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Teacher: Nazife Aktas

Date: April 10,2017

Grade level: 6th Grade


Topic:Cell Unit

Duration: 90 minutes /2 class periods

State Standards - Pennsylvania

Organizing Category - 3.1.A: Organisms and Cells

Standard - 3.1.6.A1

Describe the similarities and differences of major physical characteristics in

plants, animals, fungi, protists, and bacteria.

Standard - 3.1.6.A2

Describe how energy derived from the sun is used by plants to produce sugars
(photosynthesis) and is transferred within a food chain from producers (plants) to
consumers to decomposers.
Standard - 3.1.6.A4

Recognize that all organisms are composed of cells and that many organisms are
unicellular and must carry out all life functions in one cell.
Standard - 3.1.6.A5
Describe basic structures that plants and animals have that contribute to their ability to
make or find food and reproduce.

Assessment Anchor - S6.A.1 Reasoning and Analysis

Eligible Content - S6.A.1.1.1 Explain how certain questions can be answered through
scientific inquiry and/or technological design (e.g., consumer product testing, common
usage of simple machines, modern inventions).

Eligible Content - S6.A.1.1.2 Use evidence to support inferences and claims about an
investigation or relationship (e.g., common usage of simple machines).

Eligible Content - S6.A.1.1.3 Predict the outcome of an experiment based on previously

collected data.

In this lesson, students will explore the structures and functions of cell
organelles and identify key parts and functions that make cells the basic
building blocks of all living things. Students will be able to:

Differentiate the characteristics of animal and plant cells

Identify and name at least six organelles in the cell

Match effectively the function to the organelle on a cell model

Build a three-dimensional model of a plant or animal cell

Prerequisite Skills
Prerequisite Skills haven't been entered into the lesson plan.


copies of Cell and Factory Worksheet (S-6-4-2_Cell and Factory Worksheet

and KEY.doc)
Plant and Animal Cells Poster (S-6-4-2_Plant and Animal Cells Poster.doc)
copies or overhead, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Poster (S-6-4-
2_Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Poster.doc)
copies of the Plant and Animal Cell Venn Diagram (S-6-4-2_Plant and Animal
Cell Venn Diagram and KEY.doc)
copies of the Cell Concepts worksheet (S-6-4-2_Cell Concepts and KEY.docx).
Pencils, markers, smart board,


Start the lesson by briefly reviewing where the previous lesson left off:
Yesterday we learned that cells are the basic building blocks of all living
organisms. Today we are going to learn about how cell parts perform all the
functions of living things. They work together with other similar cells to help
us move, eat, think, and so on.

Set Induction: Tell the the story of the Formulation of the Cell Theory

In 1838, Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden were enjoying after-

dinner coffee and talking about their studies on cells. It has been suggested
that when Schwann heard Schleiden describe plant cells with nuclei, he was
struck by the similarity of these plant cells to cells he had observed in animal
tissues. The two scientists went immediately to Schwann's lab to look at his
slides. Schwann published his book on animal and plant cells (Schwann
1839) the next year, a treatise devoid of acknowledgments of anyone else's
contribution, including that of Schleiden (1838). He summarized his
observations into three conclusions about cells:

1) The cell is the unit of structure, physiology, and organization in living


2) The cell retains a dual existence as a distinct entity and a building block in
the construction of organisms.

3) Cells form by free-cell formation, similar to the formation of crystals

(spontaneous generation).
We know today that the first two tenets are correct, but the third is clearly
wrong. The correct interpretation of cell formation by division was finally
promoted by others and formally enunciated in Rudolph Virchow's powerful
dictum, "Omnis cellula e cellula" ... "All cells only arise from preexisting

The modern tenets of the Cell Theory include:

I. all known living things are made up of cells.

2. the cell is structural & functional unit of all living things.

3. all cells come from pre-existing cells by division. (Spontaneous Generation

does not occur).

4. cells contains hereditary information which is passed from cell to cell

during cell division.

5. All cells are basically the same in chemical composition.

6. all energy flow (metabolism & biochemistry) of life occurs within cells.

Instructional Activities/Procedures

Display the Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Poster for the class to see (S-6-
4-2_Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Poster.doc). Make copies for each
student if an overhead projector is unobtainable.

What are the differences between the two cells? Give students a moment
to examine the poster and come up with the answers. Possible answers may

1. Presence of flagella
2. Number of parts/components
3. Complexity
4. Presence of a nucleus
Explain that the number of internal structures and the nucleus being
essential differences between the two types of cells. The two cells represent
prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Can anyone tell me why having a
nucleus is important? Students may be unfamiliar with the terms but give
them some time to brainstorm. Review their comments as a class before
moving on to note-taking.

Tell students, Most organisms are prokaryotes and they have just one cell.
They are able to carry out all life functions even though they only have one
cell. How do you think they survive? (Hint: Look at the cell parts). Answers
will vary, but should relate prokaryote cell parts with life functions.

