso de cmaras de bronzeamento
para fins estticos deve ser proibido no Brasil.

5. No entanto, o uso de radiao artificial para o

tratamento de algumas doenas de pele deve ser
permitido, sob a orientao do dermatologista

Vamos para:





As reaes causadas pela luz solar sobre a pele so muitas

e podem ser tanto positivas como negativas. Dependem,
entre outros fatores, da intensidade de radiao e do
comprimento de onda, bem como do tipo de pele de cada
indivduo. Alm disso, sabido que a dose de energia
depende do tempo de exposio, da proximidade do sol e
do comprimento de onda da radiao (quanto mais longo
for, maior ser a penetrao da luz na pele).

Os efeitos da radiao ultravioleta (UVR) na pele podem ser

considerados imediatos (agudos) e retardados
(crnicos). As imediatas so eritema, aumento da
temperatura da pele, espessamento da pele, pigmentao
imediata, pigmentao persistente, curtimento retardado e
produo de vitamina D, 27 , 28 ,
enquanto os tardios so
fotoenvelhecimento e cncer de pele. 29 de - 31 de
Alm disso, a
luz visvel (VL, 400-780 nm) e de radiao infravermelha
(IR, 780-1 mm) tambm exercem efeitos agudos e crnicos
sobre a pele, que tambm tm sido intensivamente
estudados. 32



A classificao proposta por Fitzpatrick para tipos de pele

( Grfico 1 ) um esquema numrico usado para descrever
a resposta da pele luz solar. 33
Atende ao objetivo de
avaliar o eritema ea formao de pigmentao secundria
exposio radiao UV, mas no totalmente adequada
para a avaliao de uma populao mista. Nesse sentido,
atualmente diferentes autores relatam que a classificao
proposta por Fitzpatrick no est exatamente relacionada
com a cor da pele naqueles de origem no caucasiana,
particularmente as populaes hispnica e asitica. Um
estudo realizado com um pequeno grupo populacional
brasileiro 34
demonstrou que a resposta eritematognica
desta populao diferia da classificao de Fitzpatrick.
Classificao do tipo de pele de Fitzpatrick de acordo com a
resposta radiao solar

Apesar disso, essa classificao ainda utilizada, j que

no h outra mais apropriada. Phototypes I e II queimam
mais facilmente do que tan. Assim, os indivduos com estes
tipos de pele tm um aumento da incidncia de cancro da
pele quando comparados com aqueles com fototipos mais
elevados, que tan mais facilmente do que queimar. A razo
para isso pode ser explicada pela descoberta de que peles
que so mais melanocompetentes tm reduzida penetrao
UVR e taxas de reparo de DNA mais rpido, quando
comparado a peles mais leves. 35

Outra observao importante que a penetrao de UVR

tambm varia de acordo com a parte irradiada do corpo,
devido s diferentes espessuras da camada corneana, bem
como de toda a epiderme, em diferentes reas do
corpo. Nesse sentido, h maior penetrao em reas onde a
epiderme mais fina. 27 , 28 , 36
Alm disso, outros fatores so
importantes quando se avaliam os efeitos de UVR e VL na
pele, como idade, sexo, grau de hidratao, dose de UVR ou
VL (varivel de acordo com a hora do dia), latitude, Taxa de
reflexo da superfcie ambiental (por exemplo,
areia versus neve), temperatura e o uso de medicamentos
fotossensibilizantes. 27 , 37


uma reao aguda, acompanhada de edema, sensao de

queimao local e, em casos mais intensos, incio de
vesculas e bolhas. Os indivduos de pele clara reagem mais
intensamente do que aqueles que so de pele escura.

O eritema comea aps um perodo de latncia de 2 a 7

horas, quando a pele exposta a uma dose de radiao
nica e intensa, que persiste por horas ou dias. A
intensidade mxima do eritema ocorre em cerca de 12-24
horas, em seguida, diminui. Uma dose de radiao
aumentada diminui o perodo de limiar e aumenta a
persistncia da reaco eritematosa. 27 , 32

A queimadura solar uma reao inflamatria aguda

caracterizada, inicialmente, por dilatao vascular,
aumento da permeabilidade vascular e migrao de
leuccitos polimorfonucleares. O principal fator responsvel
por isso o UVB (280-315 nm), com menor participao de
UVA (315-400 nm). Como resultado da aco UVB, so
formadas substncias de dilatao vascular,
particularmente prostaglandinas, determinando o perodo
de limiar, que pode ser parcialmente retardado por
frmacos que inibem a sntese de prostaglandinas, tais
como cido acetilsaliclico e indometacina.

A radiao UVA e infravermelha (IR) exerce sua ao

diretamente sobre os vasos da derme, determinando
dilatao vascular e eritema, sem interferncia de
mediadores. O eritema aparece mais tarde e pode tornar-se
gradualmente mais intenso. A ao da UVR nas clulas
epidrmicas sobre o DNA, onde absorvida
principalmente por pirimidinas, com quebra da cadeia do
DNA. Mais tarde, h reparo por mecanismos enzimticos
como reparo por exciso, fotoreativao e
recombinao. Acompanhando o eritema imediato causado
pela exposio solar intensa, a temperatura corporal sobe e
seguida por sudorese para a regulao por ao de IR. Se
a radiao muito intensa, insolao pode ocorrer. 27 , 30 , 32


um grupo de sintomas que podem ocorrer aps a

exposio intensa luz solar, resultando na escalada
excessiva da temperatura de corpo, que poderia ser
fatal. Geralmente o corpo resfriado pelo suor, mas em
algumas situaes esse mecanismo no suficiente. Nestes
casos, a temperatura corporal de um indivduo pode subir
rapidamente e danificar rgos vitais.

Existem variaes ambientais que tambm interferem na

capacidade do corpo de se arrefecer em ambientes de alta
temperatura, como, por exemplo, a presena de maior
umidade do ar. Alm disso, outros fatores interferem na
capacidade de regulao da temperatura corporal, como
idade ( menor em crianas e idosos), obesidade, febre e
Os principais sintomas de insolao so: temperatura
corporal anormalmente elevada, pele eritematosa,
taquicardia, cefaleia, dispnia, vertigens, nuseas, vmitos,
desidratao, confuso e perda de conscincia. 38- 40


A pigmentao, que deve ser diferenciada do curtume

retardado (DT), apresenta uma resposta bifsica. O
escurecimento imediato do pigmento (IPD) ocorre em
minutos de exposio a UVA e VL, podendo durar at duas
horas. O IPD seguido por Persistent Pigment Darkening
(PPD), com um pico em duas horas que pode durar 24
horas. DT ocorre entre trs e cinco dias aps a exposio ao
sol, pode persistir por vrias semanas e at mesmo por
meses. 27 , 32

IPD e PPD so derivados do fenmeno de Meirowsky, onde

ocorre foto-oxidao da melanina previamente formada nos
melanosomas, bem como sua transferncia dos
melancitos para os queratincitos. Dependem de UVA e
tambm de VL. 27

Diferentemente de IPD e PPD, DT acontece porque h um

aumento na produo de melanina pelos melancitos, que
tiveram seu nmero, tamanho e atividade aumentada. DT
pode desaparecer em meses ou anos, de acordo com
caractersticas individuais. DT depende de UVB, bem como
em UVA e VL. 27
A capacidade de adquirir a pigmentao (IPD, PPD e DT)
influenciada por fatores genticos e mais forte em peles
mais escuras. 27 , 32


A imunossupresso causada pela RUV tem sido mais

freqentemente descrita desde 1970, quando Kripke
demonstrou a ausncia de rejeio tumoral por
camundongos previamente irradiados com RUV. 41

Alm disso, a RUV provoca a supresso da resposta

imunitria da pele a vrios antignios, tais como
microorganismos, complexos de protenas ou mesmo
haptenos. A informao sobre a aco de UVR sobre a
resposta imune obtida principalmente atravs de estudos
com animais.

A imunossupresso causada pela RUV pode afetar a pele,

os rgos internos, os tecidos linfticos e sanguneos. A
funo imunolgica pode ser diminuda, dependendo do
comprimento de onda UVR, em UVB, UVA2 (315 - 340 nm) e
UVA1 (340-400 nm), dose de energia (eritematosa ou
suberitematosa), freqncia de exposio URV e rea de

UVB altera as clulas de Langerhans em nmero,

morfologia e sua principal funo, que a apresentao do
antgeno. Estas alteraes tambm foram descritas em
relao exposio a UVA.
A imunossupresso por UVR principalmente modulada por
IL-1, TNF-, IL-10 e IL-12. A modificao na apresentao
de antignio pelas clulas de Langerhans, particularmente
influenciada pela IL-10, activa os linfcitos Th2, em
detrimento de Th1. Este desequilbrio conduz a mais
produo de IL-10 e IL-4. 42 A
IL-12 parece ter a tendncia de
neutralizar a aco da IL-10, inibindo a imunossupresso
induzida por UVR.

A imunossupresso ou tolerncia induzida por UVR parece

ser conduzida por clulas supressoras / reguladoras,
particularmente CD4 +
CD25 +
e Tr-1. 43

Acredita-se que o cido urocnico, submetido a foto-

isomerizao desde a forma trans at forma cis quando
exposto a UVR, pode aumentar a produo de IL-10,
tornando-se, por conseguinte, um agente de

A imunossupresso desencadeada pela RUV leva a

alteraes da resposta celular aos antgenos alergnicos e
infecciosos, ao mesmo tempo em que permite a promoo
da carcinognese da pele, que transforma a RUV num
carcingeno completo (induo / promoo). 41


O envelhecimento da pele envolve fatores intrnsecos e

extrnsecos. O envelhecimento intrnseco ou cronolgico
definido como um conjunto de alteraes clnicas,
histolgicas e fisiolgicas que ocorrem na pele no exposta
ao sol. Clinicamente, a pele atrfica e apresenta perda de
elasticidade. A epiderme torna-se mais fina e a juno
dermoepidrmica endireitada e achatada, tornando-se
mais frgil. 44
O processo de reparao do tecido torna-se
mais lento, devido diminuio do metabolismo dos
fibroblastos. H menor capacidade para proliferao de
queratincitos e fibroblastos, devido a menor resposta aos
fatores de crescimento. H tambm diminuio da sntese
de vitamina D3, causada pela menor produo de 7-
desidrocolesterol na epiderme alterada. 45

O envelhecimento extrnseco ou fotoenvelhecimento

consiste no desenvolvimento de rugas profundas,
espessamento da pele, dilatao dos vasos sanguneos e
aparecimento de mltiplas leses pigmentadas em reas
fotoexpostas. o resultado de uma combinao de danos
causados pela radiao UV associada a alteraes
intrnsecas. 32
Dentro das clulas, os cdigos de protena
so armazenados nos ncleos e mitocndrias. As
mitocndrias so organelas produtoras de adenosina
trifosfato (A TP), uma molcula energtica. As espcies
reactivas de oxignio (ROS) so produtos deste processo e
podem danificar os lpidos, as protenas e o prprio ADN. 46

O DNA mitocondrial apresenta alta taxa de mutao, devido

sua deficincia em histonas, baixa capacidade de reparo e
proximidade a ROS. Este desequilbrio entre o estresse
oxidativo e as enzimas que eliminam os radicais livres tem
sido considerado responsvel como uma das causas de
danos mitocondriais. 47 As
mutaes no DNA mitocondrial so
observadas em maior quantidade na pele fotoexposta,
quando comparada pele fotoprotegida, e aparentemente
a UVA a mais envolvida. Como consequncia deste
processo, ocorre o envelhecimento da pele. 48

A pele pouco ou no fotoexposta sofre uma remodelao

contnua do colgeno drmico. As enzimas responsveis
pela degradao e remodelao das fibras colgenas so
conhecidas como metaloproteinases (MMPs) da matriz
extracelular e so produzidas por fibroblastos,
queratincitos, macrfagos, mastocitos, clulas endoteliais
e eosinfilos. 30
No fotoenvelhecimento, h aumento da
sntese de metaloproteinases, com maior degradao e
degradao do colgeno. Este processo estimulado por
vias bioqumicas atravs da ao de UVR, com liberao de
vrias interleucinas (IL) e receptores de fator de
crescimento, como o receptor do fator de crescimento
epidrmico (EGFR), fator de necrose tumoral (TNF-),
factor de ativao plaquetria ), IL-1 e insulina. A
acumulao de ROS estimula o fator nuclear (NF-
), Que por sua vez estimula a produo de IL-1, IL-5 e
TNF-, gerando um processo inflamatrio na pele
fotoexposta e, conseqentemente, mais produo de
ROS. 45 , 49

A radiao UV capaz de activar o EGFR por meio da sua

fosforilao. Aps este evento, as protenas de ligao a
GTP (guanosina 5'-trifosfato) so activadas, estimulando
cascatas de MAP quinase (MAPK). Estas cinases estimulam
a transcrio da via de activao da protena - 1 (AP-1). A
transcrio de vrias famlias de MMP regulada pelo
complexo AP-1, formado aps UVR. Assim, comea o papel
das MMPs na degradao das protenas da matriz
extracelular. 49

A citoquina Profibrotic TGF- regula mltiplas funes

celulares, incluindo a diferenciao, proliferao e sntese
das principais protenas da matriz extracelular, ou seja,
colgeno e elastina. Na pele humana, o TGF- inibe a
proliferao de queratincitos e estimula os
fibroblastos. Tambm inibe a produo de algumas MMPs,
impedindo assim a colagnio. No entanto, a RUV capaz de
inibir a via TGF-p, resultando numa diminuio do pro-
colagnio I e aumento da sntese de MMP, conduzindo
degradao progressiva das fibras de colagnio. 45 , 50

Em concluso, a pele cronicamente irradiada pode tornar-se

metabolicamente mais ativa, levando a hiperplasia
epidrmica, pigmentao irregular, telangiectasias,
elastose, reduo de colgeno e rugas. Estudos tm
evidenciado que usar protetor solar impede essas
alteraes associadas com fotoenvelhecimento. 51 , 52


A fotocarcinognese consiste no desenvolvimento de

cnceres de pele induzidos por RUV. 32
UVR produz
complexos radicais, como hidroxila, eltrons aquosos,
radicais de hidrognio e superxido. Estes produtos, na sua
grande maioria, so produzidos por reaces fotossensveis
directas e indirectas que induzem a degradao do ADN e
danos base, sendo portanto letal e mutagnica. Na pele, a
melanina um importante cromforo, que atua como um
filtro na absoro de radiao UVA, UVB e VL. Melanina
absorve fortemente a radiao visvel, ajudando a
transformar esta energia no calor e dispers-lo entre os
cabelos e vasos sanguneos (capilares). Ele tambm ajuda a
eliminar radicais, como molculas de hidroxila e oxignio,
preservando o DNA contra a formao de bases de
pirimidina. 30 , 53

A sensibilidade das clulas somticas RUV devida a

defeitos na reparao de dmeros de pirimidina induzidos
pela RUV. de notar que a exposio a UVB leva
formao de dmeros de ciclobutano-pirimidina e
fotoprodutos de pirimidina-piridona, como as principais
leses ao DNA. A reparao incorrecta destes produtos leva
a mutaes. Alm disso, a RUV pode tambm produzir
fotoprodutos no-dmeros, como foto-hidratos de citosina,
fotoprodutos de purina e destruio de ADN de cadeia
simples. 54 - 56
No que se refere radiao UVA, o seu papel
exacto na carcinognese ainda no foi identificado.

Nesse sentido, embora os ftons no espectro UVA sejam

menos enrgicos do que os UVB, acredita-se que eles ainda
possam produzir mutaes e cncer. Como o DNA pode
absorver pouca energia UVA, as leses tpicas dos UVB,
como os dmeros de pirimidina, no so importantes na
carcinognese causada por UVA. Assume-se que a
genotoxicidade UVA seria induzida por mecanismos
indiretos, onde radicais livres de oxignio so gerados aps
os ftons serem absorvidos por fotossensibilizadores ainda
no identificados. 57
Quando estas mutaes afectam a
funo dos oncogenes e dos genes supressores de tumores,
tais como TP53, PTCH1, BRM e RAS, existe uma perda de
controlo do ciclo celular, com possvel transformao de
queratincitos e melancitos e o aparecimento de
tumores. 58

A pele fotoexposta susceptvel tanto a cancros da pele

no melanoma, tais como cancro de clulas basais e cancro
de clulas escamosas, e melanoma. Os cancros da pele no
melanoma tm sido fortemente ligados exposio
radiao UV, uma vez que tanto UVA e UVB causar danos ao
DNA e imunossupresso. 59
Tal como para o melanoma, uma
relao directa foi demonstrada entre a exposio RUV e o
risco de desenvolver esse tipo de tumor. No entanto, parece
haver associao com exposio aguda e intensa. 60

Efeitos da luz visvel

VL a parte da radiao eletromagntica visvel para o olho

humano e representa cerca de 40% de toda a radiao
solar atingindo a superfcie da Terra. 61
Os seus efeitos sobre
a pele tm sido extensivamente estudados.

Observou-se que, em grandes doses, a VL causa eritema

cutneo. Quando foi utilizada uma fonte de luz que emite
98,3% de VL, 1,5% de radiao infravermelha e 0,19% de
UVA-1, Mahmoud et al. Demonstraram que o tipo de pele
o principal fator determinante da intensidade e durao
deste sinal. VL induz eritema em peles com fototipos IV a
VI, que desaparece dentro de um perodo de duas
horas. Nestes tipos de pele, o grau de eritema aumenta
com o aumento das doses de VL. No entanto, no pode ser
induzido na pele do fottipo II, mesmo com fluncias

Os autores propuseram que talvez a VL induz uma reao

dentro dos cromforos que gera calor e, em seguida,
concentraes aumentadas de melanina em fottipos mais
elevados resultariam em mais produo de calor, levando a
vasodilatao e eritema. 61

No que diz respeito pigmentao, h poucas informaes

disponveis sobre o papel da VL. Num estudo de
Ramasubramaniam et al. 62
na ndia, observou-se que a
pigmentao imediata induzida pela VL no era
significativamente diferente daquela produzida pela
radiao UV e que os espectros de ao de VL e UVR ao
induzir a pigmentao eram semelhantes. No entanto,
quando comparado ao VL, a RUV 25 vezes mais eficiente
para induzir a pigmentao. Os investigadores tambm
concluram que a resposta de pigmentao persistente
proporcionada por VL significativamente menos intensa
do que a induzida por UVR. 62
Da mesma forma, Mahmoud
et al. Tambm encontrou evidncias de que a pigmentao
pode ser induzida por VL. 61

Parece que VL tambm contribui para a produo de

radicais livres. Um estudo realizado em 2006 com radiao
solar simulada na pele ex-vivo revelou que a presena de
radicais ascorbato foi diretamente proporcional
irradiao. A produo deste radical por UVR e VL na
camada corneana foi de aproximadamente 67% e 35%,
respectivamente. 63

Por fim, evidenciou-se que a VL, em conjunto com a IR,

promove um aumento das MMPs, diminuindo a expresso
do procolgeno tipo I, contribuindo assim para o
fotoenvelhecimento. 64

Embora fontes artificiais emitem luz visvel, no h estudos

demonstrando que a dose recebida suficiente para levar
aos efeitos acima descritos.

Efeitos da radiao infravermelha

A radiao infravermelha (IR) consiste em comprimentos de

onda superiores a 780 nm e at 1 mm, representando
aproximadamente 50% da radiao solar que atinge a
Terra. Foi dividido em IR-A (780-1400 nm), IR-B (1400-3000
nm) e IR-C (3000 a 1 mm). IR-A e IR-B podem penetrar na
epiderme, na derme e no tecido subcutneo, enquanto o IR-
C quase completamente absorvido pela epiderme devido
presena de gua. A exposio ao RI percebida pelos
seres humanos atravs da sensao de calor. 65

Estudos revelaram que a IR pode causar eritema

temporrio, provavelmente secundrio vasodilatao por
efeito trmico. 66 , 67
Outra observao importante que a
radiao infravermelha, especialmente a IR-A, contribui
para o fotoenvelhecimento. Os mecanismos envolvidos
neste processo tm sido investigados. Supe-se que eles
incluem: induo de metaloproteinase-1 sem induo de
seu inibidor, o inibidor de tecido da metaloproteinase-1, que
resulta em colapso, 68
desordem no fluxo de eltrons da
cadeia de transporte de eltrons mitocondrial, levando a
uma produo inadequada de energia Por fibroblastos
drmicos; estimulao da angiognese e aumento do

nmero de mastocitos. 70

Finalmente, houve evidncias de que o IR-A parece estar

associado ao estresse oxidativo. Darvin et ai . Propuseram
que a formao de radicais livres seria influenciada pelo
aumento da temperatura que ocorre durante a radiao
IR. 71
Jung et al. Examinou os efeitos do calor sobre a
associao entre IR e formao de radicais livres
no modelo in vitro de fibroblastos humanos. Eles
demonstraram que a exposio IR a uma temperatura de
37C no induzia radicais livres; Entretanto, a temperaturas
de 39C ou mais, os radicais livres foram produzidos. 72


Vrias doenas da pele podem ser influenciadas pela luz

solar. 73

Fotodermatoses idiopticas:

Erupo de luz polimrfica

Prurigo actnico

Urticria solar

Hydroa vacciniforme

Dermatite actinica crnica

Dermatite de contato fototxica

Dermatite de contato fotoalrgica

Photosensibilidade causada por medicamentos -

por toxicidade ou alergia

Ocorre com diurticos, antibiticos, antipsicticos,

sedativos, anti-hipertensivos, antiinflamatrios no
hormonais, agentes hipoglicemiantes orais e outros.


Xeroderma pigmentoso


Porfiria cutnea

Sndrome de Kindler-Weary

Sndrome de Bloom

Sndrome de Rothmund-Thomson

Sndrome de Cockayne

Doenas que so agravadas pela luz solar



Lpus eritematoso


A mucinose eritematosa reticular (REM)

Dermatite seborrica


Pitirase rubra pilaris

Acne vulgaris


Lquen plano

Pnfigo foliceo endmico

Penfigide bolhoso

Pnfigo familiar benigno crnico (doena de Hailey-Hailey)

Doena de Grover


Sndrome Carcinoide

Linfoma cutneo de clulas T

Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis

Darier's disease

Polymorphus erythema

Hartnup syndrome

Diseases caused by UVR immunosuppression

Herpes simplex

Viral exanthema

Verruca plana
Skin carcinomas

Go to:



1. Studies that can better assess the characteristics of

the Brazilian population regarding the effects of
solar radiation should be encouraged, especially the
search for more adequate skin type classification
methods when compared to Fitzpatrick's

2. As regards public health, the escalation of skin

neoplasm incidence in the Brazilian population and
the importance of solar radiation in the
development of such diseases justify the concern
about implementation of photoprotection actions.

3. SBD recommends the development of investigations

that can better clarify the effect of non-ultraviolet
radiation on the skin.

Go to:



Although it has not been clearly defined in literature,

photoprotection could be understood as a group of
measures directed to reducing sun exposure and preventing
the development of acute and chronic actinic damage.

The following are considered photoprotective measures:

photoprotection education (photoeducation), topic
photoprotection, oral photoprotection and mechanic
photoprotection (achieved by roofs and glass, clothes and

The success of an adequate photoprotection program

depends on the combination of the largest possible number
of measures, taking into account the profile of the patient,
including age, phenotypical characteristics (phenotype,
color of skin, eyes and hair), habits, professional activity,
geographic location of domicile, individual and familial
antecedents of sun exposure-related diseases.

It is up to the healthcare professional, particularly the

dermatologist, to identify and promote measures that are
appropriate for the patient or the population group

The following chapters seek to present, in condensed form,

the main characteristics of different photoprotection
measures, their indications and the recommendations of the
Brazilian Society of Dermatology (Sociedade Brasileira de
Dermatologia - SBD) for each situation.

Go to:



The term "photoeducation" was introduced in 1988 to

integrate the basic photoprotection concepts, determining
why, where and how important protection against harmful
effects of UV radiation (UVR) is. Over time the
photoeducation concept was expanded, with emphasis on
the positive and negative effects of sun exposure. 74,75

The consequences of excessive photoexposure depend on

genetic, behavioral and geographic situation factors, as well
as on the influence of external agents, such as concomitant
diseases, transplants and use of medications. Among the
negative effects of the mentioned photoexposure above the
acceptable levels are premature aging, influence on the
immunological status and mainly the onset of skin cancers.

Skin cancer is the neoplasm with the highest incidence in

several countries in the world, including Brazil, with
increased morbidity and mortality deriving from its
progression. Multiple factors seem to be related to these
findings, among them the change of habits of the
population regarding solar exposure, estethical valuation of
skin tanning and especially the increased exposure to
ultraviolet radiation (UVR).76,77

There are estimates that, in the whole world, 45% of the

cancers that may be prevented are cutaneous and that
most of the deaths caused by melanoma could be
avoided.77-79 In this sense, several studies have emphasized
the need for educational photoprotection measures for the
population.80,81 Even patients who have already been
diagnosed with cutaneous neoplasms have diverse
behaviors regarding careful awareness of sun exposure and
they do not always change their routine, including tanning


Several factors turn children and adolescents into a quite

important public for photoeducation campaigns: solar
exposure at the beginning of life has a crucial impact on the
onset of skin cancer; children are more receptive than
adults to receive guidance regarding prevention;
photoprotection habits acquired in childhood and
adolescence may modify behaviors and even affect the
attitudes of the parents.83-85

There are several models that have been succesful in this

regard, involving measures like sending mail and
information, continued education programs at school and
even national programs to encourage photoprotection. 86-89

It is of fundamental importance to adopt measures in

accordance with the age group of the population.
Information directed to children younger than 8 years of
age should have a different approach than that directed to
preadolescents and adolescents. Two systematic reviews
concluded that educational measures to improve behavior
concerning solar protection in elementary school and
recreational activities were effective.90,91
There are studies showing that small modifications in child
behavior promoted with educational models implemented in
schools, such as the SunWise School Program, developed by
the US Environmental Protection Agency, significantly
reduce the risk for skin cancer, consequently reducing
expenses with this health problem for society. 92

There are few randomized studies to assess actions in

health related to photoprotection and photoeducation, but
evidences suggest that the participation of schools is
essential.93 They are the easiest way to reach children and
adolescents. In this regard, it is interesting to have the
contents inserted into science and human physiology
programs, with the relative depth of their degree of
understanding. Transmission of knowledge may take many
varied forms, including theater plays and dramatizations
that allow active participation. They are ludic and the most
appropriate for some age groups.

