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The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami, Florida

7701 SW 76th Avenue, Miami, FL 33143; (305) 667-3697;

Visit our website at: Directions are available online.

Sunday Services & Children’s Program at 11 AM - August 2010

August 1 ~ Breaking the Silence ~ Robert G. Beatty, Esq.

Releasing people from inhibitions and predilections that cause them to remain silent about critical issues.
Robert G. Beatty, Esq., a well known attorney and publisher of the South Florida Times, focused on
issues relevant to Black & Minority Floridians. Mr. Beatty has found his voice and asks us to do the

August 8 ~ So Moved ~ Philip Stoddard & Green Sanctuary Committee

A biology professor at FIU saw plans being made for South Miami that were hazardous to the health of
its citizens. In an effort to stop them he stepped into the mayoral race on the platform of environmental-
ism. Come hear from South Miami's Mayor Philip Stoddard, who speaks truth to power.

August 15 ~ In the Margins ~ Worship Committee

Who were you growing up? Who are you now? When do you fall into the margins? When do you re-
quire notes of explanation? In this service we will explore that shared experience. We all fall into mar-
gins, sometimes.

August 22 ~ We’re All In This Together ~ Rev. Drew Johnston

As we head into a new church year full of transitions and exploration, we are called together in commu-
nity to see how we can work together to become a healthier and more diverse congregation. This ser-
vice also includes our religious education program kick-off celebration.

August 29 ~ The Power of Purpose ~ Rev. Drew Johnston

This service also marks the beginning of our 2010-11 religious education school year. Children will
participate at the start of service and then head off with purpose with their teachers.

"Change alone is unchanging."

Heraklietos of Ephesos
Governance and Denominational News

Returning to Community & Conversation

I hope you and your loved ones are enjoying summer to the fullest – physically,
mentally, and spiritually — and reconnecting with each other while also experi-
encing new things. Hopefully you have had the chance to have a multicultural
“staycation” and do some of the things listed in last month’s newsletter article
“Seeing Miami with ’Fresh Eyes’”. If not, there are still several weeks left before
the school year and increased congregational activities start!

In the midst of summer vacations and travel, congregational leadership has been busy with office staff transitions, get-
ting ready for the early August arrival of our next interim minister Rev. Drew Johnston, continuing work on a covenant
of right relations, and exploring ways for all of us to work better together with honest communication in a supportive

At our July board meeting, the Right Relations Research Task Force presented a thoughtful analysis of recent strained
relations between some current and former members, the minister, and board leadership; recommendations for resolving
these situations; and mechanisms for ensuring we have institutional tools to deal with these and future conflicts within
our community. Many thanks to Charles Bishop, Richard Burnside, Tom Edwards, Selva Joseph, and Pat Mellerson for
doing this initial work to help us move forward in community-building and healthful ways.

I invite you to read the research report by visiting our website,, and viewing the posted PDF within menu list-
ing “About Us/How we’re organized/Member’s Corner/Right Relations Research”. Please note that more discussion,
clarification, and decisions about how best to implement these tools is needed and are not final.

In addition, our approved board minutes from the past year, as well as future monthly minutes, will soon be posted to our
website to offer insight into the ongoing process and actions taken by leadership. Keep an eye on future weekly e-mail
and order of service announcements to know when they are available.

The outline and recommendations presented will be moved forward at our August 11th board meeting, the August 14th
board retreat with support from our new minister and Rev. Kenn Hurto, FL District Executive Director, the August 29th
congregational meeting, and in ongoing discussions throughout the congregation. The goal over the next few months is
to provide opportunities for all to be heard in a supportive atmosphere and establish a covenant of right relations that
calls upon all of us to be accountable for our own actions and words.

