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Leader is a person, who have the skill to guide other people, teams or organizations
on the reach of a specific goal. In this activity, the leader must recognize the
challenges and opportunities taking decisions and establishing strategies to finally
rise the solution of a specific problem with the major benefit for all the integrants in
the organization. Normally in engineerings fields all works need an interdisciplinary
group, where a leader is necessary to achieve a specific goal. Thus, each engineer
should know, that its necessary to recognize himself as well as identify the correct
situation, that demand the roll of a great leader. The least point is the most important
skill that must have a person to become a great leader.

In first term, the activity to recognize himself is important in different aspects of each
life. This can provide facts, that allow the correct development of a person in any
kind of group and more important, give both the opportunity and the capacity for
each person, that they can help effectively and provide good ideas, strategies and
methods for the development of the group. In relation to the leadership, some items
or skills that are truly important recognize or build up to become a great leader.
Some of these skills are: a great communication, a correct motivation and the
capacity to motivate other people, creativity, responsibility, commitment and
trustworthiness among other things.

If somebody can be recognize by some of these skills, has the potential to become a
great leader, but if can`t be recognize by one of these, this person has the
responsibility of get better in this abilities. Other option could be looking for people,
that have these aptitudes with the goal of conform a supplement group, where each
subject have a benefit of the others.

Also it is important that a leader knows that his role have some implications. First,
with the difficult that carry the handling of a group, sometimes the leader could be
lost in the next steps or could get frustrated, when the leader dont know which are
following steps that he has to correct for the project. For this reason is important,
that a leader recognize the situations and the options that he has to solve the
problem taking the best way to affront the difficulties that could be present in the
development of the project. Second, he must motivate the other integrant to take the
control in case that he cant, because is frequently that the other integrants doesn't
make anything if the leader dont give them some order. This is important, because
it's very common that the leader cant do all the things that are involved in the
development of the project. But on the other hand, the leader has the satisfaction
when the group reach the target, because they know that it is the result of the
process of taking decision and drove the group to get the job done.
As a second point, in engineering there are so many cases, which the decision
making and the role of a leader is necessary to development a project. In this field
take the leadership it's an important part of the project, because the time in
engineering is very short and each decision can result in a different consequence,
that could be the best or be the worst for the development of the project. Thus, an
engineering must recognize the opportunity or better said the occasion, which has to
be a leader, to take this role and develop it in the better form. This can mean less
time in the development of the project and mean,that in the same time, they have
more time to take decisions, develop the project and correct mistakes that will be
present any times in any fields.

Normally people has some problems to recognize that they could be a great leader
in different fields of their lives, because they aren't disposed to take the responsibility
of the results. In these cases, are necessary that a person evaluate himself and
according his abilities, that he must recognized previously, take the role of a leader
and improve the skills that dont have or are weak. But isnt only necessary
recognize the situation or the opportunity, but also is necessary recognize the
situation, which there are other leaders that have more experience or better skills in
comparison to him. This is the ability to recognize the right situation and take action
when it is necessary or when the opportunity could bring some benefits in the life of
the leader.

Is clear, that in a group not all integrants of the collective can take the main role of
the leader, but each one can become a leader in their activities and can replace the
leader and take decisions in their field. If they become a great leader in each one of
their activities could they decrease the time to take decisions, to delegate, to
motivate and could aport ideas and strategies that help with the project and the
reach the goal.

I think that more of recognize yourself, which is significant, the most important
appointment is recognize the situation in which one leader like us is necessary to
develop the project. Also, is important become a great leader in all fields of our lives
for reach the goal that we want.

Bennett Ronald, M. E. (2012). Leadership for engineers the magic of
mindset . New York: Mc. Graw Hill.

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