The content should focus the fact that there are benefits
and drawbacks, and that the intensity of damage depends
on the resistance of the skin and of individual habits. 94 In
addition, schools are important intervention locations, as
the students spend a lot of time in outdoor
activities.92,95 The experience of other countries shows
interesting alternatives, like the USA where the CDC
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) prepared a
routine of norms to guide schools in the implementation of
programs for skin cancer prevention.96
The World Health Organization (WHO) has also divulged
guidelines for an initiative entitled "Solar Protection and
Schools: How to make a difference". In this sense there are
not only guidelines regarding the importance of this type of
strategy but also a practical manual about implementing
these practices in the schools.97

Examples of other actions targeted at skin cancer

prevention and directed at children include initiatives like
the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (Sociedade Brasileira
de Dermatologia - SBD) children section in their website and
the campaign "The Sun, a Friend of the Children (Sol Amigo
da Infncia)" which, in addition to the distribution of comic
books, sponsored teacher training and the preparation of a
law project.98

There is a law project currently going through the motions

to be approved that aims at establishing the program "Skin
Cancer Prevention - The Sun, a Friend of the Children" as a
mandatory extracurricular activity for preschool and
elementary I and II children at public and private school
networks. According to this project, dermatologists certified
by the Brazilian Medical Association (Associao Mdica
Brasileira) will conduct teacher training on the adequate
content for children and adolescents.

Another important aspect to be considered regarding

photoeducation is that the strategies should be adapted to
reach adolescents, including orientation about the harmful
effects of indoor tanning.99-101 A study carried out in Brazil
showed that adolescents are aware of the damage caused
by the sun but, despite this fact, believe that tanning
improves the appearance and justifies the risk. 83 In other
countries, the scenario is similar: despite the knowledge
about the harmful results of excessive sun exposure,
behavior changes among the adolescents are

The orientation programs should also be included in the

educational content, by means of guided study such as
review work, search on the Internet and participation in the
creation of educational tools like websites and through the
social networks.103 It is recommended to promote lectures
with specialists trained in the language of young people,
mainly medical students, who would be more appropriate
than older educators. In addition, it is important to offer the
possibility of clearing doubts, including availability for
private talks, showing alternatives to the esthetic aspect of


There are few randomized clinical studies that assess

photoeducation interventions in adults. 85 Most of them are
based on computer models to generate orientation, which
varied from 15 minute sessions to counseling given by
professionals in person, in writing or by telephone. 104-108 The
behavior differences in relation to sun exposure after the
interventions, although statistically significant, were small
and it is still not clear if they are clinically representative. 85
As regards young adults, studies conducted with college
students focused the issue of attempting to change
standards based on the appearance, that is, highlighted the
harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation in photoaging, rather
than messages related to skin cancer prevention. 109-112 The
interventions varied from fact sheets to 30-minute videos.
When groups that used artificial tanning were evaluated
after the intervention there was a 35% decrease; however,
the follow-up period of these studies was short. 109,111,112

Most of the interventions that were effective in promoting

behavior modifications regarding photo-protection
incorporated the use of computers. All of the studies with
young adults focused the concern with the appearance,
emphasizing the harmful effects of sun regarding premature
aging. There is evidence that this argument makes this
population group more sensitive to guidance, especially the
women. It is interesting to highlight that interventions
regarding photoeducation should vary in accordance with
gender and age.85

Another group of people who are particularly susceptible to

the risk of excessive sun exposure are workers who are
engaged in outdoor activities; data show the increase of
pre-neoplastic lesions and nonmelanocytic
neoplasms.113 These individuals are traditionally more
resistant to change of habits and wearing photoprotection
because they believe it is a waste of time or it is
The perception of attitudes taken by the hiring company,
like the implementation of programs, is a strong factor of
change for its employees, more marked in those with lighter
phototypes, in women, in those with a better educational
level and those that always work in open areas. 114,115

Results of other countries cannot always be extrapolated to

Brazil, but we know that our problems are similar, the
climate may be very adverse in several regions of the
country and that some companies already include
photoprotection among their occupational safety
requirements. The result of these initiatives may bring
relevant data to the upcoming campaigns and health

A questionnaire was recently proposed and validated to

estimate the current and past characteristics of
photoexposure, as well as photoprotection practices (Sun
Exposure and Behaviour Inventory - SEBI).116This instrument
may become very useful in studies about the incidence of
skin cancer and risk modifications, as it will allow data
comparison, currently very difficult due to the different
methods and evaluations used in the studies.


The impact of written and/or visualized information is very

important regarding knowledge, perception of risk and
behavior modifications. Studies carried out in Austria
demonstrated that printed media, television, radio and
family are the most relevant in terms of adherence to
changes, much more than medical advice. The Internet is
more used by male individuals, while women are more
attentive to printed material in magazines and information
supplied by companies that manufacture sunscreens. At the
same time, most of the interviewed believe that the doctor
is the most reliable source of information and that flyers or
posters attract little attention.117

These results demonstrate that the photoeducation

approach should include different resources and that the
doctor must be an actor adequately trained in multiple
techniques to guarantee a lasting promotion of good health

Educational campaigns targeted at different types of public

have been promoted in several countries, in an effort to
diminish the tendency of increase in skin neoplasm cases.
Although these campaigns have increased attention
regarding cutaneous cancer, they have not resulted in
behavior modification, and the majority of the people
continue to rely only on sunscreen as protection, even
increasing the time of exposure because they believe they
are protected.119,120

Ser bronzeado continua a ter um forte impacto na

percepo de atratividade fsica, especialmente entre
adolescentes e adultos jovens. 120
H grande contribuio
da mdia nesse sentido, atribuindo um apelo esttico
positivo s atividades ao ar livre ao sol, mostrando lderes
de opinio e modelos de moda sempre bronzeados. Alm
disso, acredita-se comumente que peles mais escuras
mostram menos imperfeies e o aspecto geral
melhorado por contraste mais ntido com roupas e at
mesmo o cenrio. 120

A fim de conseguir a modificao dos hbitos de

bronzeamento, o conceito de "ser bronzeado um sinnimo
de beleza" deve ser modificado. As mensagens diretas ou
subliminares devem ser positivas e percebidas como
recompensas, uma vez que os indivduos raramente
respondem a afirmaes negativas, sem um benefcio

A atitude de enfatizar as vantagens de uma exposio solar

cuidadosa para preservar a sade ea beleza, bem como
uma descrio detalhada das consequncias da exposio
excessiva ao sol em termos de alteraes pigmentares,
secagem da pele e aparecimento prematuro de rugas pode
ser mais eficaz do que avisos sobre um Distante e no
confirmado risco de neoplasias. 121 , 122

A cumplicidade de leigos que no fazem parte do ambiente

mdico, principalmente aqueles com os quais o pblico se
identifica na vida real ou que gostariam de se assemelhar
traz resultados de grande significado. Diferentes formas de
comunicao em pocas de prmios, atravs de canais
acessveis a todos os tipos de pblico, exemplos de
situaes reais que so repetidas e associadas com o
sucesso e atratividade tm uma grande chance de ser
eficaz para esse fim.
A educao e a preveno da sade podem ser facilmente
integradas na comunicao mdico-paciente. No entanto,
esta medida por si s no tem a cobertura necessria. A
comunicao de massa requer um discurso coerente, direto
e sempre consistente, independente do profissional

Para atingir esse objetivo, necessrio que as mensagens

sejam baseadas em material de apoio elaborado por
especialistas, no apenas no aspecto mdico, mas tambm
na comunicao. Devem ser transmitidos de todas as
formas possveis, desde escolas e universidades, sobretudo
aproveitando as oportunidades oferecidas pelos meios de
comunicao, como a televiso, a rdio e os
jornais. Associaes de especialistas, como a Sociedade
Brasileira de Dermatologia, so capazes de fornecer e
divulgar rotinas de contato com os meios de comunicao
mantendo o contedo uniforme.



1. As aes direcionadas fotoeducao devem ser

divididas em quatro grandes grupos: Crianas e
Adolescentes, Adultos, Trabalhadores do Exterior e
Aes de Mdia.

2. Aes para o pblico composto por Crianas e

a. A escola deve participar desse tipo de
educao e a maneira mais fcil de chegar a
crianas e adolescentes.

b. As aes voltadas para crianas menores de 8

anos de idade devem ter um enfoque diferente
daqueles voltados para pr-adolescentes e

c. Incorporar no currculo escolar um espao de

educao sobre fotoproteo e fotoeducao.

d. Os adolescentes devem receber orientao

sobre os efeitos nocivos do bronzeamento.

e. Estabelecer um programa de foto-educao de

longo prazo que combine SBD e iniciativas
governamentais, bem como instituies no-
governamentais do terceiro setor.

3. Aces para a populao adulta:

a. Quando dirigidos a jovens adultos, os efeitos

nocivos da radiao ultravioleta em
fotoenvelhecimento devem ser enfatizados
mais do que mensagens relacionadas
preveno do cncer de pele.

b. A participao de figuras pblicas aumenta a

adeso ea visibilidade das campanhas, o que
foi confirmado em nossa Campanha Nacional
de Cncer de Pele. No entanto, essas
participaes devem ser prosseguidas.

c. Manter as diretrizes de fotoproteo como

parte da campanha permanente da SBD.

d. Inclua as aulas de Fotobiologia e Fotoproteo

no currculo de Graduao em Medicina. SBD
poderia contribuir com a elaborao do plano e
contedo mnimo desta apresentao.

4. Aces para trabalhadores ao ar livre

a. Desenvolver projetos de educao em

fotoproteo para serem apresentados nas
empresas que empregam trabalhadores que
esto envolvidos em atividades ao ar livre.

b. Develop projects to better assess methods

able to measure the level of solar radiation to
which outdoor workers are exposed.

c. Offer continuous training to doctors of

companies with the above described profile.

d. Promote efforts, together with governmental

authorities, to create specific legislation about
sunscreen transformation and photoprotective
measures like wearing Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) for outdoor workers.

5. Media Actions:
a. Offer training programs to specialized media
about the effects of solar radiation and
prevention mechanisms.

b. Develop within the roll of SBD members,

through the department of photobiology, a
group of dermatologists especially prepared to
respond to media requests and give interviews
or clarification as SBD spokespersons.

c. Prepare and keep available to members the

norms of conduct and posture before the
media, as well as detailed instructions
regarding the position of SBD on
photoprotection issues, so that the message is
clear and uniform.

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Historically, sunscreens have been idealized to prevent

sunburn in labor activities and to prolong outdoor leisure
and sport time spent in the sun, in addition to permiting a
certain degree of tanning. The first formulas date back to
1928 and aimed at reducing the incidence of UVR-B, the
main inducer of erythema and DNA damage, on the skin. 123
It was only in the 70s that commercial scale production of
topical sunscreen was started, making their use popular.
Studies in the 80s evidenced the importance of UVR-A in
photoaging and its coadjuvant role in cutaneous

Conceptually, topical sunscreen (or sunscreen) are products

that are applied on the skin, composed of substances that
interfere with solar radiation, reducing its biological effects
on the tissues.124




Ultraviolet filters are the elements present in

photoprotector formulas that interfere directly with the
incident solar radiation through absorption, reflection or
dispersion of energy.123

From the structural viewpoint, ultraviolet filters may be

organic or inorganic compounds. The organic actives (or
chemical filters) absorb UVR photons, promoting an
alteration in their molecular structure. The inorganic actives
(or physical filters) have a mineral origin and promote the
reflection of UVR to the external part of the tissue. 125

Organic filters are conjugated aromatic compounds that

operate through a molecular mechanism of UVR absorption
and return of this energy to the environment by means of
emission of longer and less energetic wavelengths, such as
visible light and infrared radiation. 125

Compared to inorganic filters, they present a greater

potential of sensitization, greater risk of percutaneous
absorption and smaller photostability, strongly dependent
on its chemical structure and combination of actives in the

More recently, a new generation of organic filters was

presented, with larger photostability and lower potential of
dermal permeation, substantially reducing the risk for
development of sensitization.125

Depending on their molecular structure, the organic filters

may better absorb UVB or UVA radiation. Some more recent
molecules are able to produce peaks of UVA and UVB
absorption and, for that reason, are called broad spectrum

Inorganic filters present a minimum potential for allergic

sensitization and high photostability. However, their
reflective properties may cause excessive shine and a
whitish aspect, limiting their exclusive use to formulas due
to the low cosmetic acceptance.126

Inorganic filters like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide act on

the surface of the skin, reflecting incident radiation;
nevertheless, when micronized, they may permeate the
corneal layer and in addition to reflection, act by diffraction
and dispersion.
The size of the particles of the inorganic filters is, therefore,
a factor that determines their effect. The smaller the
particle, the better the skin coverage and, consequently,
reflection; but refraction is worse. Therefore, reflection and
refraction are inversely related. The efficiency of inorganic
filters is related to the size and dispersion of their

When micronized, these filters diminish the whitish

appearance of the skin and favor the stability of the
emulsion. They may be coated with silicone, silica,
aluminum oxide, estearic acid, aluminum estearate, among
others, improving the dispersion of the filter, avoiding
agglomeration of particles and altering the rheology of the
emulsion. Titanium dioxide, for example, can only be
associated with avobenzone when coated with silica and
dimeticone. On the other hand, only some inorganic filters
with particle sizes larger than 200 nm are able to reflect in
the visible light range, therefore offering protection. 126

The different photoprotector actives also present curves

characteristic of UVR absorbance. Usually, commercial
sunscreen use a composition of physical and chemical
filters to expand the photoprotection spectrum (UVA and
UVB), explore synergistic properties and minimize the
adverse effects linked to a specific active.

In Brazil, sunscreen are categorized by the Brazilian Health

Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) as cosmetics (risk degree: 2),
which waives the need for a medical prescription to be sold.
However, there are regulations concerning the UV filters
permitted and the need for studies to be carried out to
ascertain their safety and efficacy.127,128

Chart 2 lists 33 actives regulated by ANVISA for commercial

use in Brazil.

List of actives and maximum concentrations allowed in

In addition to protection against ultraviolet radiation, there

has been interest about actives able to interfere with visible
light and infrared radiation.

Filters able to protect against visible light act only by a

reflection mechanism, producing a whitish aspect with low
cosmetic acceptance. As an alternative, formulators use
different pigments as active blockers in this radiation range,
that give an appearance of makeup foundation to the
formula, limiting its use by some individuals, mainly those
of the male sex.

Up to the moment, there are no ANVISA approved

substances able to absorb, disperse or reflect in the infrared
range. Sunscreen that have the ability to protect against
infrared radiation achieve it through the addition of
ingredients that can reduce cellular or molecular damage
derived from this radiation.

The different photoprotective actives present characteristics

of solubility, compatibility among themselves, their vehicles
and supplements, besides curves of solar spectrum
absorbance that rule the choice of topical photoprotector
formulation components.129

Technologies for vehiculation of actives

The processes of vehiculation of actives based on particles

allow the control of molecule release at different tissue
levels. The different polymers behave as vectors of the
actives and divide into monolithic type and reservoir type.

In monolithic vectors, the active is adsorbed by the particle

surface. According to the size of the polymeric particles
used, the vectors may be classified as microparticles (1-250
micra) and nanoparticles (1-100 nm).

In systems of controlled release like the reservoir type, the

active is involved by a membrane or another colloidal
complex such as liposomes, cyclodextrine, nanocapsules
and microemulsions).

Micro and nanoencapsulation of organic filters is a strategy

to improve retention in the skin, provide photostability and
increase effectiveness for favoring the formation of a film
on the surface of the tissue.

The use of solid lipidic nanoparticles, for example, reduces

systemic absorption of oxybenzone, increasing its
concentration in the corneal layer and demanding smaller
concentrations of the active to reach the desired

The capture of organic actives in silica microspheres, for

example, improves solubility of actives in water, reducing
chemical incompatibility problems among actives and tissue
hypersensitivity reactions.



A pharmaceutical formula is composed of active ingredient,

vehicle and excipients (emollients/solvents, emulsifiers,
moisturizers, preservatives, fragrance, stabilizers,
therapeutic supplements, among others). The substance
that will develop the desired therapeutic activity is called
active ingredient. The vehicle is the excipient appearing in
the formula in the largest amount, promoting incorporation
of the other components. It does not have a specific effect,
but may interfere in the final result of the formula and in
photoprotective activity.130

Depending on the vehicle used (according to its

composition and physical-chemical state), the type of
formula, as well as the type of skin it is recommended for
may be identified. The other components, called excipients
or additives, should be inert; however, they have an
important role in the preparation, stability, appearance,
safety and effect of the product.
Emulsifiers, auxiliary ingredients, fragrance and
preservatives are examples of excipients. The choice of
vehicle, excipients and pharmaceutical formula should take
into account the active ingredient chosen, the objective of
the treatment and the characteristics' of the patient that
will use the product.131,132

Some polymers are added to the formula to control

spreadability, absorption and formation of film on the skin,
which should be homogeneous and stable in conditions of
sweat, heat and minimal physical contact. The quality of
film formation is one of the most important characteristics
for continuance of the photoprotector effect.

The solvents (emulsifiers) used in the formulas to make the

mixture of organic filters with the vehicle possibly interfere
in the characteristic absorption curve of actives, as well as
in the photoprotective measures of the formula. It is a
known fact that even order, speed, technique and
temperature of the mixture of formula components
generate final products with different properties and may
interfere in the effectiveness of the photoprotector, which
should alert dermatologists regarding the reliability of
sunscreen masterful formulas.

Topical sunscreen may be used in different pharmaceutic


Oils: The first sunscreen preparations used oil as vehicle.

They were popularly known as tanning lotions. They are
monophasic formulations with good spreadability, easy
application and very stable when incorporating liposoluble
actives. In such cases, manipulation is simple and can be
done at room temperature. Unfortunately, the easy
application results in low effectiveness as it leaves a thin
transparent film on the skin, with reduced SPF. The cosmetic
effect is also a limiting factor.

Gels: Gels are vehicles composed of a liquid phase, usually

water or alcohol, and another solid, represented by gelling
agents. The latter are most often polymeric substances,
interpenetrated by a liquid so as to modify their physical
state (rheology). According to the quantity of gelling agents
present in a formula, different types of rheological effects
may be obtained. A smaller quantity will obtain serum, after
that a fluid, then a gel and a larger quantity, starch gel. In
addition to modifying the physical state of the formula, the
quantity of gelling agent may result in a "sticky",
inadequate formula.

The photoprotective gels incorporate hydrosoluble actives

that actually are compounds insoluble in water that,
associated with solubilizers (usually non ionic surfactants),
allow their incorporation. Hydroalcoholic bases, on the other
hand, may allow the dissolution of liposoluble molecules in
alcohol, and in this manner be solubilized in water. These
vehicles may be classified, regarding the type of disperser
used, into hydrophilic or hydrogels; alcoholic and
hydrophobic or oil gels. The photoprotective gels should
have a pleasant appearance, easy application and removal,
fast drying, smoothness and elasticity. Their main indication
is for oily or acneic skins.

Emulsions: Emulsions are composed of an oily phase and a

watery phase, not miscible, that through the action of an
emulsifying agent form a homogeneous mixture. These
special surfactants allow two systems that are immiscible to
disperse and form a stable product. The composition of this
pharmaceutic formula presents then a dispersed phase and
an interface. This vehicle has the properties of being
versatile, cosmetically pleasant and compatible with the
incorporation of lipo- and hydrosoluble substances, which
make it one of the most prescribed topical pharmaceutic

Emulsions may be classified in several ways: by the

physical aspect they may be liquid (fluid emulsions or milks)
or pasty (creams); by the pH they may be acid, alkaline or
neutral. However, the most commonly used classification
takes into consideration the proportion between the oily
and the watery phases, that is, they may be grouped
according to the predominant dispersing media. This way oil
in water or water in oil emulsions may be obtained.
Nowadays, the outstanding emulsions are: silicone in water,
propylene glycol in silicone, triphasic emulsions,
microemulsions and polymeric emulsions, often called
pseudo-emulsions. Sunscreens may be incorporated into
any of them, as long as the adequate pharmacotechnique is
The oil in water emulsions (O/W) present low greasiness,
produce a refreshing effect, dry rapidly and may be easily
washed in water. Such advantages are due to the fact that
the continuous phase of the emulsion is watery, and the
dispersive phase, oily. The water in oil emulsions (W/O)
have a greater percentage of oil, and this is the continuous
phase. They make the skin greasier and shiny; repeal water
and offer protection against humidity and cold. However,
they are thermolabile.

Cream Gel: The cream gels result from the incorporation of

a gelling agent into an emulsion. They are very popular in
photoprotective formulations, especially in tropical
countries, for imparting the sensory effect of gels and the
softness of emulsions, without their disadvantages
(stickiness and greasiness, respectively). They are indicated
for daily use in sunscreen, including for people with oily
skin, as they incorporate fat sequestering agents.

Mousses: A mousse is typically a fluid emulsion to which a

propellent was added. They require special flasks with a
valve that, when pressed, releases an elegant, easy to use
and easily spreadable foam.

Aerosols: Aerosols are colloidal dispersions of a liquid in the

atmosphere. They are usually oily, which may enhance their
spreadability, but make the skin greasy. Modern formulas,
with silicone or similar substances, have been employed as
sunscreen that have good acceptance but questionable
results, not only by the difficulty in assessing the amount
applied, but also for its irregular distribution on the skin.
They are more useful when used to reinforce the effect of a
photoprotector worn in the form of emulsion or gel, when a
reapplication is necessary.

Sticks: Compostos por ceras e leos, possuem uma

estrutura slida ou semislida qual so incorporados
filtros orgnicos inorgnicos e / ou lipossolveis. Esta
associao resulta em produtos que so bastante
resistentes gua. Eles so indicados para aplicao nos
lbios, como lpis labial, dorso do nariz ou outras reas de
pele restrita.

P e Fundaes: So produtos cosmticos projetados para

maquiagem, reduzindo o brilho da pele, dando-lhe cor e
textura uniformes, alm de proteger da radiao solar. Os
filtros inorgnicos so normalmente incorporados em ps
de face; No entanto, filtros orgnicos e inorgnicos podem
ser utilizados em fundaes fluidas e em ps compactos.

O Grfico 3 resume as caractersticas das frmulas

relacionadas com os veculos utilizados.

Principais caractersticas do filtro solar tpico de acordo
com os veculos usados

Uma das questes envolvidas a adeso do usurio ao uso

dirio e rotineiro de protetor solar. 135
Muitas vezes, os filtros
solares so percebidas como produtos pegajosos ou
desconfortvel de usar. Ao mesmo tempo, os pacientes no
percebem os benefcios derivados do seu uso, uma vez que
a preveno de foto-danos e cncer de pele ocorrem
principalmente a longo prazo. 136
A este respeito, a indstria
farmacutica desenvolveu protectores solares contendo
outros activos na mesma frmula, com a inteno de
oferecer, alm das propriedades fotoprotectoras, benefcios
que podem ser sentidos a curto prazo, encorajando assim o
seu uso frequente e garantindo uma melhor proteco
Contra o sol.

Hidratantes em protetor solar

Os hidratantes tpicos so substncias concebidas para

melhorar e manter a barreira cutnea. 137
Eles so usados
para restaurar a funo de barreira da epiderme, cobrir
pequenas microfissuras cutneas, fornecer uma pelcula
protetora macia e aumentar a quantidade de gua na
epiderme, melhorando a aparncia e as propriedades
tcteis da pele. 138
substncias oclusivas como dimeticona e
petrolato, bem como hidratantes, tais como glicerol e
propileno glicol, entre outros, podem ser utilizados para
este fim.

Estudos demonstram que os produtos que contm

hidratantes e protectores solares na mesma formulao so
capazes de proporcionar fotoproteco eficaz contra danos
actnicos. 139
Ao mesmo tempo, eles podem ser teis para
ajudar a manter e restaurar a barreira epidrmica. Tais
caractersticas estimulam a aceitao e adeso do usurio,
favorecendo a aplicao rotineira do produto.


Os radicais livres so espcies que apresentam eltrons no

pareados. Em sistemas vivos, os radicais livres so
representados principalmente por espcies reativas de
oxignio (ROS). Eles so extremamente instveis e tendem
a reagir rapidamente com molculas vizinhas, doando um
eltron (oxidao). Quando no neutralizado por
antioxidantes, eles podem levar a reaes em cascata com
danos celulares subseqentes. 140

Alm de fontes endgenas de radicais livres

(principalmente metabolismo oxidativo mitocondrial)
existem fontes exgenas, entre elas a radiao ultravioleta
(UVR). 140
H diversos estudos que averiguar a participao
de RUV, por meio de uma produo excessiva de ROS, em
processos moleculares e celulares que conduzem ao
degenerativas fotoenvelhecimento, imunossupresso e
carcinognese. 140 - 143

Embora existam mecanismos de controle endgeno do

estresse oxidativo celular em face de situaes mais
extremas, esses mecanismos podem ser sobrecarregados e
falhar. 143
A este respeito, alm de filtros fsicos e qumicos,
esto sendo investigadas outras estratgias fotoprotetoras,
dentre elas os antioxidantes (AOx).

O efeito benfico de AOx associado com protetor solar tem

sido demonstrado em seres humanos. 144 , 145
Alm disso, h
uma vasta literatura sobre a capacidade antioxidante de
algumas substncias. 146 - 149 No
entanto, a criao de
formulaes que combinam protetor solar e AOx,
garantindo a eficcia de ambos no produto final ainda um
desafio. 143 , 149

Normalmente, os AOx so naturalmente instveis e devem

permanecer estveis e biodisponveis na formulao
final. Ao mesmo tempo, o AOx deve penetrar na camada
corneana e permanecer em concentraes adequadas na
epiderme e na derme, desde que seja desejvel que o filtro
solar continue na superfcie da pele para proteo
apropriada. Do ponto de vista legal, quando esse benefcio
mencionado nos rtulos, torna-se necessrio verificar sua
segurana e biodisponibilidade na frmula.

So necessrios estudos in vivo para determinar o melhor

AOx a ser utilizado nestas frmulas e como estes produtos
sero formulados para garantir a eficcia de todos os

Repelentes em protetor solar

According to ANVISA, repellents are classified as cosmetics

and follow a specific legislation 150 which determines the
allowed ingredients and concentrations, while demanding
safety and effectiveness studies. As happens with
sunscreen, ANVISA also determines that repellent labels
should include certain mandatory information.

The best known repellent active is diethyltoluamide (DEET),

which presents toxicity and effectiveness against several
mosquito species like Anopheles,
Phlebotomus, Aedes, Culicidae, ticks and fleas.151,152

Regarding the addition of solar protection actives in

repellents, although the ingredients may be used in a
formula, there are a few details to be considered: the ability
of the sunscreen to filter ultraviolet radiation may be
diminished by repellents such as DEET, which is the most
common, while the toxicity of the repellent is increased by
the sunscreen, especially in children.153,154

The problem is exacerbated by the application instructions,

which are a paradox: while sunscreen should be generously
and frequently applied (every two hours or more often, if
necessary), insect repellents (DEET) should be applied no
more frequently than every two to six hours, depending on
the concentration.151,155

There are other repellent actives, like essences and icaridin,

but their benefits when associated with sunscreen have not
been defined yet.