As we move forward, I take heart in the healing words of the opening section of the report entitled “As A Matter of Prin-

· A chosen faith which binds us

· Our faith calls us to minister to each other
· Our faith calls us to right relations
· Our faith calls us to growth
· Our faith calls us to consider process
· Our faith can heal us and nurture in right relation during change

In fellowship,
David Traupman
2010-2011 President, Board of Trustees

Congregational Life

Caring Community

Lucy Swenson-Knights' son, Christopher Charles Swenson, had a liver transplant three weeks ago at the
University of Minnesota Hospital in Minneapolis. His post-operative course has been rather compli-
cated and prognosis is somewhat guarded a this time. It is a most difficult time for Lucy & Ward.

Blessed Be,
Lucy & Ward
July 15, 2010

If you are available to provide assistance to members of our congregation, please add your name to the
signup sheets on the bulletin board near the kitchen or speak to Connie Bartels, Chair of the Caring
Committee. We have lists for Care Giving, Emergency Child Care, Grocery Shopping, Home Repairs,
Light Housekeeping, Temporary Housing, Phone Calls, Prepare & Deliver Meals, Transportation, Truck
for Light Hauling, Home or Hospital Visits.

Our History Room contains a three ring binder for every year of our church's history. The binders contain
committee minutes, mementoes, and all manner of invitations, photos, etc. from that church year (July 1,
2009-June 30, 2010). Stored separately are newsletters, Orders of Service, and the Annual Report. But, if
you have any of the aforementioned items to add, please give them to the office administrator or board Presi-
dent David Traupman for inclusion. Thanks!

Notice of Congregational Meeting

A Congregational Meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation Miami will be held 1:00 - 2:30 pm on
Sunday, August 29th after worship in the sanctuary. A quorum of at least 20% of eligible voting members is
required. Nursery and child care will be provided.

The preliminary agenda includes: 1) 2010-11 Budget Review, 2) Working with our Interim Minister Presen-
tation 3) Right Relations Research Task Force/Board Retreat Follow Up Presentation, 4) Building the
World We Dream About program update.

Children’s Programs and Religious Education


Happy New Year!

Happy new year to RE!!!! Please join us for a New Year celebration at the RE
kick-off on Sunday, August 22. We will also have an all ages class for the chil-
dren to make New Year’s Resolutions for the upcoming year in RE. We hope to
see you there!


Registration will begin August 8 and continue through the month. Please regis-
ter your children for their classes and fill out all required paperwork and turn in
to the DRE ASAP. The cost to register each child is $25 and payable by cash or
check. If writing a check, please write RE registration in the memo line.
RE classes
Regular RE classes will begin on Sunday, August 29. At press time we still are working on the class specif-
ics but will have more information about classes and teachers in the September newsletter. As always the
nursery will be open to children under three years old before and during the service.

RE meetings
RE meetings will resume August 1 and continue on the first Sunday of the month
throughout the year unless otherwise noted. Please plan to attend to have a voice
in RE.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email the DRE,
Monica Rizzo at There have been quite a few changes in the office and in the RE
wing that have made for a fun summer and we’re finishing up a few loose ends but please don’t hesitate to
email if or when something arises. And, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Groups and Programs

Spiritual Reality meets every Sunday in the Emer- COMPUTERS

son room at 9:30 am. We are a sharing group who
deeply listen to each other and welcome new people. Give your computers to the church to use at tax
Join us! time. I will repair if possible and give them to un-
derprivileged kids, handicapped and schools with
The Lunch Bunch meets Wednesdays from 12 pm to after school computer classes. I will take desktops,
2 pm in the Emerson Room. Bring a brown bag lunch. laptops, flat screen monitors only, restore “CD”
We check in with everyone and discuss a reading from and games. Bring on Sunday. Call John R. Bost,
an inspirational book. Hope you’ll join us! Alert: The phone 305-444-7766 or email bosts @ in-
third Wednesday of each month is Poetry Day. Put a
poem in your lunch box and bring it to share. Every-
one welcome. Thanks

