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Observation Form
This form will be used to guide and document observations. After the observation and collaborative reflection, the documentation will be turned
in to STP Associate Director, Sarah Glover (

Teacher Observed (Intern): Sarah Riley Observer: Kathi McLaughlin Date: 3/14/17
Subject or Focus of Observation (include task from seminar if applicable):
Crew: Creative thinking

Teacher Quality Standard Focus:

Standard II, element a: Teachers foster a predictable learning environment in the classroom on which each student has a positive, nurturing
relationship with caring adults and peers.
Standard II, eminent c: Teachers engage students as individuals with unique interests and strengths.

Notes: Data Collected (3rd point in coaching conversation):

*Instructional Strategies Demonstrated: *Interactions with Students:
Read the book, Beautiful Oops, to the children Some centered on working through conflicts.
Asked, how did the author use is imagination? As students were working on their oops projects, S was
What does oops mean?eliciting ideas from students circulating and commenting.
S Modeled making an oops with paint and paper. Lots of smiles and encouragement.

*Classroom Management: *Evidence of Student Learning:
Reviewed morning routine after chaotic previous day. This was the first half of the entire lesson. The evidence of their ability to
Dealing with student conflict by asking whether its a big accept and create something new from an oops will come the following
or small problem. day.
Students earning letters to earn a Go Noodle video
S leaning in to whisper and keep their attention

Next Steps to Continue: Next Steps to Implement (including suggested resources):

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