The challenges of the pharmaceutical industry connected

with topical photoprotector formulations involve the
photostability of organic filters, broadening the
effectiveness spectrum and parameters, incorporating
active ingredients, improving cosmetic and sensory aspects,
individualizing vehicles, besides nanotechnology for
vehiculation of actives and the use of substances that
increase the effectiveness of actives, without increasing
their concentration in the product (enhancers or boosters).

Finally, the ideal photoprotector formulation should take

into consideration aspects like efficiency for the proposed
indication, scope of protection spectrum (UVA and UVB),
safety and tolerability for topical use, stability, no staining
of clothes, adequate cosmetics, pleasant fragrance,
resistance to water, spread-ability, high extinction
coefficient, substantivity*** and affordable cost. 123-125,139,140

Photoprotector manipulation requires not only knowledge of

pharmacotechnique, but also of regulation and market
aspects. On the other hand, the dermatologist, as
prescriber, has the role of evaluating the diverse products
available in the market, indicating the most adequate for
each situation. The magistral prescription for sunscreen
lacks safety regarding information about the actual
protection factor required and labeled, as it is unfeasible to
determine the protection factor in the small amounts
produced and the different compositions of actives used.



Necessary safety requirements for ultraviolet filters
Brazil has an official list of ingredients classified as
ultraviolet filters, which are allowed for use in
formulations.127 This list has as reference the European list
of allowed ingredients for sunscreens.

For a molecule to be approved for topical use in a

photoprotector, a safety dossier must be presented to
ANVISA containing standardized topical and systemic
toxicological studies, besides evaluation of cutaneous
permeation, whose absence makes systemic effects

Follows Chart 4, with the required studies for safety

evaluation of raw material to be used in sunscreens. 156

Toxicological studies required for safety evaluation of a
cosmetic ingredient

Any of the effects cited above may be demonstrated by

toxicological tests. According to calculations, data base and
complementary toxicological tests, dose/concentration and
route of administration are then established. 156 Thus the
importance of toxicological studies of a cosmetic raw
material before its use in formulations.
All of the substances on ANVISA's list of ingredients for
sunscreens are free from systemic toxicity and
carcinogenesis when used topically and in the
recommended concentrations.

Endocrine effects of sunscreens

Schlumpf et al.157 published, in 2001, a scientific article with

the title: "Estrogenicidade in vivo e in vitro de filtros
ultravioleta", in which the authors evaluated the estrogenic
potential of benzophenone-3 (B3), avobenzone (BMDM), 4-
methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC), octyl
methoxycinnamate (OMC), homosalate (HMS) and octyl
dimethyl PABA filters, through in vitro readings and
experiments in guinea pigs.

In vitro readings were made with culture of breast cancer

cells. In this experiment, the authors observed estrogenic
potential in all filters, except in avobenzone.

In the in vivo study, a slight increase of uterine weight

(estrogenic action) was observed with oral use of
benzophenone-3 filter and a moderate increase with filters
4-MBC and OMC. Filters avobenzone, octyl-PABA and
homosalate did not affect uterine weight with oral use.

When use was topical, the only filter that caused changes in
uterine weight was 4-MBC.

Based on the findings of Schlumpf et al., the Scientific

Committee On Consumer Safety (SCCS) organized, in July of
2001, a panel of experts in toxicology to evaluate the real
estrogenic potential of these ingredients and verify the
need for changing permission regarding its use in
photoprotective formulations.158

The conclusion of the Committee was that the organic filters

evaluated and authorized for use in cosmetic formulations
in the European Union did not present estrogenic effects
that could pose risks to human health. The results obtained
by Schlumpf in his study arose from the use of excessively
elevated doses of active ingredients, topically or orally,
unlike the usual exposition to the ingredients when in
normal use conditions.

This way, these products were not prohibited in the

European Union or anywhere else, being amply used in
sunscreen formulations for many years.

ANVISA standardization: safety in sunscreens

Sunscreens are considered cosmetic according to Brazilian

law (risk degree: 2), that is, with greater risk of interaction
with human skin.127 Every product categorized as solar filter
must obey a specific law that regulates labeling, FPS and
UVA protection determination method.128 When a
manufacturer applies for registration with ANVISA, he
should send the studies and a draft of the product label for

Therefore, any product, regardless of the manufacturer or

country of origin, must adapt itself to the norm of the law. If
the product has any additional allegation (example:
protection against invisible light, hypoallergenic, for oily
skin, etc.) it must present evidence for that allegation. 128,156

ANVISA recommends that some safety studies be

developed to ensure greater safety for the consumer, like
studies on photoirritation and photosensitization. 156 The
ingredients in sunscreens are developed seeking to reduce
adverse reactions to a minimum, and when these occur,
they must not be systemic but occur on the application site.

According to Schauder and Ippen, 159 the typical patients

with adverse reaction to sunscreens are women with history
of photodermatosis, such as polymorphous light eruption,
for they are continuous users and on skin already inflamed,
with altered cutaneous barrier. The most common type of
described reaction is photosensitization. 160

Nanotechnology in sunscreens

Nanotechnology in sunscreens allowed enhancement of

product cosmetics, better transparency and spreadability,
besides better stability when delivered in nanospheres.

The technical groups that regulate the use of this

technology in countries such as the USA, European Union
and Japan, which have been discussing nanotechnology in
cosmetics, divide the safety concern in two big groups:
nanovectorized ingredients, through nanocapsules, such as
liposomes and nanospheres; and nanoparticles, which are
the nanoparticulate active ingredient itself. 161
The first ones have a toxicological profile identical to the
molecule without the delivery system, and would not need
complementary studies; regarding the nanoparticulate
active ingredient, the particles which have been studied for
sunscreens are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. 161

Nanoparticulate titanium dioxide and zinc oxide have been

intensely studied and current evidences indicate that there
is no substantially greater permeation of the skin than the
active ingredient in its conventional form. 162

However, there seem to be risks in the inhalation of

titanium dioxide, in manufacturing conditions, although not
for the end user. In Brazil, some forums are being created in
ANVISA to discuss the theme and to capacitate future
national discussions on the subject.


The benefits of wearing sunscreens in the prevention and

treatment of different conditions or dermatological diseases
are already well established in the literature.

Its most immediate and evident benefit is the prevention of

sunburn, which, by the way, was the motivation behind the
researchers in the beginning of the twentieth century to
develop products capable of avoiding it, particularly for
aquatic and leisure activities.163

As regards public health, on the other hand, the main

benefit of the correct use of sunscreens is the prevention of
cutaneous cancer. Studies show that the continuous use of
sunscreens is capable of preventing the development of
non-melanoma skin cancer and cutaneous melanoma. 164-166

The quantification of the efficacy of a sunscreen is essential

to determine its effectiveness in the prevention of solar
damage, that is, what is its ability to protect the skin from
deleterious effects of the sun.

To choose a method capable of determining its efficacy, one

must have in mind the desired marker (end point). In other
words, which damage are we considering when measuring
sunscreen efficacy?

We can didactically divide photoprotecting methods into

three broad categories:

In vivo methods: Methods that use the evaluation of a

biological end point triggered by solar radiation, verifying
the capability of the product to suppress or reduce the
event. It may be considered an ideal method, as long as it is
a relevant marker, of easy observation, rapid onset and
measurable by a method with reproducibility and

Spectrophotometric Methods: Due to the ability of

sunscreens to reflect or absorb radiation, readings that use
spectrophotometry may be particularly useful, especially in
the development of formulations or in conditions in which in
vivo readings do not meet the minimum methodological
In vitro Methods: By means of cell cultures or specific
reagents, in vitro methods are an alternative, in specific
conditions, for evaluating molecular or cellular alterations
triggered by solar radiation, and when the protection ability
afforded by a photoprotector cannot be evaluated by in
vivo methods.

Even though, as said above, the main benefit from using a

sunscreen is the prevention of skin cancer, a disease that
develops slowly and insidiously, the in vivo model does not
represent the best method for quantification of its efficacy.

The first method developed and validated for evaluating the

efficacy of a sunscreen was the Solar Protection Factor
(SPF), which quantifies the protection against solar
erythema (sunburn), considering (MED) the minimal
erythemal dose. MED is the necessary amount of UVR to
produce a minimal erythema on the skin. In 1978, a study
for determination of the SPF was standardized for the first
time by the American agency Food and Drugs
Administration (FDA) as being the numerical ratio between
the MED of skin photoprotected by sunscreen (applied in
the quantity of 2mg/cm2) and the MED of non-
photoprotected skin.123,167

SPF = MED (protected skin)/MED (non-protected skin)

The proposed study was performed using a group of 20

volunteers with phototypes I-III (Fitzpatrick Scale),
submitted to increasing doses of UVR through an artificial
source of light called "solar simulator". The radiation is
applied to skin areas photoprotected with solar filter (2
mg/cm2) and to unprotected areas. After an exposure period
of 16 to 24 hours, a MED reading is performed for both
areas and its ratio is calculated. The average values found
in the group of volunteers is the SPF of the tested

After the proposed method was published by the FDA,

different international regulatory agencies and other
institutions proposed their methods for calculating the
efficacy of a sunscreen. We highlight, among them, the
method described in 1994 by the European Union through
the Comit de Liaison des Associations Europennes de
l'Industrie de la Parfumerie - COLIPA, which received, in
2005, its last update and the name International Sun
Protection Factor Test Method (ISPF).123

Despite their differences, FDA and COLIPA/Internacional

methods produce similar results and, in practice, we can
say they generate equivalent SPF values. 123

Since then the methodologies described by the North

Americans (FDA) and Europeans (COLIPA) became
references in determining SPF in several countries, being
internationally accepted. The FDA (used in USA) and COLIPA
(used in Europe and in other countries) methods were
updated in 2011168 and 2006,169respectively. In Brazil,
through Resolution RDC 30 published by ANVISA in
2012,128 all products named solar filters must present
studies that prove their efficacy through at least one of the
two international methodologies or their current updates,
FDA 2011 or COLIPA 2006.123

In addition to the SPF test, the water resistance test

evaluates if a sunscreen is capable of maintaining its
efficacy (SPF) even after periods of immersion in water. This
evaluation is particularly important for products designed
for intentional exposure to the sun: aquatic activities and
sport activities. According to the FDA, a "water resistant"
sunscreen is the one which maintains its photoprotecting
properties after two 20-minute immersions in water,
whereas a "very resistant" filter is still effective even after
four 20-minute immersions.168

Two methods are internationally more accepted to

determine it: the one described by the FDA in its most
recent monograph (2011)168 and used in the USA territory
and the method described by COLIPA in 2004,170 used in the
European Union and in other countries around the world.

Basically, the method for determination of water resistance

reproduces the SPF test described above, introducing two
other areas: non-protected skin areas and skin area
protected by the sunscreen being studied, applied in the
amount of 2 mg/cm2, with two irradiations before and two
after immersion in a bathtub with swirling water. This way,
the SPF value is determined before immersion (in both
areas irradiated before the immersion) and after immersion.
According to the method proposed by the FDA, in case the
intention is that a sunscreen will have the "water resistant"
or "very water resistant" attributes, the SPF value on the
label must be the SPF value found in the irradiated areas
after the immersion period.

In the guidelines published by COLIPA in 2004, however, if

the product being studied does not present a reduction of
its pre-immersion SPF value greater or equal to 50% in the
post-immersion calculation, then the product may inform
the "water resistant" or "very water resistant" qualifications,
if the immersion period is, respectively, 40 or 80 minutes. 170

Since it is a measure against sunburn, an event that

essentially arises from UVB radiation, SPF is not considered
an adequate method for assessing the protection level
against UVA radiation. We know that UVA radiation is
extremely important when speaking about photoaging,
photodermatoses and prevention of skin cancer, which
arises mainly from UVB radiation but is also influenced by

The concern of researchers in finding a method capable of

quantifying the photoprotecting efficacy of solar filters in
the UVA band arose between the 80's and 90's of the last
century, in view of the emerging evidences, at the time, of
damage caused by UVA radiation at the same time that the
first filters capable of protecting in this band were launched
in the market.

Described by Moyal et al., the Persistent Pigment Darkening

(PPD) 171,172
method evaluates sunscreen protection against
persistent pigmentation, a phenomenon that arises
exclusively from UVA radiation.

The rationale of the PPD method, currently designated UVA

Protection Factor (UVA-PF), is similar to SPF. Two areas are
evaluated in each volunteer, one non-protected skin area
and another skin area protected by the studied sunscreen
applied in the quantity of 2 mg/cm2. The areas are
irradiated with an artificial source of light which emits
exclusively UVA radiation. After 2 hours a reading is
performed of both areas to determine the Minimal
Pigmentary Dose (MPD), that is, the least amount of energy
sufficient to produce evident pigmentation.171,173

Nowadays, the method described by Moyal et al. 171,172 is

considered a reference to quantify UVA protection in Japan
and in the European Union. COLIPA approved, in 2005, an in
vitro spectrophotometric method named in vitro
PPD,173 which demonstrated equivalent results to those
initially described, found with in vivo PPD.174

Besides the PPD method, the method described

by Diffey175 and later modified by COLIPA,173 named Critical
Wavelength (CWL), is considered an important method for
the quantification of broad spectrum protection. CWL is a
spectrophotometric method which determines the spectral
curve of a product applied on a polymethylmethacrylate
(PMMA) plate, whose surface was submitted to blasting to
produce a specific rugosity similar to the human skin.
A determined amount of the product is applied to the plate
and then submitted to UV radiation in special equipment,
before determination of the spectral curve. Previous
radiation is necessary for the joint assessment of
photostability of the product, relevant information when we
deal with UVA radiation, that is, we evaluate the product
curve after submitting it to determined levels of radiation. 173

With the determination of the spectral curve of the product,

after irradiation in the band of 290 to 400nm, the whole
area under the curve is calculated and the point that
represents 90% of this area is determined. This point is
named CWL. The larger this value, that is, the closer to the
maximum (400 nm), the greater is the broad spectrum
coverage of this product. Currently, it is recommended that
the ideal minimum point be 370 nm, that is, for a product to
present a good UVA and UVB coverage it must have a
critical wavelength greater or equal to 370 nm. 173

Another relevant reading is the determination of

photostability, defined as the capability of a sunscreen to
maintain its photoprotecting efficacy even after periods of
radiation exposure.176

We know that many products may lose their efficacy with

continuous exposure to radiation, which occurs particularly
within the UVA band. To quantify photostability,
spectrophotometric readings are performed before and
after the exposure of the plate to the source of UV radiation.
In case an important variation of spectral curves does not
occur, we can say the product is photostable.

Besides the determination of photoprotecting efficacy in

UVB (SPF), UVA (PPD or UVA-PF and CWL), water resistance
and photostability, other measurements may be performed
in a complementary way.

They are usually measurements performed in vitro (specific

media or cell cultures) and may be recommended for
evaluating effects that are complementary, but inherent to
a sunscreen, such as genomic protection and antioxidant

With recent publications demonstrating the capability of

longer wavelength radiations, non-ultraviolet, to produce
deleterious effects on the skin, the interest for methods
capable of quantifying the efficacy of a sunscreen in these
wavelengths has grown.

We currently know that visible light has relevant

participation in the process of skin
pigmentation,177interfering with the triggering of
pigmentary dermatoses such as melasma and
postinflammatory hyperchromia. The efficacy of a
photoprotector in the protection against visible light has
been evaluated by spectrophotometric methods, 178 but until
the present moment, a consensually validated model in
literature does not exist and is still an object of research.

Regarding infrared radiation, we currently know about its

potential oxidative effect, participating in the generation of
free radicals and its consequent damage to molecular and
cellular structures which will, in the long term, trigger
photoaging.179 Methods capable of quantifying the
protection of solar filters against infrared radiation effects
are not yet established; there are only proposals for
quantification of the protecting ability against the increase
of matrix metalloproteinases through a medium of cell

A project for harmonization of photoprotecting efficacy

evaluating methods is currently in effect, sponsored by ISO
(International Standards Organization),180 by a technical
committee, with the participation of researchers of several
countries, including Brazil. This project aims to standardize
and harmonize all photoprotecting efficacy evaluation
methods of sunscreens, so that consistent results are
produced with worldwide uniformization.

At the present moment, the following have already been

published: method for determination of the Solar Protection
Factor (SPF), in vivo UVA protection (UVA-PF) and in
vitro UVA protection. Methods to determine the Solar
Protection Factor (SPF) in vitro, water resistance and
photostability are still under the process of validation.

In order for a sun screen to have its registration approved

by ANVISA, its documentation and studies must be
previously submitted and evaluated. In Brazil, as well as in
different countries in the world, sun screens are classified
as cosmetics.
Regarding the presentation of photoprotecting efficacy
studies, sunscreen manufacturers must submit the studies
and label wording to ANVISA, according to Brazilian law of
photoprotection, RDC 30, published in 2012, with its most
important points described in chart 5.

Brazilian photoprotection legislation



1. SBD agrees with the classification of sunscreens as

cosmetic products for greater universalization of
access to consumers.

2. All ingredients recognized by ANVISA have

adequate use safety, with no evidences of
carcinogenic or estrogenic effects, if used topically,
in adequate concentrations, in sun screens.

3. In light of current knowledge, there is no evidence

about the risk of using inorganic nanoparticulate
solar filters in topical sunscreen.
4. Topical sunscreen must present an adequate safety
profile in conformity with ANVISA legislation and
corroborative safety studies should be performed.

5. Antioxidants may be added to sunscreens as an

additional benefit; however, evidence of its efficacy
on these products is necessary.

6. The new Brazilian law on photoprotection, RDC 30,

of 2012, meets the most recent methodological
requirements, in consonance with the main
international regulatory agencies.

7. SBD agrees with restrictions to the wording of the

label proposed by the RDC, like the prohibition of
the term "sunblocker" or any other term that
suggests total protection, which could lead the user
to a false sensation of absolute security.

8. The harmonization process that is in effect,

sponsored by ISO, is a breakthrough in the search
for methods that meet the principles of

9. SBD recommends that dermatologists be careful

when prescribing sunscreen, opting for those that
follow ANVISA regulations.

Go to:


Solar exposure is capable of causing damage to the skin.

Clinically, these alterations can be seen in photoexposed
areas (deep wrinkles, increased skin fragility, solar
melanoses, sagging) when compared to photoprotected
skin areas.181

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is responsible for acute and

chronic cutaneous alterations. Acute alterations result from
direct impact of UVR on biological chromophores such as
DNA, leading to structural damage and release of
proinflammatory cytokines, enzymes and
immunosuppressive factors.182-184 Chronic alterations result
from cumulative damage and cellular inability to repair,
leading to photoaging and cancer. All these effects may be
induced either by exposure to ultraviolet A (UVA) or
ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation, due to direct modifications of
cell structures or by generating reactive oxygen species

It is estimated that approximately 50% of the damage

induced by UVR results from production of ROS, leading to
molecular and cellular damage which will interfere with
solar erythema, pigmentation and photodermatoses, in the
short-term, and in the long-term with photocarcinogenesis
and photoaging.187

Recent studies demonstrate that photoprotective measures

are capable of preventing biological damage generated by
suberythematogenic doses of UVR and deterioration of
dermal tissues.188

According to Gilaberte and Gonzles, the main current

innovations in photoprotection are divided into two
categories: 1) the introduction of new ingredients to
traditional topical sunscreen, and 2) the use of oral
formulations capable of delivering systemic

According to reports in the literature, the following products

listed in chart 6 may exert systemic photoprotection

Main actives with systemic photoprotective action

The role of nutrition in the skin appearance has always been

a topic of interest for scientists and physicians worldwide
over the centuries. The skin is able to reflect the general
state of health and show evidence of aging. The powerful
antioxidant action of vitamins, carotenoids, tocopherols,
flavonoids and a great variety of vegetable extracts, which
have been used extensively by the industry in topical
agents as well as in oral supplements, with the goal of
extending youth and enhancing skin appearance, has been
demonstrated. The main strategy of prevention against free
radicals comes down to a healthy lifestyle (calorie
restriction, body care and performing regular physical
exercises) associated with conditions of low stress,
balanced nutritional diet and food rich in antioxidants. 190

There is evidence that some substances, when

administered orally, could exert a preventative action
against UVR-induced cutaneous damage without causing
adverse effects. The action mechanism is varied, acting in
different phases of signalization, resulting in antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating action. 189

Several substances of botanical origin, used as topical

sunscreen, seem to present similar effectiveness when
administered orally. Within this group alcaloids would be
included, such as caffeine, Polypodium leucotomosextract,
polyphenols and carotenoids.189

Oral photoprotection is a term used to designate the

isolated use or a combination of several active ingredients
which have demonstrated the capability of minimizing the
damage caused by solar radiation in the skin.

Next, we will cover the main substances described in the

literature which could present evidences of exerting oral
photoprotecting activity.

It is important to emphasize that none of the substances

that will be described can claim to replace the use of topical
sunscreen, since none of them has the capability of
preventing UVR penetration in the skin. To this day they are
capable of acting, in some way, as coadjuvants in the
photoprotection process.


L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Soluble in water, photosensitive and the most important

antioxidant in the hydrophilic phase, it is not naturally
synthesized by the human body and, therefore, its
adequate intake is necessary in the diet and essential for
good health. The main natural sources of vitamin C would
be fresh fruit and vegetables, such as citrus fruit,
gooseberry, rosehips, guava, chili or parsley. The stability of
vitamin C molecule depends on its condition of aggregation
and formulation. It can be used orally or topically to obtain
beneficial results in the skin. Vitamin C is a cofactor for lysyl
and prolyl hydroxylase, which stabilize the structure of the
collagen triple helix.190,191

Topical ascorbic acid is used in a range of cosmetic

products, such as whiteners, anti-aging and photoprotecting
formulations. The use of vitamin C in topical products is
difficult due to its quick reductive capability and the
degradation that occurs in the presence of oxygen even
before it is applied to the skin.192

Protection from UVR by topical vitamin C has been

described in the literature.191,193 The idea behind sunscreen
is to aggregate the filter protection to antioxidant action.
However, the study of Wang et al. indicates that broader
studies on formulations are necessary, for in many products
the desired effects are not verified.194

Cutaneous protection only with the use of oral vitamin C is

not proven by literature. Nevertheless some studies were
performed with the combined use of vitamins C and E,
described as follows.

Tocopherols (vitamin E)

The vitamin E complex corresponds to a group of 8

compounds called tocopherols. Tocopherol is a liposoluble
antioxidant which links itself to membranes and is a
scavenger of highly reactive oxygen species. Like vitamin C,
it is a natural antioxidant, non-enzymatic and endogenous.
Vitamin E acts synergically with vitamin C. When molecules
activated by UVR oxidize cellular components, an induction
of lipid peroxidation chain reaction in polyunsaturated fatty
acid-rich membranes occurs. The antioxidant Dalpha-
tocopherol is oxidized to tocoferoxyl radical, a process that
can be regenerated by vitamin C.195,196

Besides ascorbic acid, glutathione and coenzyme Q10 can

also recycle tocopherol. Great amounts of tocopherol are
available in vegetables, vegetable oils, such as wheat germ
oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil and seed, corn, and in some
kinds of meat. Natural ingestion of vitamin E helps against
collagen cross linking and lipid peroxidation, which are
related with cutaneous aging. By means of the process
described above, D-alpha-tocopherol is involved in the
stabilization of cell membranes by oxidation inhibition of
polyunsaturated fatty acids, like arachidonic acid of
phospholipidic membranes.190

Topical application of vitamin E is described as a way to

reduce erythema, sunburn cells, induced UVB cutaneous
damage and photocarcinogenesis in most published

There are several clinical studies which tested the effects of

tocopherol. Data may seem controversial, however high
doses of oral vitamin E seem to affect the response to UVB
in humans.197

Mireles-Rocha et al., in their study, compared the oral use of

1200 IU/day of alpha-tocopherol (group 1), 2g/day of
vitamin C (group 2) and the combination of both (group 3)
for one week. The results demonstrated an elevation of
minimal erythemal dose of 60 to 65 mJ/cm 2 in group 1 and
50 to 70 mJ/cm2 in group 3. There was no difference in
group 3.198

In a 3-month-long study, Placzek et al. observed the effects

of combination of ascorbic acid (vitamin C - 2g/day) with D-
tocopherol (vitamin E - 1000 IU/day) administered orally to
human volunteers with epidermal damage induced by UVB.
The treatment was well tolerated and could be used in the
prevention of deleterious effects of UVB radiation (formation
of thymine dimers) and skin cancer, according to the

The treatment with oral combination of vitamin C and E

enhances the photoprotecting effects if compared with
monotherapy. The authors recommend that this synergistic
interchange of several antioxidants must be considered in
future research on cutaneous photoprotection. 200


Carotenoids are vitamin A derivatives such as beta-

carotene, astaxanthin, lycopene and retinol, which are
highly effective antioxidants and have had their
photoprotecting properties documented.201-203 The findings
of Scarmo et al. suggest that the human skin is relatively
rich in lycopene and beta-carotene if compared to lutein
and zeaxanthin, possibly reflecting the function of
hydrocarbon in photoprotection of human skin. 197


Beta-carotene is the main component of the carotenoid

group, a natural dye which can be found in the diet. Some
examples of foods rich in beta-carotene are fruits and
vegetables such as carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato, mango
and papaya.204

Compared with other carotenoids, the main action of beta-

carotene is its pro-vitamin A activity. It can be cleaved by
enzyme BCM01 in two molecules of all-trans-retinol. There
is no difference between natural beta-carotene and the
chemically synthesized one. Furthermore, beta-carotene
can also act as a lipidic free antiradical and singlet oxygen
scavenger, as demonstrated in vitro.205
Beta-carotene is considered an endogenous photoprotector
and its efficacy in the prevention of induced erythema
formation has been demonstrated in several

Systemic photoprotection action of beta-carotene depends

on the dose and duration of treatment. In studies
documenting action against UV-induced erythema,
supplementation with carotenoids was performed with a
duration of at least 7 weeks, with doses greater than

In studies with a treatment period of only 3 to 4 weeks, the

photoprotecting effects were not demonstrated. 211

Moreover, supplementation with beta-carotene may

significantly reduce mitochondrial mutation in human
dermal fibroblasts after UV radiation.212


Astaxanthin can be foind in microalgae, yeast, salmon,

trout, shrimp, crayfish and crustaceans. It is biosynthesized
by microalgae and phytoplanktons, which are eaten by
zooplankton and crustaceans. They accumulate astaxanthin
and are ingested by fish that obtain astaxanthin in the food

Astaxanthin has considerable potential and promising

applications in human health and nutrition. A protecting
potential against several diseases has been attributed to
The UV protecting action of algae extracts containing 14%
of astaxanthins compared to synthetic astaxanthin was
investigated. The authors report that pre-incubation with
synthetic astaxanthin or with algae extract could prevent
UVA induced alterations in activity of cellular superoxide
dismutase and a decrease in the amount of glutathione in
the cells.215

In the study carried out by Cmera et al., the damage

modulation related to UVA by astaxanthin, canthaxanthin
and beta-carotene for photoprotection in human dermal
fibroblasts was compared.216

