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Supporting the Chronically Ill with

by Gillian Lowe BSc, MRadA
This talk was presented at the Horizons in Radionics conference in February.
When preparing for this talk Gill initially picked out an Angel card for guidance.
It was ADVENTURE, not something, she felt, that one would readily associate
with the title but the concept suggested that perhaps she should present some of
her ideas as they may be of help and interest to other practitioners.
So what happens? We all receive those phone calls from a Mr. A who has
suffered from a great many symptoms for many years. He may be suffering
from asthma, eczema or multiple allergies; what do we do? We must feel
empathy with his problems but not sympathy.
Do we say Oh no! and try and dowse for another practitioner? Or do
we say Oh yes! I am the one to help this person!
Neither of course, we must go about our routine as usual moving down
a well-trodden path with a feeling of trust that anything is possible.
Yes, we dowse to see if we are the one to work most effectively with this
patient or if another practitioner would be better. Yes, we dowse the level
of effectiveness of our treatment or if any other type of therapy would
help as well or instead of Radionics.
Now let us look at what is a chronic condition and how it could possibly
develop. We can see it purely from a physical viewpoint (see Fig. 1).
The baby/young child is fed on cows milk to which he has a sensitivity.
He may have colic and eczema or will certainly develop a poor gut flora.
He may have a zinc deficiency which, along with the catarrh, will cer-
tainly lead to being prone to infection for which antibiotics will most likely
be given. He may have recurring tonsillitis and the tonsils may be removed.
Later on in years, due to the poor gut flora, constipation may develop, a
build up of toxins in the gut and later appendicitis, whereupon the appen-
dix may be removed. All this may lead to the further development of full
blown chronic conditions such as IBS, arthritis or even cancer.
There are many points at which Radionics could help along the way but
even when the chronic state has been reached, the layers of the disease can
be pared away to improve the situation physically. But I often find radionic
treatment works more effectively from the deeper levels and here we must
look at the situation from an esoteric viewpoint.

Fig. 1 Possible development of a chronic disease condition: Physical.
Each of us is an individual with a mission to follow in life as directed by
our soul (for want of a better word), working through our higher selves. I
gather that the souls wish is for each one of us, in simple terms, to gain
elevation of our qualities and reach a state of raised consciousness by bring-
ing to expression this mission through our lower self, that is our personality
and physical self i.e. the way we live on this earth. The problem comes
when the lower self denies that change is necessary (see Fig. 2).
There is input of energy from both the soul and the personality into the
self. If the finer vibration from the soul is allowed to replace that of the
personality there is minimum disruption and consciousness is raised.

Fig. 2 Development of a chronic disease condition from an esoteric
Conflict may arise between personality and soul energies if the person-
ality overrides soul growth. This will result in disharmony at first at a
mental level which may then lead to negative emotional states such as
aggravation and depression. If there is no release of the old patterns of
behaviour at this stage physical symptoms may ensue. Dis-ease is the re-
sult and, as the physical body is merely a vehicle for the soul, if the souls
message is constantly not heeded this state of disharmony may become
chronic resulting in possible physical damage.
In understanding this we can go to work as Radionic Practitioners.
We can RESTORE to optimum balance and harmony all parts of the
patient, at all levels as needed, and we can even have a go at the physical
structures that are damaged.
We can ELIMINATE the disharmonies due to toxins, shock, stress etc.
and discuss these with the patients.
We can GIVE any number of commands and energy treatments, such as
cocktails of flower remedies, which we find to be effective for that patient.
We all have our own way of working and I dont feel it is reasonable or
possible to suggest specific treatments for any of the chronic diseases we
deal with in such a short space as this.
BUT I think what I understand to be the truly chronically ill patient is
often leading a very isolated life either mentally, emotionally or physically
and is reluctant to come off treatment, or may come off treatment but be
back on shortly. Perhaps lifes lessons are somehow being avoided.
I would like to describe a situation concerning a patient of mine. Jean,
now 40, was a chronic anorexic / bulimic with osteoporosis when she started
treatment over 3 years ago in June 96. She hadnt had a period since she
was 15 years old and had been sexually abused by both her parents who
are now dead.
On 13th July she had her first period for 22 years and has since been
going through a form of delayed puberty with much changing of relation-
ships, general angst and many emotionally charged phone calls. Bingeing
has been up and down like a yo-yo.
I have used gem remedies, Ann Banks and other healing cards and I
have also sent many affirmations. There have been many treatments to
give co-ordination into the mental and buddhic bodies plus treatments for
psychic interference which often comes up. All this I understand because
A few months ago I asked for the source of the psychic interference and
found it to be from a group consciousness on another plane which ap-
pears, in effect, to draw Jeans energy away. (By the way Jean has said that
she has that feeling of being out of herself but less so since she started
radionic treatment.)
So I went on to ask To what level is Jeans essence expressing itself on
this plane of existence? The answer was about 50% and I often find it to be
between 40% and 60%. It is as if her lessons cannot be learnt fully because
she is not effectively all here some of the time.The next question I asked
very pointedly, Is it appropriate for radionics to alter this state? To which
the answer was yes.

