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The Hungry Alligators who ate with Chopsticks

Category Criterion

Name of Course/Class:
Greater Than & Less Than/ The Hungry Alligators

Grade Level: Kindergarten

d 1 per student: 1 per class:

Pencil Computer for Presenter

Math Journal IPad for Students
Index Card Internet Connection
Sentence Strip LCD Projector

Web link to your curriculum:

Students will learn learn how to compare sets, understand quantities and their relationships when choosing a greater number or lesser
Orient number. In this lesson, students will learn to compare two, two-digit numbers and record their comparisons with >, < and = symbols.
the Students will easily determine which two-digit number is larger based on comparing the tens and ones.

learner: Essential Question:

Which number is bigger?
Which number is smaller?


Standard:K.CC.C.6. Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of
objects in another group, for example, by using matching and count strategies.
Vocabulary-greater than, fewer than.

Interdisciplinary Standards

Common Core
Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another
group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.

Anticipatory Set/Hook/Daily Review: Time to complete: 5 mins

Input/Modeling or Present Information: Time to complete: 6 mins

Check for Understanding/Provide Learner Guidance: Time to complete: 2 mins

Guided Practice with coaching /Elicit Performance:

Students will be given an index card and a sticker sheet. Students will place their stickers on the index card. Students will compare their stickers
Instructional with a partner. Students will write their findings on the math sentence sheet. ___ is greater than ________. ______ is less than _______
Design: _ Time to complete: 14 mins

Independent Practice/Provide informative feedback: Writing numbers in composition book. Time to complete: 6 mins

Closure: I can compare numbers using greater than and less than terms. Time to complete: 5 mins

Formal Assessment: Time to complete: 5 mins

Students will share their math sentence sheet. Students will explain what greater than and less than means.

Student Feedback: We love to count big numbers. Students will share their math sentence sheet. Students will explain what greater than and less
than means.

Teacher Feedback: Excellent Job Well Done!


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