Astaxanthin demonstrated a significant photoprotecting

effect in fighting UVA-induced alterations in broad areas.
Uptake of astaxanthin by fibroblasts was greater than by
canthaxanthin and beta-carotene, leading to the belief that
the effect of astaxanthin in photooxidative alterations was
greater than that of other substances. A recent study of
Suganuma et al. demonstrated that astaxanthin could
interfere with the expression of elastase/neutral
endopeptidase of cutaneous fibroblasts and with type 1
UVA-induced matrix metalloproteinases. 217 Both studies
suggest that the effects of UVA radiation, such as skin
sagging and formation of creases can be prevented or at
least minimized by oral or topical administration of

Lycopene is a bright red carotenoid pigment found in
tomatoes and other red fruits besides vegetables and red
carrots, watermelons and papayas, but not in strawberries
and cherries. In spite of lycopene being a carotene
chemically, it does not have vitamin A activity. Beta-
carotene and lycopene are the main carotenoids present in
the blood and tissues, capable of modulating cutaneous
properties when ingested as a food supplement or diet
products. Even though it cannot be compared to solar
filters, there is evidence that it can protect the skin against
solar erythemas, enhancing cutaneous defense against UVR

A study demonstrated that the concentration of lycopene in

the plasma and in tissues can be compared to or superior to
beta-carotene. When the skin is exposed to oxidative stress
produced by UVR, there is greater destruction of lycopene
than beta-carotene, suggesting the role of lycopene in
mitigating the oxidative damage.201

In 2001, Stahl et al. studied the benefits of ingesting 40mg

of tomato paste per day (16mg of lycopene), demonstrating
significant reduction of erythema induced by ultraviolet


Lutein is a xanthophyllic carotenoid with potent antioxidant

activity. In an animal model, oral supplementation of lutein
was able to accumulate in the skin, diminishing the
generation of free radicals after ultraviolet exposure. 219
In 2007, a comparative study on the use of lutein
associated with zeaxanthin in topical, oral or both forms
was conducted, demonstrating that all groups presented an
improvement of cutaneous elasticity; however, the group
which combined oral and topical treatment presented a
synergistic effect with higher degree of antioxidant action
and enhancement of cutaneous hydration. Studies have
been conducted aiming at demonstrating other possible
cutaneous effects of lutein, such as: cell proliferation
reduction, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressing
activity and inhibition of photocarcinogenesis. 220


Polyphenols have attracted the attention of researchers on

aging in the last decade, mainly for their antioxidant
features, being ingested in great amounts in diets and by
the increasing number of studies demonstrating their
possible participation in preventing several diseases
associated with oxidative stress, like cancer, cardiovascular
and neurodegenerative diseases.221

Their daily intake can be up to 1g/day, which is much higher

than any other class of phytochemicals or antioxidants.
Polyphenols are found mainly in fruits and plant-derived
beverages such as fruit juice, coffee, tea and red wine.
Vegetables, cereals, chocolate and legumes are also
sources of polyphenols.222,223

Thousands of molecules containing the polyphenol structure

have been identified in plants involved in the defense
against UV radiation or pathogen aggression. Depending on
the number of phenolic rings and the manner in which they
are interlinked, polyphenols can be divided into different
functional groups, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids,
stilbene (resveratrol) and lignans (linseed). 221 The flavonoids
are also divided into flavones, isoflavones and flavonones,
each with a slight difference in their chemical structure. 191

Laboratory studies of different polyphenols, such as green

tea, grape seed, proanthocyanidins, resveratrol, silymarin,
genistein, evaluated in animal models about cutaneous
inflammation, oxidative stress and ultraviolet-induced DNA
damage, suggest that these polyphenols combined with the
protection of solar filters present the ability of protecting
the skin against adverse effects from UV radiation, including
the risk for cutaneous cancer.224

The adjacent action mechanism of polyphenols has been

discussed in the last decades. One of the strongest theories
states that polyphenol cellular response occurs by direct
interaction with receptors or enzymes involved in signal
transduction, resulting in the modification of redox status of
cells, which may trigger a series of redox-dependent

As antioxidants, polyphenols may enhance cell survival,

while pro-oxidants may induce apoptosis and prevent tumor

Studies in animals demonstrated that continuous oral

administration of epigallocatechin-3-gallate increases
minimal erythemal dose and decreases photoaging and
photocarcinogenesis induced by UVB radiation. 228

A genistena oral tambm parece diminuir a carcinognese

induzida por UVB em modelos animais. 229

A administrao oral de quercetina diminui a produo de

estresse oxidativo em animais expostos radiao UVA e
UVB. 230 , 231

Pycnogenol uma fonte de flavonides, extrados da casca

de pinheiro martimo ( Frances Pinus pinaster ). Tem atrado
ateno devido sua potente aco antioxidante, com a
sua capacidade demonstrada de modular o eritema
induzido por UV e a expresso do factor de nuclearkappa-
B. 232


O termo probiticos definido como "microrganismos vivos

que, quando consumidos em quantidades adequadas,
conferem um efeito benfico para a sade do
hospedeiro". 233
Os principais probiticos utilizados pelos
seres humanos e animais so enterococos, lactobacilos e
bifidobactrias, que fazem parte da flora natural do trato
intestinal. Os prebiticos so componentes alimentares no
viveis, que conferem benefcios saudveis aos
hospedeiros, associados modulao da microbiota.

Estudos clnicos utilizando probiticos bacterianos

( Lactobacillus johnsonii NCC 533) para modular a
homeostase do sistema imunolgico cutneo, alterado
devido exposio a UV por simulador solar em seres
humanos, sugerem que certos probiticos podem ajudar na
preservao da homeostase cutnea modulando o sistema
imunolgico da pele. 234 - 236

Esta estirpe especfica de Lactobacillus johnsonii associada

a carotenides ( - caroteno: 4,8 mg / dia, licopeno: 2 mg)
foi capaz de prevenir a reduo da densidade de clulas de
Langerhans induzidas por UV em voluntrios humanos. 181


Morganti, em um estudo randomizado, duplo-cego,

controlado com placebo, descreve a comparao do
tratamento com um complexo antioxidante (cido
ascrbico, tocoferol, cido alfa-lipico, melatonina,
emblica), tpico e / ou sistmico, por 8 semanas em 30
Voluntrios. Foi tambm realizado um estudo in vitro (ROS
induzido por irradiao de leuccitos com radiao
UVB). Ele conclui que ambos parecem agir como bom
protetor solar. 237

Greul et ai. Descreveram que o uso repetido de uma

combinao de antioxidantes como carotenides (beta-
caroteno e licopeno), vitaminas C e E, selnio e
proantocianidinas poderia reduzir o eritema induzido por
UVB ea expresso de metaloproteinases de matriz tipo 1 e
tipo 9. 238

A combinao de vitamina C, vitamina E, picnogenol e leo

de prmula foi estudada em um modelo animal sob
exposio radiao UVB crnica. O estudo demonstrou
que o complexo seria capaz de inibir a expresso de
metaloproteinase de matriz e aumentar a sntese de
colgeno, reduzindo a formao de rugas. 239

Foi dada especial ateno aos complexos que contm

antioxidantes, no entanto escolher ingredientes activos,
como combin-los e as suas doses ainda permanecem um
desafio, por isso estudos adicionais so necessrios. 240


Os cidos graxos essenciais so cidos graxos

poliinsaturados de cadeia longa derivados de cidos
linolnico (mega-3), linoleico (mega-6) e oleico. Eles no
so produzidos pelo corpo humano e devem ser
consumidos na dieta diria. Eles esto presentes em
alimentos como peixes, linseed, leo de cnhamo, leo de
soja, leo de canola, sementes de chia, sementes de
girassol, salmo e atum. 190

Em um estudo que avaliou a ao do leo de peixe sobre o

metabolismo de prostaglandinas induzido por UV, 13
pacientes com erupo de luz polimorfa receberam
suplementao por 3 meses. Os autores demonstraram a
reduo da inflamao induzida por UV, possivelmente
devido a nveis decrescentes de prostaglandina E. 241

A administrao oral de um grupo antioxidante contendo

vitamina C, vitamina E, picnogenol e leo de prmula inibiu
significativamente a formao de rugas causadas por
irradiao UVB crnica atravs da inibio de
metaloproteinases induzidas por UVB. 239


Polypodium leucotomos um extrato botnico, originrio de

uma samambaia tropical que cresce em reas da Amrica
Central e do Sul, mais freqentemente em altitudes de 700
a 1.300 metros. Tem sido descrito por expedies botnicas
desde o sculo
XVIII e foi usado pelos nativos em infuses
devido sua ao antiphlogistic e antitumoral. 242 - 244

A partir da dcada de 90, comearam a aparecer estudos

com o extrato de P. leucotomos , conduzidos pelos
professores de Harvard Fitzpatrick, Phatak e
Gonzles. Contm vrios marcadores farmacolgicos, entre
eles derivados fenlicos, tais como cido clorognico, cido
vanlico, cido cafeico e cido ferlico. 244 , 245

Desde ento, uma srie de estudos cientficos foi publicada

na literatura, demonstrando os vrios mecanismos de ao
deste fitoextrato: ao antioxidante, ao imunoprotectora,
proteo do DNA e reorganizao da arquitetura da
pele. 244 - 249

Em 1996, a ao antioxidante de Polypodium

leucotomos pode ser demonstrada atravs de sua
capacidade de reduo de nion superxido (55%), lipdica
por oxidao (50%) e oxignio singleto (10%). Mais
recentemente, demonstrou-se a capacidade do cido
cafeico e cido ferlico para inibir a cadeia de peroxidao
lipdica. O cido frulico tambm mostrou ser um
absorvedor de fotes UV potente. 242 - 244

In 2004, a study with 10 volunteers demonstrated that the

presence of Polypodium leucotomos was capable of
decreasing the depletion of Langerhans cells. Its inhibiting
action in the photoisomerization of urocanic acid was also
evaluated, demonstrating its immunomodulatory

The capability of inhibiting the formation of sunburn

cells and the formation of thymine dimers revealed the DNA
protection potential exerted by Polypodium leucotomos. A
study done with a culture of fibroplasts and keratinocytes
suggested that Polypodium leucotomos would have a
protecting effect over fibroblasts.249

Based on the action mechanisms described, several clinical

indications have been employed for its utilization, such as
reduction of solar erythema, phototherapy erythema and
polymorphous light eruption. It has also been indicated as a
coadjuvant treatment for diseases like vitiligo, psoriasis and

Its plasma peak is 2 hours and its half-life 6 hours, with its
greatest effect happening between 2 to 4 hours after
ingestion. Its dose varies from 1 to 5 tablets (250 mg),
depending on skin involvement and degree of solar


Chocolate - cocoa beans are rich in polyphenols (catechins,
epicatechins, and procyanidins) and known for their
antioxidant properties; however, great part of these
properties are lost during the manufacturing process of
chocolate.252 A study published in 2009 described that the
daily consumption of chocolate, especially processed so as
to preserve its flavonoids, would be capable of doubling the
minimal erythemal dose when compared to a control group
that consumed conventional dark chocolate. 253

Caffeine - some epidemiological studies corroborate

experimental evidences that caffeine consumption would
have a protective action against skin
cancer.254 Experimentally, both topical and oral caffeine
promote apoptosis of keratinocytes irradiated by UVB,
suggesting its action in the prevention of

Acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin and ibuprofen - the

efficacy of the use of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs
in the treatment of sunburns has been postulated, however
it still lacks a proper evaluation in randomized trials. Few
observational studies report a reduction of post-UVB
irradiation erythema, if started before or immediately after


New systemic substances that enhance photoprotection

measures have been studied and melanin stimulators stand
out in this field. Tanning is the main physiological
photoprotecting response of the skin. Tanned skin promotes
SPF between 2 and 4, reducing photoinduced DNA damage.
Thus it is believed that melanin stimulation without solar
exposure may reduce this damage.189

The analogues of the alpha-melanocyte stimulating

hormone (-MSH) can be used for stimulation of
melanogenesis. Three fragments (melanotan I, II and III)
demonstrated in vitro agonist action to melanocortin-1
receptor and the capability of stimulating
melanogenesis.257 Melanotan I, administered in the dose of
20 mg, twice daily, for 60 days, demonstrated an increase
in tolerance to solar exposure and a reduction of adverse
effects in patients who carry erythropoietic



1. Oral use products may be available for prescription

by dermatologists to prevent photoinduced skin

2. The term oral photoprotection is not the most

adequate, for it generates confusion with the action
mechanism of topical sunscreen, completely distinct
from the action of oral use products.

3. SBD suggests the name Solar nutraceuticals or

Solar Nutricosmetics as an alternative to the name
"oral photoprotector".
4. These products must not be used as a guarantee of
protection against solar exposure, for they are not
substitutes for topical sunscreen or mechanical
protection. There is no evidence that these
substances have the capability of preventing UVR
from penetrating the skin.

5. The recommendation for use of these products must

be made by a dermatologist, guiding the selection
of the most adequate active ingredients, dosage
and usage time, always according to the needs and
characteristics of the patient.

Go to:



The use of photoprotective measures capable of offering a

physical or mechanical barrier to solar radiation, avoiding
its incidence on the skin, may be named mechanical

Among the mechanical photoprotection measures, we can

include the use of clothing, hats, sunglasses, natural or
artificial coverage and glass, as we will see in the next

Photoprotection through the use of clothing

Photoprotection by means of clothing and hats is the oldest,

most common and easiest way to be achieved and should
be divulged as excellent protection against UVR (ultraviolet

The use of clothing as a sun barrier is secular knowledge

and may be proven by merely observing drawings from the
time of old Egyptian and Medo-Persian civilizations, in which
socially privileged people wisely covered themselves with
clothing and head ornaments, which protected them from
UVR and conferred them status. These habits lasted until
the industrial revolution and the beginning of the
20th century, when the cult of tanned skin as a symbol of
health and beauty was established and ever larger skin
areas were exposed to the sun.259

The use of clothes and hats as UVR protection factors

should be considered a first-line choice for protection
against UVA and especially UVB.262

Among the advantages of the use of clothes, safety and the

certainty of uniformity and continuity of offered protection
should be emphasized. It starts immediately upon wearing
them, without the need for a period of solar pre-exposure,
and continues if one remains dressed, as opposed to solar
filters, which require some waiting time and reapplications.
Clothing is practical in several moments and situations.

Another interesting factor is the low economic investment

required, when compared with other forms of protection.
The disadvantage is that only the area covered by cloth is
protected, and this fact becomes relevant in a country
where people tend to diminish the size of clothes during
summer, mainly in recreational and sports activities
performed outdoors, like in Brazilian beaches. 263

In recent years, interest has grown over the importance of

clothes as a protective barrier against UVR in scientific
circles, mainly in special situations, such as during
childhood, when early protection is paramount in the
prevention of cancer. This viewpoint was reinforced by some
studies, like one carried out with children from nurseries in
Germany, who presented reduction of melanocytic lesions
proportionally to greater use of clothes. 264-266 In countries
such as Australia, where educational campaigns about
children wearing more clothes have been promoted for
several years, the search for adequate clothing for outdoor
activities by the parents has become very popular,
especially on beaches.265

In several countries advances have already been made for

normatization of adequate uniforms for workers in risk
situations, like those who exert their activities outdoors
(construction workers, healthcare agents, postmen, etc.) or
those exposed to artificial radiation sources (welders). 267-270

The tendency of these campaigns is to extend and

emphasize the importance of wearing adequate clothes,
especially in moments of leisure, and increase the concern
about the issue for the group of patients with
photosensitivity disorders.259,262,271
Clothes block UVR in different degrees, depending on the
material they are made of, in addition to factors related to
their use.

Among the factors that increase the protection offered by

clothes is the composition of synthetic fabrics (polyester
and nylon) and weave density. The thicker, more closely
knit and compacted the weave is, the greater the
photoprotection will be, which is the most important aspect
to determine a high SPF. In practice, this idea is applied
when choosing closely knit, heavy and dense fabrics for
outdoor workers' uniforms, usually made of denim, that in
spite of having cotton in its composition, provides good
protection due to its very dense weave.

Dark colors, such as black, dark blue, dark red and dark
green, have high concentration of dyes and absorb more
UVR than light tones, like white, beige and pastel colors,
even with the same fabric weave and composition. Some
fabrics, like cotton and linen, when washed for the first time
may shrink and close the spaces between their threads,
which would increase protection. However, clothes that are
washed and worn too often are prone to protect less, for the
weave becomes loose and open.

Factors that may diminish the protective capability against

UVR are open and thin weave, very frequent with natural
fibers like cotton, natural silks and wool; we also have, as a
factor that decreases protection, humidity and stretching of
products because fabrics that are moistened and submitted
to tension offer poorer protection.

Chart 7 presents the main factors that interfere with the

protective capability of fabrics.261

Factors that interfere with the protection offered by fabrics

More recently, fabrics produced with threads treated with

ultraviolet filters have been offered, ensuring a superior
protection and reducing the influence of environmental
factors mentioned above in the protection offered by

Another alternative is the introduction of additives when

washing clothes, together with soap and softeners, offering
an increment in protection to the washed fabric. 259,261-263,271-

To quantify the protection capability of a given article of

clothing, in 1996, the Australian Radiation Protection and
Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) presented the first
regulation regarding the UV protection power offered by
clothing - the norm AS/NZS4399:1996.275 The protection
capability is based on radiation transmission by the cloth,
obtaining the ultraviolet protection factor (UPF).
According to the method proposed by ARPANSA, the UPF is
determined through a spectrophotometric technique, in
which the transmission of energy of the cloth evaluated
between wavelengths which comprise the UV range (290-
400 nm) is calculated.262,263,275-277

The UPF number reveals the ability to prevent radiation

transmittance through the cloth. It is expressed in units
whose number is inversely proportional to the amount of
radiation which travels through the fabric. Clothes with 40-
50 UPF allow a transmittance of only 2.6%, providing
excellent skin protection.

Based on the different categories of cloth protection related

to UPF indexes and UVR blockage, the Australian norm
AS/NZS 4399, in 1996, presented the following parameters
(Table 1): clothes with UPF 15 and 20 block from 93.3% to
95.8% of UVR, that is, offer good protection; clothes with
UPF 20, 30 and 35 block 95.9% to 97.4% of UVR, that is,
they offer very good protection; and clothes with UPF 40,
45, 50 and 50+ block more than 97% of UVR, therefore
provide excellent protection. Products with UPF lower than
15 are not considered and factors over 50 are considered

Table 1
Relationship between UPF and UVR blockage
After the Australian norm, which established standards of
UPF above 15, other countries created their regulations
based on the typical radiation incidence of each region, like
the United Kingdom (UPF 15), United States (UPF 30) and
Europe, which estipulated as a safe standard a UPF of 40+.
These standards must be on labels attached to clothes
accompanied by the norm number (EN 13758), as countries
claim that, at this level, factors that are not tested, like
humidity and stretching, would be compensated and
provide safety in extreme situations in all geographic

There is no Brazilian standard yet to quantify the protection

factor provided by clothing.


When there is solar exposure, the use of hats is

recommended for it protects the scalp, especially in case of
bald patients, and also helps to protect ears, face and neck.

The model and size of hat brim is the most determining

factor of protection level offered against UVR. A hat with a
brim wider than 7.5 cm may offer protection comparable to
SPF 7 for the nose, 3 for the malar regions, 5 for the neck
and 2 for the chin. On the other hand, a hat with medium
brim, between 2.5 and 7.5 cm, may provide protection
comparable to SPF 3 for the nose, 2 for the neck and malar
regions and no protection for the chin region. Narrow brims,
with less that 2.5 cm, will offer insignificant protection,
comparable to SPF 1.5 for the nose and none for other facial

Models with circular brim are excellent for protection of the

back of neck. Caps, popular mainly with children and
adolescents, offer little protection in the posterior region of
cephalic segment.

The product or fabric from which hats are made also

interferes with the level of protection. As with clothing, a
hat made from closely woven fabric offers greater
protection and as with clothing, again, fabrics used in the
making of hats can be treated to provide greater absorption
of UVR.259,261,273,278


Studies show that solar radiation can be potentially

dangerous for ocular structures, especially cornea, lens and
retina.279 After solar exposure, photochemical reactions may
happen in these structures, leading to acute and chronic

Acute lesions are: photokeratitis (by UVC and UVB radiation)

and solar retinitis (by direct exposure to visible light).
Chronic damage include cataract, pterygium, macular
degeneration and skin cancer.261,279

Different ocular tissues absorb different wavelengths of UV

radiation. The cornea absorbs mainly UVR with wavelengths
below 295 nm. Excessive exposure to UVB radiation may
cause conjunctivitis and permanent damage to the cornea.
Wavelengths between 295 and 400 nm penetrate deeper
and may cause damage to the lens, such as
cataract.261,279 Visible and infrared light cause damage to the

The main photoprotective measure to prevent damage by

solar radiation to the eyes is wearing sunglasses. The
efficacy of sun glasses against UVR depends on size,
radiation absorbing materials (which are incorporated into
the lens) and posterior surface reflection of the lens. 261

Australia published the first norm for sunglasses in 1971. In

1997, the last Australian normative project (AS1067) was
modified and largely revised to reflect the European norm in
effect (EN 1836:1997).279 The first norm in the United States
was published in 1972 by the American National Standards
Institute (ANSIZ80.3:1972). In 2001, the most recent
version was published. The ANSI Z80.3 is voluntary and not
followed by all manufacturers. 279 The International
Organization for Standardization is preparing an
international norm.261,279

In order to promote adequate ocular protection, it is

recommended, by the main eye health organizations of the
United States, to wear sun glasses which absorb 99% to
100% of all UV spectrum (up to 400nm), and additional
protection for the retina must be provided by lenses that
reduce transmission of blue and violet light. 261

There is no standard for the color of the lens. Sunglasses

with too dark lenses may cause pupil dilation and increase
opening of the eyelid, resulting in greater lens exposure to
UV radiation.279 Glasses should ideally protect all the area
around the eye, widening ocular and eyebrow
protection.279 Only the Australian norm AS1067
recommends in its publication measures related to the size
of lens.279 Expensive sun glasses do not necessarily provide
better UV protection.261,279

There is no adequate regulation for the manufacture and

labeling of sunglasses in Brazil yet.



Using shade or structures that provide shade as a way of

decreasing direct exposure to UV radiation is simple and
usually effective. However, it is not recommended to
consider shade as the sole strategy for protection. The
reason is that there may be a significant amount of
radiation that is diffused within the shade and through its

The size of the structure (umbrella or cabin) and the area of

lateral entrance has direct influence on the amount of UV
light that is dispersed into the shade. The type of fabric,
color and thickness also influence protection. Other
considerable factors are the position of the person in the
shade and how long this exposure lasted. 281

The proportion of radiation dispersed inside the structures

goes up as the angle of sunlight incidence increases. The
fact of being in the shade and the perception of decrease in
temperature do not necessarily mean total protection
against solar radiation.

Resources that may diminish the damage from radiation

within the shade are protective clothing, glasses and hats.
Other resources are vegetation and polycarbonate

Polycarbonate may act as a resource for lateral protection

in structures that provide shade and, this way, diminish
radiation dispersed within them.281

Vegetation may also be a form of solar protection and

depends on density of leaves and their height.


Glass panels are ceramic materials and therefore part of a

wide class of materials, with diverse applications, from civil
construction to biological implants - the bioactive glasses. 282

We are interested in glasses used in civil construction

(windows and glass panels), in automobiles and in eye
glasses, for they represent the interface between the skin
and sun radiation, and for that reason, it is imperative to
know the capability of these glasses to block solar radiation,
especially UV.279

Some characteristics of the glass material may exert

influence over UV radiation protection properties, such as:
type, color, layers and coating of the glass. 279
Types of glass

Some of the main types of glass used in windows are:

Clear glass: it is transparent and colorless. Its main

characteristic is the capability of providing protection
against the elements while allowing transmission of visible
light inside. Depending on its thickness, clear glass
transmits more than 90% of visible light (between 400-780
nm) and up to 83% of solar heat.279

Printed glass: obtained through continuous pouring of glass

mass, the surface is engraved with the most varied textures
by means of metal rollers.283

Laminated glass: it is produced by associating two layers of

glass to a plastic layer (PVB - polyvinyl butyral), under heat
and pressure. Once glass and plastic are fused together, the
result is a glass which acts as a single unit, usually very
similar to the common clear glass. The benefit of the
laminated glass is that, if broken, its fragments remain
adhered to the PVB layer instead of being scattered,
reducing the risk of accidents. PVB filters approximately
99% of ultraviolet radiation without diminishing
transmission of visible light.284

Tempered glass: it is obtained through gradual heating and

sudden cooling in a tempering oven (vertical or horizontal)
and essentially is a safety glass. In case of breakage, it is
fragmented in mildly sharp and very small pieces. 284
Some studies have reported the importance of glasses in
blocking UVB radiation and certain range of the UVA
band.279 Other investigations have corroborated the
importance of glass as a photoprotecting agent against
undesired biological effects.284

Duarte et al.285, in a study published in 2008, demonstrated

that all types of glass reduced UVA transmission. Laminated
glass was the most efficient in totally blocking ultraviolet A
radiation, which could be explained by its production
characteristics: association of two glass sheets and one
sheet of plastic (PVB - polyvinyl butyral), which turns it into
an effective barrier against UVA.284

Colors present great influence in radiation transmission. The

green glass sample totally blocks UVA radiation, and the
yellow glass one allows only 1.3% through. 285 In glass
manufacturing, additives may be used for dying. Fe3+
confers a brownish-yellow coloring, whereas the mixture of
Fe3+ and Fe2+ results in green. Other dyes may be added
to obtain other colors. The Fe2+ ion absorbs light in the
infrared region, whereas Fe3+ absorbs light in the
ultraviolet egion. This way, samples containing Fe3+ in
paint pigments are more efficient in diminishing UVA

Regarding glass thickness, UVA radiation transmission

diminishes when the former increases, but is of little
significance when compared with other analyzed variables.
Plastic films with 35% and 20% visibility (visible light
transmission) filter UVA below 370 and 380 nm,
respectively.284 UVB radiation is totally blocked by all glass
samples used, at any distance from the emitting source, for
its penetrance power is smaller than UVA's. 279,284,285 Besides,
the distance of the glass from the light emitting source
influences in a significant way the amount of basal
radiation, and the greater the distance, the smaller the
irradiation and, therefore, the smaller the transmission of
UV by the glasses. This fact can be explained by the great
dissipation of energy that occurs at greater distances in
environmental conditions.284

Applying the results above to an everyday situation, the

UVB radiation on an individual inside a car with closed
windows is null. Even in the case of UVA radiation, the
transmission is insufficient to produce actinic damage since
besides the glass blocking an important portion of radiation,
small alterations in the distance to the light source already
diminish the irradiation significantly.