Next Social Justice meeting: August 20, 7 PM

in the Emerson Room

The Grief Support Group is open to anyone who has

suffered a loss of a loved one recently or long ago.
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at
1:15 pm in the Emerson Room. Humanist Group meeting August 10 at 8:00 p.m.
Emerson room. ~ Lecture 11 "Sacred Texts for
Hindus and Buddhists", from the DVD Lecture Se-
Buddhist Reflections ries from The Teaching Company "Comparative
Tuesdays 6:30 – 7:45 pm, Sanctuary or as posted Religion" by Professor Charles Kimball, University
of Oklahoma.
A weekly opportunity for meditation and discussion of
Buddhist Philosophy.
Sessions begin and end with
Young Adult Group
meditation and includes an
Friday, August 6, 7:00-11:00
opportunity for discussion
Sunday, August 8, 12:30-1:30
of practical applications of
in the Emerson Room.
Buddhist teachings. Ses-
Come network with others
sions evolve and are bal-
the old fashioned way –face-to-face.
anced to meet the needs to
The growing number of younger adults in the con-
the group. Beginners to
gregation calls for an opportunity to get together to
both meditation and Bud-
socialize, to get connected, and to consider the pos-
dhism are welcome. Regu-
sibility of future activities. We meet the second
lar attendance is not re-
Sunday of the month after worship in the Emerson.
quired and drop-ins are welcome. There is no cost for
The group is aimed at those approximately in their
this program. The group is lay led by Nannette Bartels
20’s and 30’s. Grab your lunch and join us!
and Janice Haynes.

Social Concerns
Green Sanctuary

It has taken a long time to get our recycling provider. It is hard to believe that for so
many years we have had no recycling options at our congregational home except to take
the recyclables home with us and put them out to the curb there. Many thanks to all the
conscientious “Greenies” who took it upon themselves to see that this happened. But
now at last we have our own comingled recycling contract with Waste Management
and have weekly pick-up. This still does not mean that recycling happens magically, or
that all of that packaging that comes with our purchases can be recycled at all. But we
hope that with a little awareness of the issues, we might all become more conscious of what will become of
our packaging before we make the purchase, and maybe even voice our concerns to management that we
would like to see recyclable and biodegradable packaging. It’s surprising that a voice of concern can raise
consciousness of any capitalist wishing to please a customer. Have you seen the “Green Wise” products at
Publix? They didn’t come from out of nowhere. They came from the call of people like us.

We are working on ideas for making recycling easy and convenient for us all, but in the meantime we hope
you wcan find the blue “Recyclable Only” barrel by the back door of the kitchen, rinse your recyclables as
needed, and deposit them there. If there is need for more space in the blue barrel, the green recyclable barrel
is out beside the shed. The triangle of arrows that is the very emblem of recycling imprinted on recyclable
plastics, have a number in the center which indicate the type of plastic they are made of. Some are recyclable
some are not. Getting a clear picture of which is which is not easy but we are working on it. In the meantime,
when in doubt, recycle. There is a video provided by Waste Management for which you’ll find a link below.
We find it fascinating, and hope you will watch it. Generally it is said that plastic bags are not recyclable, but
the video link offered below that some of them are. Have you ever wondered how this co mingled recyclables
are sorted? Now you can see the process for yourself.

Go to “Waste as a Resource,” click the arrow on EXPERIENCE MORE, the page opens up to an
“environment,” look for the recycle bin on the left and click on the plus sign (+) to watch the video. It is
amazing! But clearly it does not happen without a lot of carbon energy being burned, not to mention human

Enjoy free admission to Fairchild every Sunday in August.


Groups & Programs continued
The Alliance
The Alliance will meet on Saturday August 7 at 11AM for an important business meeting as well as for the
members sharing our summer experiences. Following our usual delicious pot luck, Kay Kuge will present her
memories and thoughts about her recent trip through Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, and Hungary, cruis-
ing up the Danube. We hope you all can be there.