A nucleus is the control center or brain of each cell. It allows a cell to

perform more functions, and organisms that have these types of cells are
able to do more things. We have a nucleus in each of our cells, so we have
eukaryotic cells in our bodies. Now we are going to learn more about each
type of cell and what parts make them work.

Topic: Comparing Cells

Background Knowledge Essential Questions Answers

What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned

Cells are the basic 1. What do all cells

building blocks of all have in common?
living things.
The nucleus is the 2. What is an
control center of the cell organelle?
and is responsible for
more complexity in

3. What are the

differences between
prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells?

4. What organelles
are found in cells?

5. What are the

differences between
plant and animal

Instruct students to take out their science journals and set up a K-W-L chart
with the following information in it.

Give students time to create their K-W-L charts and fill in the information
above. Next, have students pair up with one other student to brainstorm
answers to questions 1 through 4 in the W section of their K-W-L charts.
When finished, collect responses from pairs to see which group had the most
number of cell similarities correct. Assign appropriate rewards reflective of
classroom procedures. Provide students with clues to obtain the remaining
similarities by asking them the following, leading questions:

5.Can anything enter or leave a cell?

6.How does a cell keep what it wants and get rid of what it doesnt?

7.When more cells are made, how do cells know what job or function to

8.What gives cells their shape?

Give students a few minutes to discuss their answers in pairs and modify
their similarities reflectively. Collect students responses again, but lead
students toward all similarities through Socratic dialogue/leading questions,
for example: All cells have specific functions. DNA is responsible for a cells
characteristics like shape, size, color, and function. If all cells perform
specific functions, do they all have DNA?

Once all responses have been given or students have exhausted their
attempt to answer questions 1-4, review the answers and have students
correct any mistakes.

Instruct students to put their K-W-L charts away for the next activity, but
inform them that questions 35 will be addressed after the next activity on
cell organelles. Hand out the Cell and Factory Worksheet (S-6-4-2_Cell and
Factory Worksheet and KEY.doc) to each student. Provide students with the
following directions:

9.Read through the worksheet first to get acquainted with each organelle
and its function in the cell.

10.Next, read through the second page, which lists common factory jobs
and their descriptions.
11.Finally, match the factory job from the second page with the cell
organelle with the most similar job function.

When students are finished, allow them to work with a partner to review their
answers and come up with any questions on the material. Review the
answers with students (the key is provided with the worksheet) and address
any student questions.

Day 2

Display the Plant and Animal Cells Poster for the class (S-6-4-2_Plant and
Animal Cells Poster.doc). Ask students to identify similarities between the two
cells by raising their hands and providing comments. Examples of similarities
and differences are listed below. Do not provide students with more
examples than they provide, as you will fill in the K-W-L chart later on.


12. Similar organelles (mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi

apparatus, lysosomes, and vacuoles)


14. Cytoplasm


15. Plants have a cell wall

16. Plants have chloroplasts

17. Plants have larger vacuoles

Then, show students the What Cells Look Like Under a Microscope table on
the second page of the Plant and Animal Cells Poster. Have them answer the
questions in the table. Also, ask How can drawings of plant and animal cells
help us to better understand cells when we look at them under a

Instruct students to take out their K-W-L charts and answer question 5. Use
the notes below as an answer key.

When students are finished filling out their K-W-L charts, hand out copies of
the Plant and Animal Cell Venn Diagram (S-6-4-2_Plant and Animal Cell Venn
Diagram and KEY.doc), and instruct students to read the directions and begin
working. This assignment may be used for homework if time is an issue.

Hand out copies of the Cell Concepts worksheet and have students complete
it individually (S-6-4-2_Cell Concepts and KEY.docx). This worksheet includes
concepts from Lessons 1 and 2.

Modifications/Differentiated Instruction

: Students who need more practice with the standards can complete partially-
filled out K-W-L charts, which are modified to individual needs. Students may
also provide answers to worksheets and diagrams orally.
: For the Cell and Factory worksheet, it may be helpful to allow students to cut
and paste the factory jobs next to the appropriate organelle functions.
: 18. Students going beyond the standards can complete a second cell
function comparison activity in which they compare cell functions of the
following organelles to basic anatomical functions in the human body.
Students will create a table with the following organelles, including organelle
functions and the human body parts/functions that they think best match the
organelle functions.

27. Organelles to use include:

Cell membrane


Endoplasmic reticulum


Golgi apparatus





Closure Activity
Today we learned about the plant and animal cell. Can anyone tell me one
difference between the two kinds of cells? (Answer:Animal cells don't have
Can anyone name several organelles of plant cells? (Answer: Bacteria that
can make us sick or the beneficial bacteria used in bioremediation and in our
digestive tract.)
Can someone tell me the similarities between the two types of cells?
(Answer:Structurally, plant and animal cells are very similar because they
are both eukaryotic cells. They both contain membrane-bound organelles
such as the nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus,
lysosomes, and peroxisomes.)
Tomorrow, we will make an edible cell model together.


Identification of structures and functions of cell organelles will be assessed

generally through class discussions and formally through a review of
worksheets and K-W-L charts.
Collect Venn diagrams and the Cell Factory Worksheet for individual
Collect and check the Cell Concepts worksheet in order to assess whether
students understand the concepts from Lessons 1 and 2.