In view of these considerations, internal environments with

glass can be considered safe for photoprotection, an
important finding in the field of occupational medicine,
where the use of glass cabins in professional vehicles, for
example, would be a preventative health measure for


1. The use of mechanical measures of photoprotection
is an efficient photoprotective strategy, safe and

2. The introduction of the largest possible number of

mechanical solar protection measures should be
stimulated, particularly in case of more susceptible
populations, like children and outdoor workers.

3. Even though it does not belong directly to the work

scope of a dermatologist, as a professional
responsible for a complete photoprotection
program, he/she must always recommend eye and
periorbital protection through the use of adequate

4. From a regulatory viewpoint, SBD recommends that

technical norms and pertinent legislation must be
presented for regulation of solar protection provided
by clothes and hats for use in recreational or
professional activities, sunglasses and umbrellas.

5. From a public health standpoint, SBD encourages

educative actions aiming to promote a greater use
of mechanical photoprotective measures as an
accessible photoprotecting strategy for all the
population, with the necessary efficiency and safety.

Go to:



The prescription of sunscreen, as well as all the orientation

about photoprotective measures, are part of the routine of
dermatologists in their assistance activities. The correct
orientation provided to patients will ensure more efficient
results of the dermatological treatment prescribed.

There are different conditions in which the dermatologist

must guide his patients concerning photoprotection; the
most important are listed below:288-290

Treatment and prevention of cutaneous neoplasms in

predisposed patients.

Treatment and prevention of photoaging within a more

complete cosmiatric program.

Treatment and prevention of photodermatoses or photo-

induced dermatoses.

Prevent development of photoirritation or photosensitization

arising from other dermatological treatments proposed,
such as the use of topical retinoids, psoralens and
photodynamic therapy.

Prevention of post-inflammatory hyperchromia in cosmiatric

treatments, particularly ablative ones.
Orientation within a more complete photoprotection
program, for either a child or adult population, for outdoor
recreational or sport activities.

Orientation for prevention of actinic damage in workers

whose activities are partially outdoors.

In all of the situations described, there will be particularities

when selecting the most adequate sunscreen, in relation to
product use and other photoprotective measures offered,
which will be tackled in the following chapters.

In general, however, the selection of the most adequate

photoprotector and guidance regarding its correct use is
always up to the dermatologist.

Selecting Sunscreens

As stated in previous chapters, every sunscreen sold in

Brazil is registered by ANVISA, based on a technical dossier,
for corroboration the safety and efficacy of the product. This
way, one should always assume that every product
registered in the country has the safety and efficacy profile
minimally required.128

With the wide range of products available in the Brazilian

market, the adequate selection of a sunscreen by the
prescribing dermatologist in each specific case must be
based on two sources of information:

- Formulation of product (active ingredients, vehicle

ingredients, presence of antioxidants or other secondary
actives or yet the galenic form of the product), including the
cosmeticity of the product.

- Product labeling attributes and additional studies


Solar Protection Factor

The evaluation of data on the label of a sunscreen is a

valuable tool for the dermatologist when selecting the most
appropriate sunscreen in each situation.

The most important information is the Solar Protection

Factor (SPF), mandatory item when labeling products. 123

The SPF, as previously stated, represents the ratio between

the minimal erythemal dose of protected skin and non-
protected skin in a group of volunteers, and, in practice it is
the expression of UVR additional exposure time that the
user would have to produce an erythema with the use of
the product, compared with the time that this same user
would need to produce the same degree of erythema
without the product.123

Thus a particular user, upon applying a hypothetical SPF 30

protector, could expose himself 30 times more until
producing the same level of erythema that he would
produce without wearing sunscreen.291

The discussion over the ideal SPF value is old in the

literature. Publications from the 90's of past century used
mathematical models to justify that products with SPF over
30 presented only marginal UVB absorption gain if
compared to SPF value increase.123

Nowadays, however, this concept has been completely

disqualified in the literature, for different reasons, so we
emphasize the three main ones:292

1. Transmittance (energy that travels through a sunscreen)

is more relevant than the absorbance (energy that is
retained by a sunscreen).

The absorbance of a certain sunscreen (that is, the amount

of energy retained by a sunscreen), within the
erythematogenic spectrum of UV radiation, can be
calculated by the following equation:123

A = (1 - 1/SPF)x100

This way, products with SPF over 30 would have only a

slight increase in absorbance within the range capable of
producing erythema, the reason why not using high SPF
products at the time was justified.123

What Osterwalder and Herzog292 and other authors

recommend, nonetheless, is that we consider as the most
important data not absorbance, but transmittance, defined
as the amount of energy that travels through the
photoprotecting film and reaches the skin: 123,292

T = (1/SPF)x100

From this perspective, a product with SPF 30 would let

through twice the radiation than a product of SPF 60,
justifying then the use of products with high SPF. 123,292
Figure 4 demonstrates graphically the relationship between
absorbance and transmittance of sunscreen. 292

Relationship between sun protection factor (SPF) and
ultraviolet (UV) effect: UV radiation percentage absorbed by
the photoprotector (absorbance) and UV radiation
percentage transmitted by the photoprotector that reaches
the skin (transmittance), in relation ...

2. SPF is a measure of protection against sunburn, not

against skin cancer. 123

Although acknowledged as the most relevant

photoprotection measure, SPF represents the capability of a
sunscreen in protecting against sunburn.123

Today we know that the radiation spectrum responsible for

carcinogenesis is not exactly equal to the erythematogenic
spectrum and, in addition, the amount of energy necessary
to produce molecular alterations in the DNA is smaller than
the Minimal Erythemal Dose.293

Due to these factors, the authors do not recommend a

limitation of the SPF value, if we consider that the main
benefit of a sunscreen in the long-term is prevention of
cutaneous cancer.
3. The amount applied in practice by users is much smaller
than recommended and used in the studies to determine

The determination of the SPF is done through methods

validated and published in the literature, but that do not
represent the reality of wearing these products in practice,
for users do not apply sufficient amounts, do not apply
evenly on the whole skin surface or do not reapply the
product with the due frequency.34,123,289

The main interference factor in the efficacy of a sunscreen

(that is, SPF) is the amount applied.123

Different studies have already demonstrated that there is a

relevant difference between the laboratory conditions for
the performance of the SPF test and the consumer real use
conditions, especially regarding the amount applied. 123,289

Os usurios realmente aplicam de 30% a 50% da

quantidade recomendada de 2 mg / cm 2
. 123 , 289

Estudos publicados mostram que a aplicao insuficiente

leva a uma queda significativa na eficcia do filtro solar, ou
seja, o seu SPF real. 34 , 294 - 296

Schalka et ai. Publicou um estudo demonstrando que a

aplicao insuficiente de filtro solar leva a uma reduo
exponencial do SPF real, tornando-se o principal fator de
interferncia na eficcia do fotoprotetor. 34

Para compensar essa queda, os autores recomendam que

os produtos com FPS mais elevado sejam utilizados pelos
consumidores, principalmente em situaes de exposio
excessiva ao sol ou de usurios muito sensveis. 123 , 189

A Academia Americana de Dermatologia recomenda, desde

2009, o uso de protetores solares com SPF acima de 30,
considerando os fatos expostos acima. 123

Proteo UVA

Alm do valor de SPF, um fato muito importante ao escolher

um protetor solar proteo de UVA.

Como mencionado anteriormente, a nova legislao

brasileira de fotoproteo determina que um produto, para
declarar proteo UVA ou proteo de amplo espectro, deve
apresentar um valor UVA-PF maior que um tero do valor
SPF e um comprimento de onda crtico maior que 370
nm. 128 , 288

Essas consideraes so baseadas em diferentes estudos

que apontam para um equilbrio na proteo UVB e UVA
quando essas medidas so atendidas. 288 , 297

Cabe ao dermatologista, portanto, selecionar produtos que

atendam a essa demanda, solicitando dados adicionais do

Resistncia gua

Conforme mencionado anteriormente, a medida de

resistncia gua complementar ao FPS e deve ser
exigida para produtos voltados para a exposio solar
intencional, ou seja, produtos para atividades esportivas e
de lazer ao ar livre ou aquticas.
Dentro da metodologia de estudo, como j foi referido,
aceite uma perda de eficcia fotoprotectora, que pode
atingir at 50% do valor SPF pr-imerso. Por esta razo,
recomenda-se que, mesmo com uma prescrio de
produtos resistentes gua ou muito resistente gua, a
reaplicao deve ser feita aps longos perodos de
imerso. 288 , 295 , 296


A determinao da estabilidade ainda no um requisito

para o registro de filtros solares no Brasil.

No entanto, sabemos que os produtos anunciados para

exposio intensa ou extensa ao sol, como para atividades
ao ar livre, devem ter sua fotobilidade avaliada, a fim de
garantir aos consumidores que eles so seguros para uso
nestas condies. 288 , 296 , 297

Recomenda-se que o dermatologista solicite dados de

fotoestabilidade do fabricante.

Estudos adicionais realizados

medida que cresce o espectro de indicao das telas

solares dentro da prtica dermatolgica, novos mtodos de
avaliao so continuamente propostos com o objetivo de
demonstrar benefcios adicionais da proteo solar.

Dentre estes estudos adicionais, podemos encontrar

avaliaes clnicas de populaes especficas, como
portadores de melasma ou fotodermatoses, estudos in
vivo para avaliao de benefcios como reduo de
oleosidade, potencial hidratante ou reparo da barreira
cutnea, estudos espectrofotomtricos como avaliao da
proteo contra visveis Eficcia de luz ou estudos in
vitro para demonstrar eficcia antioxidante, eficcia contra
efeitos de radiao infravermelha ou eficcia na proteco
de ADN, entre outros.

O dermatologista deve solicitar e avaliar esses estudos

antes da prescrio e orientao dos pacientes.


Montante a aplicar

A quantidade recomendada de filtro solar para uniformizar

a pele, considerando as suas irregularidades, de 2 mg /
cm 2
. Diferentes estudos mostram que com esta
quantidade possvel obter um revestimento de 1 mm
sobre a superfcie total da pele. 39

Para um adulto mdio de 70 kg e 170 cm de altura, a

quantidade necessria para revestir o corpo inteiro seria de
35 a 40 gramas. 290

Por outro lado, como mencionado anteriormente, na prtica

os usurios aplicam quantidades muito menores de protetor
solar, com diminuio expressiva da proteo real
alcanada. 5

Consequentemente, de acordo com publicaes cientficas

e como uma recomendao de agncias reguladoras, os
usurios devem ser encorajados a aplicar maiores
quantidades de protetor solar.
One of the recommended strategies is using the "teaspoon
rule", in which we consider the application of 1 teaspoon on
the cephalic segment and on each of the upper limbs, as
well as 2 teaspoons on trunk/back and on each of the lower
limbs, as depicted in Figure 5.298

Teaspoon rule: ideal amount for photoprotector application

Another proposed strategy is recommending the application

of a photoprotector in two layers, one after the other,
doubling the amount applied, getting closer to the amount
of 2 mg/cm2.

Initial application

The initial application is strategic for successful

photoprotection, with published studies demonstrating that
a correct first application may compensate for eventual
mistakes in the reapplication.295

As shown above, studies for determination of SPF and UVA-

PPD require an interval of 15 minutes between application
of the product and beginning of exposure, justifying this
interval also for practical orientation. 5

We know, however, that some sunscreens demonstrate

their effectiveness immediately after application, without
the need for the 15-minute interval. As long as it is
demonstrated by a clinical study, this recommendation may
be given by the dermatologist to his patient.

Another important aspect in the application of a

photoprotector is the uniformity of its application,
preventing the fact that some areas are forgotten or receive
insufficient application due to lack of attention. 290

Due to all these factors, it is recommended that the

application of sunscreen be done, preferably, before
exposure to the sun and, when wearing them on the body,
with the least possible quantity of clothes.


Reapplication of a sunscreen is very relevant as it is known

that there is a decline in the protecting effect with time, sun
exposure and due to environmental factors (clothes, towels,
wind, water among others).290,295

This decrease in protection may vary widely, depending on

protector formulation and activities exerted by the user.

Because it is something difficult to assess, it is understood

that the 2-hour time interval be suggested as a general
recommendation to the population, even acknowledging
that, for some products and in some situations, the interval
for reapplication could be wider.288,290,295


General Measures
1. There is no photoprotective measure that,
independently, guarantees adequate
photoprotection; for this reason, SBD recommends
that the combination of the largest possible number
of measures is the most correct strategy.

2. In all conditions, SBD does not recommend sun

exposure in the period between 10:00 a.m. and
3:00 p.m. (consider daylight saving time when
necessary). Depending on the time of year
(summer) and the site of exposure, an even larger
period of restriction should be considered.

a. Brazilian Northeast: Guide the beginning of

restriction from 9:00 a.m. due to geographical

b. Brazilian Midwest or states with daylight saving

time: Guide the maintenance of restriction until
04:00 p.m..

3. Wearing clothes and hats or caps must be always

encouraged, as recommended in a specific chapter.

4. Wearing sunglasses is recommended for prevention

of actinical damage to the eyes.

5. Use of natural shade (tree covering) or artificial

(umbrellas, tents, buildings or others) should always
be prescribed as additional measures.
6. The correct use of sunscreen is an essential
measure and its selection and prescription is the
responsibility of the dermatologist.

7. When choosing an adequate photoprotector, the

dermatologist should consider the following

a. The choice of the most adequate galenic form

(cream, lotion, gel, spray, baton or other) must
be based on the characteristics of the patient
regarding manner of use and area to receive

b. Evaluation of formulation ingredients,

particularly of ultraviolet filters present, may
be necessary in particular situations such as
for sensitive patients or with a history of
allergy, or yet specific populations like children
and pregnant women. For the general
population, however, the efficacy data are the
main source of information to the
dermatologist when selecting the most
appropriate solar screen.

c. Solar Protection Factor: Main point about

product efficacy and reference when choosing
the sunscreen.

i. The choice of SPF depends on phenotypic

characteristics of the patient, usage
profile, exposure area and period that the
user will be exposed to the sun.

ii. SBD recommends the use of sun screens

of at least SPF 30.

iii. Products with higher SPF must be

available for specific situations, like
patients with greater sensitivity to the
sun, personal or familial history of skin
cancer, patients in treatment for
photodermatoses or during cosmiatric
treatment and patients exposed to a
higher amount of solar radiation due to
professional or leisure activities.

iv. Protectors with SPF lower than 30 my be

indicated in special situations and to
special populations, such as
Afrodescendant patients.

d. SBD recommends prescription of solar filters

with UVA protection or broad spectrum
protection that meet the Brazilian legislation
on photoprotection, featuring UVA-PF of at
least 1/3 of the SPF value and critical
wavelength equal or greater than 370 nm.

e. Water resistant or very water resistant

products should be used in recreational
outdoor activities like sports and by swimmers.
f. SBD recommends the prescription of products
that demonstrate photostability through
specific tests.

8. 8. In addition to correct choice, as mentioned

previously, usage orientation is essential.

a. The first application of the product is

fundamental and must be done with greater
attention and care, for at least 15 minutes
before exposure, preferably without clothes or
with the least clothing possible. If the
manufacturer states the "immediate
protection" feature, the 15-minute interval can
be suppressed.

b. The amount to be applied should be oriented

by the dermatologist, recommending one of
the two alternatives below:

i. Application in two layers: To increase the

amount applied, the dermatologist may
prescribe sunscreen application the way
the patient is used to, but requesting an
immediate reapplication.

ii. Use the teaspoon rule, as previously


c. SBD recommends, in a general way,

reapplication of sunscreen every 2 hours or
after long immersion periods. Different
reapplication intervals may be suggested by
the manufacturer as long as demonstrated in
specific tests.




Specific groups require special consideration when we

speak of photoprotection. The type of sun exposure, skin
characteristics and individual habits, as well as the diversity
of photoprotective measures, demand individualized
assessment in choosing ideal measures to be
recommended. It is up to the dermatologist to consider all
the particularities at the time of guiding patients regarding
photoprotective measures. In terms of public health and
photoeducation, we must also consider population groups
when engaging in action for photoprotection.

Guidance on photoprotection for different population groups

and also for specific skin areas, which need special care, are
presented below.


Pregnancy constitutes a scenario of changing hormonal

levels and predisposes the occurrence of physiological or
pathological modifications of the skin, like melasma. It is
assumed that one of the causes for this predisposition
would be the high levels of melanocyte-stimulating
hormone in this period.300 In fact, it is estimated that half of
pregnant women suffer from melasma.299 Whereas general
prevalence of melasma in Latinamerican women is around
1.5% to 33%, among pregnant ones this rate rises to 50%
or even 80%.299-302

Even if it seems an obvious choice, solar protection as a

measure to avoid the onset or worsening of melasma during
pregnancy is not frequently investigated. A study performed
in Chile at a prenatal clinic evaluated melasma incidence in
pregnant women, wearing an SPF 10 sunscreen or placebo.
The frequency of melasma onset in the two groups was
statistically similar, but considering only women who
applied the filter correctly, there was significant

In a cohort clinical study, without a control group, a team of

researchers from a pharmaceutical sunscreen manufacturer
laboratory oriented the use of the product by 185 pregnant
women every two hours for six months, with 12 of them
having a history of melasma. At six months, 2 new cases of
melasma occurred, and 8 of the 12 who already had
melasma saw improvement. At six months, 1 more case of
melasma occurred, totaling 1.6%. At the end of pregnancy,
there were 5 cases (2.7%), which the authors 299 considered
much lower than the rate found in pregnant women in
another study performed in the same region (53%), but
without sunscreen.304 However, the study did not use a
comparison control group.
It is possible that guidance for solar protection during
pregnancy is being neglected by health professionals. In a
study with 109 puerperal women in southern Brazil, it was
verified that most of them used to get exposed to the sun
at noon for approximately one hour. More than 70% of them
did not wear sunscreen and only one woman applied it
more than once per day. In an interview, they said the
reason for not wearing sun screen was lack of habit. Around
15% of them used other forms of protection, mostly
sunglasses. The ones with lighter skin protected themselves
more from the midday sun and used more sun screen. Only
35% of the women reported receiving information about
risks of sun exposure during prenatal care and none
received prescription for sunscreen. Of the 25 patients with
melasma, 20 (80%) developed lesions during pregnancy,
most of them with a habit of one to two-hour daily sun
exposure, and only six used solar filters. 300

Concern about safety for pregnant women to wear solar

filters has been considered by researchers.

Substances approved by the different international

regulatory agencies and by ANVISA were exhaustively
evaluated as to their toxicological risk, including the risk of
teratogenicity, and are considered safe for use during

An additional preoccupation is the recent introduction of

nanoparticulate ingredients for use in sunscreens.
Different articles305-308 have already been published about
the safety of nanoparticles in sunscreen, but there are no
studies yet specifically related to nanoparticles in
photoprotetors for use during pregnancy.



1. Solar protection must be properly oriented during

pregnancy, especially due to the risk of developing
melasma and other pigmentary diseases.

2. Mechanical solar protection (clothes, hat,

sunglasses) and sunscreen must be recommended
in all pregnancy periods.

3. Sunscreens that follow ANVISA norms can be

recommended for use during pregnancy.

4. Nanoparticulate sunscreen use should be avoided

until their safety is well established.

5. Sunscreens with SPF higher than 30 and with UVA

protection are recommended.

6. Recommend to a pregnant woman with past or

current history of melasma the same care as for
patients with melasma, as set by a specific item.

Breastfed babies and children

It has classically been informed in literature that as much as

80% of UV radiation most of us receive during our lifetime
occur up to 18 years of age.309-311 This affirmation is
divulged in medical articles and general literature but
recently it has been proposed that this was an
interpretation mistake of the original publication of Stern et
al.309 in 1986.

Based on a mathematical model, the authors concluded

that the habit of wearing sunscreen in the first 18 years of
life reduced by 78% the incidence of skin cancer during
lifetime. Actually, when we think of UVR, apparently less
than 25% of it is received in this period. 312,313 This increased
risk is possibly due to the number of sunburn episodes in
childhood and adolescence.

Photoprotection education for this age group is essential for

habit formation and to avoid the cumulative effects of UVR.
Studies demonstrate that around 83% of children have
sunburns in the summer, a percentage that drops to 36%
among adolescents.291 The incidence of melanoma and non
melanoma skin cancer in patients with sunburn history is
well documented, a metanalysis having been published in
2008 based on population studies.314-316

Many studies also warn about the insufficient and

inadequate wearing of sunscreen by this age
group.291sunscreen, according to recommendations of the
American Academy of Pediatrics and the American
Academy of Dermatology (Charts 8 and and9)9) are allowed
after the age of six months. Until two years of age the
wearing of inorganic protectors is preferable for having
smaller potential of cutaneous permeation when compared
with organic protectors.265,317-319

Recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics for
photoprotection of breastfed babies and children

Recommendation of the American Academy of Dermatology
for photoprotection of breastfed babies and children

There is evidence that wearing sunscreens in childhood and

adolescence reduces the incidence of skin cancer, besides
actinic damage. More stable formulations, resistant to water
and sand, make the incorporation of sunscreen use into the
routine of children easier. Photoprotection measures such as
clothes, hats, sunglasses and staying in the shade should
also be encouraged.314,315

In the period around solar noon all sun exposure should be

avoided, even when wearing photoprotector, due to the
high UVR rate. A simple rule that helps to identify this time
is the "shadow rule"; the smaller the child's shadow
projected on the ground in relation to its height, the greater
the risk incurred. Sun exposure should be avoided in the
period when the shadow projected on the ground is smaller
than the child's height. 265,320

Besides direct exposure, there is great worldwide concern

regarding adolescents that use artificial tanning chambers
(over 2 million adolescents per year, only in the United
States). As of 2011, their use was forbidden for people
younger than 18 years of age in the states of California and
Vermont, as well as in the United Kingdom. 321 Brazil was the
first country in the world to forbid the use of artificial
tanning for esthetical purposes; it has been forbidden since


Photoprotection in Childhood

1. Photoprotection of the pediatric population is

fundamental and should be part of well-child care,
as well as be oriented by a dermatologist.

2. Three age groups are considered for

photoprotection recommendations:

3. Breastfed babies younger than 6 months.

a. should not be directly exposed to the sun.

b. when necessary, it is recommended they wear
clothes and hats that cover the skin.

c. wearing sunscreen is not recommended for

this age group; it may be prescribed and
oriented by the dermatologist in exceptional

4. Children older than 6 months - general measures

a. should not be directly exposed to the sun in

the period between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

b. use the "shadow rule": if the shadow of its

body is smaller than its height, the child should
not be exposed to the sun.

c. the use of mechanical photoprotection

measures, like wearing clothes, hats and
staying in the shade are essential in a
photoprotection program for this age group.

d. photoprotection should always be

recommended when necessary. Always
recommend sunscreens with SPF above 30 and
UVA protection. Whenever possible, opt for
products indicated for the pediatric population.

i. Children from 6 months to 2 years of age:

preference for products composed totally
or for the most part of inorganic filters.
Products in the form of cream and sticks
are particularly recommended.

ii. Children older than 2 years of age: wear

products with an adequate balance of
organic and inorganic filters, high
substantivity (water resistance), easy
application and spreadability. Creamy
lotions and aerosol products are better
accepted. Particular attention should be
paid to adequate application of aerosols.

e. Sunscreens should be applied wearing the

least quantity of clothes possible, 15 to 30
minutes before sun exposure and reapplied
every 2 hours or after immersion in water.

f. Recommend application of a generous quantity

of sun protector or application in two
consecutive layers, as already explained, to
reach a quantity close to 2 mg/cm2.

Complexion of African descent people

People of African descent ethnicity have a lower risk for

development of skin cancer. However, once affected, their
mortality rate is significantly higher and the prognosis
worse.321-325 The late diagnosis may result from the
perception of diminished cancer risk among these
A study carried out in California with randomly selected
people of African descent ethnicity revealed that 46% of
them had perception of zero risk for skin cancer, and 76%
believed they had low risk (up to 25%). People with
perception of high risk for cancer had history of prior skin
cancer or sun sensitive skin. However, even among those
with a higher level of concern, only 9.2% routinely wore SPF
15 sunscreen (against 6.3% of those who believed they
were at a low risk).

Women, especially older and with a higher educational

level, had a greater tendency to wear sunscreen. Thus, the
study showed that wearing sunscreen was not dependent
on perception of cancer risk nor economical variables, but
only on gender, age and educational level. 327

Another study corroborated this multiplicity of factors

involved in the behavior of wearing a photoprotector: in a
telephone survey carried out in the USA it was found that
ethnicity and/or race, gender, income, education and
reactivity of skin to sunburn affected the habit of wearing
sun protector: only 25% of the sample "always" wore the
product, and the participants with African descent ethnicity
skin, non Hispanic, wore protector 7 times less than
Caucasians, who burned easily. The study showed that,
among people with history of severe sunburn (with blisters),
ethnicity did not affect the habit of wearing sunscreen. 328

In a seaside city of Santa Catarina, the parents of preschool

students were interviewed regarding sun protection. The
study revealed that white children had a significantly larger
tendency to wear and to reapply sunscreen. The fact of
studying in private schools and having a higher income
were also associate factors. The type of skin was not
associated with the SPF of the protector. 329

If protection against skin cancer were due only to the

quantity of melanin in the skin, there would be a linear
relationship between the skin tone and risk for cancer,
which could never be verified. On the contrary, it seems
that the risk for skin cancer does not depend only on the
melanin barrier to radiation, but is a complex process that
involves immunosuppression decreased by sun exposure,
susceptibility to burns and capacity of response to DNA
damage (repair).324,326

Research is going in this direction, but as long as there are

no objective answers about the role played by each of these
factors in protection against cancer and skin aging,
preventing sunburns and immunosuppression caused by
sun exposure is prudent; therefore, sun protection is an
important tool for people of all skin colors. 326

In addition to the discussion about photoprotection and skin

cancer prevention for individuals with African descent
ethnicity skin, another factor related to UVR exposure in
dark-skinned individuals are the hyperpigmentation
disorders, such as postinflammatory hyperpigmentation and
melasma. Actually, it is the main motivation for
recommendation of photoprotective measures for these
population groups.324,326



1. Photoprotective measures, including wearing

sunscreen, should be recommended for individuals
of any skin color, including those of African descent

2. The dermatologist should pay special attention to

skin photoprotection of African descent ethnicity
patients, for the greater risk of onset of pigmentary
dermatoses as well as the risk, although reduced,
for the onset of cutaneous neoplasms.