10th had a great Potluck followed by a very well attended gathering of kids from Pridelines Youth Ser-
vices.......The Program which included the planning of future fun-filled events was led by Victor and Luigi
from Pridelines.....Everyone was relaxed, and there was a lot of sharing!......Next month's Lavender Salon
will, again, include a gathering of Pridelines Explorer Post 123...A Car Wash is planned for late August /
early September with the UU Teen Group, and the Young Adults group....It will take place during Sunday
Service so that folks can drop off their cars in the back, and have them cleaned and vacuumed, before they are
ready to leave........The August "Youth Enrichment Event" will be a Beach Party at Crandon Park on Key Bis-
cayne, tentatively, scheduled for Saturday, August 23rd...........Our Lavender Salon is an Intergenerational
event for Miami's LGBT Community and our UU family..........We, also, plan to add Movies and Music to our
future Salon Events....COME JOIN US FOR LOTS OF FUN!!.....Our LAVENDER SALON is held the sec-
ond Saturday of the month at 6:30 pm.........Our next meeting for the WELCOMING CONGREGATION
COMMITTEE will be Sunday, August 8th at 1:00 pm......PLEASE SHARE YOUR IDEAS WITH
US!!!.........Ask for Dave Roelant or Marilyn Rutgers

PFLAG Kendall continues to be a source of compassion and comfort for those whose
lives are turned upside down by the sudden disclosure that a loved one is Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual or Transgender. Should we be proud of the work we are doing? Well we are!
And this congregation should be proud of its role in providing this service of comfort to
the community. Second Saturday of the month at Noon. If you know anyone in need of
support around coming out issues, remember the address

PFLAG Homestead! Have you heard? Out of the good will in PFLAG Kendall a new
PFLAG chapter has formed and is doing good work in our southern neighborhoods. This Chapter was formed
out of the goodness of our own Margaret McAlister’s heart. After being a member of PFLAG Kendall for a
number of months, Margaret not only joined our congregation, but seeing the need for a PFLAG chapter in
Homestead took it upon herself to get the space from St. John’s Episcopal Church and set up the time and
availability of good compassion to those whose loved ones have recently come out. Margaret has been well
supported in her efforts by U.U. Miami members like Sandy Howard, Tom Edwards, Dick and Anne Burnside
and Nannette Bartels. So if you happen to know someone in need of support around coming out issues in the
Homestead area, do them a favor and give them the address We’ll all be glad
you did! PFLAG Homestead meets the 4th Saturday of each month at 145 NE 10 Street in Homestead. For
more info contact Margaret McAlister 305-989-1623 or Sandy Howard 786-897-7690.

Governance & Denominational News

The 2010-2011 Stewardship Campaign wrapped up June 30 with several impressive milestones. Although we did not
reach our goal overall, we did increase pledges from $111,000 in the recently concluded year to $121,611. Overall
pledged membership fell a bit from 122 to 116, but all the other numbers were positive. 93 members renewed, and an
impressive 23 individuals became pledged members who were not previously on our rolls.

The average pledge increased from $916 to $1,048, and 81 people INCREASED their pledge! Only 8 people decreased
their pledged amount. "Obviously, our membership saw the opportunity to step up and help us try to balance our budget,
a key goal of our Board of Trustees" said board President David Traupman. "The entire board is indebted to the generos-
ity of our members. Nearly 94% either increased or maintained their pledge, incredible in these difficult financial times".

Traupman thanked Sandy Howard and Jesse Walters, Stewardship Campaign chairs, and the entire committee including
Alice Lingswiler, Margaret McAlister, Irv Loibman, and Judy Homer. "Their hard work, in getting the campaign con-
cluded earlier than normal, allowed the board to approve a realistic budget. Creating lists of members to mentor and fig-
uring out a new potential gift amount for every member- and then asking for that- helped make this campaign a success."