Val, another radionic practitioner, kindly lent me notes of two of her
chronically ill patients so that I could have a look at her methods of treat-
ment. There were pages and pages of notes and I didnt really know where
to look so I asked to be shown the most effective treatments in the last
The first patient was a 56 year old woman with an allergy to dairy prod-
ucts and sciatica; Vals root cause was psychic shock. The most effective
treatment in the last year was found to be to eliminate congestion in the
buddhic body.
The second patient was a 79 year old woman who had been having
radionic treatment on and off for the last 8 years; she suffers from muscu-
lar weakness and is often tired and full of fear. The most effective treatment
for her in the last year was: to support and strengthen the aura. This was
on a day when the patient complained of 2 migraines and of feeling very
out of balance.
I asked, Does weakness in the aura prevent the disease from harmonis-
ing? and the answer was yes. Further direction came from Emmanuels
book indicating that the patient was being affected by some energy pat-
tern beyond planet earth. Further dowsing indicated that this is a normal
situation and part of self, not an external form of psychic interference.
Therefore, I would like to suggest a method of supporting our chroni-
cally ill patients radionically by looking for treatments to prevent weakening
of the aura and thus hold them more securely and firmly on this earth.
For example we might give treatments:
To strengthen auric support of the physical form.
To hold the essential dimension of the complete essence of the patient
more definitely in this plane of existence.
To give various strengthening and harmonising treatments into the
buddhic and higher mental bodies.
May I also suggest a system by which a group of practitioners, of like
minds, for instance those using Chris Dennisons Energy transmitter, work
together as a group for a group. I feel this would increase the level of
effectiveness of treatment due to the multiplication of the attractive forces
present. It is my understanding also that there is cohesion within the group
I have as patients, so that increasing that group would also increase that
power of attraction. It could then be that this force would be able to give
the extra power needed to attract and hold the patients subtle bodies more
securely on earth, whereby the disharmony at all levels could then be trans-

To sum up, it seems that in some of these chronically ill patients the
energy focus at a buddhic and higher mental level is often too dispersed,
often as it were not available for us to reach radionically. In being aware of
this situation we may be able to dowse for suitable treatments to rectify it.
To be even more effective again I propose that several practitioners work
together with a simple list of patients names and dates of birth. This I feel
would act as a form of attractive force to hold the patients essence more
firmly at this focus of reality and thus enable the healing process to har-
monise the disease.
Or as Edward Bach put it:
The human being becomes very much himself again at a point where he had
ceased to be quite himself.
Emmanuels Book. Compiled by Rodegast & Stenton. Bantam Books

From Radionic Journal 45 (4) 19-24 (2000)


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