Sport activities

Athletes who practice outdoor activities receive a

considerable dose of UVR. Adequate photoprotective
measures should be taken for this group in view of the high
degree of exposure associated with intense sudoresis. 330

Sudoresis induced by heat and by the physical activity may

contribute significantly to skin damage caused by UVR,
since it increases sensitivity and risk for sunburn. This is
probably due to hydration of the stratum corneum with
decrease of reflection and dispersion.331

A study with 290 college athletes showed that, although

96% of them agreed that sunscreen decreased skin cancer
rates, over 50% of them had never worn sunscreen and
75% of those who did wore it less than 3 times per week.
The most frequent justification for not wearing it (39%) was
the desire to have tanned skin.332

Devido a dificuldades de reaplicao e ao longo tempo de

exposio, essencial usar roupas feitas de tecidos com
proteo ultravioleta e tampes ou chapus adequados,
alm de culos de sol, que protegem no apenas os olhos,
mas tambm as regies periorbital e malar. 330

Quando falamos de protetor solar, o ideal para aqueles que

praticam esportes aquele que proporciona maior
aderncia, devido constante transpirao e atividades
aquticas. A forma de pulverizao frequentemente
preferida porque seca facilmente e rapidamente aplicada,
apesar de no ter a mesma adeso de um filtro com maior
substantividade; reservado para subseqentes
reaplicaes. No que diz respeito sensao de queimao
nos olhos, filtros inorgnicos so acreditados para ser
menos irritante e veculos mais espessos utilizados como
base ou um stick manter o produto no local de aplicao e
so favoritos para esta regio especfica. 135

Os atletas que praticam esportes aquticos so mais

afetados pela radiao UV, como conseqncia da pouca
proteo proporcionada pela roupa, contato constante com
a gua e reflexo da luz solar sobre a superfcie da
gua. Alguns produtos utilizam emulso inversa (leos na
fase de emulso externa) para aumentar a resistncia do
produto gua. Emulses inversas e aquelas baseadas em
partculas insolveis podem no ser cosmeticamente
satisfatrias como as emulses tradicionais de filtros
orgnicos, mas podem proporcionar mais proteco. 333

Em um estudo dinamarqus com 24 voluntrios submetidos

a atividade fsica e submerso em uma banheira, o SPF do
filtro solar inorgnico e orgnico foi reduzido em 38% e
41%, respectivamente, aps 4 horas e 55% e 58% aps 8
horas. 334

A ANVISA, na RDC 30/2012, solicita que as alegaes

relativas resistncia gua sejam determinadas por
metodologias especficas definidas neste novo
regulamento. Os fabricantes podem indicar nas suas
etiquetas as expresses: "Resistente gua", "Muito
resistente gua", "Resistente gua / suor" ou
"Resistente gua / transpirao", desde que esta
caracterstica seja verificada. 128
Para um paciente com este
perfil, o ideal usar roupas adequado com proteco UV.

Portteis UVA / UVB metros foram vendidos nos ltimos

anos destinados prtica de esportes. Em 1976, foram
utilizados os primeiros adesivos base de
polisulfona; Entretanto, seu uso foi restrito pesquisa
devido necessidade de um espectrofotmetro para avaliar
sua absorvncia e capturar apenas entre 280-315nm
(UVB). 335

Atualmente, os braceletes feitos de benzyl-viologen

encapsulado, que muda de cor de acordo com a exposio
radiao ultravioleta esto sendo vendidos na Europa e
so calibrados para avaliar em tempo real se o paciente
com fototipo II atingiu a dose mxima recomendada
UV. 336
Em 2004, foi iniciado o uso de medidores eletrnicos
que armazenam leituras de UVA e UVB em intervalos pr-
estabelecidos para fins de pesquisa, permitindo a
reutilizao e descarga de dados para um computador para
anlise. 337
Recentemente, este equipamento comeou a ser
vendido na Nova Zelndia para uso pessoal. 338



1. A fotoproteo nos esportes deve ser realizada de

forma cuidadosa e detalhada, com a especificidade
requerida pela atividade de escolha.

2. Em termos de sade pblica, recomenda-se no

praticar atividades esportivas ao ar livre no perodo
entre 10:00 e 15:00 horas e / ou com alto ndice UV.

3. Deveriam ser propostas aes s associaes que

organizam grandes eventos esportivos, como a
Confederao Brasileira de Futebol e o Comit
Olmpico Brasileiro, para definir estratgias
fotoprotetoras para atletas e pblico-alvo.

4. O adiamento de grandes eventos esportivos, como

fsforos de futebol, para horrios depois das 17h,
especialmente durante o vero, uma das medidas
mais eficientes.
5. Medidas fotoprotetoras mecnicas como roupas,
chapus e culos de sol devem ser sempre parte da
orientao para atletas.

6. Usar protetor solar altamente recomendvel, com

algumas caractersticas especficas:

a. FPS elevado, se possvel acima de 50.

b. Proteo UVA equilibrada e proporcional.

c. Products of high photostability, for the long

time of exposure.

d. sunscreen very resistant to water.

e. Vehicles in thicker creams and sticks may be

an interesting option for the face, to reduce
complaints about burning eyes.

f. For body use, products easy to apply, like

creamy lotions and aerosols, are

g. Products for application on wet skin, that

present inverse emulsion (oils in the external
phase of the emulsion), may be recommended
for water sports.


Exposure to UV radiation is widely recognized as a risk

factor for the onset of melasma. 299,305,339-342 Recently, studies
have shown the participation of visible light in pigmentation
and oxidative damage, as well as its interference in
hyperpigmentary dermatoses, like melasma and post-
inflammatory hipercromia.178

Melasma treatment, or lightening of spots is not the object

of this consensus; several products and procedures have
been used340,343,344 with the purpose of inhibiting the activity
of melanocytes, interrupt melasma formation and promote
degradation of melanosomes. 340,344 Therefore, at the same
time that an attempt is made to lighten the existing spots,
their darkening and fomation of new spots should be
prevented by ensuring appropriate photoprotection 340,343 or
even camouflage (makeup that affords total sunblock

Since the risk factor present in all melasma patients is sun

exposure, the role of sunscreen is well established as an
important part of the treatment, based on the principle of
avoiding triggering or exacerbating hyperpigmentation
factors, especially aggression by UV
radiation.343,344 Recurrence after intense exposure is a
common problem in melasma.345

In 1983, researchers of Porto Rico proposed to verify

specifically whether wearing sunscreens would impact
melasma treatment, evaluating the need for it to be used
together with the topical treatment. In a randomized,
double-blind clinical study, hydroquinone was administered
to 59 women, when half of them also received sunscreen
and the other half placebo. Among those who wore a filter
96.3% improved, against 80.8% of those who used placebo,
without significant difference between the groups. 339

After that, photoprotection continued to be part of the

treatment in all the world. In fact, around 80% of the
patients experience some improvement only wearing
sunscreens, even when receiving placebo as
depigmentation treatment (against 100% of patients
receiving filter plus hydroquinone, glycolic acid and
antioxidants).346 A systematic review of the literature shows
that sunscreens are indispensable in the approach to
melasma, even though the topical treatment is necessary. 345

In fact, wearing a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF above

30 is included as first line of the treatment algorithm
proposed by the Latin American Pigmentary Disorders
Academy.340 Except for the above mentioned study, a
systematic review of the literature published in 2006 shows
that the clinical studies of melasma do not even consider
replacing sunscreen with placebo anymore, 345 but are all
based on the comparison of depigmentation treatments,
topical or mechanical. Investigations show that sunscreens
added to hydroquinone and retinol formulations have their
potency to protect against UV radiation preserved. 347

A study carried out in 2008 178,348 evidenced that long UVA

radiation (340-400 nm) and visible light (400-700 nm) are
able to promote immediate skin pigmentation, having as
chromophores not only melanin, but also

sunscreen were developed to protect from UVR skin

damage,178 but protection against visible light is limited and
recent studies reveal the importance of such care. A study
carried out by Schalka et al., in 2012,178evaluated the
effectiveness of white and colored sunscreen in protecting
against visible light by means of the spectrophotometric
evaluation of the absorption curve of products, value of
photoprotection and colorimetric characteristics, for
quantification of protection within this specific radiation
range. The conclusion was that the value of the sun
protection factor (FPS) has no direct relationship with
protection against visible light, but with the potential
translucency of the product.178

The inorganic filters, for their reflective ability, could be an

option against visible light, depending on the size of their
particles. Thus, only large and visible particles (pigmentary)
would be able to protect against visible light. 349 Therefore,
the incorporation of absorbing pigments to sunscreen
increases the photoprotective ability of these products. 178

Protection against UVA and UVB radiation is the main point

of the treatment.299,339-341,350 According to recent studies,
broad spectrum sun protector, UVA and UVB, with at least
SPF 30, containing inorganic filter, like titanium dioxide or
zinc oxide, should be used by patients with melasma and be
frequently reapplied.299,340-343,350Organic and inorganic filters
may act synergically to enhance SPF value. 305Formulations
containing opaque filters and absorbing pigments may
allow photoprotection against visible light. 178

Nevertheless, adherence is a sensitive issue when we are

dealing with protection against sun radiation, as application
and reapplication of solar filters on the skin should be done
adequately, which can be laborious and costly. 351 Failure to
adhere to the use of sunscreen may lead to aggravation of
hyperpigmentation in melasma. Field research has already
verified that patients with melasma expose themselves to
the sun at inappropriate times (from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00
p.m.), which may worsen the problem, and only a minority
reapplies the product along the day (48.2%). 342

In men, the situation is more critical, as they tend to avoid

more complex and time consuming treatments, and among
them the use of products that interfere with shaving may be
problematic. Because they are less concerned with
appearance and health, they protect themselves less than
women and should be advised about sun exposure as an
aggravating factor.352

Therefore, the dermatologist should use all possible

strategies to improve adherence of patients with melasma
to protective measures, beginning with non exposure to the
sun. Clarification regarding the best times to be in the sun
are essential, as well as the duration of protection and the
consequent need for reapplication. However, the patient
cannot always refrain from being exposed to the sun in
given periods, simply because he may be en route or
carrying out professional activities. 342 In such cases, the
recommendation to wear hats, sunglasses and adequate
clothing expands protection and should always be part of
the prescription.340

In addition to the mandatory recommendation to wear sun

protector with SPF above 30 and balanced UVA protection,
whenever possible wearing sunscreen that protect against
visible light should be recommended.178

Vegetable extracts containing monomeric phenolic

compounds and flavonoids, in addition to phenolic acids,
that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
action243,341,344 have also been investigated. Polypodium
leucotomos extract has been studied and a clinical trial
showed its ability to protect the skin against acute sunburn
action but also in the prevention and treatment of
pigmentary dermatoses, such as melasma. 243



1. Photoprotection is fundamental in the treatment

and prevention of melasma.

2. The dermatologist should use all possible strategies

to improve adherence of patients with melasma to
protective measures, beginning with non exposure
to the sun. Clarification regarding the best times to
be in the sun are essential, as well as the duration
of protection and the consequent need for

3. The use of mechanical measures like hats is a

recommendation that extends protection and
should always be part of the prescription.

4. In case of melasma, the sun protector should have

the following characteristics:

a. High SPF, preferably above 50.

b. UVA protection proportionately elevated.

c. If possible, offer colored sunscreen, in the a

form of makeup foundation ot compact cream.

d. Use products that protect in the visible light


5. Orientation regarding application and reapplication

of the product for melasma patients is the same
offered as general orientation.

6. The use of oral photoprotective agents with proven

effectiveness in prevention and treatment of
melasma may be recommended as adjuvant

Sensitive skin

Ever since sunscreen began to be sold, many actives have

been introduced alone or combined in their formulations.
With the dissemination of knowledge about the effects of
UV radiation and awareness campaigns for prevention of
skin cancer, there was great consumption escalation, and
new forms of presentation were introduced in the market.

Situaes especiais como filtros para uso dirio,

maquiagem com filtros, protetores resistentes gua e
areia, fotoestveis e com melhor aceitabilidade cosmtica
levaram a maior aderncia. Contudo, novos e numerosos
agentes activos apareceram sob formas farmacuticas,
aumentando o potencial alergnico dos produtos. 353

A pele sensvel entendida por alguns autores como a

manifestao cutnea com sintomatologia mais exuberante
que os sinais, que inclui a sensao de ardor ou picada na
face aps a aplicao de um nico ou de um grupo de
produtos faciais, sem presena de eritema francamente
estabelecido, diferindo assim de Imagens clnicas de
irritao da dermatite de contato. 354

Muitos pacientes se percebem como tendo "pele sensvel"

sem, de fato, apresentar o quadro clnico relacionado a essa
dermatose. Alm disso, cerca de 20% das alergias de
contato atribudas aos cosmticos citam protetores solares,
necessitando de um diagnstico etiolgico diferencial. As
mulheres adultas com dano actnico apresentam mais
alergias, enquanto so mais raras em crianas. 355

Entre as substncias, minerais como dixido de titnio

raramente so alergnicos, mas h evidncias de que
outros, como o PABA (cido paraminobenzico), podem ser
muito alergnicos. 356

A "Guia de Avaliao de Segurana de Produtos

Cosmticos" da Agncia Nacional de Vigilncia Sanitria -
Anvisa define as caractersticas e os testes de segurana
necessrios (irritabilidade cumulativa, sensibilizao,
Fototoxicidade, fotoalergia cutnea e ensaios de segurana
utilizando-o em populaes de pele sensvel) que o
cosmtico deve apresentar um rtulo "Indicado para peles
sensveis". 156



1. A fotoproteo para pacientes com pele sensvel

deve preferencialmente usar produtos com o rtulo
"Indicado para pele sensvel", conforme requerido
pela ANVISA.

2. Protetores com fragrncia no so recomendados

para pacientes com pele sensvel.

Dermatite de contato

As reaces adversas causadas pela sensibilizao ao filtro

solar, como mencionado anteriormente, no so
comuns. Entre as dermatites de contato, as de tipo irritativo
so mais freqentes do que as do tipo de sensibilizao.

O principal agente etiolgico para a sensibilizao ao filtro

solar (produto acabado) so os perfumes, quando presentes
na sua composio, seguidos por conservantes. Os
ingredientes activos especficos para proteco solar (filtros
UV) raramente so sensibilizadores. 357

Entre os activos fotoprotectores, os derivados do cido

paraminobenzico, das benzofenonas, do octocrileno e da
avobenzona esto mais frequentemente relacionados com a
sensibilizao. 353



1. A fotoproteo para pacientes com histria de

dermatite de contato causada por protetores
solares deve ser preferencialmente obtida com
produtos que contenham apenas filtros inorgnicos
e sem fragrncia.

2. Os testes de contato podem ser recomendados para

uma investigao adequada.


A roscea uma doena crnica, caracterizada por eritema,

ppulas, pstulas e telangiectasias; Predomina na face
central e varia de formas leves a exuberantes, como o
rinfito, mais freqente em homens. Predomina em
mulheres na faixa etria de 30 a 50 anos e estima-se que
de 1,5 a 10% da populao afectada por este
transtorno. 358
Embora sua patognese no esteja completamente
definida, fatores genticos e ambientais tm um impacto na
exacerbao do quadro clnico. Alimentos como chocolate,
caf, alguns temperos, ch, lcool, medicamentos
sistmicos, tais como agentes colinrgicos, vasodilatadores,
rifampicina, fatores emocionais, exerccios fsicos e radiao
solar, entre outros, so fatores associados ao agravamento
dos sintomas. 358

A terapia inclui desde a medicao tpica at

procedimentos cirrgicos. Em todas as formas, os pacientes
so orientados sobre fatores desencadeantes ea
importncia de usar o protetor solar adequado.

Os produtos que associam ativos especficos para

tratamento tpico e protetores solares podem e devem ser
usados; Evidncia mostra melhores resultados com esta
associao. 359

Due to greater sensitivity and alterations in the cutaneous

barrier function, patients with rosacea may present
sensitivity to cosmetic and makeup products; however,
makeup with sun protector may be used, always giving
preference to those that are non alcoholic. Makeup with
greenish tones is important to reduce the appearance of
facial erythema. The National Rosacea Society, in the USA,
recommends wearing makeup that includes UV radition
protection, formulations without perfume, hypoallergenic
and alcohol-free.360

1. Photoprotection for patients with rosacea should

follow the same principles of photoprotection for
individuals with sensitive skin.

2. If possible, opt for less oily and non alcoholic

preparations, such as cream gel.

Acne and oily skin

There are few studies in the literature on acne, oily skin and
sun protection.

Individuals with a tendency to have oily skin, mainly

adolescents, avoid wearing sunscreen because they believe
this type of product worsens or triggers acne, which is more
frequent in this age group.135,361 There is great variety of
products available in the market, offering options of skin
protectors with this tendency.362

In 2005, an experimental study with human subjects was

carried out in Mexico to verify if the SPF informed on the
packages of 12 products actually afforded the promised
protection. All of the products were allegedly "non-
comedogenic" or "not oily" and were targeted to the
adolescent population, more prone to acne. None of the
analyzed products complied with what their packages
promised: the product that was closer to what it declared
was a filter with several active substances (titanium
dioxide, octocrylene, Mexoryl and others) that offered a
15.6 SPF, while it informed SPF 20 protection.361

Protectors in the form of gel, cream gel or fluid are ideal for
patients with oily and acneic skin. It is important for
patients with acne to avoid inorganic filters, due to their
dense and oily consistency. 135 New technologies are being
used to enhance product cosmetic characteristics and make
them less oily, which may improve adherence to protector
wearing by this group of individuals. Among these
technologies, the use of silica and its derivatives has been
very well accepted by users since it reduces the "oily touch"
of the product, decreasing residual shine while adsorbing
exceeding oiliness.



1. Photoprotection for patients with oily or acneic skin

should be achieved with products especially
developed for this purpose and that demonstrate
the promised effect, like control or reduction of skin
oiliness, through specific studies.

2. Vehicles in the form of gel, cream gel or fluid are the

most recommended for this group of patients.


Patients with vitiligo have a diminished risk of developing

skin cancer, both melanoma and non melanoma, during
their lifetime, and although there are isolated reports
stating the contrary, apparently phototherapy does not
increase the risk, as demonstrated in epidemiological

A possible explanation for this would be that patients with

vitiligo tend to protect themselves more with clothes
exactly because they know that the skin in the regions with
lesions is more sensitive to the sun and is easily severely
burned, generating actinic damage.364

Vitiligo treatment has as principle the activation and

migration of melanocytes from the borders of the
depigmented lesion, penetrating 2 to 3 mm into the lesion;
the larger reserves of melanocytes are close to hair follicles;
therefore hairless areas (palms, soles of feet) respond
poorly to the treatment.365,366

The guidelines of the American Academy of Dermatology

are that a broad spectrum photoprotector be applied after
the therapy session with psoralene and phototherapy,
before the patient leaves the office, since inadvertent and
unprotected sun exposure, six to eight hours after the
session, may cause phototoxicity and blisters. 366 Due to the
sensitivity of depigmented skin, both to UVA and UVB rays,
the broad spectrum photoprotector is mandatory for
patients with vitiligo, to prevent sunburns. However, all the
exposed skin, and not only the lesions, should be

Sunscreen protection brings with it another benefit: one of

the complaints of patients having phototherapy is the
increased contrast between the area of the lesion and
normal skin, which tans under radiation. Thus, when
irradiating the lesion, the treatment would darken the
normal skin as well. By diminishing tanning of the normal
skin, this contrast is less marked. The protection factor has
to be at least 15 for skins type I or II, and wearing
protective clothes and hats is recommended. 365 Camouflage
of lesions with products containing pigments may be

Some patients with very large lesions may opt for

depigmentation of the skin without lesion. In such cases,
photoprotection, including wearing sunscreen and avoiding
outdoor activities, are measures to be taken for a whole
lifetime86 and the patient should be made aware of this fact.



1. Photoprotection for patients with vitiligo is

mandatory, especially in the affected areas.

2. The dermatologist should advise about the use of

mechanical photoprotective measures, associated
with the use of topical sunscreen with high SPF and
balanced UVA protection.

3. Special attention should be paid to photoprotection

after the phototherapy sessions.

Specific areas
Scalp and hair
Hair offers natural protection to the scalp, particularly hair
in darker tones. Bald patients or those with light and
thinning hair need to wear sunscreen on the areas of the
scalp without hair, due to the high exposure of the region,
even though it was not exposed in childhood and

Concerning hair photoprotection, the approach does not aim

at prevention of skin cancer, as hair does not undergo
neoplastic processes.368 Nevertheless, there is a cosmetic
importance. The most often reported effects are alterations
in coloration due to oxidation of hair pigmentation,
pheomelanin and eumelanin, forming
oxymelanin.369 Furthermore, UVR damages hair lipids,
leading to dryness and increased fragility; the lipid film is
responsible for the shine and malleability of hair. Without
this protection, hair is subject to static electricity and
fractures when it is combed, which makes the hair frizzy. 368

Hair photoprotection is achieved with the same active

ingredients used on the skin, added to formulations for hair
use, like conditioners, gels, sprays. The main problem is the
difficulty to manufacture a homogeneous film that will
protect the entire surface of hairs, besides the problem of
creating a formula with good adherence to the cuticle, but
without making it very oily.

The products that tend to remain in the hair after it is

washed, like gels, sprays and particularly the creamy ones,
offer even greater protection when compared to the others,
but it is still insufficient. This dilemma has led researchers
to inquire if hair photoprotection could be achieved in any
other way, perhaps through the internal structure of the
hair shaft.368,370


The ears are the fifth most common location affected by

non melanoma skin cancers of the cephalic segment,
responsible for around 5% of cases, according to recent
study with more than 600 patients at the University of
Cornell.371 The proportion regarding gender in these cases
was 17.6 men to 1 woman, due to the natural protection of
hair. The most affected areas were the helix and antihelix
regions, with little higher prevalence of squamous cell than
basal cell (1:0.7) carcinomas.

Periorbital region

The periorbital region, besides being a frequent site for skin

cancer, shows signs of aging and special care is necessary
for this region due to its high sensitivity. 372

Exposing the human eye to solar radiation without due

protection, in an intense or continuous and repeated way,
may cause pathological changes such as photokeratitis and
cataract. For an adequate eye protection against solar
radiation effects, it is recommended to wear sunglasses,
preferably those that demonstrate the capability of
absorbing over 99% of ultraviolet radiation. 373 This measure
would also be effective in diminishing the risk of emergence
of cutaneous neoplasms in the periorbital region. 374
Preference is given to application of inorganic sun screens,
due to their low allergic and irritant potential. 372

Outra possibilidade o uso de maquiagem com protetores

inorgnicos que desempenham o papel de barreira e
absorvem algum suor na regio, evitando seu contato com
os olhos. 375


O lbio inferior um local freqente de leses actnicas

neoplsicas e preneoplsicas. Em um estudo com 362
trabalhadores da praia do Rio Grande do Norte, cerca de
27,1% apresentaram leses labiais. 376

Uso de protetor de lbio fundamental para os pacientes

sob exposio solar intensa, particularmente aqueles que
apresentam um lbio inferior mais protruso. Foi
demonstrado que o uso regular de batons com protetor
solar reduzir a freqncia de cncer de lbio. Esses batons
devem atender a critrios como proteo de amplo
espectro e photostability. 377

Quanto segurana dos protetores de lbios,

existem estudos experimentais in vivo que mostram que a
concentrao de octil metoxicinamato - um dos
componentes mais comuns do protetor solar dos lbios -
necessria para causar problemas de fertilidade em ratos
foi de 450 mg / kg, demonstrando sua baixa toxicidade
potencial. 378
No obstante, estudos in vitro que avaliam a segurana da
ingesto de protectores inorgnicos demonstram que a
exposio repetida de mucosas a baixas concentraes de
xido de zinco resulta em danos persistentes no DNA 379
exposio das clulas intestinais ao dixido de titnio
resulta na perda de vilosidades, o que pode levar
desnutrio E m absoro. 380



1. Fotoproteo em reas especficas deve receber

ateno especial do dermatologista.

2. Para indivduos parcialmente ou totalmente careca,

o uso regular de chapus e fotoprotetores no couro
cabeludo deve ser recomendado.

3. O objetivo da fotoproteo do cabelo a

manuteno esttica do cabelo, e pode ser feito
com os mesmos ingredientes ativos utilizados para
a pele, adicionado a formulaes para o cuidado do
cabelo, como condicionadores, gis e sprays.

4. Fotoproteo das orelhas pode ser feito com

protetor solar regular ou produtos em um formato
de vara.

5. A fim de proteger as regies periorbitrias,

recomenda-se a utilizao de culos de sol
associados com filtro solar em formato de vara,
uma vez que apresenta maior aderncia pele,
reduzindo o risco de picadas de olhos.

6. A proteo solar dos lbios relevante e deve ser

reforada durante a exposio intencional ao sol ou
para os trabalhadores ao ar livre, devido ao risco de
desenvolver carcinoma de clulas escamosas.
aconselhvel o uso de protetores solares de alta

Vamos para:




A vitamina D obtida por seres humanos a partir de luz

solar, dieta (principalmente peixe e leite fortificado) e
suplementos. Sua ao como hormnio e sua regulao
envolvendo hormnio paratireoide (PTH), clcio e fsforo
tem muitas conseqncias fisiolgicas importantes,
especialmente no que se refere sade esqueltica.

No entanto, os receptores de vitamina D foram evidentes

na maioria das clulas do corpo e enzimas capazes de
converter circulante 25-hidroxivitamina D (25 (OH) D) para
a sua forma activa 1,25 dihidroxivitamina D (1,25 (OH) D),
levando a infinitas novas descobertas Sobre sua funo. 381

Alm da sua funo protetora contra fracturas sseas,

raquitismo, osteomalacia e osteoporose, a vitamina D
agora proposta como redutor de um espectro de doenas
crnicas, incluindo cnceres internos, doenas
cardiovasculares, doenas auto-imunes, distrbios
metablicos e doenas mentais. 382 , 383

Sua importncia foi demonstrada em imunologia e doenas

infecciosas, e sua deficincia associada, por exemplo, ao
aumento das taxas de tuberculose. 384 , 385
Um estudo
recente relatou que a incidncia de gripe no inverno diminui
quando o status adequado de vitamina D mantido. 386

Ao mesmo tempo em que surgiram inmeras indicaes de

vitamina D para preveno e / ou teraputica de doenas,
seu valor mnimo, considerado normal pelos pesquisadores,
levou a uma alarmante epidemia de insuficincia. 387 , 388

Presume-se que as campanhas de sade pblica sobre

proteo solar e mudanas no estilo de vida podem ter um
papel importante nessa reduo. Importantes aspectos da
luz solar, fotoproteo e estado da vitamina D sero
analisados aqui.


Mais de 90% da vitamina D obtida pela produo de pele

atravs da luz solar. 389

Quando um foto de luz ultravioleta B (UVB) (290-315 nm)

atinge a pele, ele fotoisomeriza o 7-desidrocolesterol (7-
DHC) na membrana celular para pr -lecalciferol
(previtamin D3), que rapidamente convertido,
Isomerizao, em colecalciferol (vitamina D3). Pico nveis
sanguneos de vitamina D3 ocorrem aps um dia e
armazenado na gordura corporal mais tarde para a
liberao quando necessrio.