The following are our current pledged members as we begin the new church and fiscal year. Remember, you must be a
pledged member in order to vote at our business meetings and Annual Meeting. If your name does not appear below, you
can still fill out a pledge card! Simply see Margaret McAlister, Membership Committee Chair and she will help you
complete your new pledge card.

Anderson Joyce 2010-2011 PLEDGED MEMBERS Reiter, Jeff

Arias, Derrick If you believe your name has been mistakenly not included on this Reyes, Raquel
Arias, Yvonne list, please contact co-chairs Jesse Walters or Sandy Howard. Robinson, Marc
Asgeiron, John Roellant, David
Baretls, Connie Roman, Gustavo
Gudhein, Calla Marlatt, Lily Schneider, Rita
Bartels, Nanette Hangge, Susan Martinez, Ivy Scott, Gwladys
Baumel, Marvin Hanson, Lori Massey, Iris Sforza, Gladys
Bishop, Charles Harbett, June McAlister, Margaret Shackleford, Lisa
Blackmore, Dawn Harrison, Martha McArthur, Janice Sklepowicz, Jack
Blackmore, Murray Haynes, Gisela McCabe, Paul Sokoloff, Emily
Blair, David Howard, Sandy Mellerson, Pat Taft, Jill
Blair, Ligia Jacober, Bob Menadier, Dorothy Thompson, Rexford
Bost, John Joost, Shawn Merwin, Melissa Timmony, Rosemary
Britton, June Joseph, Selva Montgomery, Lynn Traupman, David
Browning, Wanda Kahn, Eva Morgan, Ben Travis, Rosamond
Buchholz, Tim Karplus, Elena Mulrooney, Lori Treece, David
Burnside, Ann Kinsman, Ruth Nelson, Barbara Trencher, Ruth
Burnside, Dick Kirchner, Chris Nickerson, Inge Tucker, Thelma
Cardona, Beverly Klopfer, Carol Nickerson, Susan Turner, Bill
Carrillo, Bernardo Knights, Lucy Norris, Court Waiters, Sterling
Conlin, Bud Knights, Ward Nummelin, Anna Walters, Jesse
Dickinson, Daniel Koenig-Morgan, Cheryl Overholser, Nancy Webber, Chris
Dickman, Ruth Kuge, Kay Paul, Karen Weeks, Alice
Dubard, Bob Larenas, Eduardo Pickins, Roxanne Whitaker, Iantha
Duncan, Richard Leslie, Pat Poivones-Bishop, Maria Wiggert, Beth
Evoy, Bezel Lindquist, Oran Prentice, Julie Wine, Gene
Ferrar, Luigi Longswiler, Alice Pyle, Sally Wine, Marilyn
Figuera, Mary Loibman, Irv Quick, Dana Woshinsky, Barbara
Friedrich, Art Malone, Michael Reiter, Carol Zeger, Beth
Gassaway, Carol
Zeger, Michael

Staff Schedule
Rev. Drew Johnston, our Interim Minister is available calling the Office.
Elena Mazey, our Office Administrator, is in Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm. Ph: 305-667-3697
Fax: 305-667-9585 /

Monica Rizzo, our Director of Religious Education— appointments by request at

Zoltan Bakos, our Custodian, is in Sundays 8-2 pm; Mondays 8-10:30 am & 2-6:30 pm; Tuesdays 8-3 pm; Wednesdays OFF;
Thursdays 11-5 pm; Fridays 8-3 pm; Saturdays 9-2 pm.
All staff schedules are subject to change. Please call to confirm.
While some of our staff members provide information that would allow you to contact them on their off hours, we ask that doing
so be reserved only for emergencies. We want to be available to you but also need our days off and family time.
Thanks for understanding.

Follow and participate online of our social media / outreach websites:

Facebook Group & Page:
News Blog:

Suggested donation for annual subscriptions: $25

Deadline for Newsletter articles: August 15
August 2010,
Ph. 305-667-3697; fax 305-667-9585
7701 SW 76th Ave, Miami, FL 33143
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami

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