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We at kenbiz consultancy believe that to enable businesses grow, creating a networked
environment for business can make the impossibilities we face today possible by serving
as an inter-mediate for companies and cooperate bodies to render service for all without

As a consultancy firm, we are specialized in the areas of Personnel recruitment,

job placement, advertising,
Training, Career guidance and Business consultancy

In terms of any of the following, the company has specifics to each service it renders to a
company in for service.

Under job placement, the employer is obliged to sign up for acceptance of workers from our
outfit on the employers acceptance form. This is done by submitting the EMPLOYERS
ACCEPTANCE FORM to the employer specifying the name of the company and the
owner/owners or a resource person who is in charge of workers in the company.
With this form; a token of five Ghana cedis is expected of the company for low or domestic
delivery of workers and Ten Ghana cedis for that of administrative or executive positions to be
held in the company by our workers we provide.

Before the worker starts work, he/she is expected to have signed THE EMPLOYEES
The EMPLOYEES AGREEMENT FORM is what the company uses to retain workers to stay
longer in the companies they are placed. The form ensures that all workers from our out fit stay
on the job for a minimum of six months after they have been placed and they are to give three
weeks notice of resignation ahead to the time they feel to resign so as to enable the company find
some one to replace them as they are gone to ensure continuity in the business/ the company.
THE AGREEMENT FORM on the other hand is to certify a 40%
Deduction from the workers initial salary which is witnessed by the employer via signatory,
retained by the employer and paid into the companies account or received by a representative of
KENBIZ CONSULTANCY as cash payment attached with receipt from the company.
There is continues monitoring of the worker’s performance as and when necessary to ensure that
the best is delivered from the worker as expected.
This percentage deduction goes into the administration and running of the company.
Due to the inability of most workers to efficiently use the computer at their working areas,
KENBIZ CONSULTANCY has designed a program that is based on training workers from our
outfit before delivery them to the companies to work with.
This is called the KENBIZ TRAINING PROGRAM [K T P]
We also undertake training of workers in any company in ICT as well to enable the workers to be
retained and integrate with the system we have today.
The training are often very intensive and packed with all what it is needed to make a worker
function with ease in the companies we place them and therefore the stress of having ignorant
workers in ICT for employers are minimized.

In this era of business, one can only make a head way through advertising. This is one thing
which kenbiz consultancy has studied over the past and has identified the best way to advertise in
doing business in Ghana. We carefully study the flow of business and see which will be the best
avenue to advertise. The company has the Microscope New Paper which is based in Tema and
also the High school Flex News paper and the last but not the least is the second Largest News
Paper in Ghana. The Daily Guide News Paper We advertise companies through this papers at
realistic prices they are to pay at the papers office without any inflation of prices and this has
transformed the business of so many employers in the country.
Other forms of advertising that the company does is digital printing on flex and other surfaces


Over the past, people seeking for jobs have not taken the time to study the area of specialty that
they can perform best and knowing the kind of courses that is in line what their ambitions in life
and work towards .KENBIZ CONSULTANCY under this career guidance offer education to
people about themselves and give them the counseling that they need to enable them know the
right kind of jobs to choose. We have been able to place people in companies and they are doing
extremely well and exceedingly better than those they met there. This is due to the appropriate
studying of the individual and carefully studying where they can perform when they are placed.
This aspect of what we do enable companies to operate freely and grow at a fast pace because the
right people are working in their right positions and therefore there is little or no supervision on
what they do since they are in themselves knowledgeable in where they have been placed.


This aspect is the most interesting thing most companies are likely to take advantage of and speed
up in business and make a head way in no time. Due to our wide area of network and
opportunities we get from other companies, cooperate environment is attained for all under one
platform. This is done in sense that most companies have difficulties in accomplishing a task
because of stagnancy in taking the right decisions and also finding the best offer for themselves.
KENBIZ consultancy in alliance with numerous companies, are going to be eradicate the hustle
in finding the right company to do business with. We are the head way for good business offers
and provision of business ideas centered on application of the human resource and also giving of
business advice. We try to link up with companies over seas and open partnership arrangements
for other companies in Ghana to also have a feel of the international business market.
Special documentations are signed and agreed on what ever transaction with a share in percentage
profits that goes to which ever company that is involve and also to KENBIZ consultancy.
The profits are carefully studied and shared fairly for all to benefit.

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