A vitamina D2 (ergosterol), proveniente de leveduras e

plantas, obtida na dieta e segue a mesma via metablica
da vitamina D3. A vitamina D3 entra na circulao atravs
da protena de ligao da vitamina D, hidroxilada no
fgado para o calcidiol (25 (OH) D), e novamente
hidroxilada, principalmente nos rins, at sua forma ativa,
calcitriol (1,25 (OH) D). 390

No entanto, tanto a previtamina D3 como a vitamina D3 so

sensveis radiao UV, e a exposio contnua aos UVB
provoca a sua fotodegradao na pele para produtos
inactivos. 391

A sntese cutnea mxima da vitamina D3 limitada a 15-

20% da concentrao inicial de 7-DHC, com menos de um
plat de produo mnimo de eritema (MED). 390 , 392

A concentrao srica de 25 (OH) D o valor utilizado para

determinar o estado da vitamina D, bem como 1,25 (OH) D,
que est sob rigoroso controle do sistema endcrino. O
nvel mnimo recomendado de 25 (OH) D actualmente
controverso e em discusso. As implicaes da deficincia
de vitamina D permanecem incertas e muitas suposies
ainda no so corroboradas.

A Academia Americana de Pediatria ea Sociedade

Americana de Endocrinologia consideram a concentrao
de 20 ng / mL como o ponto de corte para a deficincia; Por
outro lado o Instituto Americano de Medicina prope que 16
ng / mL o nvel mnimo apropriado. A Sociedade de
Endocrinologia recomenda uma classificao adicional de
21 a 29 ng / mL como insuficincia de vitamina D. 393

Estes valores foram associados com menor risco de fraturas

e supresso da elevao da PTH, um marcador de
deficincia que estimula a produo de 1,25 (OH) D para
manuteno da absoro intestinal de clcio. 394

Um nvel abaixo de 30 ng / mL (75 nmol / L) considerado

"insuficiente" pela maioria dos especialistas, e menos de 20
ng / mL (50 nmol / L) considerado "deficiente". 395 , 396

A intoxicao por vitamina D, associada a hipercalcemia e

hiperfosfatemia, extremamente rara e pode ser causada
por doses maiores que 50.000 UI por dia e um nvel de (25
(OH) D) acima de 150 ng / mL. 381

A fotodegradao da vitamina D3 produzida pela pele evita

a intoxicao pela vitamina D atravs da exposio ao
sol. Com o corpo inteiro exposto a uma nica dose mnima
de eritema, o equivalente a cerca de 10.000 IU a 20.000 UI
de ingesto oral produzido. 381 , 397

As estimativas variam, mas cerca de metade do MED da luz

solar direta nos braos e nas pernas pode produzir o
equivalente a cerca de 3.000 UI de vitamina D3. 381

A exposio ao sol do meio-dia duas vezes por semana,

durante 5-30 minutos, foi sugerida como suficiente para a
produo adequada de vitamina D em populaes
brancas. No obstante, como discutiremos, a necessidade
de tempo de exposio sofre influncias diversas e pode ser
varivel. 381

Coincidentemente, a sntese cutnea de vitamina D3, bem

como eritema (queimadura solar) ocorre no seu mximo
aproximadamente no mesmo comprimento de onda de 296
nm de UVB, embora o espectro de ao do eritema se
estenda ao espectro UVA. 398 , 399

Com a radiao solar, a sntese cutnea de vitamina D3

atinge um patamar mximo aps um curto lapso de tempo,
menos de um MED. 400

A pele inteira capaz de sintetizar a vitamina D, portanto,

quando o corpo inteiro exposto de forma adequada, a
produo ocorre mais rapidamente e com menos risco de
queimaduras do que quando, por exemplo, apenas a
cabea est exposta. Se apenas 10% da pele estiver
exposta a uma radiao UVB adequada, a sntese de
vitamina D levar 10 vezes mais do que seria necessrio se
todo o corpo fosse exposto. 392

A quantidade de tempo necessrio, considerada exposio

"adequada", depender de vrios fatores, incluindo os
pessoais, comportamentais e ambientais ( Grfico 10 ).
Fatores que influenciam a produo de vitamina D induzida
pela radiao UV



ngulo znite solar: latitude, estao, hora do dia

Antes UVB radiao solar atinge a pele para iniciar a sntese

de vitamina D, ele deve viajar atravs da atmosfera.

O principal determinante da radiao UVB disponvel o

ngulo do sol no cu em comparao com o ngulo znite
vertical ou solar (znite). Quanto mais diretamente acima
da posio do sol, quanto menor for o ngulo znite solar,
menor ser o percurso por radiao UV e menor ser a
possibilidade de absoro ou deflexo de ftons antes de
atingir a pele. 392

Trs fatores influenciam o ngulo znite solar: latitude,

estao e hora do dia. Em latitudes mais altas e
principalmente durante o inverno, o sol no to
verticalizado no cu ao meio-dia em comparao com o que
ocorre em latitudes mais baixas. Assim, a radiao UVB
percorre uma longa distncia atravs da camada de oznio
estratosfrico e da atmosfera, sendo atenuada at atingir a
superfcie da Terra.

Thieden et ai. Analisou recentemente a radiao UV

ambiental e trabalhadores dinamarqueses saudveis, com
dosmetros pessoais (sensveis ao espectro do eritema)
para registrar a exposio UV ao longo do ano. 401

Os dados revelaram que seis meses de inverno

representam apenas 10% da radiao UV ambiental anual e
menos de 3% das doses eritematosas totais em indivduos,
em comparao com os meses de vero. Os indivduos
tendem a evitar sair com a pele exposta e, desta forma,
recebem apenas 0,82% da radiao UV disponvel durante o

Observando os resultados de um estudo no Norte (latitude

42-46 N) e Sul (33-34 N) dos Estados Unidos, a radiao
UV ambiental anual disponvel na Dinamarca (56 N) foi de
3.757 doses eritematosas, Em comparao com 6.193 no
norte dos Estados Unidos e 8.710 no sul, mostrando que as
doses totais de radiao UV so muito maiores em latitudes
mais baixas. 401 , 402

Nos Estados Unidos, a dose de radiao UV observada

durante o inverno foi de 2330% da dose total anual de UV
(em comparao com 10% na Dinamarca), representando
uma menor variao dos ngulos znites mximos ao longo
de um ano nos Estados Unidos do que na Dinamarca.

A evidncia in vitro sobre a influncia de ngulos znite na

produo de vitamina D veio de Webb et al., Que exposta
uma soluo de 7-DHC radiao solar em Edmonton,
Canad (52 N), Boston (42 N) e Los Angeles (34 N),
EUA, e San Juan, Porto Rico (18 N). 403
Suas experincias mostraram que a fotoconverso de 7-
DHC para a previtamina D3 estava no seu mximo nos
meses de junho e julho. Em Boston, foi demonstrado que,
de novembro a fevereiro, a pr-vitamina D3 no foi
detectada. Em Edmonton, mais para o Norte, a produo de
D2 de pr-vitamina parou em outubro e no reiniciou at
meados de abril, enquanto em Los Angeles e Porto Rico a
produo de D3 de pr-vitamina ocorreu durante todo o

Alm da latitude e da estao, Luet al. Demonstraram a

influncia da hora do dia. 404
Medindo a produo de
previtamin D3 em dias ensolarados em Boston, eles
descobriram que a sntese comeou s 07:00 am durante o
inverno e durou at 5:00 pm. Nos meses de primavera e
outono, a janela para a converso de fotos comeou vrias
horas depois, por volta das 09:00 horas e durou apenas at
s 15:00. A janela estreitou sazonalmente at que a sntese
diminuiu completamente.

A diminuio do ngulo znite solar, seja por aumento de

latitude, estao (inverno) ou hora do dia, a causa deste
fenmeno de diminuio da produo de vitamina D.

Uma srie de estudos publicados na literatura cientfica tem

mostrado a relao entre a exposio ao sol, o cncer de
pele ea sntese de vitamina D. No entanto, a escassez de
dados mdicos, particularmente nos pases em
desenvolvimento, torna a avaliao global do impacto da
exposio solar aos nveis sricos de vitamina D difcil .
De acordo com um estudo publicado por Paula Correa et
al., 405
, que avaliou os nveis de radiao UVB na cidade de
So Paulo (SP) - Brasil, durante um perodo de 3 anos,
exposio no intencional ao ambiente externo por 10
minutos dirios, E face apenas, seria suficiente para a
produo adequada de vitamina D em um indivduo do
fottipo II.

Os dados apresentados neste estudo consideraram dias

nublados e chuvosos; Portanto, apenas 10 minutos de mos
e exposio facial ao ar livre, seja qual for o clima, seria
suficiente para a produo de vitamina D na cidade de So

Este estudo apresentou medidas de ndice UV no perodo de

2005 a 2008. Verificou-se que 65% do ndice UV medido em
2 horas ao meio-dia, no vero, era muito elevado (8 <UVI
<10) e muitos Vezes nveis extremos foram demonstrados
(UVI> 11), de acordo com a Organizao Mundial da Sade

Durante o inverno, 40% das leituras em torno do meio-dia

apresentaram nveis altos ou muito altos. Apesar das
recentes estatsticas preocupantes, que mostraram que os
cancros da pele no melanoma correspondem a cerca de
28% de mais de um milho de novos casos de cncer, a
proteo solar no considerada um problema relevante
nessas reas urbanas.

As leituras de radiao UV demonstraram que, em todos os

meses, seus nveis so altos o suficiente para garantir uma
adequada produo de vitamina D na pele humana, durante
a exposio incidental ao sol.

Em suma, os nveis de radiao UV observados na cidade

de So Paulo indicam que a preveno da superexposio
solar necessria em qualquer poca do ano, com a
sntese de vitamina D garantida com uma exposio
mnima de cerca de 10 minutos por dia. 405


As altitudes mais altas resultam em distncias mais curtas

e uma atmosfera menos densa, favorecendo a passagem
da radiao UVB. H um aumento de 4% da quantidade que
atinge a pele exposta para cada 300m de aumento de
altitude. 406

Embora no seja uma leitura perfeita da radiao UVB ou a

capacidade de sintetizar a vitamina D, o ndice UV uma
representao no tridimensional da ao eritemtica do
espectro de irradiao ponderada. Os maiores valores de
ndice UV (20-25) foram detectados no Observatrio Mauna
Loa, no Hava (altitude 11.155 ps, latitude 21 N) e na
rea do Altiplano peruano (altitude 12.800 ps, latitude 15
N). 399

Embora o potencial de sntese da vitamina D possa ser

melhor em altitudes mais altas, um estudo demonstrou que
os tibetanos adultos, que vivem em latitudes relativamente
baixas e altitudes elevadas (altitude acima de 12 mil ps,
latitude 29-32 N), apresentaram baixos nveis de 25 OH)
D, com 40-100% abaixo de 30 ng / mL, dependendo da
populao. 407

Nomads presented the lowest levels, all of them below 30

ng/mL and 80% below 12 ng/mL, while farmers presented
the most elevated levels, 40% below 30 ng/mL and none
below 12 ng/mL.

Tibetan diet is extremely poor in vitamin D and the cold

weather makes covering most of the skin mandatory.
According to the authors' conclusion, these factors are
responsible for low levels of vitamin D, even though they
see five times more yearly UVB radiation than Norwegians,
who live farther north and in very low altitudes. 407

UV radiation travels an atmospheric distance, being

dispersed and absorbed along the way. UVB radiation, with
a shorter wavelength, experiments greater attenuation than
UVA radiation and the visible light spectrum, which present
longer wavelengths.392

A radiao UVB atravessa uma atmosfera no homognea e

suas caractersticas tm influncia significativa sobre a
quantidade que atinge a superfcie da Terra - um fator que
provavelmente se tornou particularmente importante
durante a Revoluo Industrial. O advento de fbricas de
queima de carvo e nuvens negras de fumaa pairando
sobre Londres no sculo
17 trouxe a conscincia sobre
doenas / raquitismo deformao ssea. 408

Raquitismo ocorre devido mineralizao ssea deficientes

em fosfato de clcio, que pode ser secundria deficincia
de vitamina D ou desnutrio. Embora tenha sido
provavelmente descrito desde a antiguidade, o aumento
dos casos com o aparecimento de ar fumegante, no final
do sculo
XVII, iniciou a especulao de que a poluio era o
culpado, embora seu mecanismo fosse desconhecido ea
vitamina D no tivesse sido totalmente Descoberto
ainda. 408

razovel supor, hoje, que o bloqueio dos raios UVB,

devido absoro de material particulado sobre as cidades,
desempenha um papel na manifestao. No entanto,
edifcios altos e ruas estreitas, juntamente com o trabalho
interior, certamente diminuiu a exposio solar da

O ozono na estratosfera especialmente importante, uma

vez que absorve essencialmente toda a radiao UV com
comprimentos de onda inferiores a 290 nm (a sntese de
previtamin D3 possvel at 270 nm) e atenua a radiao
UVB sobre 290 nm. 409 , 410

Concentraes mais altas de oznio so geralmente

encontradas em latitudes mais altas, em direo aos plos
e concentraes mais baixas nos trpicos. Os nveis de
oznio em qualquer lugar podem mudar at 20% por dia,
com padres de vento e poluio que podem produzir
oznio e outras substncias atenuantes UVB. 381

Cento e vinte e uma (121) mulheres ps-menopusicas que

habitam reas urbanas e rurais foram estudadas na Blgica,
onde os nveis de ozono na troposfera, devido poluio,
so trs nveis maiores em Bruxelas do que no outro lado
do pas. 411

Mesmo com maior exposio ao sol, as mulheres urbanas

tiveram uma prevalncia muito maior de 25 (OH) D abaixo
de 30 ng / mL (84 vs 38%, p <0,001).

Nveis de 25 (OH) D em mulheres que viviam em reas

rurais eram duas vezes maiores que as mulheres urbanas,
ea exposio ao sol necessria para atingir nveis
equivalentes de 25 (OH) D foi trs vezes maior nas
mulheres urbanas do que nas que viviam em reas rurais.

A cobertura de nuvens tambm importante na

determinao da radiao UVB disponvel para a sntese de
vitamina D - nuvens baixas e grossas tm maior capacidade
de reduzir a quantidade de UVB que atinge o solo. Na
verdade, uma cobertura densa de nuvens pode impedir que
99% da radiao UVB chegue ao solo, tornando impossvel
a sntese cutnea de vitamina D, mesmo na linha
Equator. 410

No entanto, as nuvens tambm podem refletir a radiao

UV, assim como a cobertura do solo, um fenmeno
conhecido como "albedo". 392

A neve capaz de refletir 90% da radiao UV, aumentando

consideravelmente a quantidade de radiao UVB que
atinge a pele, o equivalente a um aumento de altitude de
3.000 metros. A areia, o cimento e outros materiais de
construo refletem aproximadamente 20%, enquanto o
solo, as rochas e a vegetao refletem muito menos. 392

Pigmentao da pele

O grau de pigmentao da pele e idade influenciam a

produo de vitamina D.

O aparecimento de raquitismo e deficincia de vitamina D

entre as populaes de pele escura e indiana, imigrantes de
cidades de latitude norte nos Estados Unidos e Reino Unido,
enquanto populaes semelhantes em seus pases de
origem no tiveram esse problema levou especulao de
que o aumento da pele A pigmentao pode predispor
indivduos de pele escura deficincia de vitamina D. 412 - 415

Embora a dieta tenha sido muitas vezes um fator confuso,

uma investigao foi proposta para elucidar o papel da
concentrao de melanina na fotoproduo de vitamina D.
Melanina absorve a radiao UV na epiderme, o que limita o
nmero de ftons disponveis para converter 7-DHC
molculas em previtamin D3.

O fototipo Fitzpatrick comumente usado para classificar o

tipo de pele, descrevendo o teor de melanina na epiderme
e reao cutnea (bronzeamento ou queimao) radiao
UV aps um perodo prolongado de no exposio. 416
fototipos tambm indicam propenso a danos solar e
produo de vitamina D.

Os fototipos I e II apresentam pele clara, que queima

facilmente e raramente bronzeia, enquanto fototipo III
apresenta pele clara, porm com mais capacidade de
bronzeamento, e, portanto, ter menos danos radiao
UV mais tarde. Os fototipos IV-VI apresentam pele mais
escura, com maior quantidade de melanina, que bronzeia
facilmente e raramente queima.

Teoricamente, os fottipos mais altos tendem a diminuir na

populao medida que a distncia do Equador aumenta,
com maior prevalncia de pele clara em latitudes mais
altas, onde a UVB deve ser maximizada para a produo de
vitamina D e pele escura nas regies equatoriais, onde a
radiao UV amplamente Disponvel durante todo o
ano. 415

Conseqentemente, o risco de queimaduras solares e

cncer de pele maior quando os indivduos de pele clara
viajam para latitudes mais baixas, ea deficincia de
vitamina D, como mencionado acima, mais prevalente
nas regies polares.

Um estudo inicial de Clemens et al., Em 1982, exps vrios

pacientes negros e brancos a uma nica dose de radiao
ultravioleta. 417
Em indivduos brancos, os nveis de soro de
25 (OH) D aumentou de 30% para 50% em relao aos
nveis basais dentro de 24 a 48 horas aps a exposio, ao
passo que em indivduos negros no tm qualquer efeito.

Aps uma exposio radiao UV seis vezes maior do que

os pacientes brancos recebidos, apenas um dos pacientes
negros apresentou um aumento de 25 (OH) D 24 horas
mais tarde, embora menor do que em todos os indivduos
brancos com a dose inicial apenas.

Esta foi a primeira vez que a limitao da pigmentao da

pele da capacidade de produo in vivo de vitamina D foi
corroborada. O mesmo grupo divulgou dados revelando que
a pele pigmentada ( ex vivo? ) Requer perodos mais longos
de exposio radiao UV para produzir nveis
semelhantes de previtamina D3 em comparao com a pele
clara. 418

Relativamente menos Vitamina D3 produzida por unidade

de exposio radiao UV, no entanto, aps doses
repetidas de UV, altas concentraes de melanina no
impedem que os nveis de vitamina D atinjam valores
considerados suficientes.

Isto foi confirmado por Lo et al., Que determinou MED em

seis imigrantes paquistaneses e indianos (fototipos III-V) e
quatro controles brancos (fototipos II-III) no Reino Unido, e
em seguida irradiou o corpo inteiro de cada indivduo com
1,5 MED de radiao UV. 419

Ambos os grupos tiveram aumentos similares nos nveis de

vitamina D no dia seguinte e no houve diferenas
significativas nas concentraes sricas de vitamina D
entre os dois grupos. Apesar de maior exposio total
radiao UV ser necessria para fototipos mais elevados
(MED para o paciente mais escuro foi cinco vezes maior do
que o menor controle), a capacidade total para a produo
de vitamina D no foi afetada pelo tipo de pele e
semelhante em resposta ao equivalente MED.


Os nveis decrescentes de vitamina D nos idosos so bem

conhecidos, com mltiplos fatores envolvidos, incluindo
falta de exposio ao sol, desnutrio e m absoro. 420 , 421

A reduo da eficincia na sntese de vitamina D com a

idade foi analisada em vrios estudos, mostrando que,
mesmo com exposio solar abundante, os nveis sricos de
25 (OH) D so menores em idosos saudveis quando
comparados aos controles mais jovens. As variaes
sazonais tambm diminuem ou at desaparecem com o
avano da idade. 421 , 422

A capacidade de sintetizar vitamina D baseia-se na

disponibilidade de 7-DHC. MacLaughlin e Holick
demonstraram que, com o envelhecimento, h uma
reduo na quantidade de 7-DHC na epiderme; Da mesma
forma, o potencial para a produo de vitamina D3. 420

Os autores obtiveram amostras de pele de seis pacientes,

todos fototipo III, com reas de superfcie idnticas, e
mediram a quantidade de 7-DHC, que diminuiu
aproximadamente na metade de 21 para 88. Em seguida,
os espcimes foram expostos a quantidades iguais de
radiao UV E a sntese resultante da previtamin D3 foi
Utilizando como referncia uma amostra de pele de um
doente de 8 anos, um homem de 18 anos produziu 80% da
quantidade de pr-vitamina D3, um doente de 77 anos 37%
e outro doente de 82 anos 40 %, Permitindo a possibilidade
de inferir a capacidade decrescente da sntese de
previtamin D3 por 2,5 vezes nos ltimos anos de vida.

Como a diminuio da espessura da pele ocorre com o

envelhecimento 422 - 424
, pode-se supor que a reduo da
capacidade de sntese da pr-vitamina D3 estaria
relacionada a este desbaste; Entretanto, os autores
mostraram que a sntese da previtamin D3 est
linearmente relacionada concentrao de 7-DHC e no
espessura cutnea.

No entanto, Need et al. Encontraram correlao positiva

entre a espessura da pele e os nveis sricos de 25 (OH) D,
mas no testaram a resposta cutnea exposio ao sol e
combinaram com a produo de vitamina D. 425

Apesar da produo de vitamina D se tornar menos

eficiente com o avano da idade, Webb et
al. Demonstraram que possvel que os enfermeiros
brancos idosos residentes em Boston mantenham nveis
adequados de 25 (OH) D (definidos como> 15 ng / mL no
seu estudo de 1990) durante todo o ano, por meio de
exposio casual ao sol, Necessidade de suplementao
oral. 426

A suplementao oral de vitamina D reduziu drasticamente

o nmero de pacientes com nveis abaixo de 15 ng / mL (a
menos de 5%) durante todo o ano, no entanto, minimizou
de forma mais intensa a diminuio sazonal no inverno,
quando at 40% Do grupo suplementado apresentaram
concentraes sricas de 25 (OH) D menores que 15 ng /

Este valor est bem abaixo dos valores de referncia

usados hoje em dia, e os dados do artigo no permitiram
determinar a porcentagem de pacientes com valores acima
de 20 ou 30 ng / mL.

Condies que ocorrem com a diminuio de 7-DHC

Intuitivamente, pode-se supor que as sndromes de m

absoro ou drogas para reduzir o colesterol podem
diminuir a concentrao de 7-DHC na pele, mas isso no
parece ser verdade.

Um estudo envolvendo pacientes com deficincia de

vitamina D portadores de doena de Crohn, cirrose biliar
primria e pseudo-obstruo idioptica, mostrou
concentraes normais de pele de 7-DHC (na verdade,
elevadas em comparao com os controles), portanto a
baixa concentrao de 7-DHC no foi a causa de Deficincia
de vitamina D nesta populao de pacientes. 427

Num estudo sobre a pravastatina, um inibidor da HMG-CoA

redutase, ou estatina, o aumento srico da vitamina D3
aps vrias doses de radiao UV de corpo inteiro, foi
idntico em doentes que utilizaram a medicao durante 3
meses e nos controlos, embora a concentrao de 7 -DHC
na pele no foi medida. 428
No foram encontrados nveis decrescentes de 25 (OH) D
nos estudos envolvendo vitamina D e estatinas. A
propsito, o uso de estatina tem sido associado ao aumento
dos nveis de 25 (OH), embora o mecanismo ainda no
tenha sido completamente compreendido. 430 - 432

Um grupo seleto que apresenta diminuio dos nveis de 7-

DHC na pele aquele com pacientes queimados por
sol. Um estudo que exps bipsias de cicatrizes de
queimaduras a radiao UVB, mostrou que a concentrao
de 7-DHC na pele queimada era inferior a metade do
apresentado pelo grupo controle (pele normal) (p =
0,016). 433

A converso de 7-DHC para a previtamin D3 foi de apenas

64% em comparao com os controlos (p = 0,004),
sugerindo que, para alm da diminuio do 7-DHC, existe
um mecanismo ainda no elucidado que reduz a converso
de 7-DHC previtamina D3 .

A pele saudvel, adjacente s reas cicatriciais, tambm

apresentou reduo de 7-DHC e fotoconverso para a
previtamina D3, mas em menor grau. A deficincia de
vitamina D e suas conseqncias so comumente
observadas em pacientes com cicatrizes que cobrem mais
de 40% da superfcie do corpo; Isto pode ser devido
capacidade de sntese diminuda. 434 , 435



Evite a luz solar

A preveno da exposio radiao UVB pode ser feita de
vrias maneiras, evitando-a completamente
(permanecendo dentro de casa), cobrindo a pele com
roupas ou aplicando um protetor solar.

Para ilustrar o efeito potencial da ausncia completa de

radiao UVB sobre os nveis de vitamina D, mencionamos
dois estudos, nos quais membros saudveis de tripulaes
submarinas apresentaram uma reduo de 40% na
concentrao srica de 25 (OH) D aps dois meses sob
gua, independentemente Fortificao de alimentos. 436 , 437

Em alguns grupos, por exemplo, pacientes com reaco

grave luz solar, o comportamento fotoprotector
obrigatrio. Devido fotossensibilidade, muitos pacientes
com lpus eritematoso cutneo evitam ativamente a luz

Cusack et ai. Entrevistou 52 pacientes com lpus

eritematoso cutneo sobre vrias caractersticas
comportamentais e fsicas, e ento mediu os nveis sricos
de 25 (OH) D (final do vero). 438
Nveis sricos de 25 (OH)
abaixo de 30 ng / mL foram encontrados em 67% dos
indivduos (mdia de 25,3 ng / mL), com diminuio mais
significativa nos pacientes que evitavam fisicamente a luz
solar (uso de chapus, roupas de proteo, evitando o
meio-dia Sol) (p = 0,004) e um pouco menos em pacientes
que usaram protetor solar diariamente (p = 0,042).

Um estudo de Kamen et al. Demonstraram que, em

pacientes com lpus eritematoso sistmico, a
fotossensibilidade foi o segundo preditor de nveis de 25
(OH) D criticamente baixos, com odds ratio de 12,9 (p
<0,01), aps a doena renal (odds ratio 13,3, p
<0,01 ). 439
Os mais afetados por efeitos adversos do sol,
provavelmente, tomar as maiores precaues para
minimizar a exposio e, portanto, tm os mais baixos
nveis de vitamina D.

A imunossupresso sistmica em pacientes que receberam

transplante de rgos slidos tem sido associada a um risco
aumentado de cncer de pele, evitando assim a luz solar
recomendada a estes pacientes. 440

Querings et ai. Mediram os nveis sricos de 25 (OH) D no

final do inverno em 31 31-year-old transplantados renais e
em sexo-correspondente controles. 441
transplantados Todos relataram a prtica de proteco solar
com o uso de protetores solares, evitando o sol e vestindo
roupas de proteo.

Os pacientes transplantados apresentaram nveis

significativamente menores de 25 (OH) D em comparao
com os controles (concentrao mdia de 10,9 ng /
ml versus 20,0 ng / ml, p = 0,007). No entanto, a
diminuio da exposio ao sol apenas um dos vrios
factores potenciais contribuintes nestes doentes. O uso de
glicocorticides, por exemplo, aumenta a quebra de 25
(OH) D. A deficincia de vitamina D tambm tem sido
demonstrada em pacientes que receberam transplante de
medula ssea. 442 , 443
Um terceiro grupo de pacientes que praticam a
fotoproteo estrita aquele que apresenta tendncia
inerente formao de cncer de pele, incluindo pacientes
com xeroderma pigmentoso (XP) e sndrome do nevo
basocelular (BCNS).

