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SUNY Canton Early Childhood Program

Lesson Activity Plan Template

Name: Danielle Griffin Date: September 28, 2016

Curriculum Theme: Under the Sea
Age: ___I ___T _x_ PS ___K
Focus: Language and Literacy

Title of Lesson: Rainbow Fish

I. Concept Statement
The children will enhance language and communication skills by participating in a storytelling
experience followed by a creative art activity.
___ Approaches to Learning
___ Social and Emotional Development
_x_ Language and Literacy _x_ Language and Communication _x_ Literacy
___ Cognition ___ Mathematics Development ___Scientific Reasoning
___ Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development

III. Sub-Domains
HSELOF Sub-Domain 1: Comprehension and Text Structure
HSELOF Goal: Child demonstrates an understanding of narrative structure through storytelling/re-telling.

Objective 1:
The children will gain an understanding of the idea that everyone is unique by engaging in the storytelling
experience of The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.

HSELOF Sub-Domain 2: Attending and Understanding

HSELOF Goal: Child attends to communication and language from others.

Objective 2:
The children will enhance language and communication skills by engaging in a group discussion about how
everyone is unique.

HSELOF Sub-Domain 3: Communicating and Speaking

HSELOF Goal: Child understands, follows and uses appropriate social and conversational rules.

Objective 3:
The children will develop conversational skills by engaging in a group discussion about their unique features.
IV. Materials Needed:
Book: The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
Large, pre-cut blue fish cut-out.
16 pre-cut, light blue half-circles (scales).
16 pre-cut, pink half-circles (scales).
16 pre-cut, green circles (scales).
1 large bottle of silver glitter.
16 small bottles of glue, one per child
1 mirror
10-12 random craft items; buttons, feathers, glitter, etc.
16 art smocks

V. Directions / Steps / Process [Parts A, B C]:

A. Motivation

I will enter circle time and show the children a mirror, asking them, What makes you different from
everyone else?
I will select two children to approach the mirror and tell me what they see in themselves that is unique.

B. Steps
1. I will show the children the mirror and ask them, What makes you different from everyone else?
2. I will select two children to look into the mirror and tell me something that they think makes them unique.
Eye or hair color, for example.
3. I will ask the children to help me in reading The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister.
4. As we read the story, I will ask the children open-ended questions such as,
5.When we have finished the story, I will present the large fish cut-out to the children, asking them what it is
6. When the children respond with scales, I will ask them if they would like to create their own unique
scales for our fish.
7. I will call the children to their tables by the color of their hair.
8. I will ask the children to put their art smocks on.
9. I will give each child a scale, allowing them to choose their own color.
10. I will place the random craft items at each table.
11. I will give each child a bottle of glue.
12. I will instruct the children to create their own unique scales using the materials I have provided.
13. When each child has finished their scale, I will call them by the color of their shirt back to circle time with
their scales.
14. When all of the children have gathered around the circle time center, I will ask each child to show the
class their unique scale.
15. After each child has presented, I will ask them to assist me in placing their scales on the drying racks.
16. Once their scale is on the drying rack, each child will swim like a fish to their next center.
17. I will ask the children to assist me in attaching their scales to our large fish the following day.
C. Conclusion and Transition

I will call the children back to circle time with their scales, and they will present and describe their unique
creations to the class.
The children will swim like a fish to the next center or activity.
VI. Supplemental Materials

08-12-2016 MM/CM

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