Cell Membrane Regulates what enters

and leaves the cell; where

cell makes contact with the


Nucleus Controls all cell activity and

contains DNA

Endoplasmic Reticulum Makes lipids (fats), breaks

down drugs and harmful
substances, and packages up
proteins for the Golgi

Ribosomes Builds proteins

Golgi Apparatus Makes and transports

proteins and other materials
out of the cell

Lysosomes Digests food particles,

wastes, cell parts, and foreign
Mitochondria Breaks down food molecules
to make energy

Cytoplasm Contains all the organelles

and provides the space for
cell functions to occur

Vacuole Stores water and other


Name ____________________________________

Cell and Factory Worksheet

Directions: Complete this worksheet by matching the jobs at a typical factory with
the cell organelle and organelle functions. Write the factory jobs in the blank

*Factory jobs are listed on the next page.

Factory Parts and Descriptions

Shipping and Factory Floor Finishing and

Receiving Packaging
space within the factory
controls what comes in where products are
where products are
and what goes out in the processed and shippe
factory out
and business is
Main Office The Assembly Line Maintenance

the control center of the where products are where wastes and othe
factory made and unwanted materials ar
packaged/substances are collected and broken
broken down down

The Power Plant Employees Warehouse

where the factorys individuals who make the where materials are
power comes from products stored


Cell Membrane Regulates what enters Shipping and Receiving

and leaves the cell; controls what comes in and

what goes out in the factory
where cell makes contact

with the external


Nucleus Controls all cell activity and Main Office

contains DNA
the control center of the

Endoplasmic Reticulum Makes lipids (fats), breaks The Assembly Line

down drugs and harmful
substances, and packages where products are made and
up proteins for the Golgi packaged/substances are
apparatus broken down

Ribosomes Build proteins Employees

individuals who make the


Golgi Apparatus Makes and transports Finishing and Packaging

proteins and other materials
out of the cell where products are processed
and shipped out

Lysosomes Digests food particles, Maintenance

wastes, cell parts, and
foreign invaders where wastes and other
unwanted materials are
collected and broken down

Mitochondria Breaks down food molecules The Power Plant

to make energy
where the factorys power
comes from
Cytoplasm Contains all the organelles Factory Floor
and provides the space for
cell functions to occur space within the factory
where products are made and
business is conducted

Vacuole Stores water and other Warehouse

where materials are stored

Name _____________________________

Cell Concepts

Part 1

Directions: For each description below, write the first letter of each cell type that
can match with the description. You may use more than one letter for each.

U for unicellular

M for multicellular

A for animal

P for plant


U, M, A, P may have a nucleus

1. _______ surrounded by a cell wall

2. _______ can carry out all the functions of life
3. _______ may contain chloroplasts
4. _______ made up of more than one cell
5. _______ may have a flagellum for movement

Part 2

Directions: Answer each of the following questions using complete sentences.

6. A factory is a system made up of parts that work together to make products.
How is a cell like a system?

7. How is a cell system different than a factory system?

8. Can any one part of the cell system do what the whole system does? Why or
why not?

9. Why are unicellular organisms considered to be living things, even though

they only have one cell?
Name _____________________________

Cell Concepts

Part 1

Directions: For each description below, write all the first letter of ALL the types of
cells that can match with it:

U for unicellular

M for multicellular

A for animal

P for plant


U, M, A, P may have a nucleus

1. U, M, P surrounded by a cell wall

2. U, M, A, P can carry out all the functions of life
3. U, M, P may contain chloroplasts
4. M, A, P made up of more than one cell
5. U, M, A may have a flagellum for movement

Part 2

Directions: Answer each of the following questions using complete sentences.

6. A factory is a system made up of parts that work together to make

products. How is a cell like a system? A cell is like a system because it is
made up of organelles that work together to help an organism to stay

7. How is a cell system different than a factory system? Answers will vary,
but should explain that factories function to make products, while cells
make products but cell parts also work together for survival.
8. Can any one part of the cell system do what the whole system does? Why
or why not?
No. The organelles need to work together to produce proteins.
9. Why are unicellular organisms considered to be living things, even though
they only have one cell? Unicellular organisms are living things because
they can carry out all life functions in just one cell.
Plant and Animal Cell Venn Diagram

Directions: Fill in the Venn diagram with similarities and differences between plant
and animal cells. Use your notes from class as a resource.


Plant and Animal Cell Venn Diagram KEY

Directions: Fill in the Venn diagram with similarities and differences between plant
and animal cells. Use your notes from class as a resource.

Plant and Animal

PLANT CELL Cells Poster
Cell membrane
Cell wall Golgi apparatus No cell wall
Vacuoles Endoplasmic No chloroplasts
Chloroplasts reticulum No vacuole
What Cells Look Like Under a Microscope

Plant Cells Anima

Which organelles reveal that these are plant cells? These are human cheek ce

Source: Source: http://www.biologycorn

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Poster




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