Querings e Reichrath realizaram um pequeno estudo sobre

trs pacientes com XP e BCNS, descobrindo que tinham
nveis sricos de 25 (OH) D significativamente reduzidos
(mdia de 9,5 ng / mL). 444
foi novamente demonstrado que
a fotoproteco est associada a nveis reduzidos de
vitamina D no soro.

Por outro lado, Sollitto et al. Mostrou que oito pacientes com
XP, que praticavam rigorosas medidas de proteo solar,
eram capazes de manter baixos nveis de 25 (OH) D
(concentrao srica mdia de 17,8 ng / ml), sem
necessidade de suplementao. 445

No momento em que o estudo foi publicado, o intervalo de

10 a 55 ng / mL foi considerado normal. Sollitto et
ai. Afirmou que nveis adequados de vitamina D poderiam
ser mantidos na ausncia de qualquer suplementao e / ou
exposio aos raios UV, mesmo que estes pacientes fossem
jovens (27 anos em mdia, na faixa de 14-49), ativos e
tiveram um Estimou a ingesto diria de vitamina D de 307
UI. Devido a concentraes maiores recomendadas
atualmente (20 a 30 ng / mL), esses pacientes seriam
considerados deficientes em vitamina D. 445
Uma ampla investigao, com mais de 1.400 mulheres
brancas, conduzida por Glass et al. No Reino Unido,
analisou a relao entre a vitamina D, pigmentao da pele
e exposio aos raios UV. 446
Foi observado que os fottipos
mais altos (III e IV) apresentaram maiores nveis sricos de
25 (OH) D (mdia de 32,9 ng / ml) quando comparados aos
fottipos baixos (tipos I e II) (mdia de 28,5 ng / mL, P @

Os dados revelaram uma tendncia comportamental em

pacientes de pele escura para procurar o sol, o que foi
positivamente correlacionado com o status de vitamina
D. Malvy et ai. Conduziu um estudo semelhante em Frana,
envolvendo 1.191 indivduos e tambm observou que os
nveis sricos de 25 (OH) D eram mais baixos em indivduos
de pele clara (p <0.024). 447
Estudos sobre indivduos que
trabalham ao sol, como agricultores e salva-vidas,
revelaram altos nveis de 25 (OH) D, com concentraes
mdias entre 54 e 65 ng / mL. 397

Apesar da maior exposio solar estar relacionada com

nveis mais elevados de vitamina D, os interessantes
resultados de Binkley et al. Sugerem que a exposio
abundante pode no ser suficiente para aumentar o status
de vitamina D em todos os indivduos. 448

Os autores mediram os nveis sricos de 25 (OH) D em 93

adultos jovens de diferentes perfis raciais, recrutados em
uma loja de skate em Honolulu, no Hava (latitude 21
N). Os indivduos tinham 24 anos em mdia e se expunham
ao sol por cerca de 28,9 horas por semana (auto-
relatado); Em pelo menos sete dessas horas eles usavam
um protetor solar. A pontuao do ndice solar foi calculada
pela quantidade de tempo exposto ao sol combinado com a
rea corporal exposta.

A concentrao mdia de 25 (OH) D foi de 31,6 ng /

mL. Utilizando um ponto de corte de 30 ng / mL para
suficincia, 51% dos indivduos apresentaram baixos nveis
de vitamina D. O quartil de participantes com as menores
concentraes de 25 (OH) D (mdia de 20,7 ng /
mL versus 35,2 ng / mL , p <0,0001) si exposta ao sol
durante menos tempo ( marcar 7,2 vs 12,3, p <0,05) do
que os outros sujeitos do estudo.

Os participantes brancos apresentaram nveis mais

elevados de 25 (OH) D (mdia de 37,1 ng / mL, p <0,01),
quando comparados aos asiticos com pele mais escura
(24,7 ng / ml) ou com raa mista (28,9 ng / ml). No entanto,
no foi encontrada correlao estatstica entre os nveis
sricos de 25 (OH) D e idade, cor da pele, horas de
exposio ao sol sem protetor solar, exposio solar total
ou ndice solar. A dieta no foi considerada neste estudo.

Devido ao facto de todos os participantes serem jovens, as

concentraes cutneas de 7-DHC podem ser consideradas
adequadas; Desta forma, a variabilidade substancial sugere
que provavelmente h outros fatores influenciadores na
produo cutnea de vitamina D ou de seu subseqente
metabolismo, o que ainda no foi completamente

Podem existir diferentes requisitos genticos para a

execuo de funes fisiolgicas da vitamina D, bem como
a necessidade de um nvel ptimo inferior em algumas
populaes. Por exemplo, os afro-americanos tm menores
nveis de 25 (OH) D do que os brancos, mas tm maior
densidade ssea e menor nmero de fraturas devido
osteoporose. 449

Acredita-se que existem diferenas na eficincia do

metabolismo do clcio, mesmo quando comparados com
brancos com densidade ssea semelhante, os afro-
americanos ainda apresentam menos fraturas, menores
nveis de marcadores sseos e menor excreo renal de


A roupa uma barreira adicional que a radiao UVB deve

quebrar para alcanar o 7-DHC. Semelhante ao SPF, fatores
de proteo UV equivalente, ou UPF, podem ser atribudos a
diferentes tipos de roupas. O tecido de um tecido pode ser
fechado ou aberto, determinando o nvel de proteo que o
vesturio fornece - "fator de cobertura". 450

O aumento da espessura outra caracterstica que diminui

a transmisso de radiao. O estiramento da tela diminui a
espessura e abre espaos, reduzindo a eficcia
proporcionalmente quantidade de alongamento. Se bem
feito, jeans grossos podem ter um UPF 1000, enquanto que
uma camiseta de algodo leve pode ter um UPF menor que
10. 451

As cores mais escuras absorvem melhor a radiao UV,

podendo assim oferecer uma UPF maior num mesmo
tecido. A composio do tecido determina quo absorvente
, por exemplo, o polister protege mais do que o algodo
eo algodo natural mais eficiente do que o algodo
branqueado (o algodo natural tem pigmentos que
absorvem a radiao UVB). 452

Os aditivos, tais como dixido de titnio e agentes de

branqueamento fluorescentes podem ser utilizados pelos
fabricantes para aumentar a UPF. Quando o tecido est
molhado devido transpirao ou ao contacto com a gua,
ele responde de forma diferente e a UPF pode ser reduzida
pela metade, por exemplo numa t-shirt branca, ou
aumentada noutros tipos de roupa. 453 , 454

Lavar e usar tecidos de algodo aumenta a UPF,

possivelmente duplicando aps 10 ciclos de lavagem,
especialmente devido ao encolhimento, mas tambm
devido ao acmulo de sujeira, leos e partculas de
detergente. 455

A maior parte da pesquisa se concentra na anlise de

vesturio e UPF, mas no aborda a vitamina D. Matsuoka et
al. Demonstraram que as roupas impedem a produo de
vitamina D a partir de 7-DHC. 453

Os voluntrios que usavam roupas de jogging, que cobriam

todo o corpo, foram expostos irradiao UVB (1 MED) e
no apresentaram elevao dos nveis sricos de vitamina
D, independentemente do tipo de tecido (l, algodo,
polister) ou cor (preto ou branco) ). Mesmo aps o
aumento da radiao UVB para 6 MEDs, os indivduos no
apresentaram aumento mensurvel dos nveis de vitamina
D, levando os autores a concluir que as roupas tornaram a
fotoproduo cutnea de vitamina D significativamente

Como parte deste estudo, a transmisso direta de UVB foi

medida: a l preta bloqueou mais de 98% da radiao eo
tecido de algodo branco bloqueou apenas 47%. Mesmo
assim, no houve qualquer evidncia de converso de 7-
DHC para a previtamin D3 in vitro ou em voluntrios

Salih cuvetas cobertas contendo 7-DHC com vrios tecidos

usados na roupa tradicional de Om e mediu a converso
para previtamin D3 aps a exposio ao sol em vrios

Os tecidos eram feitos de polister, uma mistura de

algodo com polister ou l. A atenuao da radiao UVB
variou de 71,4 a 99,9% eo tipo de rosca foi o fator mais
importante nessa atenuao. Sessenta minutos de
exposio ao sol proporcionaram 8% de converso de 7-
DHC para a previtamina D3 em cubetas descobertas. A
converso mxima de 7-DHC para a previtamin D3 em
cubetas cobertas foi de 1,7%, enquanto alguns tecidos no
permitiram qualquer converso. 454
Parisi e Wilson obtiveram resultados semelhantes, com
transmisso mxima de 0,22 MED atravs de t-shirts de
algodo em manequins, em comparao com 14,5 MED na
superfcie externa da t-shirt, aps 3 horas de irradiao. 455

Eles concluram que 0,22 MED pode estar abaixo do limiar

necessrio para a sntese de previtamin D3, mesmo que o
estudo tenha sido feito das 09:30 s 12:30 horas durante o
vero e poderia ter produzido melhores resultados se feito
mais perto do meio-dia ou mais. 455

Protetor solar

A aplicao adequada de protetor solar pode evitar danos

causados pela radiao UV na pele, mas o mesmo UVB
bloqueado tambm necessrio para a produo de
vitamina D. 456 - 459
Embora suspeitamos intuitivamente que
o uso adequado de protetor solar impede a sntese
suficiente de vitamina D, existem poucos estudos que
analisam essa questo. 460 , 461

Matsuoka et ai. Apresentaram evidncias in vitro e in

vivo de que a aplicao de cido para-aminobenzico
(PABA), um ingrediente comum de protetores solares mais
antigos, evita a sntese cutnea de vitamina D. 462
Etanol ou
etanol + PABA 5% foram aplicados em pedaos de pele
humana e ento Expostos radiao solar simulada. A
sntese da previtamin D3 foi completamente bloqueada em
peas tratadas com filtro solar; Como para as peas no
tratadas, 15% de 7-DHC foi convertido em previtamin D3 na
camada basal da epiderme.
Oito indivduos brancos receberam separadamente 1 MED
de radiao UV em todo o corpo. Quatro sujeitos aplicaram
um filtro solar baseado em PABA, FPS 8, uma hora antes da
exposio. Um dia aps a exposio, os nveis sricos de
vitamina D3 aumentaram significativamente nos quatro
indivduos no tratados, mas permaneceram inalterados
nos indivduos que usaram filtro solar (p <0,01). Apesar de
existirem poucos doentes no estudo, os resultados
fornecem evidncia de supresso da sntese de vitamina D
com o uso de protectores solares baseados em PABA.

Matsuoka et ai. Publicou outro estudo um ano depois. 463

autores compararam 20 indivduos de pele branca com
histria pessoal de cncer de pele, que nos ltimos 12
meses aplicaram protetores solares baseados em PABA em
todas as partes do corpo expostas, aos controles que
viviam na mesma casa ou no mesmo bairro e eram da
mesma era.

Os usurios de filtros solares apresentaram menos da

metade dos nveis sricos mdios de 25 (OH) D comparados
com os controles (16,1 VS 36,6 ng / mL, p <0,001), na dose
tomada no vero. importante enfatizar que os nveis de
25 (OH) no foram analisados no incio do estudo ou antes
do uso de filtro solar. A quantidade de exposio ao sol foi
estimada pelos pesquisadores e a medio direta no foi
feita. Os indivduos com um histrico de cncer de pele
provavelmente colocar mais esforo para evitar a luz do sol
do que seus parceiros e vizinhos, confundindo os
resultados. 464
Matsuoka et ai. Fez um terceiro estudo, semelhante ao
primeiro, no qual foi aplicado um filtro solar SPF 15 em
diferentes reas da pele de pacientes brancos (fototipo III),
uma hora antes de receber um pouco menos de um MED
em todo o corpo. 465

Mais uma vez, eles mediram os nveis de vitamina D3 (em

vez de 25 (OH) D) antes e 24 horas aps a exposio ao sol
e descobriram que usar protetor solar em todo o corpo
impediu a sntese de vitamina D3. Aplicando protetor solar
em todas as reas, exceto para a cabea e pescoo ou
braos, causou um aumento ligeiro, mas estatisticamente
insignificante, na vitamina D3 (p> 0,05). O aumento
significativo dos nveis sricos de vitamina D3 ocorreu
somente quando mais de 19% da superfcie total do corpo
estava livre de proteo solar (p <0,05).

Holick et ai. Estimou que a aplicao adequada de um filtro

solar SPF 8 reduz a produo de vitamina D em mais de
90%, e uma reduo de 99% alcanada quando o FPS 15
aplicado. 466

Evidncias de que a aplicao de um filtro solar tornaria

difcil a sntese de vitamina D, a partir de pesquisas que
analisaram doses individuais em ambientes controlados,
aparentemente eram slidas, mas os resultados de estudos
em larga escala no foram consistentes com esses

O primeiro ensaio clnico duplo-cego randomizado sobre o

assunto foi conduzido por Marks et al., Em 1995, na
Austrlia, e envolveu mais de 100 pacientes, aos quais
foram selecionados filtros solares SPF 17 ou placebo. 467

Todos os participantes do estudo apresentaram histria de

pelo menos uma queratose solar e tinham mais de 40 anos
de idade. Os nveis sricos de 25 (OH) D e 1,25 (OH) D
foram obtidos no incio do ensaio e sete meses depois, aps
o vero australiano. O uso adequado da proteco solar foi
verificado atravs da pesagem peridica das embalagens.

Os resultados mostraram que o uso do filtro solar no

impediu o aumento sazonal de 25 (OH) D. As respostas
foram semelhantes nos dois grupos, independentemente da
distribuio por idade, gnero, exposio ao sol ou tipo de
pele. Mesmo assim, no grupo placebo houve aumento
estatisticamente significativo dos nveis sricos de 1,25
(OH) D (p = 0,0009), que aumentaram 4,5 ng / mL,
enquanto que no grupo que usou protetores solares o
aumento foi de apenas 0,5 pg / Ml.

Os nveis de 1,25 (OH) D permaneceram dentro do intervalo

de referncia (12,5-51,7 pg / mL) em todos os participantes
e no houve diferena estatstica entre os nveis globais de
1,25 (OH), no incio ou no final da pesquisa. O aumento
sazonal de 1,25 (OH) D foi um achado inesperado. 1.25
(OH) D considerado livre de flutuaes pessoais,
provavelmente devido a um rigoroso controle via
feedback. 467 - 469

Os autores no foram capazes de oferecer uma explicao

para as alteraes nos nveis de 1,25 (OH) D. No entanto, a
descoberta mais importante mostra que o marcador para
deficincia de vitamina D, 25 (OH) D, no foi afetado devido
ao uso de protetor solar. Os autores argumentaram que a
exposio adequada ao sol foi obtida atravs de fraes de
radiao UVB que atravessaram a pele (com base no SPF)
devido a esquecimento ocasional ou aplicaes protetoras
inadequadas. 468

Maia et ai. Avaliaram as concentraes sricas de 25 (OH) D

e hormnio paratireoide (PTH) em grupos de indivduos,
com e sem orientao para fotoproteo, residentes da
cidade de So Paulo, Brasil. Os autores encontraram uma
diferena significativa entre os nveis de 25 (OH) D, que
foram maiores no grupo foto-exposto, 35,4ng / mL [21,86 -
72,20] em comparao com o fotoprotegido, 29,2 ng / mL
[23,10 - 45,80] . Houve diferena tambm no PTH, maior no
grupo fotoexposto, 29,8pg / mL [18,98 - 73,94], do que no
fotoprotegido, 19,24 pg / mL [8,06 - 66,18]. 470

Apesar dessas diferenas, no houve deficincia de

vitamina D na amostra e os nveis de PTH permaneceram
dentro dos nveis de normalidade. A concluso foi que a
radiao ultravioleta solar diria foi suficiente para
proporcionar uma sntese adequada de 25 (OH) D. 470

Um estudo preliminar transversal, realizado por Kligman et

al., Relatou que o uso de filtro solar pelos idosos no Arizona
foi positivamente associado com nveis de 25 (OH) D. 471

Outro estudo semelhante, baseado em questionrios, foi

feito por Kimlin et al., Envolvendo uma ampla gama de
indivduos australianos, com idades entre 18-87. 472
autores no encontraram qualquer associao
estatisticamente significativa entre o status de 25 (OH) D
eo uso de protetores solares, e quanto aos participantes
que usaram um filtro solar, eles apresentaram alguns dos
maiores nveis de 25 (OH) D. Neste caso, supunha-se que o
uso de filtros solares era provavelmente uma indicao de
aumento da exposio solar.

Um estudo transversal investigou a ligao entre obesidade

e diminuio dos nveis sricos de vitamina D em centenas
de idosos residentes em Boston (EUA). Coincidentemente,
os autores descobriram que o uso de telas solares no
estava associado aos nveis de vitamina D. Por outro lado, o
tempo de exposio ao sol e rea de superfcie corporal
exposta foram positivamente correlacionados, como
esperado. 473

Uma explicao para a falta de correlao negativa (e por

vezes correlao positiva) entre o estado da vitamina D eo
uso de protetores solares foi fornecida por Thieden et al. Os
autores concluram que o filtro solar era freqentemente
aplicado nos dias em que grandes quantidades de
exposio ao sol estavam previstas, com o objetivo de
evitar queimaduras solares. Assim, o uso do protetor foi
associado com a exposio mais freqente e mais longa
luz solar. 474

Portanto, um comportamento de busca ativa de luz solar

seria capaz de neutralizar qualquer atenuao de sntese
de vitamina D que um filtro solar, teoricamente, poderia
causar. Alm disso, Bech-Thomsen e Wulf analisaram uma
amostra de banhistas, demonstrando que no foi aplicado
um filtro solar nas doses recomendadas para obter a
proteo de classificao anunciada (SPF). 475

Uma pesquisa realizada por Stender et al. Revelou que os

usurios de filtros solares muitas vezes apresentaram
queimaduras de sol novamente, demonstrando um uso
imprprio ou inadequado, alm de maior exposio ao sol
em comparao com os indivduos que usaram protetor
solar menos frequentemente. 476

Farrerons et ai. Comparou 24 idosos que usaram um

protetor solar (SPF 15) com 19 controles, por mais de 2
anos. No limitados vitamina D, eles tambm analisaram
marcadores secundrios (PTH, marcadores sseos
biolgicos). 477

Os autores relataram que a diminuio do status de 25 (OH)

D em usurios de protetores solares foi um pouco maior do
que nos controles; Este ltimo apresentou um aumento
ligeiramente maior nos nveis de 25 (OH) D nos meses de
vero (p <0,05). No obstante, as alteraes dos nveis
sricos de 1,25 (OH) D no foram importantes em ambos os
grupos, no havendo evidncia de hiperparatireoidismo
secundrio durante o inverno ou alteraes do metabolismo
sseo em nenhum dos participantes.

Em um estudo de acompanhamento, vrios anos mais

tarde, Farrerons et al. Avaliaram a massa ssea de 10
usurios de tela solar e 18 controles por mais de 2
anos. No foram observadas diferenas significativas na
massa ssea de ambos os grupos. 478

Eles chegaram concluso de que, embora o protetor solar

SPF 15 diminua discretamente as concentraes sricas de
25 (OH), essa reduo no foi clinicamente significativa ou
aumentou o risco de perda de massa ssea. Apesar de
serem bons indicadores do estado de vitamina D, a PTH ea
massa ssea podem no ser medidas adequadas para
determinar a suficincia, luz de outros benefcios
potenciais emergentes da vitamina D.


A preveno da exposio luz solar tem sido relacionada

com a diminuio dos nveis sricos de 25 (OH) D. No
entanto, a questo foi analisada apenas em laboratrios e
ainda no h provas claras de consequncias clnicas. Fora
das experincias controladas, o uso de protetor solar no se
correlacionou negativamente com os nveis sricos de
vitamina D.

Ao contrrio, mostrou ser um marcador de exposio ao sol

e foi associado a concentraes elevadas de 25 (OH) D.
Muitos fatores externos afetam a quantidade de UVB
disponvel e sua capacidade de fotossntese de vitamina D,
alm da influncia na resposta potencial De cada
indivduo. Portanto, difcil fazer afirmaes genricas
correlacionando a durao da exposio ao sol e vitamina
D status .
As recomendaes sobre a exposio "ideal" parecem ser
excessivamente simplificadas, dada a complexidade ea
individualidade da determinao final da sntese da
vitamina D. Com a contnua expanso das descobertas
sobre as funes da vitamina D, a definio de "adequado"
permanece indefinida. Marcadores indiretos previamente
considerados para avaliao de deficincias, como PTH alta,
provavelmente no analisaram o quadro clnico de forma

O risco de danos solares e cncer de pele com exposio

excessiva radiao UV, bem como a suplementao oral
de vitamina D disponvel, tornam o estabelecimento de
diretrizes para a definio de nveis ideais e seguros de
exposio ao sol, necessrios para manter concentraes
adequadas de vitamina D ainda mais difceis .


Vitamina D benefcios

O nico benefcio claramente relacionado vitamina D a

sua relao com a sade ssea atravs da participao no
metabolismo do clcio. Os nveis adequados de vitamina D
esto relacionados ao raquitismo e preveno da

A evidncia de que a vitamina D reduz o risco de

aparecimento de doenas crnicas no esquelticas
inconsistente, inconclusiva e no atende aos critrios de
relao causa-efeito. 479
Vitamina D nveis sricos

A definio de deficincia de vitamina D, baseada nos

nveis sricos de 25 (OH) D, motivo de controvrsia na
literatura. Nveis acima de 30 ng / ml (> 75 nmol / l) so
considerados satisfatrios por todos os autores. Nveis
inferiores a 20 ng / ml (<50 nmol / l) podem ser
consensualmente considerados deficincia de vitamina D,
uma vez que 97,5% da populao est acima desse nvel.

A controvrsia est relacionada a valores entre 20 e 30 ng /

ml, nos quais alguns autores definem uma situao
intermediria, designada como "nvel insatisfatrio". A
variao do ponto de corte pode produzir um expressivo
aumento no nmero de indivduos classificados como
deficientes em vitaminas, conforme apresentado em
algumas estatsticas alarmistas.

Dados epidemiolgicos globais mostram que apenas cerca

de 30% dos indivduos apresentam taxas de vitamina D
inferiores a 20 ng / ml e, portanto, podem ser
consensualmente classificados como deficientes. 480

Exposio ao sol e vitamina D

A radiao ultravioleta tipo B (UVB), com pico de ao a

296 nm, atua no metabolismo da vitamina D,
transformando o 7-desidrocolesterol no pr -lecalciferol
(pr-vitamina D3) na epiderme. A partir deste ponto, uma
sequncia de reaes de hidroxilao metablica ocorrer
no fgado e nos rins, at que a forma ativa de vitamina D
(1,25-dihidrocollecalciferol) seja produzida.
A dose estimada de UVB necessria para a produo de
1000 UI de vitamina D 0,25 Mnimal Eritema Dose (MED),
quando cerca de 25% da rea total do corpo est
exposto. , portanto, considerado pequeno se comparado
com a dose necessria para produzir eritema.

Em um pas com altos nveis de insolao solar, como o

Brasil, alguns minutos de exposio ao ambiente externo,
seja qual for o clima e apenas mos e face, seria suficiente
para a produo de vitamina D. Portanto, devemos estar
mais preocupados com os riscos relacionados exposio
solar do que com os riscos relacionados no exposio.

Quanto ao tempo de exposio solar, sabemos que o nvel

de radiao UVB no perodo anterior s 10 horas da manh
e depois das 3 horas da tarde (horrio de vero no
considerado) mnimo e no justifica a exposio solar
Durante estes perodos, particularmente com a inteno de
produzir vitamina D.

Exposio ao sol e desenvolvimento de cncer de


A incidncia de cncer de pele no melanoma e melanoma

tem crescido em todo o mundo h dcadas, sendo o mais
freqente entre os cnceres do corpo humano.

A relao nexo causal entre exposio ao sol e carcinoma

de clulas escamosas est muito bem estabelecida na
literatura. Alm disso, diversos estudos tambm apontam
para a participao da radiao solar no incio do carcinoma
basocelular e melanoma cutneo.
Proteo solar e vitamina D

Sabemos que o uso adequado de protetor solar reduz

significativamente a quantidade de radiao UVB que
atinge a superfcie cutnea e pode teoricamente interferir
na produo de vitamina D. No entanto, na prtica,
sabemos que o uso regular de protetor solar no leva
deficincia de vitamina D.

A possvel justificativa encontrada seria que, como os

usurios no aplicam o filtro solar na quantidade adequada
e com a frequncia e regularidade recomendadas, uma
quantidade suficiente de radiao UVB atingir a superfcie
da pele para a produo de vitamina D.

Portanto, usar protetor solar como habitualmente feito

pelos usurios no poderia ser considerado como um fator
predisponente ao desenvolvimento de deficincia de
vitamina D.



1. A exposio solar intencional e desprotegida no

deve ser considerada como fonte de produo ou
para prevenir a deficincia de vitamina D.

2. O uso de protetor solar com SPF maior que 30 deve

ser recomendado para todos os pacientes maiores
de 6 meses de idade, quando expostos ao sol. No
deve haver exposio solar sem o uso adequado de
protetor solar. Crianas menores de 6 meses de
idade no devem ser expostas diretamente ao sol e
no devem fazer uso regular de protetor solar.

3. Pacientes considerados como estando em risco de

desenvolvimento de deficincia de vitamina D
devem ser monitorados por exames peridicos e
podem usar fontes de suplementao diettica ou
vitamnica para a preveno da deficincia de
vitamina D.

4. So considerados fatores de risco para o

desenvolvimento de deficincia de vitamina D:

a. Bebs que recebem aleitamento materno


b. Os idosos (pele mais velha produz menos

vitamina D).

c. Indivduos com baixa exposio solar.

d. Condies climticas extremas.

e. Uso rigoroso de medidas fotoprotetoras.

f. Cobrindo a pele por razes de prtica religiosa.

g. Pessoas com pele escura (fototipos V e VI).

h. Doentes com sndrome de m absoro.

i. Os obesos mrbidos.
5. As doses dirias recomendadas de vitamina D para
preveno de deficincia em indivduos em risco

a. 0-12 meses: 400 UI / dia.

b. 1 a 70 anos de idade: 600 UI / dia.

c. > 70 anos de idade: 800 UI / dia.

6. Finalmente, a SBD entende que as polticas de

preveno do cncer de pele, por meio da
Sensibilizao Fotoproteo, uma medida
prioritria em termos de Sade Pblica para o
Brasil, particularmente na rea de Dermatologia.

7. SBD continua aconselhar a populao a evitar a

exposio ao sol sem proteo adequada,
especialmente no perodo de maior risco, entre as
10h00. E 3:00 pm.

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